
5 Reviews
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20 December 2010
I can't remember the last time I watched a movie and felt as empty as I did after watching Once Were Warriors. I thought after watching Los Sovidalos, I felt a piece of me die with it's ending. But, this movie raised the bar and cleared it by an Olympic world record!!!

I admire how Lee Tomahori kept the characters undefined in the beginning. The characters who seemed to be the good guys in the beginning ended up not being who they appeared to be. And they way the character's developed was totally genius! I do not think anyone would have guessed how it all turned out.

Through my course of life, I've met a few women from Australia and New Zealand. The one thing they all admired about American men is the way we treat our women. I never quite understood what they meant until I saw this movie. NOT saying or implying that ALL men from Australia and New Zealand treated their women this way, but I can see through how different American women are in comparison how this movie would be true.

Sadly enough to say, this type of behavior happens here in our own backyard. And what's even more sad is how people turns the other way while this continue. But, as in everything in life with how are actions are, the children suffer the ultimate sacrifice! And they way the children suffered is very empty. But, the true strength of a mother and family is what helps put a band-aid on the scars we receive in life.
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White Dog (1982)
Not Racist
20 December 2010
White Dog should not have been banned for the reason of being racist! As an African American, I saw no sign of racism in this movie. Actually, I wish this movie had made the big screen for all Americans to see. The truth of how bigots actually train their pets and children to be racist should be shown around the world.

Coming from the south east I can understand to great details on how this works! As professor Carrasco pointed out that the final turning point for the dog is turning on his master and then on the owner of the zoo because he smelled his previous owner. A dog's sense of smell (mainly German Sheppards) and taste contributed to his old user's tactics of attacking black people. Once a German Sheppard taste blood, he/ she will crave it, especially from anything or anyone whom it consider a threat!

Just as all racist people, because they fear what they do not understand, animals and children are subjected to attack things they do not understand for fear of disappointing their masters or parents. How do we stop this form of terrorism in our country? As much as it makes me sick to watch movies like this and Rosewood, it keeps me sound as to the truth of how racism started and how it is still permeated!!
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Reflections of our actions
20 December 2010
Even though this movie was made before I was born, the concept of the movie still hold weight today. In today's society we have looked on those less fortunate than us as animals! We very rarely sympathies with those who live in certain conditions and go through the impossible things that we would condemn as barbaric. But, then again, this is why we go to movies.

Before I viewed this movie, it was brought to our attention that Mexicans thought at the time it came out that it portrayed them in a derogatory manner. After viewing it, I can not for the life of me understand why. What these children and those that took care of them is the same that most inner city children of ALL ethnicity and in ALL society has/ had to deal with for survival!

The innocence of children have been betrayed and exploited in these environments by those they trust and believe in. Parents, older men and women, teachers and law enforcement will exploit the innocence of children who do not know better. This film, shows with no malice how easy it is to fall into these vices and just as equally as hard to break free from it. Through each tragedy, the reflection was aimed back at the parents. It shows the most humane core of us all...we are a reflection of our upbringing!!
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Is it really terrorism???
20 December 2010
Like most Americans, this movie was hard to watch from beginning to end. But, Pontrcorvo portrayed the opposite side of what colonization is to it's most purist form!

Combining the fact that people are refusing to understand their fellow man's plight, and the true grit of those being held down mentally and emotionally, this film is a true eye opener. When we feel as though we are doing something good for someone else without factoring if they really wants it, this movie shows how the human spirit fights back. For these Algerians to resort to tactics that are at their disposal to "fight the power" is similar to what our American Revolution was built on.

I am not a fan of innocent people getting injured or murdered, but the questions that comes to mind is 1) How do you get to those who HIDE behind innocent people and 2) Is fighting for how you want to bring your children up really terrorism?
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20 December 2010
Professor Carrasco's film of the Spanish invasion into South America was one I didn't not know in full detail until I watched his movie at a screening at Santa Monica College. This movie has secured all beliefs of how I feel about colonization on our planet. Even if you are from Africa, South America, North America, Europe or even all parts of Asia, your family history have been affected by simular situations.

The only thing I wish was expressed more in this movie is how the struggles of the people as a whole had to suffer and sacrifice as did the royalty sacrificed for the people. In class he explained how the Spanish were able to take over by forming a bond with the enemies of the Aztecs. That would of showed how as a whole, we (humans) will let our arrogance towards another cost us our TRUE freedom of speech.

"The Other Conquest" was still and very inspirational from a film side but put me in the mind frame of what we will do, sacrifice our beliefs, for the benifit of our families and how others will use it against us to bend our heart. Yes, we might be appreciated during our sacrifice, but there will be people after us like Professor Carrasco to remind us of our weakness and our strengths!!!!
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