
18 Reviews
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Innerspace (1987)
Fascinating for its time and Very Fun to watch
13 May 2023
Innerspace was the very movie that introduced me to Dennis Quaid and although i don't think his career ever seriously took off (like it did for other actors of its generation) his acting was top notch in this movie, as was Martin's.

When i first watched the movie on VHS (too young to watch it when it got launched in the cinemas) i was very intrigued by the VFX but it wasn't until later on on DVD and Blu-Ray (unfortunately no UHD version yet) that i was really impressed by the detail and imagination of Industrial Light And Magic (exactly what we've all come to expect from them through the years).

The storyline is also somewhat unique although the main concept of human miniaturization was something we saw quite a bit in movies of the 80's. Still this was something quite different and that combined with both the action and comedy elements resulted in a very good movie which you can easily see many times over (already 4 times for me).

As many others have stated why this movie never got the same recognition as others of its time is beyond me. One thing's certain however, if you haven't seen it you're seriously missing out.

PS: The outro song by Sam Cooke completes the movie.
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Halo: Transcendence (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
YES, Couldn't get much worse
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode proved once and for all that the writers are daft, plain and simple.

You see John 117 (AKA Master Chief) was a wimp and pretty much useless for the previous episodes because he's a man, that's all. At the end of this episode when Cortana takes over (mind you, this never happens in the comics and/or games) he is faster, more accurate, deadlier, more durable AND of course doesn't speak nor take his helmet off.... So, that's it, that's why John was useless up until this point.... Amazing writing....
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Halo: Allegiance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
And the mess continues.....
13 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know which is worse really, the fact that most people who rate this dumpster fire highly are PR people, bots and women who like the lead (because anything with a good looking lead is good enough for them) or that the writers are clearly high on something?

For 20 or so years we grew up with John, 117, AKA Master Chief.... A hardcore military person who was augmented at a very young age to simply be the best, and he was the best.....He hardly ever talked, he was respected by all (even the Covenant), was defeated by just 1 enemy in the entire saga (and that was temporary) and never, ever took his helmet off in front of us...... Now take a look at this Master Chief.... A guy who is not shaved, is a punching bag for a good amount of the series, is belittled by the doctor (he was never the best line), almost never wears his armor any longer (let alone his helmet), speaks all the time, makes jokes AND even has SEX with a girl he just met 2 days ago.... And i will not go into the bad CGI, the weapons we have now and are still present there, the annoying Kwan and 100 more plot holes.

Good stuff right? After all of the above it's clear that people who rate this with more than 2 have no clue what they are watching.
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Halo: Inheritance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Halo, a Kwan Ha Story
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An entire episode with basically no master chief in it. I did call it from episode 1 that Kwan Ha was the main character and now i am proven right. An angry, spoiled, annoying and useless kid somehow has what her General father did not (his words in this episode) and can now even use an UNSC rifle, yes, the same rifle master chief uses which is a certain bet weighs more than she could possibly lift (at least to use it properly). She also commands Sorren and is smarter than him I for one will be glad to see Paramount+ get erased soon, such shows have nothing to offer.
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Halo: Emergence (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Just look at Cortana, OMG
7 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Gotta love how marketing people start reviewing the latest episode just minutes after it airs, it's like they know what will happen right?

Anyways i don't blame the PR agency in charge of Paramount+, they get paid for positive results after all.

So what about this episode? Read my 2 other reviews and just look at Cortana, enough said. I honestly stoped watching after 10 minutes since we never saw a living Cortana. Turns out there is a hologram next, it hologram but there is one.

Unfortunately it keeps getting worse and so from 2 stars i now give it 1 :(
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Halo: Unbound (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
And the Fun (Not) Continues
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Leaving out all the marketing and bot reviews leaving 8+ stars for this disaster of a series (seriously, some are copy-paste titles and reviews so IMDB should be doing a better job filtering these out) the reality is that Paramount+ thought nothing about fans of Halo. Rumour has it that they had numerous scripts that followed the lore of the games and comics but turned all of them down. Why? I have no idea.

I wouldn't care if they had done a Better job but they clearly haven't. Master Chief in episode 2 is non-stop talking, has his helmet off 90% of the time and even removes his Armor at some point. By the way this has never happened in the games, his armor can't be taken off by him, we clearly see him walking into the same machines the rest of his team does in Episode 1 to remove his it or to equip it. Voila however, he now does it on his own (like it's Pyjamas or something). I am not going into having AK47's in the future and things like that, these are small details compared to everything else.

