
16 Reviews
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Dune (2021)
Visually stunning, entertaining
15 March 2024
Without having anyhow been into Dune before, I had quite some fun with this picture. This is mainly due to the stunning visuals and the amazing soundscape.

Given that it's - after all - kind of a traditional science-fiction picture, focussing on action and power, I did appreciate its relatively low pace.

The acting is certainly not what carries the movie, but this is due to the stiff and formal painting of the characters, and not a matter of uninspired performances.

After all the story feels just as trivial as e.g. Game of Thrones. It's about power, Honour and treason. (also I might not get the whole picture, as it is laid out in the book).

Summed up it's a good watch.
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Nomadland (2020)
Beautiful and sad - maybe a little to sad
3 December 2023
This is an extraordinary film, regarding the whole approach by the dircetor, the intense depiction of both the main-actress as well as the incredible performances by all thos lay-characters and the beautiful photography. But after all, I experienced it as (too) sad.

I found it baffling that this team created a working atmosphere, which obviously enabled all those lay actors/characters to just deliver this authencity and intensity, that carries the movie.

Obviously McDormand has a huge part in this, given that she faces all these characters in very intimate scenes. And she herself delivers fantastically: she is so sad yet so strong. One never can fully read her, whis seems just adequate, since I doubt we all can do this even ourselves.

The amazing photography of both the landscape and the whole environment (of course another main-act in this picture) but also of the characters and their story-telling faces was just as perfect as the acting and directing.

However, the contributors view their movie althoug as a story of hope, even of empowerment. For me, it was hard to read it in such a way and I think this has a lot to do with the score. Simply put: although I could here that the characters had hope, that there is this amazing level of solidarity, the underlying music (which is very present, since the movie is rather slow) was just so sad that it made it hard to feel the positivity in this whole community. I think this is a burden, the movie should not have had in this intensity.
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Soul (2020)
Really good message... but might not work for rather young children.
29 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
...since it´s not the usual fulfilling your dreams brings joy but realizing both the sense and joy of lfe is to be seen in the life as it goes. This is amazingly clear depicted in the scene right after the gig, the main character had longed for so desperately. An important scene for both, grown ups and kids.

Although this might sound a bit cheesy, it is a really important antidote to the old american dishwasher-to-millionaire fairytale.

Besides this important core, the movie comes with an adorable set of characters, including side-characters such as the barber. The switch of bodys by the characters creates lovely changes in perspectives that lead to some valuable insights, particularly for younger folks.

However: I watched it with my 6 year old and had to realize he was a little too young. So I´d suggest to wait a little longer in order to enabling children to grasp the main message. It might be a little confusing to realize what this movie is actually about.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Funny but shallow
29 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The basic idea, although an old one, works rather well and is a nice and funny approach. The whole idea of discussing how to "adapt" to this destiny by the different characters play well and gives some funny but also interesting moments.

However, the plot turns more and more into a romantic comedy. This doesn´t have to be a bad thing, but in this case, it is. Mainly, the movie doesn´t even give it´s story the time it would need to depict the process of falling in love and negotiating what love can be basedon in this scenario.

So one is asked to stop thinking about actually interesting questions and just follow the characters to a rather simple happy ending. Which is - by the way - rather stupid, since it makes no sense that they could realize there exit of the loop in the neighbours pool. Thats a pity, since the film had way more potential.

Nonetheless, its still a fun thing to watch.
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Is this the view of native americans, we want to accept nowadays
29 March 2023
The six sequences are rather different: while the first three episodes are mainly somewhat funny and focus on humor and asthetics, the last three are more prone to be very short portraits of characters and situations.

To me, the latter work better. I don´t embrace the kind of humor of the first ones, which is largely centered around rather tumb violence and anti-heroes.

Among the victims of the violence are in some episodes "indians". I had been rather irritated by the ojectification of native americans, which is pretty much like back in the 80ies and before. They are depitcted as nothing but some wild folks that attack the white characters who transport the respective narrative. Although the violence goes in every direction, I found this a very irritating imbalance and terribly inappropriate.
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Wish Dragon (2021)
Good with children
18 January 2023
Wishdragon was fun to watch with my 5 yr old. Surely, its nothing new, but compared to many of the family-movies, which i watched lately, it has a very decent depth and sufficient takes on ethical question to raise some interesting discussions with your children.

And some gags really gave me a good laugh.

I'd wish that all the villain storylines wouldnt be there but that seems to be impossible given our Zeitgeist. These fights and the haunting are at times a little annoying, although the assistants of the supervillain are somewhat funny.

Overall, its certainly not the Kind of film that is really a thing for adults alone. But with children, I'd definitly give it a go.
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Flat and Kind of desperate
31 October 2022
The whole script feels like someone wants to be so desperately funny, but is not. The turns feel achingly trying to put another level of stupid escalation onto a flawed baseline of a ridiculous story.

