
102 Reviews
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Gold (I) (2022)
Greetings from Iran, I'm going to help you make up your mind
27 January 2022
After watching the new and utterly disappointing Matrix and Resident Evil films, I was beginning to lose hope in the movie industry, when this movie came along and proved to me that there are still excellent directors out there who can take a simple idea and turn it into "gold". (pun intended)

I enjoyed this movie from start to finish. I have always liked survival movies, especially the ones which involve trying to survive in the desert. The movie does an excellent job by not providing any sort of back story. You have no idea where the main character is headed and why (he refers to his destination vagely as the compound), or what's going on in the world for that matter. It makes you think of a post apocalyptic world, a Mad Max kind of world, but never gives you any clear hint as to what's really going on. While a bit weird, that's completely ok with me, because it helps you focus on the main plot; i.e. Trying to survive in the desert, which was absolutely enjoyable.

The shots were all beautifully taken and the accompanying music added to the mood. The ending came as a big surprise. The only real complaint I have is that it ended abruptly, but I totally get why they did it; because they were focused on making a moral point, and you can't help but think about that moral point the entire time the movie is playing, because it's so in your face.

If you enjoy survival movies with the desert as their setting, you're in for a hell of a ride, but if you don't like such slow-paced movies, you're going to find this movie excruciatingly slow and boring, so know your likes and dislikes before watching this movie so as not to waste your time or crtiticize such an excellent movie unfairy just because you didn't know what you were going into and were not familiar with your likes and dislikes.

If you're looking for action, horror, romance, science-fiction or a fast-paced movie, look elsewhere, because that's not what you're going to get from this movie.

I hope you're not giving me thumbs down just because I immensely enjoyed this movie, because I clearly told you about what this movie entails, and hopefully, now you can make up your mind.
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Greetings from Iran. Sorry, but this is not the Matrix we all loved and cherished
28 December 2021
One third of this movie had a comedic tone to it. It might have been called the Great Gatsby with flamboyant people and flashy colors and I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. You take the green tint and depressing colors from the Matrix and fill it with scenes full of sunshine, and you're left with a movie that does not deserve to be called the Matrix. And your excuse is what? That it's a "new version" of the Matrix? Don't tell me the characters would've been able to tell the difference between reality and a simulation if the machines had used the same greenish colors all over again, because they couldn't have told the difference.

Neo looked old. Trinity had a lot of wrinkles and was no longer attractive. Therefore, I could care less if two oldies reunited or not. Nairobi looked plain awful. The oracle was not there. Agent Smith totally lacked his menacing appearance and tone of voice. He was sarcastic and looked like a character straight out of a comedy film. Movie studios have the technology to recreate characters that can no longer act, like what they did to Paul Walker in Fast and Furious after his death. They could've done that with Morpheus and Agent Smith as well; the two most iconic characters in the Matrix. The new characters didn't have that Matrix feel to them. The special effects didn't look half as impressive as they did in the first three movies. I did not enjoy this movie at all. This was a cash-grab and I hope movie studios would just leave iconic movies alone. I'm going to pretend as if this movie never existed. The Matrix is a great, and as this pathetic excuse for a movie proved, an unrepeatable "trilogy".
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What was that?!
22 December 2021
I'm not gonna lie. I didn't have high hopes for this movie and I was right for feeling this way. The opening scenes made me think this was going to be a movie about a haunted house. It seemed to have supernatural elements in it, which was completely out of place. Jill Valentine looked like anyone but Jill Valentine. I can't connect to a movie that is not even faithful to how the original characters are supposed to look. Don't tell me they couldn't use Milla in this movie to make it a bit less dull. Most movies with a countryside setting turn out to be boring and this one was no different.

