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good show
27 November 2017
I have enjoyed this film for many years. Casting a film is an art in itself. And this film is a classic of casting. The Oscar-winning actor Jack Lemmon, is a perfect foil for the fussy Ernie Kovacs. Young James Darren, and Dick York, and the inimitable Mickey Rooney, all make a fine ensemble. Veteran Arthur O'Connell, and all of the rest serve up a delicious film.

This is one of the biggest sleepers of all time, and really never got the recognition that it deserved. I like to think of it as a "Proto-M*A*S*H", as it clearly presents a lunacy of a military hospital, and the goofy characters.

A precious "gem" of a film.
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Not a great film. BUT- Necessary
12 November 2014
This film was NOT loved by critics. Most critics were unable to shed their political views. There were very few films, supportive of the US effort in Indochina. And regardless of the critical panning, this film was a money-maker. The Duke lost a tub of money on "The Alamo".

This film has some errors, and the special effects look primitive by contemporary standards.

Nevertheless, the Duke felt (correctly) that a film needed to be made, in support of the US war effort. True, the Duke never served in the military, he had medical problems, and he was refused enlistment in WW2.
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Moon Pilot (1962)
16 December 2013
This film is cute little trick of a film. In the early days of space flights, it was time for a send-up. And the great character actor edmond O'Brien, was terrific as the "hard as nails" security agent. A treat for us Disney fans.

The comic highlight of the film is the "parade of usual suspects", when San francisco beatnik chicks are brought in for review. A real HOOT!

The alien chick is disarmingly funny, and I wish she could have had more films after this one. She was so fine, I wanted to sign up for astronaut training.

The pacing is slow, and the humor is formulaic, but I still get a chuckle out of this minor classic.
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Excellent film, in many ways
25 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible Spoiler).

This is an excellent film. I lived in Germany (stationed with the US Air Force) in an area near where this film was shot. US Military in Germany were under a "status of forces agreement", which is basically a treaty between two countries, to offer legal protection to military forces.

In Germany, the military courts usually have "dibs" on crimes committed on German soil, by foreign military. The German government can waive jurisdiction, if it chooses to.

In the film, the four defendants are basically "scum-bags", who brutally rape a German girl. The rape is not in question. The film goes to some of the subtleties of US military law, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

What boggles my mind, is that when the crime took place, you could go to a house of prostitution, and get sex for DM40 (about 18 US dollars).

During this time period, the court would put the victim on trial, and bring her past sex life up for scrutiny. Fortunately, victim shield laws have done away with this sordid practice.
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An underrated gem
5 July 2012
I do not think it was possible for Billy Wilder to make a bad film. This one was a commercial problem, but I believe it is a real gem. The film is a near-classic. The characters are portrayed flawlessly. The dialog is crisp, the direction is clean and cinematography just excellent.

No one in the film has any redeeming value. They are all just "ick". It almost makes you glad that newspapers are going out of business all over the USA.

I wish that the film had received the commercial and critical success it deserves.
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Dark Shadows (2012)
A delicious treat for us boomers
9 June 2012
This film was a delicious treat for me. I cherished the original show, running home after school each day to catch the show. It was a real "retro" feast, with hippies, and a VW microbus, and even Alice Cooper.

I got some terrific "retros" from the plastic ball 8-track player, and the shag carpeting, and the Lava Lamp, how delightful.

The film had some really goofy comedy, and some excellent special effects, which were not even dreamed of in 1969.

I even enjoyed the Carpenters! A "cherry on top", of a delicious film.

Thank You Tim Burton, and Johnny Depp, and all the cast and crew for your excellent work.
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One of my all time favorites
19 October 2010
"Classic" is such a cliché, but it applies to this film. The casting, characterizations, sets, camera work, etc. all are fabulous. Otto Preminger was a great director (and actor!) who never got the accolades he deserved. He pushed the "envelope" of Hollywood, and had the courage to go head on against the production codes.

Sexual blackmail did not begin with Monica Lewinsky or John Edwards. Politicians are human, and their sexual peccadilloes, are splattered out for all the world to see.

Preminger even used formerly blacklisted actor, Will Geer (Grampaw Walton).

