
25 Reviews
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Blade Runner (1982)
Not as good as I thought it would be..
20 August 2023
I love Science Fiction.. And I thought it felt right to watch this before watching the recent 2017 remake.. This one is directed by the awesome Ridley Scott.. I had high expectations.. And ofcourse judging from my extensive experience within this genre, older Sci-fi are much, much better than the recent ones, mainly because they have a *philosophically sound foundation* and *interesting storyline*, I do NOT put too much concern for the CGI and other superficial aspects as an ordinary person does while watching this genre.. Anyway, remember when I mentioned "older Sci-fi are much better than recent ones" therein comes my mistake, I haven't known the exact time frame from which Sci-fi movies have become good..Now I know it started from around the early 90s.. The major problem I have with this movie is that over 90% of the happenings in this film, weren't sci-fi aspects at all, it was boring old investigative or detective work.. If you liked The Departed and found it sooo _THRILLING_, _EXCITING_ and _SUSPENSEFUL_, then by all means you should watch Blade Runner 1982 Final Cut. I don't care how highly rated a movie is, if it's boring;- for example, using cookie cutter- / run of the mill- concepts or events, the same used for/in countless other movies, I will never watch it.. These scenes are stuffing scenes they ad no real value to the viewing experience, here, they are too much.. And if I did watch a boring movie with high ratings such as this one, I would certainly give it a failing review.. But since it was only 1982, I guess people were bland back then and they liked bland things, therefore a 6/10 is fair.. This movie was mostly dull and not as genuine as I thought it would be.. If you like Harrison Ford, watch The Fugitive instead.. Another (even older) movie that is overrated yet suffers from dull and boring syndrome is 2001 A Space Odyssey, two thirds into that movie, I shut it off and never to return again.. lol.
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wouldn't pay to watch it..
11 February 2013
id give it a 6 at best. kinda reminds me of Taken..but its a Nicholas cage movie, fans of him will like the movie no doubt. the movie has gaping plot holes and more than a couple of moments doesn't make sense in that i feel that important events were cut out. the film really cuts corners where it shouldn't, the sequences are really awfully put together. but the camera action was OK, it has this realistic vibe you remember from Taken, but do not be mistaken, the story itself is far from realistic. Also i have to mention that the end was also unsatisfying in the sense that made you curious but not in a good way because the movie itself didn't deserve that kind of ending it should have kept going. instead it amplifies its story where there is too little to amplify in the first place.
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A positive waste of time..
16 January 2013
So I've been holding on this for so long because i just couldn't swallow the fact that they made an x-men with completely new actors and not to mention a new director, looking up the movie's page here today, i found that the director had made a couple of other good movies so i decided ill just watch it streaming as an independent movie with no ties to the other x-men movies. i have also watched reviews so i knew as a movie it was on the good side.Let me start by saying the vision of this movie in an overhead view is great but the execution is what made this movie mediocre, the same type of problem i see in so many potentially great movies like this one which ends up forgotten and uninspiring. I'm starting to get tired of writing movie reviews and basically saying the same thing over and over. i went into this with low expectations and i have to say in hindsight that probably did help a lot; me not getting disappointed. A choppy storyline, incredibly stupid humor (i smiled maybe once in the movie), pacing that forces you to shut your mind off in order to enjoy the movie, pacing that of which only people with ADD would satisfy, come think of it the guy who made this movie probably has ADD. and script that is more pretentious than fake teeth, not to mention shallow and at times, bouncy as if you're watching Gilmore Girls. this movie is FILLED with one-liners so brace yourself for THAT. And having finished it i will probably forget in in T-minus 2 days, but i want to stress that thats a good level relatively for the movies i see coming out in recent years. Id give it a 7 (according to todays standards) , but not one decimal more.
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It depressed me...