I couldn't even follow the story, because unlike the previous movies, there was no real story/plot to be found here; just some random people shooting some zombies. There wasn't any thrill either. The CGI looked cheap and none of the jump scares worked for me, because there was no build-up. Resident Evil 1 and 2 were the best Resident Evil movies. After that, it went downhill. I didn't think things could get any worse, but this movie proved me wrong. Not worthy of my or anyone else's time, unless you're a video game fan, it's impossibe to enjoy such a plotless and boring movie. Tossing in two names from a video game does not a movie make. This made the Max Payne movie (which looked like anything but a Max Payne movie) look like a masterpiece.
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Transference (2020)
25 March 2020
This movie has no plot and no meaning. I'd rather sit through a a movie of Z grade quality than a movie that looks nice and professional on the outside but has no plot nor meaning. Believe me when I say sitting through this movie was a torturous experience. I was waiting for an explanation for all the unrelated scenes I was forced to see from start to finish and in the end, I didn't even get that! Seriously avoid this stinker. I live in Iran. At the moment, I'm imprisoned in the house due to the corona-virus out there and I've been watching 4 horror movies a day during the past week to keep myself occupied. Out of all the movies I saw (most of which turned out to be pretty bad) there is a movie I strongly recommend that you see as well: Mirage (2018), one of the best movies I've ever seen, so don't waste your time with this movie and go see that one.
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Torment (2013)
Good Movie
27 February 2020
I have absolutely no idea why this movie has such a poor rating. Yes, it has some plot holes as to the identity of the killers and their motives, which could mean they originally intended for the movie to have a squeal. Yes, the story was cliche and we've seen it all before, but it was a very well-made movie with smart, likable characters, good acting, good cinematography, good music score and some thrills. It wasn't one of those cheap horror movies you see all the time. It could've been better, but I don't regret watching it. I've given 5 to horror movies that were not half as good as this one, so this gets a score of 8 from me and rightfully so.
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Bloodwork (2012)
An Unmemorable but Pretty Entertaining Title
25 February 2020
The movie was pretty entertaining. Well-shot and technically great. There are some really funny jokes told in the beginning of the movie. It has a very interesting premise, which I don't remember having seen in other movies, at least not in the fresh way it is presented here. The scientific explanation for why we are "disgusted" by certain things was excellent and I learned something new. The characters were all likable, even the seemingly bad guys. I didn't know who to root for. I guess I liked both sides, because neither side was actually bad. You find out why when the movie is about to end. The acting was superb to say the least. Actually, I was surprised by the number of good actors and actresses in this movie. They were all good-looking and knew what they were doing. The movie was not really scary, but it was entertaining. I could compare it to The Lazarus Effect (2015) in style, which interestingly enough has the exact same rating on IMDb. All in all, if you're looking to be entertained, do watch this, but if you want to get scared, look elsewhere. This is science-fiction, Thriller, Mystery with some Horror elements.

Final score: 7/10
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We should be paid to watch this movie
29 January 2020
Even though I watched this movie for free, I still want a refund. This is the most meaningless and pointless movie I have ever seen. Some low-budget movies have an actual plot, no matter how poorly made the movie is, but there is no plot here, no point and no meaningful ending. Things just happen and by the end of the movie you'll be asking yourself why you even watched this garbage. The acting is dreadful as well. The people who are writing raving reviews are obviously part of the film crew. They should've spent more time thinking up a plot for their movie instead of spending their time writing fake reviews on IMDb. This is one of the rare cases that I shift-delete a movie from my movie archive and want to be paid a handsome amount of money for watching it.
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One Must Fall (2018)
Don't Listen to 1 and 10 star Reviews
20 December 2019
Because neither is doing this movie justice. This movie is far from the worst or best movie I've ever seen. If you're looking for comedy or horror, look elsewhere. This movie is neither funny nor scary. It's a bland movie, but I managed to sit through it. It was average at best. The acting is nothing to write home about, but it's not terrible. There's some gore to be found here and it's rather good, so if you haven't seen many gory movies, there might be something cringe-worthy here for you, but if like me, you've become desensitized to gore due to watching many such movies, you might want to give this movie a pass.
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Fake reviews, fake ratings
1 December 2019
This movie is the definition of bad. Nonsensical story with loose-ends and an ending that doesn't pay off, unlikable characters with zero character development, forced atmosphere that looks and feels ridiculous, the most ridiculous, bizarre-looking evil entity in the history of film-making with inconsistent abilities that will confuse you during the course of the film, and most importantly zero scares. This is the most unnecessary movie on the face of the planet, trying so hard to be Insidious and ending up as the most pretentious, awful, pointless and boring piece of garbage there is. Avoid it at all costs.
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I'm so mad at myself now
14 June 2019
I'm so mad at myself for not liking this movie, because it had all the elements that would make you like a movie, such as good actors, good acting, nice cinematography, nice music-score, good action, gore, brutality, violence, interesting villains, a ruthless and nice-looking killer car, and a story that made sense.

