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Falling in love is an unpredictable business
6 August 2022
Daniel, a police agent on suspension from work for assaulting a colleague, has fallen in love through an app with someone who lives thousands of miles away from him, bang in the middle of nowhere in Brazil.

After his text messages and phone calls unexpectedly go answered, he opts to hit the road and drive some 2,700 kilometres northwards from Curitiba, where he tirelessly looks after his senile old father, to Sobradinho where his new platonic love lives.

When Daniel finally makes it to his destination, he is in for a big surprise that he wasn't in the least bargaining for when he embarked on this make-or-break trip into the platonic unknown.

It is a two-hour film, every second of which I really with easily charismatic Daniel, and much more so because I did not know what this film was about, and to my pleasant surprise it didn't put me to sleep despite the beginning being a bit slow. You soon begin to take pity on Daniel because he is fully devoted to the care of his mentally disabled dad while he awaits trial for his misconduct at his workplace. To make his existence more miserable than it already is, the girl he has met online and imbues him with the energy to soldier on is no longer replying to his text messages or taking his phone calls, all of which makes you feel sympathy for good-hearted Daniel.

If you don't have a good command of the language, I recommend you watch Brazilian films in Portuguese with the aid of subtitles in a language that you speak. The beauty of these foreign films resides in the language that they are made in, and Portuguese is one of those languages that is quite pleasing to the ear, and much more so when you you are able to understand it and speak it. I really liked the dialogues that Daniel had with his lover towards the end of the film, especially the way his lover uttered words in a northern Brazilian accent.

I would have expected the end to be slightly different chiefly because the culmination and display of their pent-up emotions only lasted a mere 3 to 4 minutes. I wanted a bit more which would have been like the icing on the sweet and sour cake that the director throws at the viewer right at the end.
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Flashforward (2009–2010)
Revisiting Flashforward in 2022
1 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This TV series was so compelling that for no rhyme or reason it got cancelled so undeservedly. These days there are so many crummy TV series that get renewed almost overnight, while for once that there was one show that was entertaining, intriguing and good overall, they went ahead and cancelled it without further ceremony. The same thing happened with Wayward Pines. It got cancelled after two series, which left a sour taste in our mouths. It seems that TV series of Sci-Fi and mystery genres do not bring in the dollars and are soon taken off. Why investing in them in the first place if they are going to be discontinued after the first or two seasons?

Please bring it back on.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
Loved it from the start
27 July 2022
Ten minutes into episode one, and you are already utterly bewitched by this TV series, which you will delightfully lap up in just one sitting if you have nothing better to do and even if you had, you would rather continue watching the 25-minute episodes. I loved the heart-felt chemistry between the two main characters from the moment they clapped eyes on each other. Although one of them is more physically attractive than the other, they somehow put together an explosive combination that will win you over from the start. Both of them are sweet and loveable, and whoever was tasked with casting them for both their roles did an excellent job.

All in all, I highly recommend this feel-good TV show, while I look forward to the second series, hoping that it will be as captivating and engrossing as the first one.
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Young Royals (2021–2024)
There's no chemistry!
27 July 2022
I recently watched Netflix's Heartstopper in just one sitting thanks to the infectious effusion of chemistry that emanated palpably from the two main characters. It is an epic feel-good TV series and left me panting for more.

Shortly after I learned that Young Royals was much in the same vein, so I set about watching it but unfortunately didn't like it as much because I failed to see such chemistry, only feelings that were contrived and an apparent lack of meaningful dialogues between the two main characters, so much so that both of them do struggle to touch the fibres of your heart. I have nothing against Omar, but I think he was wrongly cast for this TV series. Moreover, I don't know if it was because of the Swedish language, which I do not speak, but was in fact how I watched this show with the aid of English subtitles.

Despite it all I am looking forward to watching more palpable emotion and more meaningful dialogues particularly between the two main characters in the upcoming season.
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DI Ray (2022– )
Loved it
23 May 2022
I really liked it and in fact watched it in just one sitting. I highly recommend it.

