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The Return of 'Allo 'Allo! (2007 TV Movie)
Great Reunion Show/Documentary
9 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
At this point it's now 10 years after this first aired in the UK many

involved with the show have died (main Cast & Creators only):

Co-Creator, David Croft in 2011 Co-Creator, Jeremy lloyd in 2014

(Rene's wife)Edith Artois played by Carmen Silvera in 2002 Colonel Vonstrum played by Richard Marner in 2004 Edith's Mother played by Rose Hill in 2003

Englebert Von Smallhausen played by John Louis Mansi in 2010

Monsieur Alfonse the mortician, deputy mayor/mayor, hair dresser played by Kenneth Connor in 1993

General Von Klinkerhoffen played by Hillary Minster in 1999

Roger Le Clerc Played by Jack Haig in 1989

Enerest Le Clerc (brother of Roger LeClerc and taking over the role of forger/thief)played by Derek Royle in 1990 Role recast and then played by Robin Parkinson (appears in show and still living)

Rene' Artois played by Gordon Kaye in 2017 The last episode of

'Allo 'Allo is years after (as stated in that episode) before this Reunion show happens some details have changed just ignore them as the 2007 Reunion show has and enjoy the show.

The Return of Allo Allo is really more documentary/memories of the show then a new episode. It gives you tidbits of Rene' writing his memoirs to make money with because takings are down since the Germans have left and him meeting people that helped him during the war. While some of the main actors were in the show they did not appear in the Rene' Remembers scenes. Edith Artois (Carmen Silvera died in 2002) is the only cast member due to her part mentioned after the actor's death.

Englebert Von Smallhausen (John Louis Mansi) and Pvt. Helga Geerhart (Kim Hartman) though both were alive when this was created they did not appear in the show. Also if the actor had died or did not appear they were not mentioned by name (character or actor) in the show either.

Along with Rene''s scenes they are mixed with clips of the show and Creators, Actors of the show and others what they remembered.

This is a nice show for what it is. If you've never seen 'Allo 'Allo watching this will not make sense.
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K9 (2009–2010)
Great for Kids 5 and up, OK for adults.
1 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this version of K9. I grew up with the original K9 from Doctor who.

This is a spin-off from Dr. Who. "The Doctor" is not mentioned at all and makes no appearance in this show.

First of all do not expect it to be an adult show. This was geared towards children and has some violence but death is not part of it. If you remember this you can enjoy the show.

K9 is voiced by John Lesson, the original voice of K9 from Dr. Who.

The look of K9 has been updated and is more flexible than the original from Dr. Who. Kids not familiar with Dr. Who wont notice this.

Over all this is a nice show to watch with kids 5 years old and up w/o having to explain anything.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Don't waste your $6 for CBS All Access to see it!
1 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was hopeful this would be a good Star Trek since the ending of the pitiful "Enterprise." I was wrong.

Star Trek Discovery happens ten years before Kirk's version happens.

Now I try to suspend belief when I watch these shows. I can't when they try to remake something that happened before something that has already been aired.

They've already established history with Star Trek The original Series. You can't re-write/re-imagine something that's already the past.

This works in a western or other types of shows but science fiction.

Why because to keep it interesting everything has to be action and high special effects.

For that this version of Star Trek it's great. It looks great, effects awesome. That is the ONLY thing it's good about it.

The story is bad, acting bad, characters bad.

We are introduced to a science officer that has a face that looks like he had a rear end for a nose. This Science officer's race is scared of everything and comes with the "let's not do it I am paranoid of everything." This attitude doesn't work for Star Trek.

"Number One." is a human raised on the planet Vulcan. Sorry again doesn't work, Spock was 1/2 human and 1/2 Vulcan he barely made it. A full human no way.

Here we go again, now we get yet another version of how a Klingon looks. Really you're going to give us subtitles doesn't work for me. The look doesn't work for me. Really you're going to send your leader to go fight who end's up getting killed. Again doesn't work. Then you have the infighting Dark (accepted) Klingon against White (outcast) Klingon for becoming new leader. Good way to keep it race related and trying to keep it with the "Black Lives Matter" movement. While Star Trek has always tried to teach some morality point. This type of thing is not needed in Star Trek. Shame on the for doing this.

A Robot, which has one line as "WOW." A robot isn't going to say "WOW." They would be emotionless and even so "WOW." Is not something a robot would say.

