
20 Reviews
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Cloverfield (2008)
Good , solid, different ,excellent not quite.
21 January 2008
A few weeks ago I didn't know much about this movie so I had little expectations, but a friend of mine wanted to go see it so I came here to see what people had to say. After reading a lot of comments I felt that this was a can't miss movie. So my expectations were turned from not much to anticipating this movie.

All in all this movie was indeed solid, it had a lot of the same type stories that you can compare to other movies but with a different take on the presentation. The story was decent, it did however lack details but I think that if you think of it as a first person experience you wouldn't have all of the details either.

The camera shaking was good for most of the movie, except some parts was making me dizzy and had to turn away if not I was going to be sick.

If you get a chance give this movie a try, it is a short movie and the pace was good the entire way.

My take this is a different movie in a lot of ways and if you sit down and think about it most people will enjoy it, but it isn't worth a 9 or 10.
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Superbad (2007)
Absolutely fantastic
22 August 2007
I wasn't expecting a lot from this flick after seeing the previews the first few times, I had told myself that most of the funny stuff would be in the trailers, however I was completely wrong. The movie was absolutely hilarious from the start to the finish. After watching Knocked up thinking I hadn't seen a funny movie like that in a long time and wasn't expecting to see on again for many years, I was wrong again.

This movie was maybe not better then knocked up but sure does stand up to it. The actors representated their roles really well, Jonah Hill was quite good for a leading role, and Evan and McLovin were very good.

I can't remember a movie when everyone were so into it,the crowd was laughing non stop, cheering for the characters and gave it an applause at the end of the movie. This was on a tuesday night a 1 am :) I really don't believe there is any words for this movie other then go see it for yourself and trust me you will enjoy it, if you don't then you really don't like many comedies of this genre.
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The Number 23 (2007)
Great, fantastic, unique (Is this what you look for in a movie)
24 February 2007
OK first off, I haven't read all on the comments here or to be honest not many however I am positive there must be some that wrote that Carrey shouldn't be doing anything else but comedies.

This is where I want to start with, this movie was great and would have been real good even if Carrey wasn't in it, but because Carrey was in it, and did such a amazing job this movie was a monster success in my opinion.

Carrey never gets the respect he deserves. The Truman Show, Ethernal Sunshine and The Majestic are some of my favorite movies of all time, because they are so different and the acting he did in them was nothing but spectacular.

Again last night after the movie , most seemed real satisfied with the movie, but behind me someone said to her friend " That sucked Carrey is supposed to make you laugh" tell me what did you expect you were going to watch "Ace Ventura 3" seriously.

OK now for serious movie freaks this movie will not disappoint you, all I can say everything was perfect and however I had some doubts at the end that would of ruined it for me because there is just so many movies what that type of ending but then came the twists that finalized things with perfection.

Joel did a great job and so did Virgina.

Jim deserves a Oscar nomination for this flick and thats how much I think this movie was great.

Be your own judge, give it a fair chance and forget about Jim's past movies look at it with a free mind.
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My take on Narnia
9 January 2006
I have been looking at the ratings for this movie for the past few weeks and as much as I wanted to see this movie I didn't get a chance until today. The ratings were decent so I was expecting a decent movie but I didn't get a decent movie, I actually think that this was one of the best movies I have seen in years.

I think the rating doesn't pay its respects to this awesome movie. I haven't read any of the books therefore I can't compare both although for someone who has never read these books I must say I was shocked on how beautiful this entire adventure was. I seriously can't remember the last time where I have been at the movies and haven't at least once looked at the time during the movie or left the theater with an "awww" feeling about it. I actually felt like I wanted to take part of this amazing adventure.

I got to the movies about twice a week and after watching King Kong I fought it would be impossible to beat but Narnia did that simply for the story and the point of the movie.The effects were well done, the characters were true and so realistic which is what made this movie incredible.

I would vote in 10 on 10 because not once did I ever have a negative comment which is rare in my case :) What I like about this movie it completely removed any worries in my mind, made me think of my youth and how imagination can be at times.

I think that this movie is great for all groups of ages because no matter what we all have youth in us and I truly believe you will at least enjoy this! Enjoy
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The Forgotten (2004)
The Forgotten can be forgotten
2 October 2004
I had only seen one trailer before going to see this movie so I didn't have much of an idea what the movie was going to be.

