
3 Reviews
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o_O Mind boggling
17 February 2012
As a first time Star Wars watcher I wanted to get to know what all the actual fuss was about; so I decided I would test the water out and watched this at a free screening (midnight) and this is my conclusion:

The characters are barely even 1 dimensional, their dialog laughable and make you cringe or want to laugh, they look pretty in costumes you'd find in Asia and the Middle East - nice to know aliens find Asian and Arab clothing suitable for space travel!

The concept is stiflingly boring and slow not to mention painfully WOODEN in performance; while the over all story - was there a story?

I thought I would get some insight into what all the fuss is about but after walking out - I still don't know what all the fuss is about or why this would beat say The Matrix, LOTR, or just about ANY sci fi movie made in my life time.

I went in hope for some answer but I came out not even caring anymore about my own questions like;

Who are the Jedi, why should I care about them at all?

Is a Sith a Jedi just in black and emo? Or just aliens with better agility and didn't get into the 'popular' boys club?

Why are all the Jedi and Sith MEN?

What's the significance of the color differences in the glowing laser stick things - do they signify anything or rank?

Why are children running PLANETS?!I mean I know gifted but I seriously doubt that a preteen ( and hormonal no doubt ) would be running a town let alone a PLANET - and they were ELECTED too!

Oh God I could go on but this movie was just a comedy. I seriously do not understand how this is a prequel to ANYTHING.

There is something that really got me cracking up though; there is a NASCAR/Gprix element to this movie that I found utterly BOOOORING and frankly farcical - clearly this was done BEFORE Fast and Furious because I was literally thrashing my seat with the boredom and the lack of creativity in that entire sequence!

There also a lot of clearly intoxicated or drugged aliens in this movie that annoyed me to know end but they were like a cross breed between a rabbit and duck and a hum,an hybrid - sooooooo annoying!

All in all this was a godawful movie. I do not understand what the fuss was about back when my great grandmother was my age; or why my mom insisted I go see this - it's AWFUL. I don't get it. But apparently there are SIX of these ?! And people complain about the Twilight watchers?! I think this ranks right beside the Twiligh series. None of EITHER party knows what a good sci fi is!

I don't get how George Lucas would think anybody in our day and age or generation would like this crap; when we have soooooo many other superior sci fi movies that pop up ever other year or so. Ridiculous. I don't get the concept and I wasn't intrigued enough to watch the others when they get released, and I most likely won't...this is just a fan thing I think. I don't think George Lucas is for our generation to be honest - he should stop while he 's still ahead.

Overall - I am very happy I didn't lose any money watching this. It's sooo not worth it.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
Absolutely brilliant
25 December 2010
This movies is by far the BEST visual stunning beautifully written and the soundtrack ...EPIC.

The only complaint is that you're left with a huge sadness when it ends. You also find a few scenes seemed to have been shortened or missing ( when you compare them to the trailers) and even some scenes that should have been longer i.e The grid battle scenes....oh God that was such a beautiful stunning and soulful scene. Like the digital version of swan lake. Just absolutely breathtaking. Yet, it was so short!

Long story short: we need a sequel because with Tron you can't go wrong. It has the potential of surpassing the Matrix.
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What did you expect?
22 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
To even begin to describe just how right people were to doubt Mr. Andersons ability to write a script and direct would be a book in itself. His inability to capture the imagination, to remain consistent to his own plot, to develop characters, and a story line that coincides with the overall story, even understanding the term continuity is a feat for Hercules alone - obviously. Mr. Anderson's lack of creativity and possibly suffering from short and long term memory loss is abundantly in effect with this farce he's created. He claimed it would 'pull the audience in' when in truth all it did was make people walk out - and people are usually easily pleased but not from where I was sitting.

Battle field Earth marries matrix and has an affair with ultra Violet the end result is the bastard child he calls Resident Evil Afterlife.

I will pull out just an example of how terrible the plot was by quoting the goof's section and adding a few of my own: (spoiler next) During the final confrontation with Wesker, Chris and Claire enter the scene. Wesker addresses them by NAME and states they "have become quite an inconvenience". How, and when did they do this? Chris has been locked up since the outbreak of the virus and Claire had no impact on Weskers operations in this or the last movie WHATSOEVER.

In Andersons mind this was a 'salute' to the fans. THE PROBLEM Mr. Anderson is that when a character has no idea who is who and has NEVER encountered them before the dialog makes absolutely no sense and the 'confrontation' is redundant. Not to mention the entire story is warped. Quite a HUGE thing to escape his mind and I wish it ended there. But the man did not just develop a huge plot hole; the entire movie was nothing but plot holes INSIDE plots holes. I never even knew that was possible until now.

His only focus was the 3D CAMERA with his wife as the 'little piggy'.

Mary-sue is back and is now the living embodiment of an oxymoron (which also isn't possible tech but there you go ) and an utter cliché. She loses her powers but can still leap 20 feet in the air and kick a tray of sharp objects with absolute accuracy, not to mention take blows from GIANT Ax's full on and get up with not even a broken rib let alone a bruise. Oh and there is a stabbing but you'll mistaken it for a tooth pick because it seems even when a blade is run right though the arm of Ms mortal Mary-sue all you get is a GUH! and it's business as usual.

The acting WOODEN and the stunts are ridiculous! Considering it's apparently the real world with no 'jacking into' a massive computer world where basic physics don't apply, it's hard to sell and digest just about most of the stunts.

The OC meets the Resident Evil characters and the movie is one god awful fan fiction. With plenty of WTF moments and FTS, even Micheal Bay would be LHAO as the terribly created explosions and gun shots. Because even gun fire is digitally created badly resembling old Japanese English dubbed movies with the lips moving and the dialog happening a few min later! WHERE DID ALL THAT MONEY GO when making this movie?! the answer: 3D.....3D.....THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Slow motion thrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee deeeeeeeeeeeeeee Really Mr. Anderson, if you wanted to molest the camera there are cheaper ways of doing so than getting a production company to cough up millions of dollars, rent you their staff, and devote more minutes to agonizing slow motion scenes (instead of developing THE ACTUAL STORY) - and cheat people out of their hard earned money which we desperately need in these hard times.


To those readers who want a good time SAVE YOUR MONEY for marvel and DC because Capcom has seriously misjudged Andersons professional integrity and ability to deliver the only thing he's achieved is proving his doubters right- he is a hack. His work is a drop out middle schoolers work. Your money and your time will be greatly wasted. Those positive reviews are beyond misleading. They paint a picture of a movie that never happened. Or are written by EXTREMELY generous people or people with low expectations and just wanted to get out of their houses.
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