
7 Reviews
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Dig (2015)
Just Couldn't Stick With It
4 April 2015
OK, I admit pulling the plug after 1-1/2 episodes.

I really like these types of plots. Religious/political mixed with mystery/conspiracy sort of stuff. Although this theme seems to work better in books than it does on the screen. Mostly because so few actually know how to make a movie/TV show like this.

Why did I quit without finishing the 2nd episode when I have hung in there longer with programs that had less potential for improving? Primarily the horrible camera work. I can't keep watching something mediocre hoping the plot will improve while knowing that the irritating camera work will never improve. The whole juvenile shaky cam thing had limited usefulness at best back when it started. Now it's simply annoying, especially when it's 80-90% of the program. Why is an entire scene continuously wobbly when two people are standing still talking? There is nothing realistic about that.
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Primeval (2007–2011)
Lightweight , fun series. Poor camera work
5 June 2011
I enjoyed the light hearted action of the first series. Hannah Spearritt certainly is easy on the eyes, especially when caught running around in her undies.

But by the beginning of series 3 I felt like I was seeing the same thing rehashed and recycled every week. So I quit watching.

I decided to go back later and start series 4. Again, nothing deep, but more fun than reality TV. However, I don't know if I will watch any more than the 1st episode because of the horrible camera work. Did they go out looking for a cameraman with palsy? Whenever there is any action, of which there is plenty since that is the meat of the series, the camera bounces around enough to make watching unpleasant. Apparently this is someone's idea of informing the viewer that something exciting is happening. If I watch a car careening down the street I don't bob my head vigorously to make the sight more exciting. It really aggravates me that an otherwise mild to moderately entertaining 45 minutes becomes instead annoying because some director thinks it is cool bounce and jerk the camera.

If that is not a problem for you, and you expect that the plot and action will be pretty formula you'll find this passably entertaining.

I would have been willing to give it a 5 1/2, but amateur camera work reduces it to a 4.
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Ørnen (2004–2006)
Excellent, don't be deterred by subtitles
20 April 2011
First off, I have no problem with subtitles. I know plenty of people that won't consider watching a non English speaking movie/TV that requires subtitles. Absolutely do not let that stop you from seeing this if you get the chance.

If you watch several episodes, you had better plan on watching all 3 seasons. You will be hooked. Be aware that the program flows from one episode to another. Some episodes can stand alone, though will not be nearly as good as when watched in sequence. There is a lot of intriguing suspense that is low key, not overly fast moving so one has time to savor it. Builds well. I highly recommend that you start from the beginning of the series if at all possible.

The recap of the previous episode, shown at the beginning of each, is well done and succinctly refreshes one's memory. Photography and editing are good, not a lot of jerky camera work and fast frame editing (personal peeve of mine). Lots of good scenery and locations in Scandinavian countries.

I won't go over each character, but IMO they are all well cast. Hallgrim, the "Eagle" is the lead character, but the writers manage well to keep him from overshadowing the others. He doesn't monopolize things. Marie, I found to be rather sexy in an understated way. Michael probably sets more than a few female viewer's hearts atwitter.

Hallgrim is a talented, driven man. But not without his all too human flaws, which give him some depth. That's another thing I liked about the treatment of the show's regulars, each has depth, not glib or two dimensional.

Don't start watching this unless you have at least the first season available. And start from the beginning!
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Not Going Out (2006– )
Funny and clever....annoying laugh track
20 March 2011
First off, I'd give this a 9 or 10 if the dim bulbs at the BBC eliminated the canned laughter. Do they truly believe all viewers are drooling morons? We need to be told when it's funny? Also, be aware, this is not slapstick Benny Hill humor.

Onward. I've seen two seasons. Kate (Tim's ex girl friend), the primary female the first season. Lucy (Tim's sister) the main female the second season. Great job of making the change of "female focus" a smooth transition. I loved Kate's character and how they blended the American and the British personalities and humor. I think they did a better job of portraying Kate the American than a US program would have done had the situation been reversed.

Lee's snappy quips are impressive, but even more so if you've seen the outtakes. It's not as easy as he makes it look. Tim is a great straight man as he frequently is the victim of Lee and Kate's jabs.

Obviously most of the double entendres are Brit humor, but I found that I still caught most of them. My wife says I have wakened her with my laughter when I watch the program alone after she's asleep.

I don't know if it's available on DVD in a US format. Doesn't appear to be on Amazon. I saw DVR recordings an English friend of mine made for me. If you can get, watch it.
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Ramona (1988–1989)
One of our favorites
28 November 2010
We watched this series around 1990 or so on VHS, when my daughter was about 6 or 7. Of course we read the books, also. Which I recommend even if you can't find copies of the program.

After just having watched the movie "Ramona and Beezus" (which suffered greatly in comparison) I had to come back and remind folks how great this TV show was.

I thought the characters were well cast. Ramona and Beezus especially. Although Ramona got into her quota of embarrassing situations, the program was not a non stop series comedic events. There was actually time spent on the development of the character's personalities, giving the program some depth. And even as an adult watching it, I could remember in an emotional sort of way how Ramona felt when she thought herself misunderstood and of no importance. As most children do at some time or another.

Too bad it's not available on DVD. Makes you wonder who decides to put the most inane drivel on DVD and not good stuff like this. If it was available, I bet we could talk our daughter into watching it with us when she visits.
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Cute, but basically a Made for TV movie
28 November 2010
Cute enough, I have no particular complaints. But not much in the way of praise either.

Anyone who has seen all of the original episodes of the Ramona TV series (1988) will probably appreciate my perspective more than one who has not. The movie suffers by comparison, in my opinion.

The movie tried to incorporate something from each of the 10 TV episodes. In doing this, each incident was simplified too much. Fewer incidents with more development of each would have been far more interesting, as was the case with the TV program.

To me, Ramona and Beezus was like watching a Made for TV movie on a kid's cable channel. Eye candy for kids. When we watched the original TV show with our daughter it was fun for all of us. And, if memory serves, it captured the flavor of the books fairly well. Which I also recommend to those of you with children of suitable age.
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Just Plain Charming
25 November 2010
After watching three episodes, I am already disappointed that there will be no second season.

A relaxing and charming program to watch. Likable characters portrayed by a lot of well cast actors.

The photography, editing and scenery are a major part of what makes this good. No fast clip, jumpy editing. Smooth transitions. The camera stays on someone's face long enough for the viewer to focus (and appreciate the acting), apparently a difficult feat based on how few directors seem to be able to do that.

I am certainly not prudish, been around way too long for that. But I find gratuitous and frequent use of "F" and other vulgarities to be annoying, and IMO proof that writers can't construct decent dialog; substituting coarseness instead. This program manages to work pleasantly well without any swearing, resorting to the novel approach of using real adverbs and adjectives to convey the message.

If you want high speed, non stop action with jumpy editing and constant swearing, don't waste your time watching this. Otherwise, sit back and have a nice, relaxing hour of quality entertainment.
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