If you want to waste $6 a month to see yet another crappy Enterprise then go for it. I say don't bother get your self a Venti Mocha Frappachino once a month, you'll be happier.
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What's old is new what's new is OLD.
25 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I was around and saw the first Star Wars IV release in 1977. It wasn't represented as part of a story. It was just "Star Wars".

Is the script weak, yes, but NONE I repeat NONE of the six previous Star Wars movies were great on script. They've always been a little talking them some action. Star Wars: The Force Awakens, delivers that. Maybe a bit more action.

I never felt bored for the 2 hours and 16 minutes the movie was on. I could have used the rest room but felt I would miss something. I got bored at Lord of the Rings series, Hobbit I just wished it would end. I enjoyed SW 7.

I've heard complaints "Oh Not another desert planet." Well, what's left Lucas did water, jungle, desert, lava, clouds, Rain forest. So no mater what they picked Lucas had already used it. So no points removed for that. If Abrams had picked a robotic or electronic planet they would have accused him of trying to make Star Wars Transformers.

Could somethings have been explained more surely, but we will likely get that in the next few movies.

I would have liked more R2D2 and C3PO in the movie. BB8 was the star of the show. The other actors were just there.

I am pleased with this outing of Star Wars since ROTJ. We didn't go to Star Wars (1977) to see a long story. We went to see Star Wars (1977) for the cool ships, battles, costumes. The story was a bonus. SW 7 gives you that. Yes unlike Star Wars (1977)it was done in such a way if it failed to be a box office hit it was one movie with nothing more expected. SW 7 was written with the notion there will be an SW 8.
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Let's take 50 years of comics and re-write it
8 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a reboot of the worst kind.

I am glad I did not pay to see this movie, I saw it for free. If it were not for the snacks the movie would have even been worse.

This movie was doomed long before the director got near it and no special cut could have saved his production.

First of all, lets modernize it, bring characters to start with to 2007 and make everyone "be friends" starting with Reed Richards and an abused Benjamin Grimm who somehow become friends because Reed is a thief has to steal an item he needs for his project that in the junk yard Grimm's family runs. The stay friends threw high school. Where it just happens a black doctor and his white adopted daughter are out scouting.

Now we are going to take a comic book which is over 50 years old and re-write it so everyone meets as high school age students and change the race just to get a certain race in on seeing they movie. Sony tried that with "Annie" didn't work there and does not work here.

Add in a college aged Victor Von Doom, who couldn't solve the inter-world travel problem and must be coaxed back into the project. Because a punk kid Reed Richards had some how solved this in his garage.

What is even worse that they changed the race of Johnny Storm, they then decide to present him in a stereotypical manner and show he doesn't really care about his father's work that he goes off acting like a thug race car driver.

This move plods through bad script, lack luster effects, bad acting to get to the highlight of the movie "how they become the fantastic 5" well 4 since Doom goes crazy. This is NOT part of the original story, they just thought they needed to fit him in their bad story line.

We are supposed to believe that a special school for genius kids is going to be let loose unguarded to run expensive science experiments and that no alarms were set off when this equipment is activated.

This movie ends by the government giving an expensive project center to a bunch of high school student. Then Reed Richards coming up with the name which is presented in the end credits roll "The Fantastic 4." This should be burned and removed from existence.
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Convoluted Mess.....Wait for DVD.....Save your $$$ for Star Wars 7
12 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Take ALL of the previous Terminator movies, add the "Q" concept from Star Trek The Next Generation, as well as a bit of Doctor Who and you get the convoluted mess of Terminator Genisys.

First of all credits are overly long you get two styles. Then there is the "John Connor" monologue. This is way too much and way too long.

You travel back to 1984, then go forward to 1997 and if you blink, grab some popcorn, or sip your soda you will miss the time travel forward to 2017.

Now, there is four terminators in the movie two T-800 (current aged Arnold & a 1984 CGI Arnold). The young CGI T-800 1984 Arnold is dispatched quickly. Then you have a T-1000 (liquid metal) that also eliminated fairly fast. Later you get more time travel by another T-1000 which is John Connor and shifts to other forms as well.