After the moving building up "greatly I must add" the ending was simply horrible.

1 hour in the movie I was feeling pretty happy to have spent 10$ but the ending pretty much ruined that.

All in all a great movie but because of the final 10 minutes it doesn't deserve more then 6/10.

If you are looking for some good suspense and even some jump out of your chair scenes well it's a good movie for that even the story builds up greatly. Then there's the very questionable ending as to ask yourself if the writer just didn't know how to end the movie so left us with questions of what exactly was the story about

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Great simply hilarious
24 August 2004
I would recommend anyone to go see this movie.I really wanted to go see this movie becaue M Lillard is my fav actor and he didn't disapoint.Although I didn't like the movie because of him but because of the story how it was simple but at the same time entertaining.The others Green and Sheppard did a great job as well. I think everyone could relate to this movie as im sure it has gone through everyone's mind just to be able to leave with your friends on some sort of adventure.

I think for anyone to not like this movie means they didn't understand it wasn't meant to win an oscar. This movie was meant to entertain all of us with some great laughs which it did. When we left from the movies you could see in everyone's faces they enjoyed it.

To me this was exactly what I wanted.
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14 April 2004
This movie was simply amazing.

There isn't one thing that I didn't enjoy about the movie.I actually would of liked it more if it was another hour longer :).

The movie was so unique and the acting was spectacular.

Jim Carrey is the most underrated serious actor out there because he is simply the king of comedy.

The Truman Show was amazing which I keep telling people is probably my favorite movie of all time

The Majestic was also fantastic even Man on the moon was good

And Spotless mind didn't disapoint in any way. It has you thinking right from the beginning and wonder what if this opportunity came to you what would you do??

I can see people not enjoy the movie as much as I, but I think some exagerate in their comments by saying it was the worst movie ever or they walked out they couldn't take another moment.

Honestly if you are a movie buff like myself definitely go see this movie.

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Van Wilder (2002)
One hilarious movie
28 February 2004
This was one heck of an hilarious movie. I can watch it over and over. Reynolds did a spectacular job in the movie, but I must say that without the character Taj the movie wouldn't have been as funny.

This is more of a guy comedy type movie but my gf loved it also.

The donuts scene I must say was a little gross but still the movie was amazing. Laughed from start to finish..... This is the kind of guy everyone would like to be or know in College.

I don't think they could of taken anyone else then Reynolds to do this role maybe I m just saying that because he is one of my favorite actors but he did do a great job. 9/10
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Good movie
28 February 2004
I really enjoyed this movie because it was very relaxing and different then the typical american movie. Don't get me wrong Im all for explosion's and Effects but this movie was good in its own way.

I think that anyone who has watched this movie enjoyed it in its own kind of way. After watching this movie I started thinking of stuff that can be invented and must say it got me thinking for a good while.

this movie would of been more of a hit in the late 80's early 90's.

The actor's in the movie were funny,I never felt like the movie was starting to get very long. 8/10
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Finder's Fee (2001)
28 February 2004
I honestly loved this movie alot. Two of my favorite actors are in this movie Matthew Lillard and Ryan Reynolds. This movie was very good because of the actors, the suspense in it wondering what will happen next, and the story line was good also.

What made this movie so good is that this is a story that can happen to anyone, imagine yourself walking down the street and finding someone's wallet what do you do? Well this is what the movie was entirely about.

I had no expecations when I rented this movie but I must say after watching it once I had to watch a few more times.

10/10 movie
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Decent movie
28 February 2004
Im a huge M Lillard fan that's why I ended up watching this movie. Honestly I doubt that if he wasn't in the movie i would of enjoyed it as much or even watched it but once I did watch it realize the story was pretty decent. A bad ending I must say but I did see it coming. It's a low budget movie and some of the actors weren't really good but all in all I rated this movie 7/10.

The suspense of wondering what Lillard was actually up to was what really keeped me interested in this movie.

Its a good rental!

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14 July 2003
All I can say about this movie is AWESOME!!! Everything about this movie was good.The story was so good that you don't realize that this is a 3 hour movie. Anyone who hasn't seen this movie please see it because it is excellent.

