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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
Enjoyed the horror take on ALICE IN WONDERLAND
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This review is for people who have already fully watched the series, so I marked it as spoiler.

I really enjoyed the ending; it wrapped up really nicely. At first, I didn't think it would. The ending episode felt somewhat rushed, but it worked out.

I like how a meteor crash was the culprit of sending them into BORDERLAND. It segues with cultish ideas of meteors, and how when you die, they carry off your souls to heaven.

I enjoyed how everything made sense, like how there were so many players in the game, due to the meteor crash.

The second season felt rushed, but I still enjoyed it. It took an Action genre route, which was a nice change.

It was interesting how the gamers who stayed died in the real world and became residents of the BORDERLAND world. The ones that left BORDERLAND ended up living in the real world. There was a good mirror symmetry to it.

I enjoyed how they flirted with a lot of perceptions, like how they brought up how all the games were reminiscent of children's games, just demented. I thought about that as I watched the series throughout.

I enjoyed how they flirted with the love interests meeting after coming back to the real world from the BORDERLAND games. I knew they would flirt with the idea, and they literally had them flirting.

I liked the symmetry of how they were hurt in the real world, and how that transitioned into BORDERLAND injuries. They integrated death experiences into it, like how one minute feels like eternity. I enjoyed how they integrated the concept of how people return from death experiences changed, like they were somewhere else for a while. That they had to fight for their lives, which they mirrored in the hospital.

People don't see the ALICE IN WONDERLAND inspiration, but I don't see how they can't. I would recommend watching it. It was one of the better series I have seen as of late. The games were really thought out well. They integrated the QUEEN OF HEARTS and did a demented motif on heart games and cards. I really did enjoy how they took children games and reworked them into these demented psychological, gory games. You can tell they really put some thought into it.
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Overly sexualized "woke" show
13 May 2022
If you want to see a show about getting "wet" about a gay student having a sexual relationship with a teacher and tonguing frenemies to make up, then this show is for you. As for me, it just screams "woke" to me. It was vulgar, and I gave up after 2 episodes.

I went to explore what the directors and writers have done before: L Word, Gossip Girl, I Love Dick, etc. So, no wonder I didn't like it one bit.

The pacing of the show was all off. There wasn't anything too interesting happening within the two episodes to keep my attention; my attention just wandered elsewhere. And the cast of teenagers is like they just selected all the "woke" characteristics and created some characters from the traits they listed, lol.

If that show sounds like your cup of tea, then this show might be for you, else you will probably give up like I did after a couple of episodes.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
10 August 2020
When you look at what the developers and writers of the TV series, you realize why there are so many political messages integrated into the series. It just ruins it for me; when you inject politics into a series and have it be the moral of the story, it just ruins it for me. Fantasy is an escape from reality, not more of the same.

Funny enough, I lean liberal rather than conservative, and I couldn't even get past the messages shoved into the viewership's faces and enjoy the plots; the plots were badly written at times and lacked originality. A lot of the twists were not "OH, SNAP", but they were more of "MEH".

I love Twilight Zone; I really wanted to like the newer version. However, politics just kills it. If you immersed yourself into politics and know about how each side views family structures and society, you can tell there is political bias in the series trying to get you to think a certain way, IMO.

The stories could use more UMPH in them; they could have more dramatic twist endings. The acting is better than the dialog, which says a lot since the dialog is horrible; I don't think the actors are really acting, TBH. I think they are just written around their real personalities.

You just can't immerse yourself into the story if you can't find the characters or dialog likable.

Bye. Funny enough, I lean liberal rather than conservative, and I couldn't even get past the messages shoved into the viewership's faces and enjoy the plots; the plots were badly written and lacked
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Starhunter Redux (2017– )
23 November 2019
I haven't seen the original Starhunter for quite some time, back in 2008, so I don't recall it well enough to compare to the redux version; however, I would say the changes that I do notice are quite good. The Special effects works, even if they are basic models; I really enjoyed the planet/space scenes.

I always have enjoyed Tanya Allen's character in the series and Michael Pare's. I am only one episode 3, but I was hoping there would have been a season 3 by now; it would be nice to have one before the original cast gets too old to do it.

For everyone comparing it to Firefly, Starhunter was released before Firefly: While I enjoyed Firefly, it seemed to lack original ideas like Starhunter. Firefly is a sugar coated version with mainstream ideas, for me. Starhunter could have used better dialog and such, but I found it rewatchable; in the end, a rewatchable series is more satisfying for me.

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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Star Trek meets Farscape?
7 March 2019
Hello Readers,

I read all of the reviews about how Star Trek Discovery isn't Star Trek; that it's too dark; that there are no likable characters; that it's not philosophical; etc. as the reasons to loathe it. However, are Star Trek fans just unwilling to embrace a different type of Star Trek? Can they not adapt and change to differing generational takes on it?

Discovery isn't actually that bad as a Star Trek series:

>Explores the darker side of the universe like J.J. Abram's Star Trek movie: I never liked how Star Trek wasn't willing to explore the darker sides on the other series in the franchise.

>The series is finally exploring new worlds, not pigeonholed into the stereotypical species that they stayed with throughout the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine: It's refreshing to return back to Star Trek roots of exploration and discovering new worlds.

>There are likable characters for me: Saru, for one: He has an interesting species; Tilly: She is a refreshing air for the darkness integrated into the series; Tyler: Interesting to explore the genetic aspects of the character; and so forth.

I do wish that they would focus on other characters more, which I believe they are with the last episode strongly focused on Saru.

>People complain about the technology is too advance for the time-era: There was advanced technology in the Original Series which never made it into the Next Generation Series; it seems intuitive that, while technology doesn't exist in the future, it could have been used and got lost or destroyed, or deemed classified and too dangerous to be used: Time-travel can even be used to explain why the technology never made it into the future, which will probably be the case.

>I got tired of all the reused material of the other Star Trek series, in some ways; they just redid plots already used in different ways: It gets old after a while... At least, Discovery is willing to break the rehashed plots and try to adventure into new plots. It will be interesting to see where it goes and hope they don't start conforming to the fans, entirely.

>The series seems to be working in more philosophical problems into the series, and I'm sure they will do more so in the future.

All in all, I hope that the Series keeps improving into the future; it's like a cross between Farscape and Star Trek for me, in a way. No one wants to give new series a chance anymore and it takes at least 3 series before a series gets it's standing.

The series isn't perfect, but it has a lot of good possibilities if it doesn't go with the majority vote into which direction it should take.

Take Care, With Love Through God and Jesus and The Holy Ghost,
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