20 December 2012
Sniffing through my sister's hard drive i saw this movie being a huge lotr fan i immediately stole it. I really don't understand why it got a 7 rating here, i give it a 5. let me start by saying the pros good atmosphere good graphics acting is feels like a well done movie, but a true lotr fan would look beyond that. The title itself didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. when i started watching it i thought it would fit in with the movie storyline but i realized it hasn't been meant that way. Now in a nutshell, the biggest drawback is the director, i just think he didn't have what it taked, thus why i gave it a 5. the reason it depressed me is that after watching it i kept thinking how the hell should it stay true to the story, i mean while watching it, it just deviated away into an alternative storyline, and i kept thinking is it just me or what? im talking about how the movie made more sense if Gandalf hadnt known Bilbo and never been to the Shire, when in fact he had. The movies never contained or implied that they went looking for Gollum and capturing him, but Gollum was the one who found the hobits. which begs the question; why would they go look for him when he was already captured by mordor. so the whole thing only makes sense when u assume Gandalf never knew Bilbo. Now i kinda feel regret stealing this video, because it really didn't add anything to the experience. and then i realized its probably a bunch of kids who made it, and i shouldn't be stressed out about some fanboy video.
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Very good movie for what it is
11 November 2012
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OK, iv known this movie froma long time ago this review is based on my 3rd time watching this film. if it wasn't a good thriller i wouldn't have watched it 3 times. That being said, the movie, and probably the story book itself is extremely narrow angled, meaning that we only see what is happening only to the girls perspective. and i understand movies this kind but it doesn't give it excuse to not explain everything that happens around her. the movie is good at that but u cant help but ask questions, and in the end it leaves you unsatisfied and uncomfortable. why was the criminal there? what did he want? if you weren't having fun with the suspense, while watching the movie and saw the big picture instead of only her perspective, the movie really begins to be incredibly stupid and dumb.the movie's attraction is soley based on the criminal's creepines towards her, there is no reason for him to be creepy it just seems that he was put in the movie only for that purpose, and the movie doesn't explain this attitude in the end, so for this reason this movie was incredibly unrealistic. even in the action scenes only happening in the end, after all the build up we don't see his face, this is how much this movie is narrow scoped. its just dumb. while watching i told myself that probably these questions will be answerd on the end but it didn't, and thats when this movie falls flat on its face. the movie is under an hour and a half but it really really should have been 2 hours long; i never felt bored with it. there are small holes in the story which don't really bother me but as i said it should have been 2 hours, like how Bobby got the house number? and i heard that the older movie was better; saw some clips on youtube and comments saying the movie is a masterpiece, well all that doesn't intrigue me a bit because after watching the clips i don't relate to it one bit. and those old moves always have those BORING scenes that just don't contribute to the plot in any way, like we have all day to care about fictional characters in a movie. i mean there's a fine line between putting pointless scenes and putting just enough to be realistic ;Peter Jackson and Spielberg are good at that example.
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Tower Heist (2011)
Not buying it for a second
11 June 2012
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You know, Hollywood have gotten very devious in recent years, they don't want to make movies for the sake of movies anymore, they just want money.. and to poison your mind. they know what they can do to make the audience like the movie, for example: planting an innocent idea and then by the end of the movie referencing it, they know u like that and it will sugar coat the movie very well, that u wont even know/taste its shitty core. they know your buttons and can easily press it. this movie will please the weak minded. i don't want to list every technical crappy moment in this movie because honestly i could spend my time better, but there's my conclusion. man, i only watched it when bored at a friend's, i wouldn't spend a dime, a minute, a MB on this movie..ever.
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Loved it
21 March 2012
I just want to say that i like this movie because its old style and i thought they don't make like them any more. The whole man ignores his family then realizes their value thing, and the animal thing too, so you may ask why should i watch it if theirs lots of other movies with basically the same story, my answer would be you cant get enough because we need this type of spirit, because if this was real life things may not have turned out that happy. And if you feel like you watched this movie a dozen times before well you're looking at it a bit superficially. Again i say its an original movie although the idea way used before because it did everything in its own way and did not feel generic. The movie is great for adults too. last thing, I would take that movie over any of the three Chipmunks movies anytime.
