
15 Reviews
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Disgusting Awful Pathetic Garbage
11 May 2022
2 Stars because the audio was clear and the camera was in focus.

As for the rest of this horrible movie, unworthy of watching, unless you enjoy ridiculous plot lines which leave you wondering if the stupidity will cause you to smash your TV or computer monitor.

Script must have been written by a ten year old.
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Horizon Line (2020)
Absolutely Stupid
24 June 2021
I suppose there might be a few people who would view certain events seen in this movie as 'possible', however I doubt very much they would be adults.

How did this movie get made? Who read the script and thought: "We should make this movie, it certainly won't be the subject of ridicule."
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The Vanished (2020)
This movie was REALLY good. (Please Avoid Reading Any Spoilers)
23 January 2021
I have a tendency of noticing things which "don't work for me" in movies. I did NOT notice anything to detract from enjoying this movie. The story worked for me, from start to finish. Lots of interesting and captivating content. Very well done, in my opinion. Worth the time it takes to watch. I don't want to make any specific comment about the content of the movie as I enjoyed it very much without knowing anything about the movie.
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Valor (2017–2018)
Garbage. How did this get made?
1 January 2021
This series MUST have been made WITHOUT anyone who is familiar with how things are done in a military environment.

It looks like the writers were not interested in allowing reality into the script. Or maybe the writer did have a firm grasp of reality and someone told them to throw it away.
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Shooter (2016–2018)
Episode One cultivated false hope.
22 December 2020
Contrived story elements are obvious and plentiful.

The scenario required to 'setup' the lead character is overwhelmingly implausible.

Time and time again, ridiculous implausible story elements.
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The Predator (2018)
This an alternate universe Predator movie
9 December 2018
As there are plenty of reviews which already describe how this is not what you expect to see in a Predator movie, I'll expand a little on the subject line for this review. This movie can't seem to decide whether or not it wants to be a campy Alternate Universe Disney-ish version of Predator, or fitting within the style of the the original Predator.

Is it entertaining? Yes and no. Entertainment value comes and goes. Aside from a number of gruesome graphic deaths, this really could have been a Disney movie. At certain points in time it feels like a bizarre Jurassic Park sequel.

Lots of non canon content in the movie, which id distracting and disappointing.

I gave it five (5) stars because I liked it about half the time I was watching it.

Nice special effects, strange plot line, with plenty of humour injected, yet over all not a credible movie and certainly NOT a credible Predator movie.
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Future World (2018)
Much worse than gagging me with a spoon
11 November 2018
When I read Lucy Liu, Milla Jovovich, James Franco and Snoop Dog were listed as cast of this movie, I concluded it would be worth watching. * I WAS WRONG *

As many others have written reviews which cover my thoughts, I'll just add the following: I am wondering if the intention was to make a very bad movie, a movie so bad it becomes entertaining to watch and thus becomes worthy of the viewing time. If this was the case, * THEY FAILED *

This movie is, in my humble opinion, a collection of poorly presented tropes which will leave most viewers regretting they didn't allocate the time to visit a dentist for an elective root canal procedure.
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Battle Bots (2018)
A Feature Length Home Movie
31 October 2018
Expository and unnecessary dialogue litter this fan film-ish home movie. Props, set locations, acting and camera work leave a lot to be desired. On the other hand, the inane dialogue is clearly recorded. Many of the props are shared between characters. I suppose there was a script, but it doesn't look like it contained a comprehensible plot. I have my doubts the cast and crew understand what this movie is about. Example: a character mentions a need to avoid something environmental which will cause great harm, then proceed to briefly avoid the threat, then carry on like the threat no longer exists, while the threat does clearly still exist. Fight scenes make no sense. Enemies appear out of no where, then fail to make use of their tactical advantage. This movie is so bad the only value in watching it is to document all of the short comings.
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Da hong zha (2018)
Needs More Exposition (NOT!)
28 October 2018
Is it intentionally campy? Maybe. Is it trying to be serious and failing? I think so. Is the story line implausible? Yes. Is the acting stilted? Definitely.

Why did I give it 2 stars? Camera in Focus and good sound quality.
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Proving anyone can make a horrible movie
21 October 2018
From the random smoke, the peculiar assortment of random equipment, then what sounds like frequently ad lib dialogue and chessy special effects, on to the complete lack of proper military field tactics, it can clearly be seen that anyone, absolutely anyone, can make a horrible movie if they have a camera and can collect enough random people to fill the costumes selected. Sucks so bad I had to stop watching.
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United 93 (2006)
A Complete Work of Fiction
25 June 2018
I give this movie three stars presuming it is a complete work of fiction. We certainly have no idea what happened on the aircraft, if in fact United 93 did crash on September 11, 2001.

