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An intense adventure
7 February 2014
Paul Greengrass, known for "The Bourne Ultimatum" and for "United 93" brings us a really intense thriller about the true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009 hijacking by Somali pirates of the US- flagged MV Maersk Alabama. With a really intense atmosphere and a powerful story, "Captain Phillips" it's definitely a must-see for everyone. Another excellent movie that after grabbing your attention, will leave you speechless until the credits role.

With "Captain Phillips", Paul Greengrass manages to provide the same intensity level of "United 93" adding a much more powerful story. Tom Hanks and Barkhad Abdi have done terrific jobs by interpreting really difficult characters. It's impossible not to feel moved with Tom Hanks performance as Captain Richard Phillips. The other three actors that portrayed the pirates that hijacked the ship, have also made really remarkable performances, giving a sense of realism to the movie I was not expecting to see.

This adaptation of the book "A Captain's Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALS, and Dangerous Days at Sea" by Captain Richard Phillips himself will therefore bring you some really strong emotions and feelings.

So if you want to watch a movie with a powerful and remarkable story with brilliant performances and intense action sequences and experience this realistic adventure that will get your attention right from the beginning, "Captain Phillips" it's my suggestion for you. "Captain Phillips" it's definitely one of the best films of the year!
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The Conjuring (2013)
"The Conjuring" reaches a new level of intensity and creepiness that possessed me
3 February 2014
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James Wan you almost got me with Insidious, and with that I mean you almost gave me the most scary hour and half of my life inside a movie theater. I was scared as s***t but I could handle it. But then, three years later, you were able to bring to the world the most brilliant horror movie of the decade and perhaps one of the best horror movies ever made. I am of course talking about "The Conjuring". This amazing film based in the stories of Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Flaming) who were American paranormal investigators (associated frequently with "The Amityville Horror"), got my nerves right in the beginning. There is so much to explore in "The Conjuring" and the mysterious atmosphere only helps to create the sense of fear. I've seen a lot of movies about possessions but none of them were as good as "The Conjuring" was. Sequences like the "clap and hide" game when Carolyn plays it with her daughter and we see the first paranormal appearance in the closet will be really hard to forget. But what makes "The Conjuring" really special it's the fact that there's a story, a really mysterious story, that the viewer could be easily attracted. I felt the characters fears and I kept wondering my self every time what the hell was going to happen next. I was scared for almost 2 hours but on the moment that those credits role, I knew I've just witnessed the living proof that it's still possible to make excellent horror movies. "The Conjuring" reaches a new level of intensity and creepiness that possessed me.
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Colin Firth was born to play King George VI
3 February 2014
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I finally had the chance to watch "The King's Speech" and after that I was impressed with such magnificent performances by Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth. It was in fact a really amazing and inspiring film. I have to admit that I was a little bit skeptical with the film after the Oscars ceremony because I am a huge fan of Nolan's masterpiece "Inception", but god I was wrong. "The King's Speech" it's a lot more than just a biographic picture. This fascinating history gains even more impact with the casting choices. Colin Firth was born to play King George VI such as Philip Seymour Hoffman was born to play Truman Capote. It was definitely an exceptional performance. It was really hard for me to imagine how a story about a speech could be that interesting. The complicated relationship between Lionel and George and the improvement of George speech skills gave a touch of humanity and power to the film. Everyone should watch this film, not just for the historical aspects of it but also for the wonderful and captivating story of one man who will fight against all his fears and troubles so that he could give to his country the most important speech of his life. "The King's Speech" it's a really well told story that will please you for sure!
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World War Z (2013)
An action film that will fulfill your desires
3 February 2014
