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I wanted to hear more from the actors
24 September 2023
Yes the writers deserve credit but I feel this was a bit self-indulgent. If they cut out that theoretical season 8, we would have had more time for the actors and also from the make-up artists, costume designers, props makers, etc.

The theoretical season 8 was completely irrelevant and took up so much time. We barely heard anything from Bashir, Quark, Jake Sisko, Leeta, etc. I wish they devoted more time on production stories behind the most notable DS9 episodes.

They made a comedy skit in the end about cutting out stories about the Bashir-O'Brien friendship, stories about episodes like The Visitor and Duet, and in my mind I thought that's exactly what I wanted!
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Barbarian (2022)
Strong start but falls off a cliff
15 September 2023
The premise was really strong and interesting. It looked like it was gonna be one of my favorite horror films in recent times. The acting was good, the characters were good, but the film fell off a cliff after the monster reveal. It became a comedy. The monsters were scarier when we couldn't see them. After the reveal I couldn't take them seriously.

The characters who were competent at the beginning started to make the dumb decision horror trope. I stopped rooting for them to escape and I didn't care if they got offed. This completely dissolved the tension of the film for me.

So many horror films have a great setup but the writers do not know how to pay it off. This is one of those films.
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This could have been so interesting
26 July 2023
This could have been so interesting. One of the most important but under appreciated factors of making a good documentary is the structure. This documentary had no structure. It's basically a behind the scenes clip.

I think the reason for this is the director / interviewer did not ask the questions that the audience wants to ask. Why was the Event Horizon Telescope team split into three teams? What exactly are they doing? What are their challenges? What did the combining of their methods achieve?

As for the Information Paradox team, What is the backstory of this paradox? Why is it so difficult to solve? What progress are they making? What missteps did they make? What does the success of this paper mean?

Asking those questions would have given this doc a structure. It would have given the audience a story to be engaged in. Visuals are secondary, music is secondary. Structure, format, and asking the right questions are the backbone of all documentaries.
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Lots of Padding
20 July 2023
I feel there's a lot of padding to meet the time quota. This should have been far shorter than it is by removing irrelevant discussions, dead air, and just competent editing. You can find 20-minute Youtube videos that cover this topic much better. They are more compact, focused, straight to the point, better scripted, and better formatted, better edited.

The graphics often have nothing to do with the narration, and just serves as more padding. My advice to film makers is to learn from new media. No time is wasted, every line in the script is essential, the duration is based on viewing habits, use your analytics to provide a better documentary format.
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30 for 30: The Price of Gold (2014)
Season 2, Episode 16
Pro-Harding Propaganda
23 April 2023
I'm aware Kerrigan didn't want to appear in the documentary, but that doesn't excuse the fact that 99% of this film was devoted to Harding's side of the story. Kerrigan had family and friends in this doc but barely had any screen time to air their views.

Majority of this film was spent on Harding's denials and rants. Kerrigan's friends were only allotted the final minutes of this film to state their suspicion about Harding. The interviewer asked Harding softball questions and just let her rattle on without any challenges.

Of course Harding is allowed to defend herself, but an interviewer also needs to challenge her to balance it out.
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The Batman (2022)
Melodramatic artsy fartsy
20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have no problem with being realistic but this movie was too realistic to the point that it didn't feel like a superhero movie. The heroes and the villains felt weak. The choreography was unimpressive except for the first fight in the train station.

All the characters had no charisma except for Falcone. Pattinson as Batman was ok, but he was way off as Bruce Wayne. He felt like he belonged in Riverdale. Catwoman who is known for her charisma had none, I dare say Halle Berry was better. Gordon felt like he was sleepwalking. The Riddler's Tiktok videos felt goofy instead of intimidating.

The mystery didn't lead anywhere because Falcone wasn't really a rat, it was more of a turf war move. The breadcrumbs and the problem-solving wasn't really interesting, I've read children's books with better mystery.

The dialogue was forgettable. The runtime was too long, the whispering was fine in the first 20 minutes but felt repetitive in 3 hours. Blade Runner pulled off the artsy fartsy long scenes because the movie was good, but when a boring movie does it the viewer loses its patience.
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Backstory: Serena vs. The Umpire (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Poor investigative journalism
6 March 2023
The presenter boasted about his background as a great investigative journalist but this doc was very one sided. It spent 90% of the time asking "Did Ramos do the right thing?" but spent very little time asking "Did Serena do the right thing?".

Most of the doc was about criticizing the umpire for making the right call, and when people said he made the right call, the goal posts shifted to "Doesn't matter if he's right, he should have let that go". And when people said you cannot let accusations of thief and liar go, the goal posts shifted again to "The umpire had a hidden agenda".

I was very disappointed with the final product after being excited by the presenter's claim that he was a great investigative journalist.
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I have a strong dislike for dramatizations
30 July 2022
I prefer a pure documentary style. Dramatizations usually consist of subpar acting and dialogue and unfortunately this one is another victim of that. It kills the pace of the documentary. Factoids that can be delivered in 20 seconds are portrayed in uninteresting 3-minute exposition with lousy dialogue.