So, why didn't I find it thrilling, exciting or interesting? Why was I just waiting for it to come to an end? Is it because it could have been much better if it had higher budget? But I've seen B-movies with far lower budget, terrible acting and much worse special effects that I have actually enjoyed. Maybe it's because the gore was not as explicit as it could have been if they had the budget to create it (all you get to see is blood splashing) or because it was devoid of jump scares, which for me is the defining feature of a horror movie.

I should have enjoyed it, but for some reason it didn't work for me at all. One reason I can think of is that the movie did not try to engage the audience. I didn't feel part of the movie experience. I didn't care for any of the characters and what might happen to them. They were just random characters shooting, shouting, stabbing, getting tortured, killed, etc, so I just watched brutal action scenes unfold before my eyes with no impact.

Final score: 4 (or perhaps less, because the last movie to which I gave a score of 4 entertained me a lot more than this)
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End Trip (2018)
Wacth the movie if this is what you want
14 June 2019
What can I say? It's about a taxi driver going around in the dark, but unlike Ryde (2017), there aren't many instances of murder, and the few murder scenes are not really disturbing or shocking like they were in Ryde. The acting and cinematography are generally good. The taxi itself was more nice-looking than the one used in Ryde, so was the driver. For the first 45 minutes, you're going to watch the two main characters talk in a dark taxi to each other about their lives until they apparently become friends. What the killer does afterwards is not really believable and since the movie has no back story, you have no idea what his motives are. The victim is not attractive or pleasant to look at, and what she does to save herself is pretty basic and uninteresting. The last few minutes were only a little thrilling, although pretty mundane, and that's about it. It's a pretty tasteless movie, but not exactly boring if you like listening in on other people's life stories, so you're not going to miss out on much if you simply skip it.

Final score: 4
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Threshold (VII) (2019)
Read my review to know what it's like to see this movie
13 June 2019
The movie makes you think it's about a killer child, about the Christian Rapture, about love and betrayal and about a psychopath (and about other things I can't think of right now, but maybe you can). What this movie is really about, you will know only when the movie ends, and even then, you'll have doubts as to whether it was really about what you think it is or not. You might think this means the movie is in fact a mystery. Well, in a way it is, but it's a pretty confusing and frustrating one and the payoff is really not worth going through all that frustration and confusion. You might go from supernatural explanations for what is happening in the movie to a pretty mundane one or vice versa (I won't tell you which one, because I don't want to spoil the movie for you). The acting is good, the cinematography is fine, the music score is a dreamy sort and tries to make you feel some sort of emotion, although you won't know what sort of emotion you're supposed to feel (perhaps just calm?). During the movie, you'll be constantly asking yourself "What is really going on?", so if you can't stand vagueness and confusion or a rather vague and confusing ending, watching this movie will not be a good experience for you. I know it wasn't for me. I have seen vague and confusing movies before, movies such as Stay (2005), but unlike this movie, the payoff was worth tolerating all that confusion and vagueness. You might think my review is confusing. Well, a confusing movie requires a confusing review, but I assure you that my review is much less confusing than the actual movie, so if you found my review even a little vague or confusing and if that bored or frustrated you, please do not watch this movie, as the actual movie will be a pretty frustrating and boring experience for you.