However, it is true that the lead character could have been more expressive and likeable, especially in her interactions with her fiancé in which I saw no chemistry at all and found their acting rather contrived as if they had both signed an agreement so as not to kiss each other on the mouth. It was a bit weird. Other than that, the plot is compelling and racism across British police is superbly portrayed.
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The dubbing
14 September 2021
How can Netflix dub this French documentary into different languages and not realize that the first thing that they must do is lower the volume of the original language so that any other languages being used on top is audible enough and therefore comprehensible? There are parts that you cannot pick up what is being said in English because the original version is so loud that it drowns out the English narration and subtitles have to be used if you want to understand what they are talking about.

Not only does this happen in this documentary, but also in lots of other ones that I have watched on Netflix.

And to make things worse, subtitles do not coincide with the what is being said in the language you have chosen to watch the material. Netflix should be more professional when it comes to subtitles. If they decide to translate a film, TV series, documentaries etc into different languages, the least they could do is transcribe the dubbed versions word for word, and use them for the subtitles, so that what is being said in the language of choice coincides with what you are reading in the subtitles of such language.

It is a total disaster that can be put right if Netflix had the decency to do things in a more professional manner.
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Windowless bad reviews
19 May 2021
I do not know why this film is being heavily lambasted. I really enjoyed it from beginning to end. In fact I was quite tired and about to fall asleep when I decided to give it a go, and it kept me awake until the very end, which never happens when a film is rubbish. Do not take notice of the bad reviews and simply watch it and see how contradictory these bad reviews are. I must say that I found the book quite boring and never finished reading it, but not the the film which I highly recommend watching.
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Tenet (2020)
Was the camera crew drunk?
1 December 2020
I couldn't make sense of this film even with subtitles, not because of the constant dribble they talk, but due to the lack of clarity in pronunciation. Some of the actors, like J.D. Washington, badly need enunciation lessons.

Then the scene with Michael Caine and JD Washington at the restaurant seems as if the two actors hadn't filmed it together, because there is not a single camera frame showing they are seated at the same table at the same time. Check it out and you will see for yourself. Then in that restaurant scene the cameraman drove my eyes nuts: the camera was trained on either of them for every single line they said. In that single short scene the camera bounces off from actor to actor more than thirty times. Crazy for the eyesight. It puts you to sleep in the hours of darkness if you are lying in bed or lying on the couch after a copious lunch.

The storyline unfolds at the speed of light which makes it so convoluted that even subtitles won't help you make sense of it all. You have to have a degree in physics. I don't think that will even help.

If you are having trouble getting off to sleep one night or have run out of sleeping pills, play this film for five minutes and the constant switch in camera angles will make your eyes roll and you will be out for the count in less than five minutes.

Do not waste your time on this film which could have had more potential if they had dumbed down the script and hired a different cameraman.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Why did R. Crowe agree to be part of this film in the first place?
22 October 2020
The gripping trailer of Unhinged left me gasping for the film earlier this year. Only last night was I eventually able to sit down and see it after a unconscionable delay due to the prevailing coronavirus pandemic which only helped to add to my growing impatience and to further building my hopes up.

However, after having spent two long hours seated in front of the screen, I conclude that the trailer may have been perfectly concocted, but the film is utter rubbish, a huge disappointment. My initial hopes were dashed in the blink of an eye, in a matter of minutes into the film.

Why did Russell Crowe agree to star in this film in the first place? Was it because the role was offered to a more appropriate Nicholas Cage, but he rejected it and Crowe came along and snapped it up out of hand because he badly needed the money he was paid for it?

Take my word for it: films play with your imagination, but nothing in this particular one is plausible. From the wishy-washy mother who is being road-raged to the invulnerability of Crowe who can get away with his crimes and nobody around him dares to stand up to him or at least call the police. He spends most of the film driving his SUV at full pelt around town and infringing every speed limit, but the police do not show up. This film is not in line with what would happen in real life. It is totally unreal, and that is where the film fails to capture your attention, to relate to it.