There's a lot of weird and crazy stuff happening in "World War Z", a zombie film that fulfilled my daily dosage of action. I understand that a lot of people will be against my opinion but I did actually enjoyed a lot this film. You will not find the typical zombie horror film in "World War Z". This film it's like a mix of really awesome action sequences filled with a large amount of visual effects and poorly executed horror sequences. There are some moments when you can't figure out what the hell it's happening because the action scenes are a little bit fast and confuse. The zombies were okay and there were some intense sequences (for example the plane sequence) that made the movie a lot more enjoyable. "World War Z" it's not great but it had style and fulfilled all my expectations.
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Short Term 12 (2013)
"Short Term 12" it's a ride filled with drama, joy and moving moments.
2 February 2014
There are only a couple of movies that made me feel the way that "Short Term 12" did. This powerful and moving story takes place a foster-care facility for at-risk teenagers where both kids and some elements of the staff had some rough moments in their childhood, being displaced from a parent or even abducted. Grace is a 20-something supervisor that works alongside with her longtime boyfriend, Mason. Grace always kept her problems away from everyone but with the arrival of a new girl, named Jayden, her life will never be the same again. While trying to help Jayden, Grace has to remind herself of the troubles that she had in her childhood and with the help of Mason and Jayden she will find the courage that she needs to face at last the problems that bother her for a long time. "Short Term 12" shows a reality that is unknown for a lot of people. It's about fighting for survival and about growing up. It was so wonderful to watch and I felt connected to the story right from the beginning. The acting was so amazing and I am still astonished about how great was to watch Grace dealing with her problems while she was helping Jayden. For those children, hope was almost gone and therefore the staff task was sometimes really hard to accomplish. Grace and Mason chemistry was one of the strongest points of the film, because the way that they solved their problems together gives a touch of romance that gives power to the story ("It's because you are the weirdest, most beautiful person that I've ever met in my whole entire life."). "Short Term 12" it's a another proof of the great quality of indie movies and it reaches your heart with this moving and touching story. Because sometimes, when you think there is no hope left for you, you just have to keep fighting for your life. "Short Term 12" it's a ride filled with drama, joy and moving moments.
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Shocking, Filthy and Nasty
2 February 2014
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I was so shocked with "Pink Flamingos" that it's hard, I mean really hard to give my opinion about it. "Pink Flamingos" was so difficult to watch. I was not expecting anything like this. I felt nauseated while watching some scenes of the film and I can't understand why this was made. The war between Connie & Raymond Marble against Divine for the title of "The Filthiest Person Alive" almost drove me mad, because i could count with my fingers the number of minutes when happened normal things in "Pink Flamingos". I know that probably you think I am being too rude, mostly because "Pink Flamingos" it's a classic and a well known cult movie but I thought it was sick and nasty. But, even though I felt nauseated with the film, I had to admit that John Waters gave a touch of weirdness and style to the film. And even though I don't ever want to see it again, this poorly acted filthy movie will remain in cinema history as a cult classic. The scene when Divine eats dog feces was really difficult to watch but I believe that was the right way to end this nasty classic. I did not enjoyed it, no sir, but it was so shocking that I still feel that it is a must see for everyone who loves cinema.
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Perhaps the most controversial horror movie ever made
2 February 2014
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You know that feeling when you watch a really tough movie? I had that feeling after watching only a few movies and the worst were "Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom" and "Lars Von Trier's Antichrist". But I was not prepared for the cruelty of "Cannibal Holocaust". I've read a lot about the most controversial sequences of the film before seeing it but it was too difficult for me to not feel shocked with all the violence/gore of the film. "Cannibal Holocaust" was definitely one of the toughest movies I've ever seen. It's more than just an exploitation film, "Cannibal Holocaust" it's a like a free ticket for your worst nightmare. It's a ride you won't forget for a long time.