I mean Master Chief aside they race switched Keys and Miranda, they race switched the admiral in charge of the facility, they switched Miranda from a bad@ss marine/pilot to an engineer, they added an "EVIL" White woman working with the Covenant (again, nothing similar in the games or comics) and the cherry on top was switching Reth from an Elite to a Human. Now i don't know what an alternate timeline would have to do with changing all of these, does that mean Kirk should be Asian in Star Trek now?

We live in Woke times, or more accurately this is what's going on in the USA right now and the rest of the world is paying for it with poor movies and series across the board. Luckily we still have older series and movies to rewatch, i guess that's something (ah, we also have Anime, still not taken over by wokeness).
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Halo: Contact (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Halo which isn't anything like Halo
26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When the series started off with a teenage girl named Kwan i knew something was off. Halo has always been 80% about the Master Chief and 20% about the other Spartans and UNSC so it doesn't take a nuclear scientist to see where this is headed.

Unfortunately however Paramount+ didn't stop there. They straight up replaced 2 iconic Caucasian characters like Keys and Miranda with black people. Yes, i know the current situation in the states but Halo is not a US only thing so they should have clearly thought of that.

Still swapping characters was not the worst of it, we now have a Master Chief who talks like there's no ending in sight, who makes jokes, takes off his helmet (because somehow years and years of him never doing that changed after talking to a rebel girl for 5 minutes) and even has facial hair. All of these are nothing like the Master Chief we've known from the games and comics.

There are also some other details people didn't like including the Fat Covenant Elites, weapon effectiveness when used by the insurrectionists and the Spartans and some of the CGI but the worst are the above mentioned.

I sure hope next episodes are better but again with what's happening in the USA right now i seriously doubt it.
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The one and true CONAN
26 January 2020
Unfortunately i never made it to the theater to see Conan since it was released the same year i was born. Still several years later not only did i buy it on VHS but i also got the DVD and Blu-Ray versions (will get the 4k version when out - is it out yet?). Why you ask? Because for me Conan is a masterpiece, period. As many others have pointed out in their reviews this is probably the first movie (along with Predator) to give me goosebumps and in more than just one scene. Granted Arnold may not be 100% like the Conan of the comics but he's a lot closer to that than let's say Momoa (mainly due to his psysique). James Earl jones reminds everyone why his voice was used for one of the most iconic villains of all times (Darth Vader) and does not dissapoint one bit. Action scenes are impressive and well orchestrated, visual effects are ok (remember, this wasn't a high-budget movie) but what really stands out is the audio score made by Basil Poledouris which i still listen to quite often. Now i would had liked it if Arnold didn't smile as much in the movie (he does quite a bit during his training montage early in the movie) since he's a Cimmerian (so he will not cry - laughing feels the same) but what's done is done. Overall this is a great movie, not perfect (thus the 8) but certainly the best Conan movie ever (which is why its sequel felt such a dissapointment).
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The Final Nail On The Coffin
15 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When Arnold came on Facebook and told everyone that Dark Fate would be a direct sequel to Judgement Day people were thrilled, not me however. I love both T1 and T2 but from T3 the saga died for me so even though i was hoping i was dead wrong i just couldn't believe that in our day and age a studio could make something that could even resemble the first 2 movies.

Unfortunately however, i wasn't wrong. You see i could "ignore" the fact that we live in PC (Political Correct) times and that's why instead of a Kyle we now have a Grace (and a strong one at that who only beats white men left and right - she's also made it clear in interviews that she's against white men) and instead of a John (who we were all led to believe that he would be back - and not for 5 seconds) we now have a Daniela but the movie was bad, in general.

Take the actress who plays Daniela for example, she's one of the worst actresses i've seen in the last 2 decades (she even laughs during the first chase scene - happens for like a milisecond but it's clear), i don't know if she's young or not but the actor who played John in T2 was also young BUT HE COULD ACT.

And then we have Arnold who not only dated women, drove fast cars (those pictures were probably Arnold's real life ones), grew a conscience and even had a family but also acts like a regular human, sells drapes (yes, drapes) and even pets a dog with his legs crossed.