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A lot of fun..actually too much
21 March 2012
So i had an American pie marathon (1,2,3) in preparation for the upcoming one. This movie was epic with every meaning of the word. The thing is, too many things is happening that you cant keep a straight clear storyline in your head. The scenes of the movie are really crammed into each other, specifically around the middle time where a lot of scenes just appear randomly where there are lots action but no preface talk. Sure you can think of an explanation but there is no direct explanation delivered to you and that annoys me, and makes the movie feel cheap too. Too much is happening in very little time its outrageous really, and makes the movie feel unrealistic, so i didn't connect with this one as i did with the other two. Also some characters needed to be exposed much more, like Kevin which the movie did not even mention any news about his girlfriend. The problem with this movie is that it has too many outrageous hilarious events but without the rich paving in the original as a result, you don't appreciate these hilarious occurrences like you did with the first one.
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Glad I did not watch that in the cinema.
20 March 2012
When i first watched that movie about 3 months ago i thought it was okay, originally i was not going to right a review. But recently just finished watching H&K 1 and 2 (because its been ages since i watched them and i don't remember a thing), and decided i have to write this review. Obviously i am very disappointed in that movie primarily because i WAS expecting a Harold & Kumar movie. first of all i noticed the director of this movie Todd Strauss(someone i haven't ever heard of before)who only made shorts before this movie (#WTF), why didn't they stick with the director of the previous one? Escape from Guantanamo was a great movie sequel so naturally i was expecting the same with this one, well , i was wrong. now while watching this movie i thought of a lot of things wrong with it, while it looks like a H&K movie it doesn't feel or taste like one, and heres why, the previous movies were completely unrealistic but in a way that doesn't ruin the plot like kumar with the bag of weed and the cyclops in the basement and thats just what i remember, this one is a completely realistic movie so u may call it H&K3 but it could be any other movie with two different actors as far as i am concerned. the prequel followed a distinctive basic story line from the first movie and put a twist on it. (EX: they both stumble upon strange people and stay as guests etc..) and these fundamental events was for me a H&K signature. I did enjoy the movie but only when i think of it as a standalone. so my rating is bad as they did call they movie H&K. this movie ruins the H&K series and it will probably be the last. In addition the story itself is flawed and i hate it. Kumar and Vanessa broke up REALLY?! after all what happened in H&K EFGB. i find it hard to believe that the writer and producer actually watched the movie before making this one. I am sure that anyone who watched the first 2 would recognize even more flaws and differences. If you want to enjoy this movie don't watch the previous two.
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Payback (I) (1999)
Payback.. AKA: the real Max Payne movie
14 March 2012
When i watch good movies i don't usually come here to right a review as i only do that with really underrated or really overrated movies. so i don't have anything to say but if u like the Max Payne game watch this instead of the Max Payne Movie. and all i have to say is old is gold especially when it comes to movies and most of the time PC games. i have not watched the directors cut streightup but looking forward to and maybe also right a review. right now i am looking for movies like these im sure i watched some movies like that style but do not recollect them now. maybe The Punisher but i remember that movie is real bad compared to Payback, because it was unrealistic.
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Hitman (I) (2007)
This movie had potential to be something bigger but didn't want to.
30 January 2012
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Hit-man is based on a game, but that is not an excuse for the movie's very weak story foundation.

i honestly there could be a part 1 of the movie because that would explain a lot. i found it more entertaining to stop asking questions in the plot and just enjoy it. my opinion is that movie could have been much better if enough effort was exerted in explaining the story line, complex events happen throughout the movie around the main plot line and the movie wasn't able to handle that a decent movie would be able to (which lessens its value), things just happened which probably was put there to make the movie look bigger and more epic than it really is so either make the movie simple (by removing all the extra fluff that really the producer failed to put any effort in explaining it from ground up), so i can fully understand it and thats what should have happened, because it already has a flimsy story base. or make it much bigger and longer so that it would be a real "A" movie not just another forgotten action flick, i felt they filmed a bunch of scenes put them together and called it a movie and not much thinking was made behind the scenes. shame because i think it is worth putting the extra effort in because how cool the movie was and how it captured the Hit-man essence, so if the movie was given to the right directors/producers i think would have made a huge difference. so its a movie that u would remember a while after watching, not the story but the characters. the following may not seem in relation but the scene where 47 kills belecof's brother; if you ever played Bad Boys II on PC the final scene is strikingly similar its not even funny, i had deja-vu.
