
5 Reviews
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Outside Satan (2011)
what can i say...
7 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
as much as i love artistic and avant-garde movies (many of them), i just don't think this movie really has anything.

scenes are way too long. (horrible editing) i understand that some scenes need to be long for establishing reason or emotional reason or story point. but scenes in general are far too long without much reason to the story. no one needs to see the same scenery for 5 minutes. and we don't need to see a character walking around at the same background for 5 minutes. very unnecessary. and it leads to a lack of concentration.

acting is quite bad...? i am not really sure if the character (the main guy) has to look that awkward all the time... if that was the actual direction from the director, then he was very nice. but i don't know why it was directed that way, if that was true. he seems to have the exact same face and eyes all the time, which doesn't really give me anything...

is there a story? i just can't seem to find any story. someone wrote a review that this is for open interpretation. well... it is like i am looking at a circle on a canvas and trying to explain that this is a modern art. i think this movie is just bad, trying (somewhat) to be artistic. i do love modern art and many conceptual things. but this is not a surreal nor anything else. certainly not a genre in itself.

i would give some credit for cinematography. that is the only thing that i like. but not much anyway...

anyway, don't watch this movie. there are many other good movies.
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Polisse (2011)
this movie saved my boring days big time!!!
3 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
i can't believe this movie is only rate just about 7. it should be around 9. i understand that no one has the same feeling towards anything. but this movie is definitely a must watch.

i read some reviews that acting was bad. really? do you see any American movies with this kind of acting level at all? i would say generally European actors and actresses are just way above. i thought acting was so flawless, i didn't feel like i was watching a movie. and all movies must be like this. you should not feel like you are watching a movie. it must becomes a real situation around you.

story is meant to be like this. it is like a montage of their everyday job. i can't believe so many people nagging about there is no cohesive story. really? then how do you watch any TV show? they are pretty much independent of other episodes. or anything else really...

and i really wish i could understand french better. i am sure that actual french script is much vulgar than the subtitles.

i particularly love the scene where they laugh their ass off when the girl told them that she was doing it to get her phone back. i actually laughed as they laughed. it shows you that they (CPU) deal this kind of ridiculous thing everyday. i never visited this kind of institution, but when i went to police station few times, i witnessed some crazy and ridiculous things like this. and i didn't stay there for hours. i am very sure CPU would actually get some absolutely crazy stuff everyday. they laughed because it is a laughing matter. that is what the movie is telling you. a minor girl should not do such thing just to get her phone back. OK? i also read that someone watched this movie with a social worker. and they hated this movie. i actually don't understand why. as mentioned above, when i went to police stations, i saw multiple officers doing things with a criminals or victims. i see that this movie the director tries to make the office a little more cheerful than it really is. i bet this kind of offices are actually dead serious and boring. but i don't get why this is such a far fetch from the reality. maybe the director wanted to depict the whole thing (office environment or whatever) as a different thing.

if you are a fan of "Gomorrah", then you will love this movie. i rate this movie as high as that movie. and in fact, both movies are based on true stories.

this is a movie. not a real documentary. OK? although it was based on a true story, nothing in this movie is real. so take it as a movie, not as a documentary. and even documentaries have some fake or false information. it is impossible to make anything 100% real, unless it is real. OK? LOVE this movie so much!!!
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could have been much better
17 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
this movie could have been much better in quite few ways, as everyone here already mentioned.

  • title - what is up with English translation? blue is the warmest? what? Adele's life is just fine as is in original title. - editing - this movie can easily be 1 hour 20 minutes. way too many mundane boring life shots of Adele. we get it already that she is not a celebrity. we never have to see Adele teaching at school. it can be simply done by conversation, like 1 line can sufficiently explain what she does and feels through her life. - graphic sex scene - it is about coming out of the age for a teenager girl. but we don't need to see 5 minute long lesbian sex scenes. and as one of the reviewer mentioned, this was so done and directed by typical straight man. i heard that actual lesbians act differently than porno stuff.


i love the acting. generally European movies have better actors and actress than American crap. and it was really good. i will not over analyze movie. people do that so often and try to give so much hidden meaning to everything. it is just not like that on all movies. anyway, there is not much to analyze in this movie. it is just a simple movie about a girl found herself a lesbian and fell in love and made a mistake and lost her love. and at the end, she finally moves on with her life and reality. that is it. just like many other love movies. there is really nothing else to talk about anyway. but i give 7, because the acting is really good.
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Caché (2005)
stopped watching after 30 minutes
6 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
i cant believe that french movies are not so much better than Hollywood crap anymore. after watching so many french (European) good old movies, i am deeply disappointed. trust me. i watched enough good movies in my life to know what is bad. there is no story. what is hidden? nothing. what was there to expose anyway? plus the dialogues are ultra unrealistic. i love Juliet and love many of her films. but not this. when their son is missing, there are long and meaningless pauses on every dialogue. who says anything like that when their kid is missing? and the main character(guy) is so dumb in every way. when he visited the guy's house, he didn't do anything. didn't even ask who he was when he didn't even know who that guy was. editing is just terrible. extremely slow for no reason. no intensity. no thrilling moment. no story. no pace. and there are so many meaningless sequences. everything in movie must have some kind of a clue to the story. i can pick out quite a few sequences that had no meaning whatsoever. and this movie was awarded for many things. wake up!!! i just don't understand why people say it is good. so let's talk about all aspects of movies. camera angle - super boring. story - none and cant seem to find any actual story. editing - extremely slow for no reason. and doesn't emphasize on any specific story point, since there isn't any. music - don't even care. costume - OK. special visual effects - no need. dialogue(screenplay) - unrealistic and pace of dialogue is super slow for no reason. acting - applaud for Juliet. others are just fillers. cinematography - no specific color scheme at all. "it" factor - none. so there you go. nothing to talk about this movie. so i had to stop watching this movie after 30 minutes. i went online to find the whole story. and i just wasted another few minutes to read about that...
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is this supposed to be a movie of "1984" by George Orwell?
6 January 2013
is this supposed to be a movie of "1984" by George Orwell? if this director or writer made this movie with that intention, it is not bad. but if the director or the writer claims that this is their original? then it is the worst ever. i just can not believe no one talks about that this movie is exactly the same as "1984" novel by George Orwell. every single aspect. fact that the secret police wants to know everything. so they eavesdrop all their conversation. and the list goes on and on... in fact, one person on rotten tomato mentioned about "Brazil" by terry gilliam. Terry also said that he never read the book on an interview. i thought it was the biggest lie. he should really be ashamed of what he made. that is just the biggest bullshit. even if you didn't read the book, other people must have read the book. i can not believe that he didn't get sued for that movie. and this movie is even worse. at least, terry made it to be a little different. but this movie even starts at year 1984. how crazy is that? how can no one see that? and everybody is talking about how creative it is? because George Orwell wrote it 60 years ago. i am just so terrified at north American's inability to read anything and saying what is really creative... what a joke.
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