This film proves the adage, that politics makes good theater.
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Excellent, in every way
12 August 2010
What a film! The genius of this comedy, is two men who are "yin and yang". Neat. clean freak Felix, and slob, nasty Oscar. Classic comedy is the result of "collision", when two opposites collide, and the result is comedy. This is what happens in "The Odd Couple".

Lemmon and Matthau had a chemistry, that was on a par with Tracy and Hepburn. These two classic actors, made many films together, and always delighted audiences.

The film has some classic lines, but my favorite is when Oscar shouts "Go to your room!". Also, when Felix and the sisters are weeping, Oscar bounds into the room with "Is everybody happy?". Again, a classic of "collision" comedy.
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Great Film, and one of my favorites
6 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible spoiler) If you have not seen this film from 1967, stop reading here.

I cherish this film. I am in an interracial marriage (I am caucasian, wife is Chinese). This film always strikes an emotional chord in me. The final film of Tracy and Hepburn, is a classic of cinema. The story is about a Black (Negro) doctor, who wishes to marry a caucasian woman. The parents of both of these, have to deal with their feelings.

It is true, that Tracy was dying when he made the film, he died six weeks, after shooting stopped. Hepburn had to put up her salary as a guarantee, because it was impossible to get casting insurance.

Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn had a decades-long love affair, but never married, because Tracy was a Roman Catholic, and would not get a divorce. As is often the case in Hepburn/Tracy films, their off-screen romance infused the cinema story.

In the story, we are shown that love is color-blind, and that love conquers all. Great film.
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Lucky Lady (1975)
A good one
2 June 2010
I really enjoyed this film. I saw it in Shreveport, LA in 1975. I enjoyed watching and listening to one man, who laughed like roaring thunder all through the film. I enjoyed him enjoying the film.

The story is a bit choppy and uneven. The editing is smooth and clean. The costumes and props are all first-rate. The acting is good, but not great.

The climactic "battle scene" is a whopper. Sort of like something Yakima Canutt would do, except it is on water. Great Second Unit work, to be sure.

It is not really a love story, and the bedroom scenes are stuffy and over-rehearsed. You are not really sure who is in love with whom, but it does not matter.

Robby Benson has a good little role, he went to some good character work.

I want to get a DVD of this film and soon.
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Glory (1956)
"Cute" but that is about it.
30 May 2010
I was born in Louisville, on Derby Day, in the year of the Horse. I grew up in horse farm country (Lexington), and I used to work in the horse race business (as a Video Engineer).

I enjoy this film, immensely, because there are not many great horse race films (Seabiscuit, was a near-classic). I really enjoy the location shots, the horse barn, the race tracks, the close-ups of the magnificent horses.

The acting is not great, despite some excellent character actors. The verisimilitude of horse racing, is however, spot-on. The writers obviously did their homework. Seeing the color photography of Keeneland, and Churchill Downs, in the 1950's is always a treat.

There have only been three (3) fillies, to win the Kentucky Derby: Regret, Genuine Risk, and Winning Colors. So, the title horse has to be a filly! The horse race crowd, loves an underdog, look at the enthusiasm for Mine That Bird, who was a 50-1 shot in the 2009 Derby.

Long live the races!!
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Casablanca (1942)
My all time favorite
15 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT! This film is over a half-century old. If you have not yet seen it, do not read the following review.

I cherish this film. There are films I love, but I cherish Casablanca. The premise of the film is about doing the right thing. Fighting the Nazis, giving up your one true love, making sacrifices, etc. How can a person not identify with such a film? The dialogue is priceless, many of the phrases and lines have made it into our common speech. There was even a movie made called "The Usual Suspects". How many films have had a whole film made, from a line in the film? And my all-time favorite line, is when Captain Renault tells Rick to be kind to women "Someday, they may be scarce"! I must say I cringed when I learned that there was a "colorized" version of this film released in Australia. This film must be seen in monochrome. The issues, love/jealousy, and freedom/tyranny are black-and-white issues.

The "battle of the anthems" scene, is one of the most powerful scenes ever committed to film. The band strikes up "La Marsellaise", and the people sing it with fervor. Many of the actors, had recently escaped from Europe, and they cried real tears. I always weep profusely, when I see this part of the film.