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One of the best in this genre.
9 November 2011
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I gave this movie an 8 not more. it could have been better if not of its flaws. Certain events and characters just seem to appear in the movie spontaneously confusing the viewer by means of clouding the previously clear storyline. I.e Rachel Banks ; in this movie she didn't fit in, i wasn't comfortable with her role, so either the director should disregard the character completely or give it the time and development the role deserves. i the whole movie she appeared like 5 minutes in total and every time i see her i get mentally and logically uncomfotable. how come such a role that has huge impact on the plot appears so little? i hate it when film makers do that! so she died so i thought, OK now ill just enjoy the rest of the movie without the confusion surrounding her (i have no idea how she has any affiliation with the main structure of the plot) so i watch and towards the end pops up another character (mafia boss which i didn't even know existed) without any preface/ pre- familiarization and its not one of those movie twists that explains who he is after a confusing scene. and TBH the whole ending was down right unsuitable for all the work up that preceded it since the beginning. Around the last 25 minutes the movie feels obviously rushed. still i think there is no movie post 2000 in this genre that does it better, this movies has all flavors of thriller and suspense. the part when tony says he sold the tape to the mafia boss, why don't we see that? still most of the flaws is towards the end probably because of this rushed state.
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All in all good.. but hard to accept
18 September 2011
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The Transporter has an exciting storyline that hardly has any flaws, but the action on the other hand was where all the flaws were. had an awesome first hour, but then last quarter of the movie which was mostly action is FAR FETCHED and unrealistic. i didn't like the way he got rid of the bad guys the manouvers he did especially the last one on the truck when he threw his nemesis out is just physically impossible, also when he was thrown infront of the speeding truck and how the girl killed the armed man in the end to save frank . the action scenes i felt were rushed and far from perfected, also there is too much (hero runs bullets hitting every place except the target, and that what i hate about action movies, because it makes it look cheap and unrealistic) so if i judged based on the action soley it would be another unworthy action flick. as i said this movie makes me take it seriously throughout a big chunk from the beginning thats why i enjoyed the first half better than the last parts, which made me feel like im watching another movie because it didn't live up to the atmosphere set up in the beginning. for me crank 2 was more realistic.
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The Ruins (2008)
One screw up, after the other, after the other..
30 August 2011
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i wanted to watch a thriller movie because i liked 'the breed" the key to a good suspenseful /thriller is to make the viewer sucked in and live the moment, and this didn't happen here. what i see here is a bunch of DUMBASSES who keep fuking themselves up by they're own incredibly retarded decisions and actions, and that is the key to a very bad thriller. one little example is that they put Matthias too close to the veins that it took his cut off legs, BUT THEY Didn't MOVE HIM, so then it choked him and no one notice on time although they were all living on that damn tiny artifact.maybe if u have a very low IQ u would enjoy this movie.
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Fight Club (1999)
Oh goody another crazy person movie.
28 August 2011
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maybe i have seen too much "crazy person movies" that are even newer than this film, and this one is not that special. i thought the movie was going great before they made him crazy having double personalitys, and when a movie does that for me it just sinks to that level ; the level of crazy person movies, (and its all been a dream movies too). i was really enjoying it, but it left a negative impression of me in the end . and i don't know why it got a really high mark here on IMDb, maybe its the first of its kind, i don't know, what i do know that if it was unique, its not anymore. what i like about the movie is its dialogue/script deep meaningful, eyeopening and wise.
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i never EVE-E-E-E-R espected this movie would be awesome.