Then add in the meeting of the young boy Kyle Reese and his parents at the police station escape. WHY we don't need to see this. They are there because there is a crazy cop that remembers ALL of this from 1984 and has been searching for it since then when he was a 25 year old rookie, the script can't even get the time right he first says 30 years ago then 35 years ago. If we go with the later he is now 60 years old, many states have a mandatory retirement age of 60 for police personnel so he wouldn't be there, also they KNEW he's been looking for the Terminator since 1984, he would have been label crazy and released from the police force.

There is so much time travel in this movie you really never know where you are.

My over all opinion of this movie is this: Take all the previous Terminator movies, add elements of Star Trek: The Next Generation, also add Doctor Who. Put that all in a shake n bake bag, shake it and then toss contents on a table anything face up is what gets used.

That gives you a week script, one expensive actor, the rest barely known so you get bad acting as well.

Wait for DVD save your money to see Star Wars VII.
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Wait for the DVD
14 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this movie is a direct continuation from the first Jurassic Park movie. Number 2 and Number three never happened based on where this film is drawn from If you see this in the theater bring ear plugs.

You are supposed to feel something for these characters, but you don't you hope they all are eaten, seriously you want that to happen.

This movie is very predictable.

Small homages are paid to the first movie Jurassic Park, watching for them can be fun Again, you are supposed to believe one of the kids in the movie is a genius. He keeps asking questions and you really want him to shut up. You first meet this fake boy genius looking behind a Viewmaster Viewer. We are in 2015 no kid especially a supposed genius is going to be using one. Tablet yes, Viewmaster Viewer no. Yes I realize it is a "Product Placement" (A product placement is when a company like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sony pay for their product to be in the movie).

It is set rather early on that Isla Nublar gets bad cell phone reception but two times in this move absolutely no problem. The first time is when the boys run off on their Aunt's assistant and she is talking to her fiancé'. The second time is when the boys' mother calls their Aunt. All other times cellphones and radio communications is bad at best.

Hmmmm......A Dino whisperer, former Navy Officer hired fresh from him finishing with his tour in the Navy. Now I am no expert on what the Navy trains on. However I am 1001% sure they do not train anyone in animal behavior and that Velociraptors are going to listen to him.

The two boys get lost in on the island and managed to find an old garage. In it are some old jeeps from the first Jurassic Park (Now renamed Jurassic World). The boys get one of the jeeps to run. HOW please tell me HOW a jeep is just going to turn over after twiddling with an engine 2 seconds that has been siting abandoned 20 plus years. Not only that this is a tropical island, Rubber hoses and tires are going to rot. The gas also will be bad. So another miracle.

I only give this only gets two stars because it was fin to see hints from the original Jurassic Park movie.
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
Don't bother with this Star Trek Series
3 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is set 100 years before out beloved Star Trek (The Original Series).

We are supposed to believe that this "Enterprise" was supposed to be before the Capt. Kirk Enterprise. However EVERYTHING looks better. The technology is better in the ship and looks far more advanced then The Original Series did.

While at least one actor certainly has the experience in episodic television, Scott Bakula (Capt. Archer) however that didn't help. The only actor that was any good was Dr. Phlox(John Billingsley), an alien.

The Communications Officer (Ensign Hoshi/Linda Park) is too far fetched we are supposed that just hearing 3 or 4 words in an alien language she is magically able to speak their language. That wouldn't work with a language on Earth it certainly wouldn't work with an alien one.

Now this is a new ship exploring the galaxy, why would you have a doctor (Dr. Phlox / John Billingsley) that needs to hibernate two months, YOU WOULDN'T at least not without a back up. Which they didn't have. Also a dog, they allowed a dog on a ship??? They haven't allowed a pet on the space shuttle nor the space station. Yes Commander Data (Brent Spiner) from ST: TNG had Spot the cat but that was 150 years after and TNG Enterprise was a family ship not the one from the Scott Bakula Enterprise series.

The Vulcan (Sub Commander T'Pol / Jolene Blalock) was a half baked idea, while they had a non-interference policy. The character came across as "I have a secret and I will never tell you" this point was belabored over and over again. She also looked like a snob. The had a good reference in Spock (Leonard Nimoy) as a Vulcan but they didn't use that at all. Then suddenly had to make her a sexual object of the show, something a Vulcan wouldn't do ad that too failed.

The other characters were supposed to have been trained, they came across as not having any training at all. As characters and actors as well.

About the aliens, were records kept so badly 100 years before the Kirk Enterprise that they forgot what aliens they had encountered or the Vulcans for that matter. Many of the aliens were supposed to be first time encounters on many previous ST shows but they also became so on Enterprise. Also very new and different aliens that we ever knew about.