Fight scenes are also bad, we have an piss-poor excuse of a Terminator (looking at you Rev-9) who is not only not scary at all but gets his @ss handed to him by both Grace (an augmented human) even though she says in the movie "you don't fight an Rev-9, you run".

I guess in a PC led era this is just about the best Terminator movie a Hollywood studio can make, still that means it can't begin to compare to the first 2 and perhaps not even the third one or Salvation.

PS: Only 1 star to counter all the marketing people and Mckenzie fans out there rating this extremely high.
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Mannequin (1987)
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
22 July 2018
The Mannequin is one of those movies which you will either LOVE or HATE, that's that. I first watched it i think when i was 10 years old (back in 1991) and i have to admit that due to my very young age i didn't value it nearly as much as i did when i watched it again at the age of 16 (or the next 10 times i saw it again since then). Sure as many have pointed out it's not Oscar material (although lately the Oscars have fallen considerably in quality) but it's a very funny and romantic movie which will keep you company more than just 1 time. Of course both Andrew and Kim play extremely well (not just them, the entire cast is very funny and wild) and at the end of the movie you almost feel sad to let them go (i even had a crash on Kim back then, hell i still do whenever i see that movie). Bottom line yes it's not as "sophisticated" as clockwork orange and people will go as far as to call it cheesy but any movie people can see again and again is grade A in my book and The Mannequin is just that, unforgettable (too bad it's "sequel" was the exact opposite).
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Not Lara Croft
1 June 2018
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Remember the Lara Croft we used to have in games back in the mid-90's and until 2010? Remember the Tomb Raider movies with Angelina Jolie? Well THIS has NOTHING to do with them. In this movie Lara is a whining little girl who gets her @ss handed over to her more times than i could possibly count in this movie. A girl that even starts crying, yes you heard that one right. But that's not the really bad thing about this movie, Vikander's acting is. Crying at one moment, 1 second later trying to play it a bad@ss and 1 second after that again getting beaten up by someone. She got an Oscar and that tells me just how low the Oscars have reached in recent years. Scenario is not much better either, they tried to make this a lot like the game (solving puzzles) but due to her less than good acting and the bad scenario it just seems that she already has all the answers ready without even thinking for a moment.