One of my pastimes is hookah smoking. This film is one of the very few films ever made, which show a smoldering hookah. Every time I smoke a hookah, I channel "Casablanca".

I am delighted that the AFI voted "Casablanca", as the #2 all-time greatest film of the past 100 years. It deserves the honor.
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One swell picture!
18 March 2010
I saw this film in 1967, at the age of 13. I had been watching "Combat" on TV, and I knew the "Krauts" were evil, and the "G.I. Joe's" were always good and heroic. What a surprise to find out that Americans could be evil as well. I will always enjoy Telly Savalas, as Pvt. A.J. Maggot. He has the most evil laugh, and he is a Bible-reading, avenging angel of the Lord. What an over-the-top performance. When he is walking around the château, saying "Come out you sinners, come out come out, wherever you are!" I always cheer. Go get 'em A.J. !! The cast is superb, the film was Donald Sutherland's big break, he was picked to play the "General", and he ripped into the part, like a pit bull, the perfect touch of comic genius. Even Trini Lopez, was terrific, as a felon, whose only problem, is that the guards won't let him have any strings for his guitar. He gets the strings, and gets to sing "The Bramble Bush".

John Cassavetes (oscar-nominated) is perfectly slimy, as the "little bastard", Victor Franko. Always bitching about the floor,or the hot water, just superb.

The terrific cast includes Robert Webber, as a brightly polished adjutant officer, the perfect counter-point to the undisciplined Major Reisman (Lee Marvin). Robert Ryan, plays a west-pointer, who has the perfect combination of rage and humor.

The technical side of the film is excellent. Superb camera work and cinematography, smooth editing, great close-up work on Telly Savalas. Frank DeVol's score is riveting: drumbeats, and precise military rhythms. We even get to hear Sousa's "National Emblem" march. Robert Aldrich's precise direction, keeps a fine pace, during the first half of the film, mixing some comedy with the efforts of the scum-bags to become soldiers again. The climax builds, and then the successful conclusions.

Ex-football player, Jim Brown, is superb. The Army was segregated in 1944, and Telly Savalas asks "Do we have to eat with n*****s?" and then a riot ensues. We keep waiting for Jim Brown to run. When is he going to run? Finally, he gets to run, blowing up the Krauts. Sort of a reprise to Jesse Owens, showing up the Nazis at the Berlin Olympics.

I never miss a chance to see this film, every time it is run on TV.
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15 March 2010
This film is the pre-eminent "heist/caper" film of all time. The guys go in for a romp, the cast is excellent. Don Rickles playing "Crapgame", is a master-stroke of casting. My favorite scene is Carroll O'Connor, listening to the radio. The discussion goes: "I'm not holding back for five hours, I'm not holding back for five minutes! I pulling' out, and pushing forward!" I split my sides.

The film takes pokes at the ridiculousness of the rules of war. Captain Maitland, ripping off a yacht, tells the men, that "The penalty for looting is death!" The double standard is pounded home.

Donald Sutherland's character is perfectly realized. His continued references to "negative waves", is hilarious. He even has the calm, to "chill out", eat cheese, drink wine, and catch "rays", during the battle. How anti-war!

I watch this film again and again.
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Nice, goofy fun
15 March 2010
Look, this film ain't a classic. Nevertheless ,it was the type of film, that brought the kids in in the 1960's. I saw it at a drive-in when I was 9. Even at that age, I recognized the Pepsi slogan, and when I kept seeing Pepsi machines in the film, I thought it was sponsored by Pepsi. My first encounter with product placement.

The plot is mindless, the characters shallow, the jokes unfunny. Tina Louise stripping off that gold-lame gown is priceless, though. Nice to know, that Tina Louise, could have had a backup career as a stripper, if she had not cashed in on "Gilligan's Island".

Pamela Tiffin's character has the I.Q. of a soapdish. I still enjoyed this film. I work in telecommunications, and I got a real chuckle out of the two (2!) mobile telephones in James Darren's car. I also enjoyed the bit where Darren calls Bob Denver on the walkie-talkie. Real high-tech stuff for this time period.
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Star Trek (2009)
Thumbs up!!!!
10 May 2009
A splendid film. And Great fun. I went hysterical at the references to the classic TV series. What a delight to see Kirk, Spck, Bones, Uhura, and all the gang again. I am glad that J.J. Abrams was able to get the the essence of the original show, and give us a real taste.