All in all this is a jumbled mess and not worth watching, it made it four seasons which is 98 episodes too long.

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Need to have negative stars Just AWFUL.
27 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start????? Well first of all Corden's show is a rip-off of Fallon's and Leno's but here is the thing it's NOT FUNNY.

I have watched all five nights and he needs to go.

Pre-recorded skits copies of Jay Leno's out on the street or visiting apartments.

A singing skit with Tom Hanks a copy of something Jimmy Fallon does.

I keep expecting something funny and I get NOTHING.

Tonight he did a skit with Mariah Carrey again NOT FUNNY.

I will be finding something else to watch I needs to be fired. Just really bad.
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Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor (2013)
Season 8, Episode 0
The only good thing is a regeneration...
16 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is Matt Smith's last episode directly as "The Doctor." For that I am glad, he was bad in his first episode and just as bad in this episode.

The only good part was the ending with the regeneration.

This episode is a jumbled mess.

From the Doctor showing up with in clothing only Clara can see at her families Christmas dinner so they see him naked, she pushes him off to the kitchen explaining The Doctor is Swedish.

When Clara finds out the turkey isn't done she asks The Doctor to use his sonic screwdriver but says it wasn't made for that. However The Doctor say someone with a time machine could........DUH........ Yet another example of bad acting and bad script writing.

So the adventure begins after that is figured out the TARDIS console can also be an oven.

The we go to a planet supposedly Gallifrey and a ship that is a church where you also have to be naked but again it is implied nudity and again we are really left guessing on many things.

Only watch the last 7 minutes to see the lame regeneration.
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Forgotten Planet (2011– )
Good show for human history on past lives of empty cities.
7 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all there was or is a review that acted like this show was to be like Ghost Adventures/Ghost Hunters. It's not and never pretends to be. Only ONE episode uses a paranormal expert but even she doesn't go into scare tactics or sensationalism like Ghost Adventures or Ghost Hunter does.

It doesn't pretend to be scary or try to scare you. It is factually based. You get a story of what the place was and why it was eventually abandoned.

I enjoyed hearing about places that have been abandoned. They go to places in the USA, Italy, Japan, Ukraine, Chile and a few others.

I wish they had done more then just a handful of episodes. Worth Watching.
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A Dangerous Place (2012 Video)
Only watch to learn HOW NOT TO MAKE A MOVIE
16 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There isn't much to say that is positive about this movie.

You've got a young boy traumatized by his father's death from the events of 9/11.

You have the owner of a pharmaceutical manufacturer, the above boys mother who is not only trying to sell the company, she is also planning a funeral for her husband, the above boy's father. She is also dealing with a TB out break that just happens to be a drug the company she owns sells that could help the situation.

There is also a bunch of "other" characters you are supposed to have an interest in, by the way they are thrown at you and you are supposed to care about them.

Suddenly we have people all bleeding out at the office and police there yet everyone is able to run in on the dead or dying people.

Such as the pregnant secretary who is warned to get tested before she takes the stash of the TB medication they magically just "found". Then Five minutes later you see the owner of the company running into a hospital door (an outside glass door labeled with gynecology department) and every one from the office around this pregnant secretary now having just had a still born. OK, now I understand tight budgets but a door with a label and then EVERYONE from the office is in there. OH and the Company owner just happens to know which room this Secretary is in and runs in there w/o anyone stopping her.

This company owner also has a daughter, who is at least the 1/2 sister to the boy I first mentioned, why doesn't she take care of her brother instead of the what I presume is the mother in law.

Oh did I mention that the Tuberculosis out break is a terrorist plot too.

Then you have a "ghost" (I think not really sure) that kept switching key rings around for others on the key ring collection case. Also follows the boy around.

Now, I am in the business of making productions and I know how to write a script, I also know how to do an establishing shot so things make sense even if your budget can't afford a real hospital. This movie was made in 2011/2012 there is enough computer tech out there to make an outside of a hospital or take a shot of a real building and put a CGI lettering to make it seem like a hospital. Then use a set to make your inside shots. Using a glass door with some lettering on it doesn't work. OH and for a bed you don't use a twin bed that looks like you took the head board out of your child's bedroom.