The ONLY reason i am giving this a 5 is because in the end she gets the dual guns we've known her to use (well ok she used desert eagles back in the day but those would be way too large for her i guess) so she MAY become a bad@ss in later movies. Not this one however.
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Simply put Magnificent
15 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Much like several other movies and anime of its time Ginga Eiyu Densetsu (The Legend Of The Galactic Heroes) has its roots in WWII and pretty much compares the AXIS to the Allies. Of course after a while it matters not because no matter how one tries to "like" the Alliance thanks to Reinhard Von Lohengramm and his righteous rule and all the "wrong doings" in the Alliance you can't help but to favor the Galactic Empire instead. As others have pointed out although pretty much everything revolves around Reinhard the supporting cast is also part of the reason i've watched the entire series and movies at least twice. Of course in order to develop the characters sufficiently this anime spans to several movies and 110 episodes in total something which at least by todays standards is very rare (which is also why the 2018 version - Die Neue These - has compressed the first 20 episodes into 5). Unfortunately i didn't like 2 things with this anime, first that the various formations in space are far from what could ever happen (sure it's space but logic applies i imagine even there) and 2nd that after everything Reinhard managed to accomplish in the end his life was taken by an desease which could not be cured. Still one of the best anime ever released if you're into action/strategy ones (just be warned that you will be sad at some points more specifically when the two main support characters make their premature exit).
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Is this a comedy?
13 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for The Last Jedi but they were short lived.....Just like The Force Awakens this shares many things with The Empire Strikes Back......Unfortunately unlike The Empire Strikes Back this is more of a Comedy than an action flick.....I am still trying to "explain" the first 20 minutes of the movie in my head.....Where to start, from the X-Wing going against the Dreadnought alone (when there are obviously more fighters in the fleet) and the entire "joke" on the Admiral or the one X-Wing against like 20 T-Fighters and canons on the dreadnought and that none of the other Star Destroyers provided cover against the incoming bombers? And don't let me get started on the hole "kicking" the rail so the trigger device drops and suddently from facing upwards that girl conveniently faces downwards so that she can grab it? And lets not forget Luke throwing away his light saber like if it was a rock. The rest of the movie is not much better either. I guess Disney aims to make Star Wars for 10 year olds but that means they are losing us fans in the process which is sad to say the least.
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We Miss Harold
23 December 2017
When i heard that the Studio was doing a Ghostbusters remake i thought we'd finally see Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, Raymond Stantz, Walter Peck, Dana Barrett, Louis Tully and Janine Melnitz once again....Yes you read correctly, i had either totally forgotten about the passing of Harold Ramis or he was still alive when i first heard the rumors (don't remember which right now). Anyways out of respect to the old cast since they did cameos in the film i went to watch it in the cinema only to regret doing so. This is Not a funny movie. It has a good amount of stupid jokes but nothing which you'd laugh about. This is also not an adventure. The entire movie focuses solely on the cast with the ghosts being secondary at best. The result is the exact opposite we had in Ghostbusters and even Ghostbusters 2. After watching the movie i feel really sorry that Dan Akroyd and Bill Murray took it to social media to promote this shadow of a movie. I honestly don't know if it was in their contracts or if they were paid to do so but disrespecting the fans that practically put you on the map with the original Ghostbusters by promiting this is not the way to go.
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RahXephon (2002)
Love Story or Sci-Fi ?
19 May 2013
Although RahXephon shares several similarities to Evangellion in the end it's core story is actually about love and not war and a love that even transcends space and time for that matter. Because of that both the Federation and the Mullians play a secondary role in this anime which in the end proves to be a good thing, that is if you are sentimental as i. Of course much like many anime on the way to find complete love our hero goes through many trials and lots of sad events but what's new? Personally although RahXephon is considered a sci-fi anime i think that it has amongst the top 5 love stories i have ever seen in an anime and no matter how many times i see it i always wish we had more Harukas in the real world.
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Not what it should be
6 May 2013
I haven't checked who wrote Evangelion 3.0 but it's worlds apart compared to the first 2 movies with countless discrepancies throughout the script. In the 2 first movies the main character (Shinji) was infatuated with Misato and then fell in love with Ayanami. At the same time Misato and Ayanami also had feelings for Shinji. So when the 3 movie starts and Misato finally sees Shinji after 14 years she is stone cold something which continues for the first half of the movie. Now i know that Shinji and EVA where responsive for the near-third impact so some people got mad at him but at the end of the day Shinji didn't wish for that nor did he do something for that to happen, it just did so behaving in such an irrational way towards him is not something i would expect. Also for most of the movie Shinji is not at the helm of an EVA something we were used in the first 2 movies and perhaps that's the main problem with this Evangelion. You see just like their can't be a Gundam SEED/Destiny without Kira Yamato flying a Gundam there can't be an Evangelion without Shinji inside an EVA. Bottom line poor implementation of something that could had been a great Evangelion movie.
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All Time Classic, Paved The Way For Most Sci-Fi Films
2 May 2013
Today the effects used in the movie are outdated so most of the young generation will probably discard them but when released The Terminator was a masterpiece and gave plenty of material for many screenwriters to work with. It's no secret that even today many movies are inspired by The Terminator and why shouldn't they when we have 3 amazing actors (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn) who simply gave their all for this movie to be a hit? Sure the plot may seem as far too complicated at first but James Cameron wanted to get deep into the entire time paradox and he made it. Was it a success? Well i think that if it wasn't then The Terminator wouldn't be considered one of the top movies of all time. Is a time paradox like that possible? Probably not since something needs to exist now in order to exist in the future and not vice versa but in the end we are talking about a movie and it simply doesn't get any better than this.
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Navy Seals (1990)
A Great Action Blockbuster
1 May 2013
I've always believed that certain actors only make good movies and with a cast like Michael Biehn, Charlie Sheen and Bill Paxton Navy Seals couldn't had turned out to be a bad one. Many have said this is much like Top Gun but on the ground, however i disagree since Navy Seals although far from realistic is a lot more realistic than Top Gun ever was (the ones that know about aircraft know what i mean). I must have seen this movie over 10 times and i already own it on Blu-Ray and will probably see it 10 more mainly because of the way Sheen and Biehn act in it. Could it had been better ? Sure it could, which movie can't ? But to me Navy Seals is up there with The Rock another one of my favorite movies with Michael Biehn in it once again.
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