
18 Reviews
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Avoid like syphilis
30 September 2022
I like horror films, even the so bad they're good ones. I'm rating this a generous 2 only because of production values and basic premise - some people trapped in a house (in this case because of a storm) and one of them may be a murderer. Solid premise which has been done so many times so much better before.

IMBD lists this as a horror/comedy. There is absolutely no comedy. None. Also no good horror, gore or scary scenes. Every character in this you will be indifferent to. They all act hysterically or stupidly, but most often both. The ending, which I suppose was intended to be a twist, just plain sucked.

Several friends recommened to avoid, but I enjoy Pete Davidson on SNL, so decided to watch this POS. If this is your only enticement, please believe me and skip this and save 2 hours of your life.
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Subway (1985)
Convoluted yet boring Luc Besson effort
28 June 2022
Usually I enjoy Luc Besson's work - although often derivative (especially of his own work) he usually delivers a passable action thriller, and sometimes a great one. This is not one of them. It starts with a weak car chase, then turns in to a rather boring, convoluted mess ocassionally interspersed with boring foot chase scenes in the French subway underground. Christopher Lambert delivers his typical wooden totem pole performance. The usually great Jean Reno is given nothing to do. I'm giving this 3 stars solely for the appearance of Isabelle Adjani, who is also given nothing to do, but as one of the most beatiful actresses ever, looks great doing so.
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Blood Glacier (2013)
Inept climate change warning?
5 November 2021
Went in to this after reading many IMBD reviews that compared it poorly to John Carpenter's "The Thing" (a masterpiece of horror and most importanly suspense) so my expectations were low. Even poorly made copies of the original ( and yes I know Carpenter's version was a remake but so much better than the original, a rare thing itself) can be entertaining. So I went in with an open mind, willing to forgive and not make comparisons .

Unfortunately this movie has zero suspense, bad acting ( although you can't really blame the actors given the purile banal script, no one could pull that off seriously). Pseudo-scientific explanations that a second-grader would doubt, characters reacting moronically to further the plot, and a seriously dissappointing ending.

Also, if you read some of the reviews that propone that the special makeup/creature are good, prepare to be dissappointed. Sub-par and usually shot in low light so you can't see how crap they are.

Giving this a 3 out of 10 and tht's generous.
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Diehard Lovecraftian fans only
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a fan of the Lovecraft mythos for over forty years and therefore being probably overly generous in this review. For brevity I will not give a synopsis as you can read that in other reviews.

It's kinda a sequel to "From Beyond" (1986) by director Stuart Gordon, but with a running time of barely over an hour. Fair warning - a Full Moon Features production (honestly don't think I've ever seen a Full Moon film which wasn't crap).

I don't mind very low budget movies, as long as they have some redeeming features, but this one has few. Honestly thought this may have been a first-time outing for the writer/director William Butler, but according to IMBD he has (at time of writing) 30 credits to his name.

The in-camera practical SFX (models,blood etc.) are pretty good considering the low budget, but there is an overuse of flashing negative film effects and the CGI effects are pretty awful. Hard to believe the visual effects in From Beyond, made over 35 years ago are FAR superior to this.

The acting is mostly sub-par, with the exception of the main character Crawford - which is so truly awful, I can't even forgive him for the incredibly dumb garbage dialogue he has to deliver. In two separate scenes when the machine is powered up he instructs the participants to "remain completely still, they can't see you if you don't move", followed immediately by "point out if you see anything". And of course everyone including himself moves .

Just to give you some scale, Michael Pare gives by far the best performance in this movie (never thought I'd ever write that).

Positves- the female characters are very attractive beauties.

Negatives (apart from previously mentioned) - the ending was abrupt and forced, maybe due to lack of funds.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
giving this 1, to get the average down to about a deserved 4
22 September 2021
Giving this 1, to get the average down to about a deserved 4

A couple of jump scares and great creepy music does not make this a great horror movie, can't believe this is rated so well.

Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne both great actors, watch them in anything else.

A very obvious ending designed to facilitate sequels.

And to a previous reviewer who said that his girlfriend "didn't make a peep...she had her eyes closed the whole time" - she was probably asleep, and I envy her.
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Inseminoid (1981)
80's sci-fi/horror cheesefest
20 May 2021
Hey, I enjoy cheesy sci-fi as much as anyone, and probably more so, but Inseminoid i'm giving 3 stars and that's generous. This movie is perfect fodder for MST3K or Rifftrax. Cheap sets (cardboard boxes painted to look like computer banks), terrible acting, copious corny dialogue, cheap puppet aliens, and multiple fight scenes that are so badly choreographed that I'm pretty sure they weren't and the actors were just ad-libbing.