This movie shouldn't have been allowed to be shown. It is just bad all around to watch. If it had been written properly it could have been good, but instead you have a movie that is a jumbled up as a shuffled deck of cards.
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Finding Bigfoot (2011– )
There is it .........I heard a............That was a,,,,,,,Yeah Sure!!!
30 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this show negative stars it would get -100 stars.

First of all, you have all these "Experts" only one may have some education to be a real expert but even her views, being a biologist she still comes off as a fake.

On of the "Experts" on the show goes by the name "BoBo" I am sorry one can't take any one seriously with a name like that.

Second ALL the calls the make are Sasquatch calls no matter how different they are on each of the shows.

Third this show is a joke, NONE of the evidence shown is real it all has been faked by their supposed eye witnesses. Just by watching these video clips (old film in some cases) you can tell they are faked.

Fourth as far as I know there is NO college degree program on big foots, so how can there be experts. Also NO BIGFOOT has EVER been caught, no bones, skins or what have you has been found.

Watch this show for a good laugh, Zack Beggans from Ghost Hunters is more believable then this group.
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Tommy (1975)
I grew up in the 1970's & 1980's......HORRIBLE MOVIE!!!!!
6 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Though I grew up in the 1970's I was not raised on the music of "The Who" but "The Beatles" as I had a brother 6 years older then I.

I had heard of "Tommy (boy)" as a musical on Broadway. I had no idea it had been a film made almost 20 years before. If I had seen this before a Broadway Musical was proposed I wouldn't have let them make it.

29 years later I found this one early morning on The Antenna TV network. What a horrible film. Yes this was a rock opera. A bad one that should never have been made.

It is very easy to figure out what is happening as no words are spoken at all until the "Lovely Legs" competition. However it with bad music you figure out two people are falling in love, you have to guess they marry or are married to begin with never really sure. This was about 15 minutes into movie. Then the character breaks into a song of course this is a rock opera after all.

I say this movie is overall bad and not watchable unless you are a fan of "The Who". The music is grating and annoying.
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A short, refreshing adaptation of the original story.
24 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This rarely seen version is a nice and short treat to the others I have seen over the many years.

It is ONLY 69 minutes long which is why it is not broadcast often at all. Since would only stretch to maybe 90 minutes with commercials.

This was made in 1938 by MGM, it has not suffered the ravages of time and lost it's crisp film view on my DVD copy.

Reginald Owen plays Scrooge and does a good job of playing the Dickens character.

No time is wasted on additions to the script and if not it has been shortened.

A few things are different, it starts with seeing Scrooge's nephew playing with kids in the snow and he meets Bob Cratchitt's sons, whom they ask to give a message to his father who is at the Scrooge and Marley office. Cratchitt is sacked (fired) from his job for throwing a snowball at Scrooge with a group of boys and Scrooge's top hat getting run over by a carriage. While on visits from the ghosts Scrooge and other characters are made more endearing then other versions.

I only give this 9 out of 10 stars because I would have liked this to be longer. I am glad I picked this version on DVD.

This is on the 4:1(old TV) ratio not 16:9 (Letter box).
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Mac and Me (1988)
Well, not much good to say about this movie.
22 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
25 years ago this was a bad movie then and still is now.

First of all this movie had 4 major sponsors. McDonalds, Sears, Coca- Cola and Volkswagen and you know this right away.

The reason and only reason to watch this is if this the only thing on late night TV and you have no other options to available.

Right away you have to suspend your beliefs in reality. It starts out on a planet near Earth. So close in fact that it only takes seconds to get from the near by planet to Earth. Also you have to assume on this unnamed near by planet that it has life forms that obviously have bones in their bodies and range from 2 1/2 feet tall to almost 7 feet tall can be sucked up by a 10 inch diameter vacuum and survive space travel in something 1/2 the size of a Mini Cooper.

This movie has bad special effects, yes this movie was made in 1988 but we had ALL the Star Wars movies (1977 to 1983), Flight of the Navigator, Tron, Muppet Movies just to name a few that had better effects than this movie. Smallest alien ranges from a about 2 feet tall to over 3 feet tall (this is especially noticeable when the boy in the wheel chair carries Mac (the smallest alien), Mac gets into the vehicle to go to McDonalds, and when Mac dances (badly) on the McDonalds counter).

You are supposed to also believe that drinking Coke is the only thing that gives the/these Alien(s) energy.

It's very obvious that all the money for this movie mainly went to make 4 alien suits/puppets and they used Uncle Bob's Quick Build Creature Shop.