You do not get to like the characters or feel sorry for them: Crowe angry and guzzling psychiatric medication the entire film, the pusillanimous mother who doesn't know whether she is coming or going. The only one who saves this film from the blazing fire is the little boy whose interpretation I really liked.

Do not waste your time and money on this film. If you had high hopes like me, sorry to burst your bubble, but this film is not worth a damn. Watch End of Sentence, for instance and you will enjoy every minute of it.
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A roller coaster of laughs and tears
19 October 2020
Watching the first few minutes of this highly recommendable film will be enough to grip you tight for its remaining duration. From the poignant moment of a terminally ill mother who visits her young son in prison so that she can bid her last good-bye before she passes away to a joyful yet tearful quick swim of an estranged son and a loving father in a freezing cold lake somewhere in Ireland, this film is sure to invite you to take a back seat and be part of the same voyage of self-discovery that father and son begrudgingly embark on. Immaculately acted and well paced, the sentimentality hidden in it will make you relate and endear to the two main characters, especially to the father for whom I felt deeply sorry. His perseverance in salvaging his strained relationship with his son is impressive and will bring tears to your eyes.

Mark my words: this film does not have a bit of waste from the very beginning to the soon-arriving end. You will not want this film to come to an end, and the prospect of a sequel wouldn't be a bad idea after all, because the magic of this film will make you fall in love with the two main characters from the early beginning.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Kept me on the edge of my seat
18 October 2020
This unasumming low-budget film has the appropriate ingredients for keeping your eyes glued on the screen. The film depicts a real fight for survival in a barely trodden territory where murderous minds succeed into leading a double life that will allow them to make a killing of unsuspecting innocent souls driving through it.
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To the Lake (I) (2019–2022)
Netflix dubbing is rubbish
17 October 2020
I tried to watch this compelling Russian TV series in Spanish, my mother tongue, but thought better of it after a few minutes because the dubbing was inexpressibly bad. Then I tried the English version, but to my growing dismay I also found it utter but utter rubbish. Undeterred by this off-putting linguistic experience, I opted to watch it in Brazilian Portuguese, the dubbing of which I found decent and acceptable, although I am not quite fluent in this language so as to make a sound judgement about the resulting quality of it. I also noticed that the subtitles do not match the audios, which coupled with the terrible dubbing experience really discourage me from trying foreign TV series on this entertainment platform.

My word of advice to Netflix is that if they intend to dub their foreign films and series into as many languages as they possibly can think of, they should at least do it conscientiously and in a professional manner. Truth be told that if this series hadn't piqued my curiosity, I would have given it up as a bad job fifteen minutes into the first episode, which wouldn't have been the first time I have done that when viewing Netflix foreign content. I am under the impression that they want to churn out as much viewing content as possible but regrettably most of it lacks the good quality that really gets you hooked on tv series. In all honesty, I am now considering cancelling my subscription because Netflix is going from bad to worse and they still haven't come to that realisation.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Third season: what a waste of time
29 June 2020
I don't know If it is only me who perceived that Netflix series are getting worse by the day. I am thinking of cancelling my subscription.
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Extremely boring
27 July 2019
Far too many repetitive fights. I reckon in Casablanca there cannot be any male population left because all of the men from there were slaughtered when John Wick was trying to escape from it. If there had been fewer repetitious fights and more substantial dialogues, the film would have turned out to be more appealing and compelling. Utter rubbish.
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A wasted moment
10 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After having viewed the captivating and enticing trailer, I was tempted to watch this film with tremendously high expectations. However, the overall effect that it produced in me was so soporific that it almost bored me to tears. Truth be told I found it a huge disappointment and I wish I could recover the two and a half hours that I wasted waiting for a positive twist in the tale, which sadly never happened. The film is a slow-burner at first and then it gradually descends into an unexciting and unimaginative storyline, which is scattered with scenes of strikingly good photography.