If you really must have video accompaniment, I prefer short 10-second clips with no dialogue, just enough to show the setting and the costumes of the era.
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How can a wizard movie be so boring?
18 February 2019
The structure of this film is really weird. Movies usually build up tension in the second act. This movie never got out of first act exposition and turned exciting until the final 5 minutes. The main plot between Dumbledore, Newt, and Grindelwald is non-existent. Yes there are a dozen subplots, but I didn't care about any of the reveals because I didn't care about the characters, I've only known them for 5 minutes.

This movie is a filler, it's full of monotonous talking and setup for the next three movies. It's a classic case of Sequelitis. They're thinking of the next three movies so much that this movie fails as a stand-alone.

I've never been impressed by David Yates even in the Harry Potter movies. This movie has deep-rooted problems but it could have been improved by better direction. I'd give it a 4 because I liked the performances of Jude Law, Johnny Depp, and Dan Fogler. I'm still not getting Newt Scamander as a protagonist for an entire franchise, we know Eddie Redmayne is a fantastic actor but the character he's working with just doesn't do it for me.
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Electric Dreams (2017–2018)
Poor Man's Black Mirror
6 September 2018
I think the best way to describe this show is "interesting premise that went nowhere". Every episode had a good premise, sadly only a couple those lived up to the potential. The rest just faded in the 2nd and 3rd acts.

What made Black Mirror good was it was relevant, thought-provoking, unapologetic, and they didn't play it safe. They drove the point home to the end. They didn't pull any punches. Whether you liked the ending or not you appreciate that the episodes tried to say something.

The opposite is true for Electric Dreams. Some episodes felt pointless, half-baked, and half-hearted. Many if the concepts didn't amount to anything.
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This movie is 100 times better than Force Awakens
17 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is 100 times better than Force Awakens. I'm kinda glad JJ Abrams isn't directing Episode 8. This one is actually trying to be a real movie, the other one is trying to be a blockbuster, a montage of cool scenes. The story hooks you and you can't let go. The characters felt real and you connect with them at an emotional level. The dialogue is sharp and fits the rest of the movie.

The war scenes felt like Saving Private Ryan. I love that they had the balls to kill off everyone. If I had one criticism, it's that Act 1 took too long to connect the strings together. It felt little disjointed at the start. But once they did, they took you to one hell of a ride. This is the real Star Wars movie for me.
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
To Directors: Every Single Person In The Universe Hates Shaky Cam
25 November 2016
I've always hated shaky cam but this movie takes it to a whole new level of ridiculousness. Even in quiet personal conversations the camera couldn't stop moving. It made my head hurt and I'm not even joking. If I didn't know this was a real movie I would have thought this was a parody of modern film making.

The script is terrible. I suspect there is a good story in the original draft. But this movie looks like 2 completely different scripts stitched together. The acting is very poor, considering these are very highly regarded actors. I can't believe this is what passes for a blockbuster today. It feels more like a B-movie.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Conjugal Conjecture (2016)
Season 10, Episode 1
This show is not the one I fell in love with.
27 September 2016
I watched the IT Crowd during the Big Bang hiatus and it really highlights how Big Bang has become a relationship drama. This show is completely unrecognizable from its earlier seasons. I mean, the writers had months to write and this is the best they can come up with. I avoid relationship dramas like the plague, and I'm sad one of my favorite shows keep pushing it to my face.

Nobody's saying the characters shouldn't evolve, but the root of the comedy shouldn't come from dating, and marriage, and divorce, and kids. That's not why I watched your show in the first place because I avoid those types of shows.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Not the greatest movie ever made
29 January 2016
I had my phase of being a pretentious elitist armchair film critic but that's over now, I've grown out of it. Back then I would have given this film 10 stars and agree blindly with the snobs that this is the greatest movie ever made. But not today, today I will be honest with myself.

The story is not engaging. There have been other movies since with similar arcs that do a better job. Same with the use of the MacGuffin. Some of the acting is poor. The pacing is too slow. And before anyone says I was predisposed to hate old movies, I actually loved Casablanca.

This isn't a terrible movie by all means, it's just mediocre. I would never recommend it to any of my friends, unless the have insomnia. I just had to get this one out of the way for my bucket list.
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Feels like an SNL parody
26 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
  • The villains are completely generic, incompetent, and uninteresting.

  • Iron Man's suits are so fragile they look like they're made from tin can.

  • Billionaire playboy suddenly turns into Jason Bourne.

  • Randomly breaks into a young boy's garage. Bit creepy.

  • Cringe-worthy panic attacks.

  • Why did he wait for the climax to use his army of automated suits?

  • The plot could have been written by a 10 year old.