The boy in the wheel chair and his older brother live with their widowed mother and they moved to California for a new job their mother got at Sears (one of the 4 sponsors). Their mother some how first blames the boys for destroying the house, especially the boy in the wheel chair. This makes no sense, It is obvious from where the drill and circular saw are used in places too high for him to handle in a wheel chair. Then when the house "Magically" get put back to normal she thanks the boys. I don't know if the scenes were filmed showing the Mac putting things back or not and it got cut but from how cheap they made this movie I am sure it was never filmed.

Early in the movie you know McDonalds is a major part of this movie. The boys meet their new neighbors a set of girls that are about the same age as the boys. They immediately invite the boy in the wheel chair to a birthday party at McDonalds, where the older girl just happens to work at. Within two days, boy in w.c., his brother and youngest girl meet the smallest alien. When it's time to go to the birthday party the girl's mother picks up the boy in w.c. at his home. Though the mother questions the girl as to why he has a teddy bear, she doesn't seem to care when the large teddy bear crawls into the back of the car and is alive.

There are a few good things but this doesn't really make it a good movie. Script and acting is good but that doesn't help.

You also see a lot of mistakes. Puppet strings, effects, changes in smallest alien size, though a major sponsor to the movie McDonalds cups are not used when at the McDonalds restaurant, that there is always people at McDonalds that are trained dancers and just break out and dance all of a sudden, That three 20 something football players hang out at McDonalds in uniform and also know how to dance. Early in the movie you see vehicles crashing, this is where "Mac" the smallest alien gets into the boy in w.c.'s van. The vehicles in the crash a light gray/dark gray Mercury Cougar and a Cream and brown GM Truck are in this crash are later seen in a car chase later on in the movie.

Really this movie should be destroyed.
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John Carter (2012)
Bad Movie Don't waste your time
20 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this movie negative stars it would receive -100. First of all, I did not know it was based on a book. Let alone the author of Greystone a.k.a. Tarzan, Edgar Rice Buroughs.

Sure it looked great and that was the only good part about it.

The movie was very disjointed, too much time was spent on the semantics of the two martian factions fighting and John Carter some how being not only to comprehend an alien language but also being able to seemingly have the ability to fight one of the factions and the knowledge to use alien equipment.

I Have seen the other reviews and liking the movie to Avatar. This movie is NO AVATAR. I own Avatar in both Blu-Ray and Regular so I can watch it in two locations. I also watched Avatar in the theater three times. One of those times was in an IMAX 3D theater.

I commented to the person I was with how bad John Carter was and is.

Marketing wasn't the problem, it was the main character, John Carter. Most did not know who John Carter was, nor did they care or have a vested interest in him such as Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and all those characters from Star Wars movies.

The ending doesn't make sense either, John Carter comes back to earth and his body is alive but the other there had died.

Over all not even a good family movie. Let me want less and wishing I had not wasted my time with it.
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Gravity (2013)
What the heck did I just see?????????
17 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First of all there is NOTHING I repeat NOTHING that warrants the cost of a 3D ticket.

Second, this movie is boring and overly predictable.

Third, there is nothing in this movie that makes you want to care that suddenly this "mission specialist" played by Bullock is stuck up in space alone.

Fourth, where points could have been made to make you want to care about anyone in the movie they don't bother. Clooney's character keeps telling "Mission Control" stories for the most part that they've heard about his life. We haven't heard them and you never do. His character is only concerned about getting a record for the longest un-tethered space walk.

Fifth, Bullocks character acts like a buffoon. She "claims" to only have had 6 months of training. Based on what she says she would have been disqualified due to her questionable mental state after (years before)her daughter dies from some play ground accident at her day care. Now I like Sandra Bullock, but this performance is not worthy of an Oscar at all.

Sixth, She "magically" makes(this is because she spent over 5 minutes breathing in pure carbon monoxide, if this had been real she'd be dead) it to the Russian Soius Space capsule. She then using pictures in books can magically use buttons in Russian capsule to make it work, though claimed she trained on the simulator for them, she still needs the books to operate these things. She then "magically" get an empty fueled Soius capsule over to the Chinese station. Which is identical to the Soviet but in Chinese instead (this is probably fact as China bought their space station tech from Russia)and again using picture books she gets the thing to work.