I am thoroughly delighted to hear of the plans to shoot 2 (?) sequels. No matter, Star Trek will never die, the 5 TV series will be playing on TV until eternity.

I have urged all my friends to see this film, and to boldly go where no one has gone before.

The humanity and humor of the film, came through with excellence. I am delighted with the fine ensemble cast and the obvious respect that the actors had for the characters. I am looking forward to seeing more of Dr. McCoy.
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what a film!
25 April 2009
I cherish this film. I first saw it in 1970. I have memorized much of the dialog. I find it ironic, that the stars Marvin/Eastwood/Seberg are not singers, but they do their own singing in the film, with no dubbing. Also- the only professional singer in the film- Harve Presnell (Rotten Luck Willie) has only one song in the film, and it is a smasher "They call the wind Maria"..

The set design, and the props are all fabulous, I especially like the new city.

My favorite character is Homer Fenty, who was coming of age, at the same time I was. I love his introduction to whiskey, cigars, and the other more intimate aspects of life.

One of the most profound statements of religious tolerance, ever uttered on film, is made by "Mad Jack", when he states- "I don't give a good damn, how a man prays, there's room enough in hell for all of us"!
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Airport (1970)
Enjoy it every time!
16 April 2009
I just saw this film again. I always enjoy it. It is a "time warp" 39 years ago, the hairstyles, the clothing, the airport. I always get a hoot when Van Heflin just strolls on the airplane, with a bomb in a briefcase. I have been flying since 1974, and since Sept 11 2001, you have to strip, take off your shoes, and get wanded. Strange to see the airport procedures of this bygone era.

The ensemble cast is always enjoyable. I like Dean Martin (the pilot) who is married to Barbara Hale (Perry Mason's secretary, Della Street, in one of her few film roles. When Dean Martin decides to divorce her, and continue in the relationship with Jacqueline Bisset (the stewardess), I hope the wife does not get Perry Mason for the divorce! Parry will clean his plow!
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6 April 2009
This film is over the top. Especially the bikers, who all appear to be recently barbered. I swear one of the bikers looks like Wes Studi, the native American actor.

Did anyone notice, that the actor who plays the sheriff's deputy, who escorts Billy Jack into his cell, is the same actor who played the Sheriff's deputy, who interviewed Rambo in "First Blood"? Notice the actress who is on the street, during the first rough-up scene, is Billys girlfriend from Billy Jack.

This is an interesting film.

The fictional town of "Big Rock" is meant to be "Big Sur", but Big Sur is not a town.

Jane Russell's spoof of herself is a real gas. When she is talking to her daughter, the daughter is looking at an album "Music to Strip by" hoo!
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Blow (2001)
An interesting film
13 March 2009
I saw this film yesterday. I did not feel sorry for the principal character. The character, played by Johnny Depp (a good performance, understated). I have no pity for a dope-dealing scumbag. Cocaine is pure evil, and it wrecks lives. Any scumbag who brings this poison into our country is a traitor. He deserves anything that he gets.

I was only sorry, that the dope-head did not get his brains blown out by one of his dope-dealing pals.

I am glad that he is in prison, and I hope he rots there.

This film shows the banality of our drug laws. We will not legalize drugs, and we will not enact stiff penalties on transporting/selling. The result is a society floating on coke.
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Valkyrie (2008)
25 February 2009
I thoroughly enjoyed this film. But I must say, that I kept comparing the film to the 1989 made-for-TV film, with the late Brad Davis. The plot is minimal, and everyone knows how it will end. The conspirators failed, and Hitler survived the bomb.

But there will never be enough credit given to the brave men and women who stood up to Hitler. And there needs to be more examination of the fact that the Allied governments in WW2, all recognized 'governments-in-exile" of the occupied nations, but no Allied government recognized a 'government-in-exile' for Germany.