Final score: 3
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The Scariest Movie I have Ever Seen
10 June 2019
I eat horror movies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I've seen it all. In my experience, there are two types of horror movies: those that you can watch many times and enjoy the story as well as the scares, such as Drag Me to Hell, 1408, Resident Evil, Final Destination, etc. And then there are those that are full of scares of all kinds (particularly jump scares), but you may not want to watch many times, because story-wise they are just not as interesting or varied as the horror movies of the first category. For me, Ouija: Origin of Evil falls into the latter category. It is by far the scariest movie I have ever seen. I jumped at least 20 times during this movie, which is a record in and of itself, and 4 times I felt as if someone poured a full bucket of ice-cold water all over me and chills were sent down my spine. That is yet another record. The jump scares here are surprisingly effective. The acting, cinematography, music score, and atmosphere are top-notch, but it's not one of those movies that I would want to watch more than twice unless I watch it, say, 5 or 10 years from now, when I have forgotten about the movie and enjoy the jump scares again, because the jump scares will stop being effective the more you watch the movie, and the story is not really something that I would want to watch more than once. It's about a Ouija board after all.

Anyway, the jump scares alone win this movie a 10/10. Strongly recommended.
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An insult to all B-movies, more like a Z-movie
8 June 2019
I can force myself to sit through the most boring movies as long as they look professional. In this case, however, I felt like I was going to be sick, so I fast-forwarded through much of the movie. This is the first movie I've ever had to fast-forward. I'm no movie-maker, so I don't know how to explain what was wrong with this movie. You know how professional movies look different than movies that have been shot on ordinary video cameras or cell-phones? I'm not sure, but either it's because of the type of cameras used in professional movie-making or it's due to digital post-processing work done on computer after filming (perhaps both). Well, this movie looked as if it was in a raw state, shot on a family video camera or on a cell-phone with 4K quality. That means, it looked ridiculous, because the performances were theatrical, over-the-top and tried to imitate professional movies, while the video looked extremely amateurish, a bizarre combination that would make any movie utterly unwatchable. It had worse special effects than movies made in 1970s. The make-up was a joke. The female character had a kind of breathy voice quality that made me feel as if someone was scratching their fingernails on a chalkboard. Believe me when I say this is the worst movie I have ever laid my innocent eyes on, and I'm not the kind of person who would say that about just any movie. I've seen quite a few B-movies, but this was no B-movie. It was of Z grade quality. I suspect this was made as part of a student film project. Please, save yourself by pretending this movie never existed.

Final score: 0/10
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A Must-See for Horror Movie Fans
6 June 2019
As a horror movie fan, I watch quite a lot of horror movies. Considering the fact that most horror movies are weak, boring, repetitive, and have no entertainment value, I have to say this movie is well worth watching. The plot is original, albeit unbelievably sick and twisted, it has a nice build-up and a disturbing climax, the cinematography and music score are great, the characters are likable, and it has a high entertainment value. It has no jump scares, but it is quite disturbing, so if you have a weak stomach, please stay away for your own good, as watching this movie might have long-lasting psychological effects (in a bad way). It has child abuse (sadly), graphic murder scenes, excruciating torture, inhuman treatment of human beings (much worse than animals, no one should have to go through that, no mater how evil they are), and one of the main characters is very hard to look at, given her face has been badly damaged. All in all, this is a very strong movie and definitely not for the squeamish. I would've liked the ending to be just a little more elaborate. The fate of the main character is easy to imagine, but I would've liked the movie to have confirmed my guess. It was left to the audience's imagination. -1 for that. Everything else was perfect. I am very hard to please, and would not give a high score to just any movie.