Seventh, Drama and suspense, WHERE, you are told that the satellite debris will be around ever 90 minutes, the astronauts set their timers for the count down so again that's NEVER a surprise not only that, it's camera shot debris coming, look at watch. NO suspense.

Eighth, The ending, Specialist Ryan escapes in the Chinese capsule and gets back to earth, crashes in to the water and you are left with her walking on the beach. That's it you just wasted 100 minutes for this pointless that could be done in 30 minutes.

NOT worth your time or money.
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Friends (1994–2004)
NoT FuNnY AnY TiMe
24 June 2013

A show about 6 people that ends up being a show about 6 people that is about absolutely about nothing.

Settings are absurd not realistic at all so far fetched you can't even believe these people would even be friends EVER.

This is Seingfeld w/o Jerry and that too is a bad show.

Don't waste your time trying to watch this lame show with bad writing, bad acting.

I its very difficult to sit through 30 minutes of this show let alone the back to back reruns many stations are running now. I sometimes accidentally find it on when I am not paying attention, it quickly gets turned off.
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One of the worst Star Treks of the franchise
5 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing good was the explosions that is why I give it 2 stars.

The acting is mediocre at best, this movie is 3 HOURS long that's 1 hour too long. After the "secret" is revealed the movie becomes overly predictable even the switch up of the "Spock" and "Kirk" roles of the past in another former Star Trek movie. There are script problems with this movie and story problems as well, Roddenberry is spinning around earth (his ashen remains were shot into space a few years after his death) p.o.ed at this incarnation of the film.

Acting is not smooth. This actors are just too young and do not fit the parts they were given. I realize Paramount wanted younger actors so the could get a number of films out of them with out a change but they went too young. It is because it's unbelievable that the Chirs Pike; J.T. Kirk is old enough to be a captain of a star ship.

It just doesn't work as a movie. I hope J.J. Abrams doesn't ruin Star Wars as he did with this Star Trek Movie.
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Outnumbered (2007–2016)
One of the worst BBC comedies EVER
12 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe the number of 7+ star reviews this awful show is getting.

This is supposed to be a comedy about two parents with three offspring.

"Pete" the father of the three is not only an unequipped parent he is also a teacher whom either gets fired from his job or abruptly quits, this happens two or three time through out the series. He doesn't know how to handle his own children and seems mystified about their behavior.

"Sue" the mother often also quits her job as well like her husband. Her voice like the daughter is often grating. Like her husband ever day seems like the kids are new to her.

"The Kids" all of them are annoying, None should be acting, there lines seem to be a constant of run on sentences especially for the middle and youngest child as if they never take a breath and you will want to kill them both. No matter the age the oldest is always sullen and withdrawn.

The way the scripts are written it is as if they were written by two different teams, one for the adults and one of the children and then it is a surprise to the adult actors what the children will say.

This show is not a comedy at all and it is difficult to watch let alone enjoy. Also it is as if they just shot this at the script reading it is not well acted by any one.

The entire show is anti-climatic from beginning to end let alone enjoyable.

It is no where near the caliber of "Are you being Served?", "Falty Towers", "The Good Life/Good Neighbors","Home Sweet Home", "To The Manor Born", "Agony", "Thin Blue Line", "My Hero", "Father Ted", "Bless Me Father", "Keeping Up Appearance" Just to name a few.

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Steven and Chris (2008– )
Entertainment only
10 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this show here in the U.S.A. on the "Live Well" network on "over the air TV" when one of the local stations added it to their channel line up just before December 2012.

It is truly a Canadian show because the stores they mention or go to can mainly be found in Canada only.

Fashion Tips (make-up, clothing and hair): are often oddly based.

The make-up tips are taken from the runways of Milan and other cities of Europe. These are NOT meant for the public to wear they are for the runway only but they try to present them for the regular person and their models just look odd when presented normally to wear to the office.

Their clothing tips show mismatched items, shoes not matching, purse/bag not matching at all. It is fun to critique the outfits. Also they often try to pass off denim pants as something for office attire or overly tight and short dresses/skirt as well. Sometime they mention "if it's OK to wear at the office." Denim is not proper office attire and most of their outfits would be OK for a night on the town not at the office.

Hair styles all I should say is "what hair styles" often times the stylist makes the hair on the model look messier then it was to begin with.