The performance of Tom Cruise, is not one of his best, but the character of a decent man, comes through.
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Doubt (I) (2008)
Streep is awesome
25 February 2009
I was solidly impressed by the always awesome Meryl Streep. I would pay to hear her read the back of a cereal box. To call me a "fan" of this woman, would be like saying that Tiger Woods plays Golf. There are not enough superlatives to express my admiration for Meryl Streep.

The film is a modest effort, and the story is somewhat loose and uneven. The performances are, however spectacular. Meryl Streep just hammers it home. She has no proof of any alleged improper behaviour by the priest, but her moral certainty and rage is almost like a female George C. Scott.

I am glad that Meryl Streep got her 15th Oscar nomination for her performance. It will definitely not be her last.
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True excellence. An amazing film.
6 November 2008
This is a rare beauty of a film. (PLEASE release it on DVD). The film is a character study, and a masterful thriller. I saw on TV way back in the 60's and it has haunted me since. The opening scene, on a train, a boy is killed. The star ( the beautiful Ingrid Thulin) looks off in a "thousand-year" stare. She does not react to the tragedy. The camera pans back, and you see the number tattooed on her arm.

The film is shot, masterfully, in post-war Paris. People are just beginning to cope with life again, after the Nazi occupation. The Doctor returns to work, and her Husband (Maximilian Schell,in a career-defining role), hires her to impersonate his wife, whom he believes to be dead.

The gorgeous Samantha Eggar, slinks around the house. Oozing with sexuality, you drool over her character.

After some plot twists, including the fabled bath scene, you are drawn into the plot. The film continues with some nail-biting, and the conclusion is just fine.

I will scour my TV listings, and pray it comes back on!
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A genuine classic
1 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Few comedies earn the rank of classic ("It happened one night"). This film is one of the rare few. Combining comedy, pathos, psychology, clean-crisp direction, first-rate editing, and brilliant performances, and solid ensemble casting, combined with excellent chemistry- This film makes the cut.

I was living in central Kentucky when the filming took place. The entire film was shot on location, and this decision was brilliant. One of the best (short) car chases ever filmed, takes place in Versailles, Kentucky.

The chase was choreographed by Yakima Canutt, who choreographed the chariot race in "Ben-Hur". You will see the similarities.

Mordecai Jones (George C. Scott) is possibly the finest judge of human nature, ever to appear on film. He takes young Michael Sarrazin (his film debut) under his wing, for instruction. Sarrazin discovers that he cannot find one honest man.

Everything in this film "clicks". The moonshine still is the "real deal", I have seen similar stills in Kentucky. The set pieces and props, are authentic. The location filming is state-of-the-art (1967), and the editing is flawless.

The ensemble cast, consists of the finest character actors available at the time. Albert Salmi, Harry Morgan, Strother Martin, Alice Ghostley, and Jack Albertson.

I wish that 20th Century Fox would get this film on DVD. If any Fox executives are reading this. PLEASE DO!!
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A film of perfection
1 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
(My first comment on IMDb) Rarely does a film reach sublime perfection, but this film does. From the beginning, you are oozed into the worlds of psychoanalysis, and the semi-unreal world of confidence men (and women?).

A casting miracle, Lindsay Crouse acts with subtlety, pulling the audience along, as she slides down the slope, into the world of the con. Joe Mantegna wears the role, of the experienced matchstick man like he was born to play the role. The stellar supporting cast is outstanding, especially the late J.T. Walsh (a consummate character actor), as "the businessman", you never know his name. He paints emotion on the screen like the artist that he is.

The audience begins learning the world of the con, when Ms. Crouse hides the pebble in her fist. From then on, you are drawn in as if by magic.You get lessons in the art and style of the con, next from a brilliant early-career cameo from the brilliant William H. Macy.

If you remember the classic film "The Film-Flam Man", with George C. Scott, you will immediately recognize the "Pigeon Drop", a classic con. Unlike other con man films ("The Sting" and "Matchstick Men"), you walk a fine line, between believing in the con, and participating in the con, and becoming the "mark" yourself.

This film pays a tribute to "film noir", with its dark street scenes, and the glow of the neon signs in the alleys. The direction is crisp and clean, seducing the audience into the twin worlds of the con, and the analyst.

The film wraps around your mind, as you step into the characters of the analyst, and the master con artist.

Unforgettable, in every way.
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