27 August 2011
kill bill is set in a twisted reality Japanese manga kinda world. the best thing about the film that we rarely see in others is that they tell the story nice and slowly so that you just enjoy don't have to put the pieces together, true that there's a couple of jumbled scenes and i am not a fan of that because its really doesn't bring any thing to the table story wise but it is not over used. crappy CONS ALTHOUGH THE ACTION AND fighting looked really cool, the camera angels gave it away for me, most of the fighting we see was too zoomed in up close and this takes away the sense of reality and technical possibility to it, that you'd have to replay because you didn't catch wat the hell happened in the last 0.3 seconds.
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Crash (I) (2004)
Stupid ass film
26 August 2011
This film wants to just touch your heart, it doesn't care how to get there it just does it by any means necessary and thats what angers me about this film. OVER dramatic that it is far from realistic reminds me of Babel but babel is so much better and far more real life like. in the first part we seen two African Americans talking completely logical about some racist factors and how stereotypes affect them etc... them suddenly take out their guns and steal a car. so all what they said was completely pointless, and i lost respect for the film in the very beginning and even more as its passed by, it gets so stretched that i didn't even feel any sympathy at the end. so if u are a person of reason just ignore this movie.
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The Prestige (2006)
One of the better C.Nolan movies
11 August 2011
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i must start by saying i am not a christopher nolan fan, i dislike most of his movies. most of his movies are just over the top with his know nothing to do but jumble the scenes so the people would be more impressed with the outcome in the end when he pours all the important scenes required to understand wat the hell is happening in a random order leaving your brain struggling to arrange the storyline together and forgetting all the details that usually doesn't make sense, quickly ending the movie in a really RUSHED manner, and all that just takes the fun away of any movie [1-develop lots of questions 2- deliver the answers in a highly compressed package 3- End] that wat CN does, and thats why i would never recognize him as one of the great directors like Spielberg, Osborn, Jackson. But in this movie although i did not know at the time CN made it i realized that halfway through and it was confirmed in the end where it was a little too 'Nolany' because they gave as little information/details as possible but was wrapped up nicely (the dark knight syndrome, which i hate BTW.) and i always have to ask my self is it really logical? can this happen in reality? or did he just put all those twists and turns to leave an impression. But in this movie i think it was best that CN direct it because of its nature but again it was a little too much to fully enjoy the movie. i think his brother JN made a good balance, and i feel contrary to many opinions that CN cannot portray/present a story but rather write it, so i don't like him as a director. the story itself was especially priceless because it ended the way i wanted to in favor of chritian bale, the movie was never slow exciting form the start i liked its pace excecpt the last 30 mins where it turned all 'Nolany'. and i need to watch it again to see if it will satisfy my highly logical mind, as there are still some tiny events that is not ironed out.
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Bloodsport (1988)
Good movie but they ruined with a cheap shot.
11 August 2011
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So i am watching this movie and in some part i get the Mortal Kombat deja- vu when jcvd was fighting the huge man, also resembled the one in MK, did the split and hit him in the crotch, just like johnny cage did. good soundtrack dialogue acting, plot.

Now this is the part that really annoys me in the end the say its based on a true story, probably to give u the WOW effect but to me this is a low cheap thing to do especially that 80% of the movie has nothing to do with the reality of Frank Dux experienced i mean this could have been a great movie by itself just like Kickboxer but no they chose to do that, only the names were correct, even the location they failed to do they made it in hong kong and it was really in the Bahamas, again to give u that WOW Hollywood effect.
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Source Code (2011)
Fun, new idea, poor storytelling.
