31 Reviews
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The Mother (2023)
It deserves 8 stars but I can't tell you why! Darn it!
1 June 2023
If I tell you why it deserves 8 stars I will be spoiling all the fun. But I really, really want to tell you. But I can't! But I want to so bad. This film does not deserve anything less than 7. So just ignore all those other reviews under 7. They must have had a bad day or don't really appreciate how unique this film can be. We all know JLo does not do lame films. She does not need money so you know she only does quality films. I think too many people are being overly critical these past few years. Everyone is frustrated but we do reviews to help those who have yet to watch and this film is worth watching. And you have to watch a film like this with zero distractions. You will enjoy it so much more. So take the time to make sure everything around you is quiet. Turn off the phone. Get some popcorn and a nice drink (diet coke, obviously) and just enjoy. You will not regret it.
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Mindcage (2022)
Nothing Like This Since Bone Collector
20 May 2023
Do you remember Bone Collector with Angelina Jolie and Denzel Washington? The psychological suspense of this film is rivaled only by that. Also, Cinematic genius. The visuals in this film are amazing. Every scene is filmed with such care that this film will receive an award for cinematography. I have not seen a film done with such care in the filming in decades. I mean genius! If you are a film buff you will understand. But then after 10 minutes, I guess the budget ran out. But it is still a good film. Sort of. I personally don't like these types of films because I like more traditional syfy. But not bad.
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Somebody Somewhere (2022– )
Characters & Story are extremely well done
19 May 2023
This series is a class in media. A PHD class. The characters are so well developed. The story is woven so well and so surprisingly. I've never in my past enjoyed shows like this. I always want a syfy or action series to keep my interest. But I've actually watched into the 2nd season. That is all I have to say but I have to keep typing to get to the 499 word limit so this can be posted. So what else? Hmmmmmmmmm. The lead actress can sing. And sing good. They guy who plays her best friend I honestly believe he should be in the top ten best actors in Hollywood. Also i like the alk'sflkjdskljfkldjkj.
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Citadel (2023– )
Really Good & Fun to watch with the kids
28 April 2023
This is no James Bond film but really fun to watch. Really great cast. The plot is not cliche. There are a lot of new, fun twists in this spy series. What I like about this series is that I can watch it with my kids. Very family oriented. And in this day and age it can be hard to find anything to watch with the whole family. My kids really like it and they are 12 and 14. So we have something we can all enjoy each week. With that in mind I hope they have many seasons of it. Plus I have one boy and one girl and they are both in total love with the "hot" actors. Game of Thrones was too violent for them so they never got to see John Snow. So it is pretty cool they get to see him here as one of the cool lead actors. But back to the plot and story. There are some cool and unique spy aspects of the story that have not been done in this way before.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Not sure I even realize this but this does a deserve 10 stars
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The writer and director definitely knew how to bring suspense. The action is excellent. Where it falls short for me is due to my morals and values and my love of film. Way too many cliche murder/torture scenes. If the murders and the tortures were unique in any way I would applaud them. But all the violence and rape is just what has been done in the past over and over again. The rape scenes just try to be even more grotesque and evil than what has been done prior without any new originality. And that is the word I think is most apt. Like I said, the suspense is great. But every violent scene, whether rape, murder or torture is pretty much a copy of what has been done. I am a Christian, but most importantly for this series is that I believe in God. So God loving people will probably get sick watching this. Raping a woman until her spirit is broken is not really what women want to watch. So who is the audience? And honestly, I don't know. I guess Atheists who can stomach the evil between the suspense? Because the director is definitely pulling off a J. J. Abrams move to usher in his political and religious beliefs. Doing that always takes me out of my happy place when watching something. The suspense if moving, the plot seems solid, the acting is doing great and then all of the sudden you get a Dianne West spouting some diatribe about "we are just animals, there is no God and here is my idea of humanity" which is pure Atheism and pure anti religion. And that is fine if the director feels that way but put it in your blog and stop using a really good show to spout your beliefs We don't care! We just want to watch a fun show. But the show is full of odd moments that break up the flow so the director can express his political, religious and scientific beliefs on us. We don't care!
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Liaison (2023)
Don't listen to dumb critics it is pretty cool.
28 February 2023
I have not wanted to watch a series, or binge watch, in a long time. For me personally, Peripheral was awesome and believe it or not, i totally wanted to watch this entire series, but it only comes out weekly. It really gripped me. And I am very, very picky. It just feels very unique. A list actors. Written very well and a nice pace which is great for my ADD media watching. Eva is awesome is as always. Cassel, Mulan, etc are awesome. Really all the acting is the best. I really got brought into the story right away. I forgot everything else, I forgot and just sunk right in. And that is hard for me to do. I usually have my critic hat on for a while before I believe the story. But not with this. So I hope you like it as much as I did.
