
4 Reviews
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Just No
16 January 2013
Yet another movie that I am baffled by the rating and positive response. The acting is very awkward and forced. Logan does a pretty good job... he didn't talk a whole lot. He would just say his one line and looks would be exchanged and then end scene. Emma's accent was horrendous. I swear there were moments of actually pauses and silence in her scenes because the three actors must not have spent enough time together because their friendship didn't seem real at all. I hate when movies have to cram all these scenes from the book into a short movie, it hardly ever works out for the fans. I just wanted MORE from it! I didn't get that deep emotional feeling I got from reading the book.
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Couldn't even finish it
16 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Chris Colfer please do not attempt script writing again because this movie is honestly just so out of place and awkward. I was bored to tears trying to get interested in this cliché high school movie but I couldn't finish it so this is a review of the first half. A lot of one liners just being said like they are first time actors in a high school production play. I didn't laugh once. His mother is a total unbelievable bitch. His mom is about 15-20 years older than his dad which made the casting people look like idiots. Then his dad has a younger girlfriend so in my head I am thinking, "does this man like older women or younger ones?" Wtf is the purpose of making a movie where you already know that he dies by getting stuck by lightning? Just so many flaws not even worth it to watch it just to make fun of it.
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Good at first then drags on
16 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Great beginning: loved the funky music, love christoper waltz playing a good guy, loved django getting justice the first time Middle: I start to notice that this movie is very unrealistic (i'm sure that's how its suppose to be since its Tarantino) Django and Dr King never gets shot once or stabbed. They do all the killing and never get hurt. Django constantly runs his mouth to all the white people and they smart off to him but never hurt him. Also the N word starts to make you wince because it is just said in almost ever sentence. I totally understand Tarantino putting it in the movie since it was used back then but you start to get the since that he secretly loves it. I read somewhere that it was used 110 times. Towards the End: Leo's character just dragged on and on. It could have been cut down a lot. I thought that he was going to be this horrible monster and doing something so incredibly disgusting to Django and King when he found out about their lies, I thought I was going to have to close my eyes, but to my boring surprise Leo's character just asks them to keep their promise of $12,000 and they could have the girl. In my head I was like "wan wan" anticlimax much? Ending: I was glad Django had a little bit of a problem getting free and was caught so at least there was some "oh no i wonder what's going to happen" instead of "oh hey django just up and killed all of those bad guys without a problem" like earlier in the movie. So I enjoyed the ending.
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So confused as to what about this movie is so amazing
16 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is my 1st review because I had to say something about this movie just to warn others about it since there are so many 10 star reviews. I sincerely do not understand what it is the academy saw in this movie to nominate it for 8... EIGHT Oscars! Are they paying them to nominate the movie?? 1. Bradley Cooper is not convincing as a bipolar patient. When I look at him all I can think of is his character from The Hangover or that he was voted Sexiest Man Alive. 2. Jennifer Lawrence is becoming one of my favorite ladies in Hollywood but she definitely was cast wrong for this part also. She is mean and unlikable and overacts the entire time. Just a lot of yelling and stomping around. 3. The entire movie they just bicker and huff and puff. They aren't cute until the very end and then the movie just ends. 4. There were so many football references and talking over one another that my ears started to hurt. The scenes would drag on with just arguing. 5. The plot was very bland so you aren't really rooting for anyone or excited about what is going to happen next. The script must have been a piece of cake to write because there really isn't anything groundbreaking here. There are hundreds of mental patient movies.
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