30 June 2011
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i recently watched source code, limitless, and unknown which i will make a review for each of them. all these movies have something in common i feel the directors try to rush they don't take enough time to explain the complicated concepts and events in which is crucial to understand the movies, they also do not shed enough light on key role characters, in addition the dialog is often vague in which the viewer is not clear on whats happening, in a nutshell the storytelling in all three movies is plain CRAPPY (Unknown not so much), i cant help but feel that most directors are attempting to imitate Christopher Nolan style which i despise (making fairly complicating ideas into hugely complicated through his very bad direction and storytelling and even dialog. in limitless and source code specifically very little information is provided keeping the viewer thinking in order to fill the illogical gaping holes in the technicality of the story and the complicated events revolving around the main character leaving the viewer thinking logically of what or why just happened instead of just enjoying the moment. and this what i don't recognize in older movies i don't feel the movie is an outline or a summary of a longer movie, and i don't feel the compression of the development of incidences during the movie.

--Source Code--- the main point i don't like about that movie is the carelessness of explaining the concept behind the source code, they explained it in a very superficial way, i am sure most people wont care, but for me it makes a big difference, especially towards the end it quickens its pace although the end part is the most complicated part, when he sent the sms why didn't she receive it instantly? and when he wrote it how did he know he will continue to live?(as he stated in the sms). i also noticed that every time Stevens returned to the bunker was because he died NOT because the eight minutes were over. so they did an awful job explaining the technicality. also the part where he was freezing and things went wrong in the bunker the screen was broken, i don't get this part at all how did that happen? , this part just doesn't belong in the movie, its just a scene they put there to extend time.
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Limitless (I) (2011)
Highly compressed movie
30 June 2011
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i recently watched source code, limitless, and unknown which i will make a review for each of them. all these movies have something in common i feel the directors try to rush they don't take enough time to explain the complicated concepts and events in which is crucial to understand the movies, they also do not shed enough light on key role characters, in addition the dialog is often vague in which the viewer is not clear on whats happening, in a nutshell the storytelling in all three movies is plain CRAPPY (Unknown not so much), i cant help but feel that most directors are attempting to imitate Christopher Nolan style which i despise (making fairly complicating ideas into hugely complicated through his very bad direction and storytelling and even dialog. in limitless and source code specifically very little information is provided keeping the viewer thinking in order to fill the illogical gaping holes in the technicality of the story and the complicated events revolving around the main character leaving the viewer thinking logically of what or why just happened instead of just enjoying the moment. and this what i don't recognize in older movies i don't feel the movie is an outline or a summary of another longer version, and i don't feel the compression of the development of incidences during the movie.

---Limitless--- First half of the movie i enjoyed a lot the pace was perfect not too fast or too slow, but the the second half, many incidents just happened that just wasn't made clear or shed light upon enough, Why did the man in tan coat chase him after he realized he was calling him? this part is not explained, and like when Brandt the lawyer (how should i know he took the pills too) stole the pills from Atwood who was dying and when (after i replayed this part half a dozen times) the man in tan coat killed Brandt for stealing from his boss then Eddie took the pills. and when retrieved the pills from his girlfriend's place how the hell did he lose them again? these parts are compressed in a crazy way it makes u hate the movie, these are just a few of many, but the movie was a new idea and i enjoyed most of it although some parts make u yell "oh common!" like when Eddie dropped the last pill in the drain or when he couldn't even hide this one pill from the Russian guy, these parts are just stupid. the movie could have easily be 2 hrs but it seems Hollywood only makes movies that doesn't exceed 1:40. this seems to be a common trait which is very annoying.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
Fun, but has the same negative traits as other modern movies.
29 June 2011
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i recently watched source code, limitless, and unknown which i will make a review for each of them. all these movies have something in common i feel the directors try to rush they don't take enough time to explain the complicated concepts and events in which is crucial to understand the movies, they also do not shed enough light on key role characters, in addition the dialog is often vague in which the viewer is not clear on whats happening, in a nutshell the storytelling in all three movies is plain CRAPPY (Unknown not so much), i cant help but feel that most directors are attempting to imitate Christopher Nolan style which i despise (making fairly complicating ideas into hugely complicated through his very bad direction and storytelling and even dialog. in limitless and source code specifically very little information is provided keeping the viewer thinking in order to fill the illogical gaping holes in the technicality of the story and the complicated events revolving around the main character leaving the viewer thinking logically of what or why just happened instead of just enjoying the moment. and this what i don't recognize in older movies i don't feel the movie is an outline or a summary of a longer movie, and i don't feel the compression of the development of incidences during the movie.