For starters, the two main characters were hopelessly miscast for their roles, to say nothing of the father whose attitude really got on my nerves. Their overall acting is lifeless, insipid and the the two uncharismatic lovers in the reeds failed to strike a chord with me that at least could have granted me the opportunity to empathize with either of them.

Then the director seems to have glossed over that long-awaited crucial moment of truth which is characteristic of LGBT films when two individuals of the same sex eventually discover their mutual sexual attraction and suddenly leap on each other with pent-up passion. In this film this is practically nonexistent: there is no previous in crescendo effervescence nor build-up of irresistible momentum, nor there is magic, sparks of excitement, fireworks.

The ending of the storyline is abrupt and somewhat incongruent; it looks as though the script writer had run out of ideas and struggled to find some meaningful culmination to the film. All those apparent love feelings poured out in previous scenes suddenly evaporate into thin air, as if the two main characters had been laughing at us making us believe that their love was true.

This film had all the right ingredients to have been a really good one, seeing that it has striking similarities with the storyline of God's Own Country, but sadly it fails dismally to exude the same fiery passion, which is a shame. It comes as no surprise that it hasn't won any prizes or awards after having been nominated six times in various film festivals last year.
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Electricity (2014)
Absorbing and engrossing from beginning to end
25 July 2016
Agyness Deyn squanders her singular theatrical talent in this film just as she so well did in Sunset Song. Her performance in Electricity comes on really strong in every single image or frame she is on making her taxing role gain and perhaps surpass credibility. I have seen her in these two films so far and I have grown very fond of her interpreting skills. There's something about her acting that I find captivating. It strikes me though as if she had been suitably pigeonholed to enact really harsh roles that can only fill us with heartfelt sympathy, pity and compassion for the characters she portrays so majestically. They don't half know how to endure pain! I cannot wait to see her in her upcoming films interpreting other roles and we might as well test and hopefully taste her potential versatility. Cinematographically speaking I think she has a promising career ahead of her with lot to offer for us to just behold and relish it jaw-droppingly. Just wait and see! In the meantime, keep off watching the mundane hotchpotch of unsubstantial films that abound these days and stick to this delectable one.
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Emelie (2015)
A disturbing wishy-washy film, albeit engaging
27 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed watching the film to some extent; namely because there is plenty of psychological and sadistic abuse being committed on three innocent children and even though it is not explicitly shown, I don't subscribe to this gratuitous type of entertainment. Despite this, the film had me sitting on the edge of my seat at some moments, particularly the scene with the hamster and the snake is immensely cruel. I found it hard to watch and virtually turned my eyes away from the screen. There are some other rather obscene scenes of sex and nudity when the babysitter is peeing in the bathroom and the watching of the video which I found rather disturbing and utterly perverted or rather my imagination did because as I said earlier nothing is blatantly shown to the viewer. As far as the acting is concerned the three kids lived up to their roles and acted wonderfully. So much so that the attractiveness of the film lies on their performance. The acting of the babysitter was lacking in vigor and decisiveness and at times distanced itself quite unconvincingly from her role. The weakest point of this film is the very end which is somewhat weak and ineffective. I found it hard to believe that the babysitter survived being run over as if the underlying reasons for this were to leave the door ajar for a future sequel. If that's looming in the horizon I don't think I would have the stomach for a second helping involving yet again more defenseless and guiltless children. Just as it is I have just had my fill of sadism and abuse with this film. As the saying goes in my mother-tongue language: "las segundas partes nunca fueron buenas", in other words "sequels are never as good as the original". So, dear director and producers, I beg you to leave the story just as it ended.