Sequences like the impalement scene and the murder of a large turtle were to cruel and nasty to watch. And for a 1980's film I have to confess that I'm shocked how real it seemed. In the film, six animals are killed and those are really intense and gruesome scenes. It's a crazy, rude and cruel ride where you will ask yourself sometimes why are you watching the film but at the end of it, after all the evidences of this crazy journey are finally destroyed, you will understand that this is not just a simple horror movie. "Cannibal Holocaust" shows us the cruelty of men and leaves us with a really interesting quote "I wonder who the real cannibals are.". It's a really graphic film and it's hard for me to advise you to watch it but despite all this things I've said, "Cannibal Holocaust" manages to deliver and accomplish everything a true horror-movie fan really wishes. Violent, cruel, gruesome, graphic, "Cannibal Holocaust" will maybe force you to close your eyes in the toughest scenes. It was definitely one of the best and toughest horror movies I've seen.
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A great film for the entire family
2 February 2014
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I've only seen "Mary Poppins" last week and I was amazed with almost everything. "Mary Poppins" it's definitely a wonderful film for the entire family and a proof of all the magic that Disney it's capable of bringing to the world of cinema. Yesterday, after seeing Disney's "Saving Mr. Banks" I must confess that I was really lucky for seeing "Mary Poppins" on the television. Even thought the fact that the 3 minute-long trailer ruined almost the entire plot of the film, I felt happy and moved by this heart-warming story about how Walter convinced P. L. Travers (i mean Mrs. P.L. Travers). The performances of Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson are really wonderful to watch. "Saving Mr. Banks" it's not just a great way to honor "Mary Poppins" and all the work of Walt Disney. I think, "Saving Mr. Banks" also adds a bit of magic to the flying nanny story. The plot of the film drives the audience to the life of Pamela Travers (the creator of Mary Poppins), after accepting a deal made by Walt Disney to adapt her story to the big screen. At the beginning, Pamela Travers connection to Mary Poppins it's a bit difficult to understand because she rejects some of the ideas that actually made "Mary Poppins" a wonderful and touching musical. Days after days, she continues to reject ideas from Disney until they come up with an idea to make her happy. And that idea (the ending scene of "Mary Poppins") gave the movie, that touch of magic that I was expecting from Disney. And after the revelation of that idea, the audience finally realizes the connection among Pamela and Mary "Mary Poppins and the Banks' are family to me". And that connection it's the reason why I felt moved with all the film, because after that moment all the pieces are finally together. So, "Saving Mr. Banks" it's not just a "documentary" about "Mary Poppins", it's about the real meaning of the flying nanny that comes when winds in the east. After seeing it, you will feel moved, happy and you will want to ear one more time "Let's Go Fly A Kite". "Saving Mr. Banks" it's a fantastic movie for all the family!
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Captivating, powerful and fun.
27 January 2014
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First, in 2010, David O. Russel brought to us "The Fighter", a highly acclaimed film by both critics and audience worldwide (still on my watch list) and then, in 2012, he directed a really touching and funny romantic comedy named "Silver Linings Playbook" which drove him back to almost every known award ceremonies. So, after this two huge successes I have to confess that I had tremendous expectations for "American Hustle". Adding to this, I have to confess that having Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawerence and Bradley Cooper in the cast was one strong reason for having great expectations.

"American Hustle" is basically the story of a couple (Christian Bale and Amy Adams) which is forced to work for a FBI agent (Di Maso) who wants to capture some of the most powerful criminals including politicians and mobsters. A story about power, corruption and love where the huge wish of Di Maso puts everyone lives in danger.

Christian Bale's character, Irving, was so wonderful to see on the screen. It was full of life and confidence and his relationship with Sydney (also brilliantly played by Amy Adams) only reinforced the strength and power of his character. A lovely couple with a troubled relation. Most of their problems were caused by Irving's wife (played by Jennifer Lawrence) who manipulated Irving, forcing him to stay with her and with their son.

But when Irving and Sydney met Di Maso, their lives are turned upside down and they have to fight for their lives while they are helping the FBI on this huge case.

"American Hustle" it's therefore, more than just a story of a con man that hustles to survive. Its the story of four characters that hustle to survive. And it's not difficult to understand why all the main actors/actress are nominated for Oscars.