M.C Duncan does an amazing job in this movie I still can't believe that I didn't see this sooner.

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Finding Nemo (2003)
10 June 2003
I had huge expectations,expecting a very funny and well done movie and let me tell you I wasn't disapointed.This is going to be top 3 movies of the summer for sure and if not the year. I loved this movie and easily as good as Ice age,Monster Inc and other top animations out there.

Great fun for everyone!

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22 May 2003
For the people who didn't like this movie I really don't think you should watch any sci-fi movies again as this was just amazing.Very unrealisitc movie of course but that is what is supposed to be.I believe this movie was as good as the first one and I think they got most of the people out there waiting for the third one with very little patience. I give it 9.5/10 the only thing of the movie I didn't like is when Neo flies like superman but this is a very small detail.For those of you who have seen the movie and don't think there is a plot or story to it please watch it again, because this movie was well written and the story was great I can understand that for some people they won't get to fully comprehend everything the first time but that is why everyone should at least watch this movie twice to fully understand it.Im sure pretty much everyone in the world will end up watching this movie and you will all be able to make your own judging of it but personally thought this was amazing and anyone around me was amazed after the movie. Job well done
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The Hot Chick (2002)
Good Laughs
12 May 2003
First of all I saw in a review a little lower down someone talking about Sandler I dont think you should ever give your review or criticism again being that Adam Sandler wasn't the main actor and it was Rob Schneider. Sure Sandler was in there but for 1-2 minutes max. Ok as for the movie now the movie had quite alot of laughs ok it is maybe because Schneider was acting like a women in this movie and did it so well that made me laugh but to be honest I liked this movie 7.5/10. The plot of it wasnt the best but the actors made it quite entertaining.For the people who can seriously watch this entire movie without laughing either you are extremely depressed or your getting mentally too old im not going to say everyone is going to love this movie as i didnt like it much the first time i saw it but you have got to take a look for yourself.Enjoy !!!
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8 May 2003
Very awful movie there was not enough action the plot was very boring and well there wasnt really any plot to this movie and if I hadnt watched this movie with friends with of closed it off after the first 30 minutes and watched something else.This was a long movie especially nothing really interesting happens.

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So So
8 May 2003
This movie had a nice story to it but well the fairy way to fake and unrealistic which pretty much ruins the movie for me. I was expecting quite alot with this movie but really was disapointed.I still suggest people see this movie because the story was pretty good but also predictible. 5/10
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The Majestic (2001)
8 May 2003
Jim Carrey does it again in this incredible well written movie.I agree at some points it may seem a bit long but all in all worth a look.I thought this was Jim Carrey second best movie after the Truman Show yes its hard to say because he has also done dumb and dumber + liar liar but this was a very interesting movie from the start. Never really looked elsewhere I was interested all the way.

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8 May 2003
Maybe this is going a bit far but personally this is my favorite movie of all time and think this was so well done that everyone must see it.The people who wont like this kind of movie are not opened minded. The first time I ever saw this movie I actually dozed off but decided to watch it again and I am extremely happy I did because this movie was so well tought.Im not too high on reality tv anymore because there is so many and getting sick of it but the Truman Show probably started all this reality tv. I would be very curious to see if they did do something like this in real life I would for sure watch it out of curiosity. I saw a few movies saying this was a very unrealisic movie and it sucked because of it well it was meant to be that way and what lord of the rings and harry potter are fictional.Anyways great movie Carrey at his best and Weir incredible director.

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7 May 2003
First of all for the people who have not seen this movie as of yet please see it because maybe after all the previous negative reviews it will stop you from actually seeing this movie.I personally think that would be a shame because this movie was hilarious.It was as good as It was talked about.Sandler finally at some points during this movie found his old character from happy gilmore and the waterboy that is after his nicer roles in Big Daddy and Mr Deeds not that they werent good but sandler is at his best when he has a character with a short temper. Jack Nicholson also was hilarious in this movie playing a pretty insane man and played the role very well.This movie is a must see. The people who have negative comments about this movie are people with either no sense of humour at all because they get offended quickly or people just dont like comedy movies.Two thumbs up here 9/10
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