  • I thought his life depended on not removing the shards on his chest? Isn't that what they said in the first film?
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The Prestige (2006)
Formulaic, contrived, predictable
6 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how any movie buff would not see the twists coming from a mile away. One can see when a twist is done in a tasteful and careful manner, and when the film makers are desperately trying to fit square pegs into round holes. Credit must be given to Hugh Jackman, Michael Caine, and David Bowie for their superb acting. However Christian Bale(who I normally like) and Scarlett Johansson were terrible. A few of my specific gripes: 1. The ending is given away in the first minute. Christian Bale is accused of killing Hugh Jackman. EVERY MOVIE that starts with this presentation ends up with the supposedly accused being innocent.

2. The cat was duplicated. Surely by this alone anyone can deduce that Jackman was also duplicated. Hence the pointless "solving the puzzle" scenes.

3. Mystery/suspense turned into Steven Spielberg's Amazing Stories science fiction halfway through the movie.

4. Jackman conveniently tears up the Transported Man secret(which was a driving plot) so he can be shot by Bale's twin brother.

5. Jackman conveniently finds an exact look-alike in a bar.

6. Bale's wife amazingly knows which days he loves her and which he doesn't, in a dire attempt to connect the twin brother twist.

7. I was terribly disappointed with Perabo's death scene and subsequent funeral. These were two important moments in the film and should have been emphasized and given more attention. "What knot did you tie?". "I don't know". "You don't know?".

8. A supposedly "dead" Jackman trots in public without any concern of being recognized to have a contrived face to face dramatic effect with his nemesis.

9. Just get a gun and shoot each other in the back. The movie would be over in 10 minutes and there would be no need for tantalizing sabotages.

To conclude, this movie was made with the intention of "let's get in as many twists and turns possible" rather than "let's tell a good story with a twist".
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Skyfall (2012)
Massively Overrated
11 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I feel this film is massively overrated. The overly long gun fights couldn't distract me from the shallow revenge plot. We find out very early on that the agent's list(already used in Mission Impossible) was just a distraction to the main plan which is to take revenge on M. This tiny little story is wrapped up in a sushi of gun fights, chase scenes, explosions, trains, helicopters, etc. And that's the ENTIRE film.

A few specific qualms: 1. Completely incompetent bad guy. This film will dazzle us with all his cyber terrorism skills and techy stuff but it all comes down to the fact that he had THREE chances to kill either M or James Bond and he failed due to the old "take your time before killing someone".

2. Bond arranges a face to face meeting with the bad guy. That's your plan Mr. Bond? A man of your experience and you go with let's get handcuffed and bring a tracking device? Which by the way none of the goons checked his pockets?

3. Villain's elaborate but pointless plan. So you get captured intentionally to hack MI6, what exactly did that do for you? You could have went to the hearing without doing that. By the way, didn't you already hack MI6 at the beginning of the film?

4. Magic bread crumb trails. What exactly is it and why can only the villain see it and not MI6?
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Just another hack and slash film nothing more
1 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is just another hack and slash film. This is not an exploration of the origins of man. Basically, when they meet "The Engineer", the one that they have been searching for all this time, he just smashed them to bits.

It's also hard to believe that this crew just hopped on a ship and travel that distance without knowing exactly what they're supposed to be doing or where they're going.

How can Shaw still believe in Jesus Christ (along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit because they are supposed to be treated as one) after it has just been proved that he is not the creator and therefore not God? I know one of the themes is belief vs. knowledge but this was not done very well. How would we treat someone today who still believes that the world is flat after it has been proved incorrect by solid facts? I thought Charlize Theron would have a significant impact on the plot but it turns out she is just the typical heir apparent who cannot wait to take over.

When the cast doesn't have personality, character build up, or background story it's hard to care when they get obliterated.
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Should Be Called A History Of Human Warfare
18 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much more in human history than warfare. There is the arts and sciences, inventions, and discoveries. They seem to take their time and fully detail all the war scenes but only make a passing reference to the Renaissance, Enlightenment, the rise of civilizations in Mesopotamia and India, the invention of the alphabet, mathematics, astronomy, telegraph, light bulb, the discovery of electricity. They seem to only mention subjects like the Iron Age and the Industrial Revolution if it relates back to their war scenes.

Their resource persons seem to tell us things that we already know like it's hard to sail 1000 miles or stealing land will cause war. With the budget that History Channel has you would think that they could hire someone who can offer a different point of view or a deeper explanation.

If you want to know more about history other than warfare there are plenty of not only free but better documentaries on Youtube.
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Not the most polished but interesting story.
9 August 2010
I'm a huge Bruce Lee fan and I'm glad a local TV network dubbed this show in my local language. Granted this TV series is not too polished in terms of acting, story telling, and fight choreography, but it makes up for it with its deep insight into Lee's life not seen in other biographies before.

The script is apparently approved by the Lee family and Shannon Lee is credited as Executive Producer so I trust the source of the story. Sure there may have been a few deviations but overall I'm fine with it.

This may not be the epic that I have been expecting and hoping for but I'll give it an average 7 out of 10.
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