
2 Reviews
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Why criticize what's meant to be stupidity? ((spoilers?))
20 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
  • 10/10 if you're a Jackass fan...anything below 3 if you aren't. -

Many people say that "Jackass, the Movie" needed so much more than what it offered. I ask everyone who said this, "What the bloody heck for?"

The movie, based off the MTV run program, is dedicated entirely to senseless violence and stupidity lacking direction or a definite plot. The point to both the show and the movie is to display just what people can do without fear of bodily harm or shame. True, it is mindless and not exactly PBS material; but it's much like what Aristotle theroized about Tragic plays: displays of negative or disruptive actions can outlet our own inclinations to do these things ourselves. Not that you'd go out and try to launch fireworks from your rectum; just that it shows you what would happen if it was tried.

The movie appeals to our more unreasonable sides and lets us experience those actions harmlessly. An additional plus is that it can make you laugh harder than you have in a while. If you payed to see this movie, you must have known what you were getting in to. The previews did not mislead and the movie is named the same as the TV show. If you feel that you were subjected to stupidity...well, you were. But that's what was intended. If you thought the movie was too mindless, don't blame the movie for delivering what it was supposed to; blame yourself for thinking it would be something else.
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Feardotcom (2002)
Got Fear?...this sure didn't. - Contains Spoiler
18 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so my boyfriend and I were going to go see this while it was in the theaters but we never quite made it (Perhaps it was a divine stroke of luck). So we rented the DVD from a video store. We were delayed from seeing it yet again (you'd think we would've taken the hint) and left the DVD disc at my house. After getting down to watching the movie, I was excited and ready to be scared. We'd watched The Ring a few nights ago and it easily gave me nightmares. But despite our hopes that this movie would do the same job, we were sorely let down.

The movie had a strong start even if it was confusing. A man is hit by a subway train when he sees a little girl on the tracks. Why did he jump back out in front of the train? Then you meet the male lead and his associate in the police department. Why do they both sound like the stupidest cops you'll ever see? The female lead knew more about policing than the both of them. Most of the other actors sounded like they were reading off cue cards and the plot quickly because unbeliveable (ah yes, I'll let my sick daughter play in an old steel mill even if she's supposively afraid of sharp things and on top of that, how did Terry know to listen to the half blind old lady in the mill? and let's not forget, to get to the site, its "" not "" the doctor got ripped off on his site) By this point in the movie I begged my boyfriend to let it keep playing just to see if it saved itself. It didn't. The ending was cliche', and the special effects when they killed the doctor were the only positive things in the movie. The basic story for FearDotCom was a creative one...but poorly executed (no pun intended). Save yourself a rental and go see something else. You'll thank yourself later.
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