Cooking segments first off all I need to mention Food Safety. They often handle raw meats and then just rinse and wipe their hands off in the sink behind them and then continue to handle cooked products (this includes Steven, Chris and the guest cook). Washing your hands 20 seconds with a lathering soap is the best way to stop cross contamination is the only way to do this, no wonder the hosts get sick. Some of the tips do not mesh with what well established chefs have mentioned (Lydia Bastianich, Ming Tsai, Jacque Pepin, Julia Child, etc.) so don't just go blindly following what they tell you for a recipe.

Exercise segments they are what they are. Often just done by one of the hosts, usually Chris are clumsily done, it's obvious the show is not rehearsed. Nothing is mentioned that you should see a health professional before starting any exercise program.

Decorating tips. These are also odd. The looks are not good on what they do. On one show their guest decorator suggested using a light colored and patterned cow hide rug for an entry way. Now unless you take your shoes off before you get in your door and if it has been raining or snowing around you will be getting mud or dirty snow on it. I've cleaned leather and suede it can be difficult. On a light color good luck getting rid of the stain. On that same show they mention making a magnetic message board and using wallpaper scraps. Wallpaper scraps are not something everyone has just laying around. Shelf contact paper (usually made of thin vinyl) that has a sticky backing already on it is a better choice and does not need to be sealed with Moge Poge or other craft sealers.

The show is just fun to watch for entertainment only I wouldn't take any of the tips seriously. I am not concerned about this but some might; Steven and Chris are a male/male couple and are together in real life. Though they do not make it obvious it is brought up now and then.
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Entertaining only if you can't leave the house or no DVDs to watch.
9 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie was made by Cannon Films was under control by Gollan and Globus, they are related to each other (cousins).

Gollan and Globus were known to make movies on the cheap. Often re-using back drops or back grounds of other movies.

Often they would get one or maybe two somewhat famous or known actors for the film and all others are unknowns.

In this case those two actors are Isabella Rosallini and Craig T. Nelson.

The acting in this and like many of the Cannon films of the Gollan and Globus era is mediocre at best. It's not because the actors can't act. They are not given the time to. The script is of the style what you might get at a school play that the students were asked to come up with based on a fairy tale, in this case Red Riding Hood.

You are given songs at the oddest time. This are songs you will NOT know nor your children. They wouldn't want to either.

They are trying to stretch a 10 minute story at best to nearly 90 minutes.

You can't enjoy this movie as it is difficult to like any of the characters.

Not watchable.
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Rock of Ages (2012)
A Popsicle stick puppet would be better than Tom Cruise
16 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I grew up in the 1980s and this movie is not worth seeing just based on what they showed in the previews.

Tom Cruise is UNBELIEVABLE as Stacee Jaxx. It's not TC blending in to the part, it is Always TC trying to fit into the part. His height it annoying in this movie and I can never get away from it is TC playing a part he never melds with the movie he ruins it. A popsicle stick puppet would be better then Tom Cruise in this movie.

That said this movie is about 14 years too late (I know the Broadway show wasn't around then either). No one that grew up in the 1980's really wants to pay to sit through this terrible adaptation.

It's plot is very weak, Rocker boy meets Rocker girl, both have talent, fall in love, then "The Big Chance" arrives and one must decide, "LOVE" or "Career". Its a very bad and weak plot as well its just brushed over.

Now there are cameos by try rock legends of the 1980's and they do a great job, but this movie is all over bad and TC help put some nails in the coffin.

Catherine Zeta Jones doesn't fit the role of Censorship Queen she is out of place just jumping into song in the church. It wasn't shot well and her skirt suit is too big and annoying as well.

This is one movie that I hope final shows Hollywood TC can not act and should be let go into Hollywood history.
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Green Lantern (2011)
Green Awful
2 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a comic book character reader, but I do know the story fairly well from having an older brother that was into comic books. He would tell me the story from it sometimes.

This is a dark movie in-terms of cinematics, it is so dark is it almost unwatchable.

This need to take comic characters and make them have an earthly tone is crazy. In this movie Synestro is a green lantern while in the comic book he was just the opposite and had the yellow ring and was evil to the good of the green ring.

This takes a comedic route to being the green lantern. This could have been a good film but it went comedy with an actor that shouldn't have been used to do it, he's no comedian. Time is wasted with OH This is Neat, I can do that. It just doesn't fit.

I am glad I did not see this in the theater, I can not imagine this in 3D it would have been even worse to see it that way.
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