Pros - all the actresses are very pretty Cons - pretty much everthing else Guide - moderate gore, very mild nudity - 1 scene during alien rape that briefly shows breasts - not erotic so skip this one if that's what you're looking for.
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The Rook (2019)
Slightly above average
28 September 2020
Barely above average but managed to keep me watching the entire season. Did not read the books, which other reviewers have described as great and were consequently disappointed with the show. For plot synopsis, check out the other reviews, I won't re-hash. I was really intrigued by the character Gestalt ( 2 identical and 2 fraternal twins which are psychically linked, when one learns something they all do), which I believe was first imagined by british SF author John Wyndham in The Midwich Cuckoos - later filmed as Village of the Damned (highly recommended, the original not the 90s remake crapfest). My main problem with this show was the lead actress Emma Greenwell - didn't feel like she had the acting chops to pull off this role and was usually bored with her performance ( although this may have been a problem with direction, I admit I have not seen her in anything else). James D'Arcy gives a good performance but his role was under-developed, as was Adrian Lester's. Joely Richardson was great as usual, and Olivia Munn beautiful as ever but frankly her acting in this was terrible.
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Calibre (2018)
Starts out great, disappionting finish
26 July 2020
My title says it all. First 45 min promising thriller, good acting with a bland ending
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Bacurau (2019)
Overly long, boring and formulaic
10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't believe the hype from the fans that are calling this a masterpiece, they must not have seen any other movie. Absolutely nothing happens for the first 45 minutes, and then it turns into a below average humans hunting humans for sport movie, and even then it still manages to drag. Don't waste your time
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Vagrant Queen (2020)
Wow this is bad
4 April 2020
I was not expecting The Expanse or Altered Carbon, I have no problem with low budget Sci-fi. The sfx are lousy, but wasn't expecting anything. The sets, costumes and makeup all look pretty good. The budget is not the problem here, the problem is the writing and direction. The dialogue is cringe-worthy and the actors ham it up in nearly every line. I couldn't make it past the 20 minute mark.
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Camouflage (2001)
4 April 2020
Lochlyn Munroe plays a failing actor, so this ws a good casting call because his acting is terrible. The comedy is non-existant, I didn't even crack a smile once. The other reviews here cover the plot. The talents of Leslie Neilsen, William Forsythe and Patrick Warburton are all wasted here. I'm giving this 3 stars only for the eye candy by Vanessa Angel.
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Dead Trigger (2017)
4 December 2018
Cheap and amateurish, looks like it was shot on someone's phone.So bad I couldn't finish watching it. This movie is worse than any of the ones shown on MST3K
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I guess Halo fans like it - but fans of good movies won't
20 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why the Halo fans are giving this movie such great reviews - as a standalone movie it is (as another reviewer put it) a poor man's Starship Troopers - not that ST was a great movie itself. Mostly this movie is just plain boring. Nothing happens for the first 55 minutes - we are introduced to a group of cadets at a military academy. All the standard character clichés are here with typical tragic back-stories - the protagonist Lasky, who has a problem with authority (what's he doing at a military academy? - oh, his brother was the best cadet ever at same academy and was then killed in combat), the squad rival, the love interest, the computer hacker, the tough chick - you've seen it all before. They go through training, the protagonist nearly quits, the instructors see great potential in him if only he would realize it, etc, etc. Boring. At about the 55 min mark, the aliens attack, kill nearly everyone in a matter of minutes (apparently on the entire planet) except for said group of cadets, who mostly survive despite the fact they often stop and pause in the middle of firefights and explosions to look around dumbfounded at their fallen friends and instructors. Finally a super-soldier "MasterChief 117" - rescues the few remaining survivors. All this is presented as a flashback of the older Lasky, now a captain, after receiving a distress call from a ship named Forward Unto Dawn. There is an opening sequence featuring this vessel drifting thru space which is totally incomprehensible - I guess you'd have to know some of the Halo back-story to make sense of this bit. On the positive : effects are pretty good, performances not bad despite a lot of banal dialogue. Overall, I guess the not-too-fussy fans of the game enjoy this movie, but everyone else - don't waste your time.
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There's a fine line between boring and suspenseful...
8 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
... and this film is firmly on the boring side of that line. Don't believe the other reviews which state that the director slowly builds tension, he quickly bores you senseless. Nothing scary, suspenseful, or even mildly interesting happens for the first 75 minutes, unless you think a girl alone in a house is a particularly hair-raising event. In the remaining 15 minutes of the film she passes out from eating a drugged pizza, gets tied to pentagram and gets a few blood symbols drawn on her as part of a satanic ritual, then easily escapes and either kills or wounds everyone else in the process. After she has gotten away she shoots herself in the head - I think because she got some blood poured in her mouth during the ritual and therefore will obviously give birth to the spawn of Satan, either that or she finally realized what a piece of crap movie she was in. The final scene is so clichéd it's not worth mentioning. Save an hour and a half of your life and avoid this.
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Riverworld (2010 TV Movie)
Nonsensical Crapworld
17 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this review doesn't really have any "spoilers" - I could not possibly spoil this film for anyone worse than the makers already have. Although I read the series of novels by Phillip Jose Farmer (the first of which won the Hugo award for best SF novel for 1971) many,many years ago I remember enough to recognize that this film is wholly unfaithful to the books. Basic premises of the novels have changed. The protagonist of the first novel, Sir Richard Burton - an immensely interesting historical figure, has been changed to a villain and the hero is now a modern-day war correspondent named Matt (in an attempt to update the story perhaps?). Unfortunately, I couldn't care less about the new storyline of Matt's struggle to reunite himself with his vacuous blonde girlfriend.

