
4 Reviews
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Mark Strong walks out with credit, nobody else does
4 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So disappointed to see Mark Strong give his all for this film. He gave a brilliant performance in a film that let him down. He is such a fantastic actor and I thought, finally a platform to show his talent. Unfortunately the rest of the film let him down in a way thats unforgivable. The director had some lofty ideas but they ended up for me being a bit flat. I appreciated the old school effects, particularly the nebula space effects with ink in water but please use them sparingly. Not a 2 minute full sequence staring at how cool they look. The reactor break down was just a huge protracted headache for the viewer as well as the main character. This isn't due to tension or drama but that the sense of story or space is so lacking. This is due to direction and editing, both of which are bad. Just plain bad.

I don't write reviews normally but this film really annoyed me. They wasted a fantastic lead actor so badly it's truly shocking. By far the final straw was the space suit in the final scene. It was so bad it made me embarrassed for Mark Strong to be asked to act in that. To sum up their hearts were in the right place but their narrative skills were left on earth
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Emotional Life Affirming Tour De Force
20 March 2013
I was very reticent about watching this because I plainly didn't understand what it was about from the adverts. I sat down and watched against my will and was totally enthralled. I don't confess to understand what it all means but intend to watch it again as soon as possible. Why you ask? Because it is a life affirming film. Its about the human condition and life and its to be praised for it because it does it with such verve it makes you glad to be alive after you watch it. Whatever you do please watch the film, ignore the reviews for gods sake and watch it. It has so much to offer for so many people and has more to say about us as a species than any file I can remember in a long many years. PS the orchestral music in this film is the best I have heard since the 90s
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Rogue (2007)
Finally A Top Notch Crocodile Film
1 June 2008
I thought this would be a real cheesy B movie but was in for a great surprise.

Starting with the cinematography and the initial town scenes I figured this may be half decent. Things picked up even more with the scenes on the boat introducing the characters. Small touches like the guy letting his loved ones ashes into the water and the photographer having a sly chow down on a hidden sandwich were really cool touches. Bigger budget films should take note! It got better from there, not showing too much of the croc and building suspense with good pacing and realistic reactions from the cast. The cinematography and editing on the river journey were great. After seeing this I almost want to go to the Northern Territories. Almost, but not after the Croc finally shows its face.

This is one primal beast. The film does a good job of keeping it under wraps for the early portion of the film but when it finally shows its face its a great moment. The visual fx are faultless and the croc acts in a very realistic manner.

In the second act the filmmakers do a great job at ratcheting up suspense, using a great set up involving the river. I wont spoil it here but its so simple but very effective.

I am a jaded monster film fan and this one had me wanting to see it for a second time straight away.

Crocs and Alligators seem to be the whipping boys of the film industry with so many comedy or low budget appearances. To finally to see one with real teeth and to give it a go with a good story and great fx is fantastic. I would recommend this to anyone after a monster night out.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Tute Me!
30 November 2005
I find the criticism of this film in the mainstream media quite strange. I saw this film on release and it reminded me of the golden years of sci fi (late 70s early 80s), which is maybe why it failed on original release. What gets me most is that anyone I mention this film to says how scary it is. Is this the problem with mainstream success? Can a film hit the mark to much. I do think the atmosphere of the film is very old school. There are a lot of cribs from earlier films, but when its done this well who is to ague? I have recommended this film to many people and the word has spread. If you are tired of the self reverential or remake horrors going around at the moment give this film a try And remember "tute me inferis"
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