
4 Reviews
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When Billie Beat Bobby (2001 TV Movie)
Fun, Lighthearded and Inspiring
19 September 2007
I was blithely unaware of the existence of the Battle of the Sexes until happening upon this film one evening on my way to bed.

I ended up staying awake for the whole film simply because its manner of taking classic caricatures of personality extremes and making them not only something to laugh at, but human and warm and intelligent.

I am NOT a tele movie type of gal, but this one took a hold somehow and just went from strength to strength. I will be looking for it to add to my DVD collection.

I know the whole women's lib thing was a significant event to which I should be eternally grateful etc etc, and that theme was well developed of course, but what this film really showed me is that in any situation where people are oppressed and undervalued there can be a positive, friendly and adamant attitude that can bring about real and genuine change - not just in the rules but in the attitudes of the masses, the place REAL changes occur.

I'll be looking for this film to add to my DVD collection and I'll be making sure I show my children when they are older to inspire them and prove that we are able to stand up for what we believe in without putting others down.

Two enthusiastic thumbs up!!
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Weeds (2005–2012)
Has completely renewed my faith in American TV series'
18 September 2006
As an Australian, I have to say... a lot of American viewing doesn't do it for me at all, with a few notable exceptions (The West Wing, NCIS, 24)and now Weeds. I have to say, when they get it right, they nail it with style! Interestingly, Mary Louise Parker had a significant role in the west wing and I'm looking forward to more cameos of west wing talent such as Allison Janey playing the hippie pro-pot legal adviser... tooooo funny! It's been said before, let me say it again in my own way... the weed is a backdrop to life on the edge. The revealing thing is that life in upper middle class suburbia meets the edge at all... the weed provides the base-line,the backdrop more than the substance... the plots are real, gritty, sometimes even pithy but never.. no not ever handled blandly, never treated blithely, not even once did I see the carbon copy generic characters I have come to despise American TV for... I love this show, I hope it gets a great run like West Wing did ...I still mourn the loss of that show :(
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I Am David (2003)
Surprisingly well adapted... as moving as the novel.
21 July 2005
I have read Anne Holm's I am David dozens of times since I first stumbled upon it as a 12 year old. It has been one of those novels that have remained with me, not just the pages, not just the story, but the way it has moved me and guided many of my decisions in life. I personally empathised with David, having been an abused child and when at 13 I became a state ward, the impossibility of trusting others to care for me were mirrored in David's own situation. This just to demonstrate how significant this work has been in my own development and connected I am with David's story.

When I heard there was a film made of this story, I was suspicious that it could not hope to reach the depths of the novel, particularly as one of the fundamental points of the novel had been changed and primarily because much of the 'action' in the novel occurs inside David's mind.

The film is significantly different to the novel in a few key details and yet it has managed to capture the essential soul of the novel, something I applaud and profoundly appreciate. Whilst the means of achieving the result is different, I was still left, as I always am when I read the story, with a deep sense of truth and love winning out over darkness and hatred. I was moved to tears once again and for all the same reasons and for that I would just like to say thank you to those involved.

I could not recommend this novel or film more deeply, particularly to those who's lives have been controlled by others who don't have their best interests at heart and who feel unable to regain control themselves. This above all things is a tribute to the ability of one who has no control and no idea how to gain control of their own lives succeeding in just that, without use of force, without manipulation or dishonesty, but simply with conviction that the goal must be achieved for whatever reason, because to not achieve it is to invite death and darkness upon yourself and upon all you touch in your life.
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I wet myself!
3 May 2004
One of the shining moments in my aussiedom was when I watched this film and realised that it takes a very special kind of mind to create this kind of masterpiece and that that mind was aussie.

Take a budget of say hmmm AUS$2000? Perhaps thats a little generous hehehe, some relatively unknown actors, an old Italian muscle man version of hercules and a very warped and creative script writer and you have... tears running down your face and aching sides.

It has everything, good guys, bad guys, action, comedy..... lotsssssss of comedy and of course 'I love movies with muscle men in them' hehehe. Its been about a year since I've seen this movie though I've seen it about 20 times because I keep getting it out to show it to other people, but I still remember scenes and lines and sit there and giggle quietly to myself. My friends and I often sprout a line when it seems appropriate (or inappropriate as is usually the case) and we'll start giggling hillariously all over again.

Watch It!! Just do yourself a favour and watch it, because I don't think they will be re-releasing this gem and the old vids are getting worn down by the fans.

For all you poor deprived people over the pond, lobby whoever you have to and beg them to get it released in your country. Call it cultural education hehehe I swear you wont be disappointed.
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