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Bleed (I) (2016)
A cruddy horror film that fails to strike the fear into you
26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this film driven by the seductive trailer, but much to my surprise I called it quits a little more than halfway through because the movie falls between two stools: it was unable to engage me or at least entertain me. The beginning looked promising but as soon as the other people started arriving at the house, the film lost substance with unfitting and incongruent dialogues which attempted to build up a story that is played out so painfully slow and, worse still, defying the purpose of the film. Namely because there is a distinct lack of horror in much of the first half of the film. Then the unfolding story doesn't hold true. For instance, no loving husband in his right senses would leave his wife in an advanced stage of pregnancy completely on her own at a new house in the middle of nowhere simply because he wants to challenge his brother in-law who fancies going in search of ghosts in an abandoned and derelict former prison that happens to be nearby. In terms of the acting, I think that Chelsey Crisp did try her hardest to defend her credible role. However, that of the remaining disparate cast leaves a lot to be desired, which makes the film even more appalling. If you are looking for a great horror film, do not waste your time and money on this one because it neglects to be an enjoyable good one.
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Captivating and wonderfully acted
25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Simply watch it because it is worth each and every second of the two hours that the film lasts. You will be blissfully entertained, while holding on for a kiss that the two main characters perfectly could have given each other halfway through the film and not at the very end. After finishing watching the film I remained with some longing for a little bit more of the story. It ought to have lasted at least ten additional minutes and thus we would have witnessed the joy of seeing them both getting married and happily sharing their life together after so much unmerited suffering and a squander of unrequited and stubbornly repressed love, which is the underlying riveting and engaging beauty of this little masterpiece.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Painfully slow and barely credible
6 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The film is not as hunky-dory as it is cracked up to be. On the one hand the storyline is played out as agonizingly and painfully slow as all the excruciating and unbearable pain that the seemingly indestructible Leonardo DiCaprio has to put up with throughout the entire film. His relentless suffering together with the nudity scenes in those freezing temperatures are simply beyond credibility. At some point I thought DiCaprio had been graciously touched by some immortality Indian spell because nobody could have been able to endure such agony. One gut-wrenching scene they could easily have done without is that of the horse plunging with DiCaprio on top over the ravine. That was totally unreal. In my opinion DiCaprio doesn't rightfully deserve the Oscar for best actor for this film because rather than speaking he seems to do nothing but groan and moan throughout the whole film. On the other hand I also found the music deadly dull as it didn't help me submerge myself in the film if this had been at least more engaging. It's also worth mentioning that Tom Hardy could have pronounced his lines more articulately and clearly. There were parts of his speech that I had difficulty understanding.