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Slumberland (2022)
Soooo Gooood!!
27 December 2022
So refreshing. Non stop fun. Such an original idea. Great acting, great action and fun for the whole family. Well, I am an adult, but I assume the kiddos will love it too. I'm a science fiction nerd and this was very unique, even compared to a big Marvel or Star Wars film. Probably the best film for this genre since Zathura. Definitely in the top 10 for the year. Jason Mamoa was stellar. Really showed a whole new level of acting he can perform. Jason is seriously talented. Incredibly written and produced. So many unique CGI/action scenes. I love it because it is so original it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.
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A Lot Better Than the 4.9 average or RT
10 December 2022
Mainly it is just really good. Starts slow. But probably the best Intrigue film of 2022. Not easy to find a good move that knows how to do intrigue. Some of the scenes are so intricate I was blown away. I really like how the reveals are in the middle of the film and not at the end. And there are quite a few reveals which is not easy to do. Takes a writer who really has some talent. And of course Winona Ryder takes the good scenes and makes them amazing. How she does it is beyond me. But this film proves to me once and for all that Winona really deserves her status. I hope she does a film that brings her another Oscar. I think she will get flooded with some offers soon. She has a specific type that really no one else can do. So she needs the right film. A film with incredible intrigue will garner her one. I watched this film and had to pause it and was distracted often and I could not wait to turn it back on.
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Bullet Train (2022)
A Reason I gave it 10
8 December 2022
Bullet Train gets 10 stars from me for two main reasons. One, it beats everything on Hulu, the rest of Netflix, Showtime and Epix. Only HBO and Prime have reasonably equal films. And Two, since it is a dry season for great films, this one stands out. No Star Wars, No Marvel(well not on TV), etc. So for you stuck at home like me you will find this the best 2 hours of the past 2 months. And for those of us starved for good media, that means a lot. Call it great timing or whatever, it is the itch that nothing else scratches. Except for that show on Prime. But that is still pretty great. So savor it. Enjoy it. Get the popcorn ready. Make it a prime Friday night event. Don't waste this opportunity because I don't know when in the next 2 months or so we will get another Bullet Train fun time. Get the wine or beer ready. Even make it a first date event. She will love you for it. But remember, good popcorn, extra butter, good food, good wine or beer. Don't waste this opportunity. And enjoy.
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Took me 7 times just to finish it
16 November 2022
It just doesn't make any sense. Vaughn directed the first two and they were awesome. But everything from really disgusting scenes to horrible cinematography just can not be explained. Addicted to meth for the entire time would at least explain it. Getting paid a ton of money and not giving a crap because the wife left, the dog dies and gas prices went up may help to understand. No wonder the distributor, 20th Century Fox, kept cancelling the release dates. But Vaughn sued them and won. If he respected all of us who buy tickets, then he could have paid people to make it better in post. He must have such an ego to release this pile of dirt that he knew full well was crap. But Hollywood people are so proud so they never would or even could delay the release another month. And that has nothing to do with Hollywood or Ego. Has to do with the investors getting really agitated that they demanded a return on their investments. Vaughn could have stopped the Chinese from releasing the film but Vaughn was worried if he did that then he would never be able to get more money from China ever again.
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Dashcam (I) (2021)
Annie Hardy Plays herself and she is like a natural comedian/actor. So rare
15 October 2022
This film is so original you will not be able to compare it to any film ever made. Savage is of course a great director but Annie, I had no idea, is such a talented, so pure, so natural clusterf'k amazing comedian in a total suspenseful on the edge of your seat, not sure what is real and what is not, drama times 100, suspense & laughter beyond anything in the past 20 years because it can not be compared. Just cool as shi.t. Not sure if Annie will do any more films because she is a very talented singer/songwriter, and this film is just naturally her. I assume she has talent to spare to make another 10 films but she embodies the film, is the film, that it is crazy.
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Half Nelson (2006)
Great movie for some but so not real to actual life
23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can see how many people liked this film. But for those in the know, it is so nothing like real life. I feel bad for people who think that this is actually how real life is for anyone on drugs. It should be listed more as a fantasy drama, which I am totally cool with. But if you really want to understand how the real world works in situations like this, watch something like She Ball or I don't know, even Trainspotting is more realistic. I am white but I guess most white folk will never know how things really are. And that is a good thing. I wish I didn't know what was real in this world. So enjoy the drama, but in real life, this is nothing like it.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Not Bad, very original in many ways.
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film definitely deserves more than 39% on Rotten Tomatoes and definitely more than a 5.4 out of 10. I love films that are new, different, even though it is a remake. It is original. One of those films that takes you on an amusement park ride. (this part is a spoiler so stop reading: you go on a roller coaster. The ride is the fun part. We all know the ending sucks because it is a roller coaster. Ending is you have to get off. But the ride is the treat). So enjoy the ride!! I had a bad day and this film let me forget about my bad day for 2 hours. Really, that is all I want from a good film. A little escape and a some entertainment. And if it is original, like this one, then bonus.