9/10, and if you think you can take it, strongly recommended.
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Recovery (II) (2019)
A Real Borefest
5 June 2019
The movie has nice cinematography and good acting, but it's an all-girl cast. It's about a few heroin addict girls trying to get clean in a rehab center and they fight each other like prisoners would in prison. That's all the movie is all about. There are no scares, no thrills, nothing. Just because people die in a movie, it doesn't get to be called a horror movie. I think a new sub-genre should be created for movies like this so horror movie fans will know they should avoid them, something like: crime, murder. This is no Scream. It's lame and boring with a generic plot. Actually, I can barely call it a plot, because it's too basic. Close your eyes and imagine this: two girls are fighting a normal fight with fists in a well-lit corridor, one of them picks up a shard of glass and stabs the other, and the other girl just falls to the ground and dies. There's no gore either. Now, slowly open your eyes. Did that scare you? Did you find that thrilling or interesting in any way? That's what you're going to get by watching this movie. If you found the picture I described interesting, scary or thrilling even a bit, please go ahead and watch this movie. Otherwise, save yourself an hour and thirty minutes of your life and watch something better. The gore you see in the trailer is what one of the girl's sees in her head a few times during the movie. It's got nothing to do with the main story-line, and it's merely there as an excuse to make an interesting trailer in order to deceive the audience.

And no, please don't thank me. It is my duty to warn you. If I can save even one person's time, I will have served a purpose in this world.
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Head Count (2018)
Trust me. You don't want to see this
4 June 2019
OK, practically nothing happens two thirds into the movie and when something does happen, it lasts for 5 minutes and only a few minutes is left before the credits start to roll. There is nothing scary here. Not a single jump scare works. The characters are not likable either. You're going to watch a few lame teenagers drink alcohol and use drugs in the middle of the desert. They don't even party or listen to music. That sums up 95% of the movie for you. This movie is plain boring and the ending is the most meaningless I've ever seen in my entire life. OK, I actually got what happened in the end, but it still gets the prize for the most meaningless and boring ending in the history of cinema. Someone here said the movie is well-shot and has good acting. Sorry, but being well-shot and having good acting do not save a movie from being boring unless of course it is a drama. We're talking horror movies here. Trust me. You'll be doing yourself a favor by pretending this movie never existed. The only thing good about it is that the people involved in the making of the movie have not filled the IMDb with fake 10/10 reviews like many other movies. I'm giving an additional star for their being honest.
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Flight 7500 (2014)
You've got to be kidding me
27 May 2019
I shutter at the thought of how many great movies I might have missed because of the low IMDb rating and how many stupid movies I've been deceived into seeing because of the high IMDb rating.

This movie was not really scary (but then again very few movies are scary), BUT it made me laugh hard at the beginning, which was a real joy, it was suspenseful, it had great casting, good-looking, colorful and likable characters with excellent performances, it had a suspenseful music score and above all it was VERY VERY entertaining (a quality that most movies don't even come close to achieving), and the ending came as such a big shock and surprise that it makes the movie ten times worth watching, because you will feel like suddenly pouring ice cold water all over you.

I really don't know what people want out of a movie. I give this movie an 8. Time well spent.
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Polaroid (I) (2019)
People who gave this movie a low rating fall into four categories
18 May 2019
I watch horror movies all the time. I watch every horror movie I can get my hands on and most of them are weak and boring. This one, however, is definitely one of the good ones that actually sent chills down my spine from the first few minutes until two thirds into the movie. The third and final act of the movie, which is the climax, was not as effective as the first two acts, because the scare tactics get old, and it becomes more action-oriented and fast-paced. Horror movies are scary when things are slow and allow the fear to build up, which is exactly what you will get in the first two acts. Here's how I would score this:

1. story (7, not completely original if you have seen movies such as Shutter, but it had some original elements that I loved) 2. Atmosphere, jump scares and chills (compared to even many high-budget horror films, this gets an easy 8 or 9) 3. Acting (7, way above average for a horror film, but this is no drama, so it doesn't matter if it lacks Oscar-winning performances) 4. cinematography (10, it was very good) 5. Music score (9, it was suspenseful) 6. Twists (4, it did have a good one, but I felt it was a bit rushed) 7. Character stupidity (0, which is the perfect score. The characters in this movie are actually smart and don't make you angry like many other horror movies do) 8. Character development (in reality 3, this is where the movie suffers, but the characters are likable and nice-looking enough to compensate for this aspect a little, so it gets a 5)

The people who gave this a low rating fall into four categories:

1. People who are too hard to please and only want something like the Ring to get scared. 2. People who don't like horror movies in general. 3. People who haven't seen enough horror movies to actually be able to make a comparison and realize how good this is compared to others. 4. People who were sleepy or distracted.