I was so amazed with the atmosphere of the film right from the beginning. It was captivating, powerful and fun. It was an excellent film that confirms again that David O. Russel is a talented director. With such amazing characters and a wonderful story, "American Hustle" it's, without any doubt, one strong contender to this year's Oscars.
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A powerful story about slavery
19 January 2014
At last I had the chance to watch Steve McQueen's adaptation of the Solomon Northup's book "12 Years a Slave". Solomon Northup (brilliantly interpreted by Chiwetel Ejiofor) lived in New York with his family (his wife and his two kids). His life was stable, he was a free black man living the "American Dream", until he was invited to join two other men to preform in several places, since he was a brilliant violinist. But unfortunately for him, the invitation was just the beginning of the worst time of his entire life. Solomon ended abducted and sold into slavery. While being a slave, Solomon faced the cruelty of some white men who just treat them like their property and a series of events that are really tough to watch. In fact, there are only a few things that are easy to watch in this 2-hour drama. Fassbender's character was really powerfully and I must confess that there were times where I was really angry about it. So much power and greed drove him to complete madness. Fassbender was really great portraying a slave owner, giving a huge touch of cruelty and evil to the film. It was really hard for me to imagine how could someone treat another one with such amount of cruelty. Without only a little amount of hope, Solomon sees him self trapped in this "nightmare" and tries to survive to the whole thing. After long years of suffering, Solomon sees at last the opportunity to escape after meeting a Canadian abolitionist, Bass, interpreted by Brad Pitt. This powerful and tough drama is also filled with brilliant performances by Benedict Cumberbatch and Lupita Nyong'o. Hans Zimmer also strikes again with a really great soundtrack that involves the audience into the film. But there is a lot more in "12 Years a Slave" than just slavery. I left the theater in complete silence, astonished for what I had just seen. A message of hope, a portrait of the cruelty of men and a powerful story that is tough but also captivating. Steve McQueen really got me with this one. "12 Years a Slave" is a 2- hour drama that will shock you and that sometimes will make you feel angry but there is so much substance in this film that it is impossible for me no to advise you to go and watch it. "12 Years a Slave" is more than a must-see, it is a true masterpiece!
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Sex, Drugs, Money and DiCaprio
14 January 2014
Martin Scorsese's comedy based on the story of Jordan Belfort it's a rough movie that manages to provoke and entertain with an odd storytelling and another great performance by Leonardo DiCaprio.

I want to begin my review by admitting that I had really high expectations for this movie and I must confess that this 180 minute-long comedy still managed to surprise me a bit. It's a dark comedy about the decadent financial sector and the way that greed and money controlled it. A movie about sex, drugs, lies and money with a dark sense of humor and with really wonderful performances by Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, who really surprised me by leaving his comfort zone. Everything in this movie works, even the odd storytelling that actually made the film even more interesting.

"The Wolf of Wall Street" is definitely not the movie you should see with your family but this journey into Jordan Belfort's career in the world of business it is one hell of a ride!