I realize this makes no difference those of you who haven't read the books (you have nothing to compare it to, unless you've had the misfortune to see the 2003 version of Riverworld, which was also friggin' awful). What does matter is that the filmmakers have tried to cram all 5 novels into less than 3 hours of TV, with the result that it's a confusing mess with huge unexplained gaps and blue aliens popping in and out of existence willy-nilly. Also the entire project has that "low-budget Canadian" look to it (yes I am a proud Canadian but let's face it, there's no denying that look of projects filmed entirely in the woods of BC).

P.S. The Riverworld, a rather violent place, has had all the sex and violence Disneyfied - making this film suitable for family viewing, if you don't particularly like your family.
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"Twist" ending a slap in the face to anyone intelligent
28 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I can't believe SO many people are rating this film so highly as a great thriller when the first half of the movie is deliberately false. Remember people, it's only a good twist if it does not violate the internal logic of the film! If you spent the time to read a murder mystery and the murderer turned out to be some guy that wasn't introduced until the last page, would you be feel satisfied, or ripped-off? Unfortunately you can see the twist coming a mile away but frankly I didn't want to believe the talented David Twohey would stoop so low. Basically the first half shows numerous scenes with the Zahn/Jovovich couple wondering (to themselves) who the murderers are. Unless you are outright lying to the audience, denying them the chance to figure it out, these scenes clearly establish that Zahn/Jovovich are not the killers. Then comes the "twist" - they are in fact the killers and the filmmakers have been lying to you. Absolutely idiotic and a slap in the face to anyone who appreciates a well-crafted movie. I'd rate this lower but for the good performances of the principal actors, especially Oliphant. Rewatch "The Usual Suspects" instead.
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Vic Reeves Big Night Out (1990–1991)
funny as cancer
9 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, here's the spoiler : All of the writing and acting.

I am a great fan of English comedies (ie. Python, Fall & Rise of Reginald Perrin, Alexei Sayle's Stuff, Alan Partridge, Knowing Me, Knowing You, Saxondale, Fawlty Towers, The Games)(okay, last one's Aussie) - sitcoms, sketch comedy, satire, whatever - and was extremely disappointed as this was supposedly an influential series, but is in fact a load of nonsensical dreck. Badly delivered, childish, corny and extremely dated jokes - although I hesitate to call them jokes. Yeah, I get that it's supposed to be a parody of earlier television variety shows, but parodies are also supposed to be funny. This isn't.

Don't waste your time, it's about as funny as cancer.

By the way, Simon Day appears briefly a few times and is billed as Tommy Cockles, but he is not doing the (very funny) Tommy Cockles character from the Fast Show.
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Passengers (2008)
Solid performances at a snail's pace
11 July 2009
First off, to describe this movie as a horror/thriller is very misleading. The only element of horror is that it deals with a plane crash, and there are absolutely no thrills. Anne Hathaway gives a good performance as a grief counsellor to a group of plane crash survivors, and there is some good chemistry with the male lead, Patrick Wilson. The great supporting cast consists of some acting heavyweights, notably David Morse, Andre Braugher, Dianne Wiest, and Clea DuVall (I hadn't previously heard of this movie, I only watched because she was in it). Unfortunately, they all have very minor roles and are given virtually nothing to do. William B. Davis (the cigarette smoking man from the X-files) doesn't even have any lines. The biggest problem with this movie is the pacing, which is slow to the point of agonizing - halfway through you'll be wishing for the ending (which is so predictable you'll have figured it out far before then).
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