I have to admit I watched this movie during daylight and while I was a bit drowsy (big mistake), but it was so good that it kept sending chills down my spine until I regretted watching it under not-so-perfect circumstances. I would have been terrified otherwise. (A feeling I absolutely love as a horror movie fan).

Final verdict: 9 Do I recommend this? Absolutely.
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Horror Movie Fans Avoid
4 May 2019
Clearly, the raving reviews and the high score are both fake. This movie would be a difficult watch for those who go in expecting to see a horror film, because this is clearly NOT a horror movie, despite the opening scene being promising. Throwing in a few ridiculous dead people with white eyes for a few seconds (one minute at most) does not a horror movie make. This movie is drama with a little bit of gunfight. The story is original, but there is a high probability that you will get bored to death waiting for the credits to roll. The acting is admittedly good, but that is not enough to satisfy the desires of those who want to see a horror movie. They could have at least used some jump scares or some suspenseful music score. The ending is depressing and doesn't make much sense. Change the category to Drama / Crime / Fantasy and I might consider giving it a 5, but as a horror movie, it doesn't even deserve a 1, because it's not a horror movie and does not even make an effort to be one, so I'm going to give it a fair score of 3. 1 for the story, 1 for good acting, and 1 for not being overly long.
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Malicious (2018)
What This Movie Really Lacked was Sam Raimi
21 October 2018
The movie had good cinematography and good acting. I don't remember having seen quite a similar story in any of the horror movies I have seen so far and I have seen many, so I would say some aspects of the story were original. Many ideas had been taken from movies such as Mirrors, the Unborn and other run-of-the-mill horror movies, so those scenes only served as a filler and didn't scare me at all. It did give me chills four or five times, so it wasn't a complete waste of time, but it didn't develop the scare factor as much as it could have, which is a real let down. The movie had potential to be really scary and leave you with lasting fear, but it was ultimately a failure.

What really annoyed me were the lead actor and actress. While they delivered good performances, they didn't have the looks. When I looked at their facial expressions, I couldn't help but yawn, and this is bad for a horror movie that demands your full attention. I think what actors and actresses look like is important and they can make you love or hate a movie and not be really able to explain why you feel that way. The characters were also not as developed as they could have been. We could have been told a lot more about the wife's sister, the evil entity and what it really wanted, its motives, the mysterious woman and her warning, the origins of the entity and the box, the reason for what the husband did at the end of the movie, etc. All in all, the movie left a lot to be desired. What you're going to get out of watching this movie are a few chills and wishing it had been directed by Sam Raimi. Now, he could have made this into a real horror movie.
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One of the Best and Most Creative Horror Movies I have Ever Seen
20 October 2018
This movie is genius. Way better than Unfriended, although I had given that movie 9/10. Only an extremely creative mind can put the idea of everything happening on a static monitor screen into practice and create a level of tension that most ordinary horror movies fail to achieve. In order to enjoy this movie you need to be in love with your computer and spend a lot of time with it. Then the events unfolding on the monitor screen will seem real to you. I looked up "Matias O'Brien" (the main character's name in the movie) on Skype and it's actually there. I sent him a message and asked whether he was involved in the making of the movie and sent a few of the hacking commands to him we see in the movie just for the laughs and he kindly replied to my message. I'm copy-pasting his response for you: "Haha yup that would be us! We created the account for the project! Hope you enjoyed it!"

I loved the movie and I have watched it many many times. It's most effective when you watch it on your PC/laptop. It wouldn't have the same effect on TV or the big screen. The acting was totally natural and I liked all of the actors and actresses to the point that I wish I could be friends with them in real life. They each had colorful and unique characters and said some really funny things (the hopeless romantic, the skeptic, the nerd, the silent type). There is only one thing about this movie that made it look a bit unrealistic; the camera footage getting scrambled every time the hackers went in front of the cam. Also, I wish they had used Windows 10 instead of Mac operating system, because it would have made the experience more authentic to most of us. The program Papaya used in the movie to communicate with hearing impaired people was genius. I'm not sure if such a software actually exists, but if it does not, the producers of this movie could totally own the patent for such a brilliant idea.