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Yippie Kay Su**s
28 December 2013
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I had the lowest expectations before seeing this film. I thought it was going to be bad and perhaps one of the worst movies of the year. After seining it, I managed to be disappointed even with my little expectations. There were huge action sequences like a 20-minute car chasing right in the middle of Moscow with really dumb moments like a freaking tank smashing everything right in the middle of the city. There was also the worst father-son relationship I have ever seen in my entire life (even worst than the Tom Cruise/Dakota Fanning relationship in Spielberg's "War of the Worlds"). The film also features a "brilliantly executed" scene where McClane leaves the cab and suddenly two other drivers leave their own cars right in the middle of the road (I honestly believe that this was just to solve the traffic issue). Despite all this bad things, I learned a valuable lesson with "A Good Day to Die Hard": HOW TO GET A FREE RIDE IN A CAB! So listen, "A Good Day to Die Hard" is dumb, but I mean really dumb. I understand that franchises like "Die Hard" are great to the cinema industry (in terms of profit obviously) but this has to stop once and for all. This was, without any doubt, one of the worst movies of the year. 2013's Valentine Day was not a good day to "Die Hard".
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The meaning of being a man
28 December 2013
There is a lot going on inside a teenager boy's mind. A mix of feelings that sometimes is the reason for our bad actions. But while growing up, the important thing is to learn with our mistakes. In "The Kings of Summer" there is a lot of stuff going on. Its a story about one boy (Joe) who is tired of living alone with his father and that wants to be free. One night, after a party that went wrong, he discovered a magnificent place where he thought he could start a new life so he persuaded his best friend and a guy he met at that party to built a house in the middle of the woods. This is a coming-of-age story that focuses on the feelings of this three teenagers. It is a story about young love and growing up. Moises Arias' character (Biaggio) brought a special touch to the film, adding to it great and funny moments. It's a movie that will give you enough reasons to smile and to be happy. Funny, smart and sweet, "The Kings of Summer" is another great movie of 2013!
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Antichrist (2009)
A vision of evil
25 December 2013
Lars Von Trier is a well-known unusual director, hated by some and adored by others. "Antichrist" is his first movie of his trilogy of depression and it was also the first movie from him that I had the opportunity to watch. When we are confronted with a movie strong as this one, it is easy to feel terrified, sad and at the same time marveled with the impressive cinematography and visual effects. A couple returns to their cabin in the forest after the loss of their son, while they try to repair their broken hearts and their marriage. This sad story culminates in a terrifying and distressing way that shocked the world. It is a cruel, visceral ending that it is not worthy to the story, not only because of the violent scenes of genital mutilation but also because of the evil environment that the story acquires near the end. Its a movie that divides the opinions but that does not leave anyone indifferently. "Antichrist" could be considered one of the most controversial/disturbing movies ever made. Its a movie that combines fear, anguish and despair. Lars Von Trier manages to shock and disturb the viewer in an unique way with this movie. A violent story filled with substance, "Antichrist" agitates our subconscious and makes us question about the true nature of evil.
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A mediocre love story
24 December 2013
Right after I saw "About Time" and read a few comments from other IMDb users about the similarities among these two movies I wanted to watch "The Time Traveler's Wife". The movie is about a man named Henry, who has a gene that causes him to involuntarily time travel and who fells in love with a woman named Clare. "The Time Traveler's Wife" is the typical romance movie with the funny and interesting addition of time travels to the plot. In fact, the only thing that works well in this movie is the chemistry among Henry and Clare because the time travels only brought to the movie a series of misunderstood events. It's a story about love that made me cry like a little girl. "The Time Traveler's Wife" is a mediocre movie with a very sensible love story which caught my attention and my heart.
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A great surprise
23 December 2013
There are those movies that touch you in a way that is hard to absorb. "The Spectacular Now" is one of those movies. It's not the regular teen drama. "The Spectacular Now" is about dreams, about seizing the moments and about love. It is the story of a popular young boy who meats a sweet girl and a series of events that follow that moment. As a 20 year-old man, it's hard for me to describe the mix of feelings I had, while I was watching this movie. It's so deep, so beautiful and so unique. "The Spectacular Now" is more than a wonderful surprise. It was a movie that made me think about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. "The Spectacular Now" is without a doubt, a beautiful and fascinating story about the discovery of ourselves and the true meaning of love. "The Spectacular Now" is, by far, one great surprise.
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A story about hope and respect
3 December 2013
It is really impressive the way that "Dallas Buyers Club" catches your attention. A remarkable and powerful story about a man with the HIV virus and who battles against the system to provide hope for those who see their life almost lost. The way that Matthew McConaughey plays his character is really impressive and it's one major factor that made me enjoy this movie more. It's a really powerful movie and one true contender to this year's Oscars. It's a movie about learning, about respect and about hope. The way that Ron's mind change about homosexuality provides also a certain touch of humanity and kindness to the story. With outstanding performances of Jared Leto and Matthew McConaughey, "Dallas Buyers Club" is definitely a must-see!
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The Family (I) (2013)
"F**k" is a great way to describe this one
22 November 2013