The Revenant is one of those films I wouldn't put myself to the torture of watching it again when it comes out on DVD, not even to understand Tom Hardy's lines with the aid of the subtitles. It left me unimpressed and what's more it hugely disappointed the great expectations I had built up for this film.
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Perhaps a bit long, but worth watching...
16 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
To my liking the film became hugely enjoyable after the poison scene when Major Marquis Warren smelt a rat casting the partners-in-crime suspicion on the other members of the gang. Up until then some scenes could have been easily dispensed with and perhaps some dialogues shortened as they rather induced to some uninvited drowsiness before I actually submerged into the film. This might as well been applied to some subsequent scenes and the film would probably have gathered a more brisker and livelier pace because the chapter-by-chapter storyline looked seemingly unending. Despite some gratuitously and explicitly violent scenes in the style that Tarantino has got us used to, together with some others sprinkled here and there that exhibit deeply chauvinistic or should I say misogynistic behaviours, the gripping plot nonetheless does its trick keeping you in suspense and with your eyes peeled until the very end.
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Legend (I) (2015)
Hardy's surpassing talent wasted on a long drawn out boring film
7 January 2016
It goes without saying that Hardy's performance is out of this world in this film. He majestically masters the dual role of the Kray brothers, squandering nonetheless and much to my regret a wealth of talent against the backdrop of a story which I personally found boring and rather long drawn-out. The beginning seemed promising, but the initial effervescence started to fizzle out miserably when we are peppered with a series of isolated occurrences randomly depicting the Kray's wrongdoings that barely have interconnection or worse still some of them are lacking in completion. The film is also romantic to a fault which contributes to defeating the purpose of the violent and savage nuance that was expected of it. It seems to center on Ronnie's romance with Frances, rather than focusing more on the two brothers' ruffianly and reckless misdeeds. Apart from Tom Hardy's superb performance, the film is not something exciting to write home about; primarily because it doesn't produce, at least in me, the desired exhilarating results of having watched an entertaining epic film.
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The Outcast (2015)
Riveting enough to commission a second series of this compelling story!
6 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this two-part novel adaptation for the TV. It's the story of a rebellious lonely teenager who lacks his father's love and spends the entire duration of this miniseries desperately looking for it. His father remains so aloof from him that he doesn't make the slightest attempt to hug or kiss him particularly when he used to return home from his boarding school holidays. This was rather poignant to see. His father's affection would have meant so much. It would have helped him get over the sudden death of his mother who drowned in his presence while having a summer picnic when he was barely ten years old. Growing up so precociously away from home while trying to cope with his inconsolable grief turn him into a distant and reserved teenager. His actions soon make him look like a social misfit in his conventional upper-class community, landing him in prison for two years for setting the local church on fire. You really endear yourself to his character and tend to feel sorry for him considering all the unbearable pain he goes through. As he cannot seem to be able to cry or have someone to rely on, he adopts a selfdestructive attitude and resorts to cutting his own forearm, which helps him cope with the pain and suffering. All and all the story is so riveting and compelling that once you start watching it you cannot simply stop. It's so strong that it defies any Sunday afternoon drowsiness. It is brilliantly acted, above all Finn Elliot's performance which is flawless and superb. George MacKay's is also remarkably electrifying making the weight of this story worth in gold. This may well be an adaptation of Sadie Jones' novel, but the story has fuel for a sequel. Despite its happy ending, it really left me gasping for more, wanting to know more about the characters.
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The Walk (II) (2015)
So frantic that it kept me on tenterhooks as if I were on the tightrope myself
4 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While the beginning of The Walk is an entertaining biographical journey exploring the pursuits and initial exploits of Philippe Petit, the film commences to weave its magic when he arrives in New York resolutely determined to walk the gap between the Twin Towers on a tightrope. Although I am not afraid of heights and didn't happen to watch the film on 3D, which surely would have heightened the vertiginous sights surrounding the rope scenes, I must say that I had never squirmed in my seat as much as I did with this film. I had the curious sensation that I was on the rope myself and I wriggled with every step this courageous man took. Even though I was vaguely aware of this historic great achievement, little did I know that this he had walked back and forth on the rope for eight consecutive times, remaining on it for 45 minutes. After all the trepidation and the nervous psychological state that his first successful walk had put me in, it seemed that this was not enough and back he went again, more than willing to walk the rope in a deliberate attempt to exacerbate my restlessness even more. I barely wish to recall how on edge I felt when the police arrived at the scene showing sheer lack of respect by shouting at a poor man who was trespassing and risking his own life. Worse still was when the police helicopter started flying in circles far too close to him. That actually gives you the heebie-jeebies and you fidget uncontrollably wanting it to stop. It goes without saying that he could have lost his concentration and therefore his balance and would have perished there and then because of the little consideration that they showed towards him. However he managed to take it on the chin and walked off the rope completely and miraculously unscathed. Another excellent thing that the film has is its special effects which make you revisit the former Twin Towers for those like me who never had the pleasure of visiting them or even being on its upper floors. They depicted them so well in such a memorable trip back in time that it felt as if they were still here for us to behold and enjoy.
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Point Break (2015)
This isn't so much a film as some exaltation to risky sports
3 January 2016
After watching the trailer my nephew and I went to the cinema to see this film with great expectations which proved false when it gradually dawned on us how these plummeted down woefully as the story line unfolded. The plot is terribly powerless and the film is merely some sort of exaltation to a bunch of risky sports which the 4 or 5 main characters practise to excess throughout the duration of the film. Indeed a fair portion of it is dedicated to and consumed by the portrayal of spectacular yet improbable scenes of these thrill seeking sports. I must say that the visual effects are great, but the story line is glaringly deplorable. And to add insult to injury, the unfitting sudden end of the film certainly confirms its consummate deplorableness. On the whole the film wasn't worth either our time, let alone our money!
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