Why 3 stars? One for a clean sound track. A second for in focus camera work. A third for, dare I say, making me laugh from time to time, by way of peculiar actor performances which were amusing.

This movie seems to rely completely upon patriotic support and a desire to honour the people who perished on September 11, 2001. If one takes that out of the viewing experience, and views it as a work of fiction, it remains a bad movie as it doesn't provide the audience with a compelling story. All of the characters are under developed. There is no story line upon which to focus our attention. Worse yet, what is happening over the course of the movie feels arbitrary and without motivation.

Example: the four hijackers do not appear to be working together in a well co-ordinated manner. They are presented more as bumbling fools who seem unlikely to have been successful, especially with their very peculiar behaviour prior to launching the hijack attack.

The way the passengers were portrayed was, in my opinion, insulting. Four men begin an attack and not one of the passengers close to them responds instictively with a counter attack and the reasoning presented (to not counter attack) is very thin.

Over all this is a movie to watch to learn how NOT to make a movie.
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Moving Parts (III) (2017)
Could have been a contender, but failed to deliver.
24 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Clean audio track (1 star) Shots in focus (1 star) Framing of shots (1 star) Editing (1 star) SCRIPT / STORY (no star) it seems over done, more subtlety would have worked better. Some of the dialogue is just lame. Other dialogue is pointless. (Show, don't tell) Example: the scene where crime boss tells two thugs to go to the home of the delinquent debtor. First off, the set location used for the crime boss does nothing to enhance his credibility. Looks like someone's bedroom with a couple of shelves and a desk pretending to be an office of the crime boss. The close up showing the Boss pouring a drink makes the boss look tentative, hesitant and certainly not powerful. The dialogue doesn't help, some doesn't make sense. Boss: "McKal, you got no idea who did this?" Thug 1 (McKal): "No sir, never seen him. When we do ..." Boss: "One thing at a time. Where was Kevin?" Thug 2: "I don't know. When we came to he was gone." Thug 1: "Yeah" Boss: "Did he have a briefcase, did he bring any money?" Thug 1: "No Boss" Boss: "I think it is time you pay him a visit. Go to his house. Check it out." Thug 2: "Yes sir."

The crime boss wants his money. I wouldn't expect the boss to care what happened to the thugs, beyond them having failed in their function. Then the fact they have already paid Kevin two visits, the time to pay him a visit comment makes no sense. In my mind the scene should have been more like:

Boss: where is my money? Thug 1: "sorry boss we ..." Boss: "Get out of here, and don't come back without my money!"

The above would have made more sense to me. Lighting is inconsistent ( no star) good, okay , substandard and poor, depending on the moment.

Acting (no star) few believable characters, plenty of over acting.

Directing (no star) director allowed less than credible performances to stand.

Locations (no star) LOTS of boring blank walls behind the characters. Set locations didn't work well to sell the story.

Casting (no star) when you put that much time and energy into a production, get cast members who can perform the roles properly.

Fight Choreography (no star) not credible
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Blood Circus (2017)
It could have been a contender ...
21 December 2017
... with a better story, better execution, better actors ... The concept seems solid, but the flow of the story just doesn't work well. In my opinion, it was clearly capable of being a much better movie with the resources which appear to have been available. Over all feeling was someone gathered a few good actors and a group of others without acting skill, or experience, and then shot a movie without regard to whether or not elements of the story made sense. The over all story *could* have worked, but it contains too many implausible elements.

Cinematography, sound and set locations are well done. Unfortunately that cannot save a poor script and weak acting.
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This movie is very close to complete garbage
21 December 2017
Very low production value all the way around. Poor acting. Poor set locations. Poor props. Poor special effects. Most important of all, wretched story.

In my opinion there are many elements of this movie lifted from Inglourious Basterds. Sadly, they are poorly executed.

If you enjoy watching horrible movies and making fun of them with friends, this movie will provide plenty to critique.
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Taking Earth (2017)
Endless Exposition Spouted by Amateur Actors
16 October 2017
From time to time, there will be a special effect spectacle, linked together by characters in unlikely situations explaining the story line via stilted dialogue. Scenes are cut together oddly, such as characters being pursued in a crowded city at night, then we suddenly see them in broad day light in a rural setting. The cast perform like people collected at random and given dialogue to recite a moment before the single take used to capture the scene. There were a couple of quality props, but over all the production communicated a lack of budget. I felt I had to give it a 2 out of 10 because the images were in focus and the sound quality was good. There was nothing compelling about the story. None of the characters were developed to the point where anyone would care about them. Hopefully everyone was paid well to create this mess of a movie.
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