Wow, I just left the movie theater and I am shocked about the amount of bad reviews this movie had. I am a kind of huge fan of Tommy Lee Jones and Robert De Niro so perhaps my opinion about this movie is a bit influenced by that. Despite that, I must confess I truly enjoyed this movie. It was funny and it was very interesting to see how the family get used to an all new identity every time they had to move in. The plot is basically about a family, the Mazonis, that was relocated to Normandy under the witness protection program. So they had basically to try fitting in soon to avoid being caught by the mafia members who were trying to kill them. Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro were really great playing their characters and despite not being an excellent movie, "The Family" is enjoyable and is another great addition to Luc Besson's career.
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Prisoners (2013)
A powerful and emotional thriller
4 November 2013
What would you do if suddenly your son disappears without leaving any trace? What would you do if you felt your son's life was in danger? "Prisoners" shows us that our worst fears can sometimes take control of our minds and change our way of acting and thinking. So what if you lost your daughter and no one is capable of helping you? "Prisoners" is the story of two families who are confronted with this exact situation. In 153 minutes we are invited to look to the changes in the family members's behaviors while they lose their hope. Finding his daughter is the one thing that Keller Dover, played by Hugh Jackman, has on his mind and when he sees that Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) is not following his clues, he decides to make justice by his own hands. This powerful and emotive story about families, love, and fear is one great Drama full of suspense and outstanding performances by all cast members. "Prisoners" is alongside with "Gravity", one of my Oscar predictions for the next year.
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Argo (2012)
Affleck has done it again
4 November 2013
It's becoming a fact without a single doubt that Ben Affleck is a better director than an actor and "Argo" is a proof of that. I have to confess that I had the high expectations on this one and it did not disappointed me. In fact I would have never predicted that "Argo" was going to be such a very enjoyable ride. The tension represented in the early segments of the movie drives the spectator to a very amusing story about a man whose job is to take a group of people back to America. Alan Arkin character is great and Affleck is not bad at all. "Argo" is an attempt to recreate the escape from Iran of the American embassy employees and despite having some misinterpretations of the facts, it's a very well made movie and really pleasant to watch. "Argo" is therefore a victory for Ben Affleck's career and a great movie for everyone to watch!
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About Time (I) (2013)
3 November 2013
Apparently time travels are one of the keys to success because this movie hit me right in my heart. "About Time" touched me in way that no movie has ever touch. A simple story about love that has enough strength to make everyone laugh and cry. The story of a guy who is unhappy with is life and who discovers a very powerfully gift which will transform his life forever. It's really hard to say bad things about this film, the characters, the story, the soundtrack and all the details were really good. Perhaps the best romantic comedy I have ever seen, "About Time" accomplishes everything I love about romantic comedies, it's a compassionate, magical and lovely story with a little bit of comedy. Go and watch this one, I promise you won't be disappointed.
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Better than expected
3 November 2013
Let me just start this by saying that I was not expecting great things from this movie, but Marvel has done it right again and i believe that anyone who enjoyed the first movie will not be disappointed with this one. The special effects were really cool and the Asgard scenes were amazing in IMAX 3D. The return of Thor and Loki was by far better than I expected. Loki was really better than in "The Avengers", it was more funny and more enjoyable to watch. The only negative point in this movie is the villain (Malekith) which is like an accessory to the story. Marvel Cinematic Universe is getting better and I cannot wait for "Guardians of the Galaxy". Definitely a surprise, "Thor: The Dark World" is one of those rare cases where the sequel beats its predecessor.
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Gravity (2013)
Gravity - An IMAX 3D Experience Review
27 October 2013
First of all, let me just start by saying that I'm a huge fan of Alfonso Cuarón's work and that for about 1 hour and half I just felt I was right there in space. "Gravity" was one of the most promising movies of this season and without any doubt it was successful. This space epic, about two astronauts (George Clooney and Sandra Bullock) who are lost in space after a huge explosion in space, is full of action and impressive special effects. After James Cameron's "Avatar" I have never thought there could be a movie with greater special effects but I was wrong. The mix between the well written storyline and the special effects make this an Oscar nominee for sure. "Gravity" is definitely one of the best movies of the year and the proof that sometimes 3D can improve our movie experience. The IMAX Experience of "Gravity" just made the movie more amazing than it is. In conclusion, Alfonso Cuarón's new movie is one of those which I expect that years from now people will talk about. "Gravity" scores 10 out of 10.

IMAX Experience Review: Sound: 8/10 Visual Effects: 10/10 3D: 9/10 IMAX Experience Score: 9/10 -IMAXWORTHIT-
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Inception (2010)
A masterpiece...
27 October 2013
Christopher Nolan brings us "Inception", a movie about dreams and the capability of changing them. What would you do if you could change the future by introducing an idea into others people dreams? "Inception" is about a group of people who tries to change one man's mind by manipulating dreams. This idea drives us into a spectacular adventure where minute after minute, the group of people goes deeper to accomplish their mission. With an impressive storyline and an amazing cast (Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Cane and more), "Inception" is one of those movies you will definitely remember for a long time. After the well conceived "The Dark Knight", this movie is another example of Nolan's outstanding talent. Therefore, "Inception" scores 9 out of 10.
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