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Hacks (2021– )
Really Good
22 July 2022
This show is pretty good. A nice alternative to what is out there. In many respects very original in relation to other shows. In the realm of Mash for you media nuts like me who get that comparison. I have few criticisms. The writing overall is good. Plots, story, season arcs, etc. The general stuff. Good. Where it lacks is in the intimacy. Drama dialogue has to be on point and most shows don't ever reach it except for Irma Vep, Station Eleven and so on. So it would have been nice if they hired a really good writer in this ara to punch up the dialogue to go deep but not every show can afford that. Lags at times but has some epic episodes to make up for it.
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Give it 3 hours in before you rate
22 April 2022
You really have to watch the first 3 hours before you decide. It is a long but intense drama. Do you remember how much you loved True Detective, the first season with Matthew McConaughey? I'm not kidding this is like the second season of that we never got. It gets as intense and awesome as that. Of course nothing can compare to TD, but this is the closest intense drama I feel comes close.
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King Richard (2021)
Better Than I Thought
27 March 2022
Let me explain. I know everything about Venus and Serena. So I really thought the movie would be boring. I was really surprised. It was really good. And I love to be surprised. So unique in so many ways. Nothing like it. I can see how many would give it 10 stars but I am picky this week. But 8 to 10 stars easily. Beyond inspirational. The Williams family will inspire everyone for the next 200 years because it is so rare what they accomplished.
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Best Nick Cage Film in the past few years. Really Good.
23 March 2022
Attention Nicolas Cage Fans: You will love this movie. Amazing cast. Script is really good. Dialogue is on par with the best. Great pace. It will pull on your heart strings and keep you fully engaged. If you really know Cage films then you will be very glad you watched this. It is one of the best films I've seen this year. And you know Cage can do great work. But the other performances are awesome.
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Wow, So Original
3 February 2022
You see a lot of high reviews so you know for most people it is really good. The movie grabs you in a very unique way from the very beginning. I love films that capture your imagination off the bat. I have to hand it to the writers. One of the most unique films I've seen in a long time. How do they come up with these ideas? Glad they did. Really entertaining.
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I gave this the highest rating
3 February 2022
I gave this the highest rating because it made me feel good. The last movie that made me feel good was We Got a Zoo. It was warm, funny and I was never bored. I actually enjoyed pausing it because I knew it gave me more time to enjoy it when I pushed play again. For those with my personality, you will rate it high also. Just our cup of tea. Maybe because I am an Aquarius. Maybe I'm just a very sensitive guy. It grabbed my heart.
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A Private War (2018)
Not my total cup of tea but it is really good.
11 January 2022
This review is probably just for me to spout. You definitely will have an amazing cast and really good acting, especially from our star. She is amazing in everything. So if you love great acting, then you will love this film. I would have enjoyed more of a story I felt was real. I either like real or Tina Fey as a reporter so you know what you are getting.
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One of the best cult classics of this era
14 December 2021
If you want to delve into a cult classic and be enlightened then you need to watch this. Probably the best cult classic buried so deep you would never find it if you weren't forced to watch it by a good friend. You will have to watch it with your best friend and re-watch it 20 times while usually drinking too much beer and then have it on while drinking beer for the next 12 years. After that 12 year span you will not regret putting it in your top 5 all cult classics.
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Cosmoball (2020)
1 December 2021
This film was so unique and so well done! Any SyFy Geek like me will be so thrilled it was made. And it is a Russian film with English voice overs & I loved it! Reminds me of all the great Anime films done in Japanese. Amazing stories and graphics so you never care about the voice overs. I had no idea Russian films could be this good. MUST WATCH MY FELLOW SY FY GEEKS!
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Really Fun!!
28 October 2021
Really great casting. I loved how the characters interacted, so perfectly. It is rare you get such synergy in the actors, especially between kids and parents, but the casting was actually very close to the synergy in E. T. And that is amazing.
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Very Refreshing
2 October 2021
At a time like this, this film is so refreshing. It is fun, upbeat, smart and the cast, oh the cast, amazing group of actors. I can't stop saying "refreshing". I think because it is really hard to find a film that just refreshes the soul. It is tenderhearted. I enjoyed it from minute one. Never once did I have to think, I just enjoyed the nice ride. Films like this take me away just like a good sy fy flic.
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Fatman (2020)
22 September 2021
I know we don't have a lot of content right now due to the pandemic but this is the best film I have watched in months. I also know we all have our own preferences, but for me, this was a savior to my mundane week and I left reality for 90 minutes and for that I am glad. (9.22.2021)
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