---Unknown--- as i gave it a good rating because the negative points never really ruined the experience for me as most movies do, my negative point is the director did not shed enough light and developing the secondary characters, i am talking mainly about Rodney Cole, the part where the German x-spy killed himself and the dealogue between them is not fully explained, and i just feel this part doesn't fit perfectly in the movie, they just put it to add some time and event. i specifically feel that those small important details are crammed in a way which it makes the movie less understandable. like how did the x-spy know martins real past when he said "what if he remembers everything?".i cant help but feel this movie is just scene after scene after scene not really interconnected with each other, this may be the most efficient way to shoot a movie but makes the movie less valuable than it potentially is, movies nowadays don't have this heaviness/richness that the good old ones had. and how did the martin Harris-es know the password (i mean the number code itself) to Bressler's work? and what operating system in the world are the using it seems its all the same software in all the movies, id die to use that instead of windows ;)
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Nothing Original
12 June 2011
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lets start with something positive...the dialog was kinda good.

now to the rest of the Cr@p, the movie was shallow sugar coated Sh1t. Same Scenarios! he even gets injured mid-play and healed by his coach, coach gets depressed because of dead family member, endless repeating of simple chores (mysteriously converted into Kungfu moves). they copied everything then modernized it. ending was the worst part the boy supposedly was injured in his leg, then made a 360 back flip, all that to avoid the original move of the pelican, this is just an example of many in the movie. proving that the movie industry would go just about anywhere to make easy money, even if it is irrational unrealistic, nonexistent, illogical and even unnatural, that movie was pathetic, they even froze the last frame like the good old days, and just when i thought the movie cannot get any worse, BAM a Justin Berber song, so thank God i watched that Cr@p online, i took precautions and i am fully relieved that i have took them. that is all i can recollect for now, i am sure there's lots of pieces of Sh1t crumbs dripping from my memory, but it was just too much gather in one mind.
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u wont need to let ur brain work cause if u did u will get annoyed
16 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
i will jump right in firstly what i don't like about that movie: when the train stops at cooney island the cops instantly new the bad guys weren't on it HOW? it must have taken them a while to realize that, so thats just unrealistic, the outcome is that the 2 bad guys wouldn't be caught. another point that is unrealistic is the part where Ryder doesn't put a gun to Garbers head..WTF?! the guy did EVERYTHING right like a mastermind so its very unrealistic for that to happen, clearly the writer/producer just wanted that film to take his own way. in real life the bad guys would have won. he could have taken him hostage, killed him, or even wound his leg but he just trusted him to follow him. also Garbers bag that had the white plastic ring that had the gun inside, why the hell didn't get searched like the rest of the bags?
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1408 (2007)
Pointless Waste Of Time
5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
this review may contain what may be considered spoilers. news-flash any good review has to, what would i base my review on then, how can i make the reader convinced by my opinion? how would they know what I'm talking about? u silly IMDb.. i cant believe this mess got a 6.9 on IMDb and the same on RT,i am going there too and write a review, wow people are dumb... i heard this movie was a mess but i like the genre so i still saw it and guess what..IT is A FU*KING MESS. i saw the directors cut which i swear to god is 10x messier than the theatrical. i read the plot of the theatrical and its clear that this was the original best intended cut. i felt they just made the directors for the sake of it and stuffing, with completely different ending, they just wanted the movie to be longer but at the expense of making it CRA*PIER. this is one of those movies that u have to completely turnoff your brain to get entertained, this movie was illogical and unrealistic in the simplest of aspects. i wouldn't be so angry if it didn't get >6 rating. plus i wish john Cusack had better taste in movies, i also watched this movie for him. there's this one scene in the Dcut where they trick u making u thing everything was a dream but then goes back into being a part of the illusion. WHY?! pointless..this whole movie is just pointless and ill never watch a movie from a European director again.
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