The events unfolding in the movie, while extremely clever, are highly unlikely, because the criminals would have had to know the victims' next move and plan what to do and how to do it in advance, so making their complicated evil decisions in real-time was simply not possible. They would not have been able to do many of the things they did if the victims had made different choices, so their grand plan (which is explained at the end of the movie) would have failed, because it pretty much depended on who found the laptop and what he did with it and whether he had a nerd help him uncover its secrets. Not to mention the fact that the hacking commands you see in the movie are all fake and it's not possible to do most of those things in real life. You can't use self-destructing messages on Skype no matter how big of a hacker you are unless it was a per-defined feature in the software. Although, some things are indeed real, like hacking into people's cameras and people doing evil things on the Dark Web using hidden services.

The movie would make you curious about the Dark Web and might encourage you to go look for it. I did and I stumbled upon some horrifying websites that I had to close as soon as I saw what they were offering. Some websites I dared not even enter out of curiosity, because they might think you are actually into that kind of stuff, trace and arrest you. There are unimaginably evil things on the Dark Web. Even becoming aware of the existence of such things makes one realize what a horrifying world we all live in and what kinds of psychos we are dealing with everyday that act like normal people off-line and turn into evil monsters on the internet just to inflict unimaginable pain on others. We are all in a horror movie. We just don't feel it, and that's what makes this movie all the more terrifying.

Please watch this movie and appreciate the high amount of creativity that has gone into it.

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I highly doubt adults would like this
17 October 2018
I'm not sure why this movie has been put in the horror category. There is certainly nothing scary here. The only real horror is that it is advertised as horror. It was more like a Twilight zone movie, so it falls into the category of fantasy movies. It was an attempt to make use of ideas from Jumanji 2, except that this was lame and Jumanji 2 was fun and actually made you laugh your ass off. The only thing it had going for it was the cinematography, which was not bad for a low-budget movie. The acting was so-so, but the main problem with this movie is its nonsensical plot. You could argue that it was as nonsensical as Jumanji's plot, except that this was lame and boring. I guess mostly teenagers would enjoy this, because of the teen party and the first kiss and stuff like that, and that's probably the kind of audience the producers had in mind. I can't see how anyone over 18 years of age could possibly find this remotely enjoyable.

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14 Cameras (2018)
If You are into the Dark Web, watch "Unfriended: Dark Web"
15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a horror movie fan and I won't make it long. This movie is so bad that it's not even worth downloading for free.Terrible acting, uninteresting characters, lame villain, stupid story, you name it. Have I seen worse? You bet, but it doesn't mean this movie is worth watching. Just skip it and watch something else. I give it two stars, only because I managed to sit through it, although I deeply regret doing it.

If you find the concept of the Dark Web interesting, watch "Unfriended: Dark Web", which is a clever and thrilling movie.
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If you think shark movies have nothing more left to offer, WATCH THIS!
19 November 2017
Wow! I sat down to watch this movie with low expectations. I could tell from the beginning that the acting was going to be great and it really was. The characters are likable and you actually care about them. The music score is exciting. The situation is really tense. I can't remember many movies that have made me react to the movie so noticeably as I was watching it. As a horror movie fan, I've seen hundreds of horror / thriller movies and every shark movie there is to see out there, including the Shallows. I was literally at the edge of my seat throughout and letting out sighs of relief and silent screams. I don't remember having seen plot twists or surprise endings in shark movies before. At least, not like the one in this movie. It was definitely a plus and made the movie enjoyable tenfold. This is on par with the Descent, even more intense than that, because here the characters are racing against time as well with their oxygen running constantly low.There were also jump scares that really worked.

I give this movie 10/10, because it was perfect. Sorry, I have to say it again. It was Perfect!
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