The cast does not a bad job, but the characters felt unidimensional and flat. They have no shades, no ambiguities, they are simple archetypes.

After all, some of the dialogues are still funny, but the whole thing doesnt achieve anything for me.

Its not particularly witty, deivers stereotypical characters, has no particular asthetic and doesnt get close to the best that this cast might be able to deliver.

Skip it.
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A promise
7 October 2022
Being a fan of Tilda Swindon, I went to the movies without reading anything about the movie.

It certainly wasn´t disappointing, but the magic it was supposed to deliver, didn´t quite get to me. Its nice watching those two acting and the stories the djinn delivers are nice. But after all, nothing really special, it´s all supposed to mean so much that it doesn´t depict anything really special.

Same goes for the visual part. It looks good, but somehow its not as, e.g. In the cell, years ago.

After all its a good and somewhat easy going movie. It certainly makes sense watching once you don´t what to have something heavy.
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A bit too simple but still a nice watch
6 August 2022
The movie has a good cast and it´s fun to watch these people at work. It also has quite some really funny moments and dialouges.

In the bigger picture, the overall storyline is quite cheesy and doesn´t really hold up to the acting. Thus, its a missed chance to discuss the complexitiy of crisis, losses and chances of long-lasting relationships.

Summed up, the movie feels too much on a simplistic side, but is a nice watch for a night when one wants to have it a bit easy.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Good comedy, and not a dull one.
19 March 2022
Ted Lasso is a nice approach on everyday life and all the struggles coming with it.

The overall-story is, of course, somewhat dull, but it´s basically a platform for humourously approaching different characters with their anxieties and other issues. This is done in a fine balance between comedy and tregedy, although the first clearly overweighs, which makes TL a relaible feelgood-comedy.

Unfortunately, the football scenes feels somewhat cheap and can´t stand up to the rest of the show. But it´s not the focus anyway, so don´t mind...
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Anomalisa (2015)
Whats the point?
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I´m a big fan of charlie kaufmann, but this one seems rather pointless to me.

Seriously, what is the message, actually?! Someone is so estranged from everyone and everybody, so they are all the same to him. But why? What is their misdoing? What is the main characters own flawed take on his life? What is anyone supposed to do in this movie? What am I supposed to think about it.

Well, not everything has to have meaning, but I personally find the asthetic rather uninteresting too. So there is not much left for me.

However, one thing stood: the sex-scene. Its a funny thing to note in movie with puppets, but this might be the most authentic sex-scene I´ve ever seen in a movie.

After all, not my cup of tea at all, but still an interesting take.
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Witty and working a serious topic - of course over the top.
12 March 2022
Its a very nice and simple intimate play with good actors.

Of course, it´s a comedy and the screenplay is way over the top, but overall the experiment, uncovering the average modern liberals hypocritical attitudes and little secretes is more than just silly entertainment.

Rather good watch.
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Schlussklappe (2022)
Gute Balance zwischen Entertainment, kritischem Blick auf Buisness und einem Beziehungsdrama
5 February 2022
Ein durchaus sehr sehenswerter Film, in dem es gelingt ein bisschen albern (in einem guten Sinne) zu sein, einen bedrückenden Blick ins Filmbusiness zu werfen und ein durchaus realistisches wie aufwühlendes Freundschafts-/Beziehungsdrama darzustellen.

Getragen von sehr guten Schauspieler*innen, optisch gelungen in Szene gesetzt und mit teils sehr schönem Soundtrack.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Great cast, entertaining but sometimes indecisive story
3 February 2022
I think it was fun to watch a great cast having fun and the overall persiflage of society as a whole, but as well its subdivisions such as media and tech with its hybris and science with the desperate "is it peer-reviewed" are worth a watch.

The whole don´t look up-part, however, seemed a bit nonsensical to me. Or the story didn´t decide for a road (do we write something about naive trust in tech or about denial of an existential crisis) and it has some lenghts, but overall very much worth to watch.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Where are you heading...?
10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What is to love about this show is obviously the very good humor, but most of all that is actually very appreciative of people and very honest.

Whats honest? There is this guy, grieving so badly, even in self-pity. But he can´t help himself. He can´t help both the grief, his own whining but also his hatred for the world and the people surrounding him. That deserve(s) this hatred.

But, at the same time, he reckons that this is how people are: stupid, lousy, selfish, ridiculously narcisstic - but still adorable and very often very good hearted. And Tony does both, uncover this in himself and in the folks around him.

And this makes a very good and - after all - very positive show.

But then it goes too far, by times. Particularly in the second season: why are we still carrying this stupid therapist?! The character made its point and even Tonys cousin realized his lousiness. So write him out, since every scene is so unpleasently on purpose. And doesn´t add anything anymore.

Same with the Revue and the people bringing it on stage: whats the point of letting broken characters s*** their pants on stage or making abusive jokes?

I hope for season 3 to narrow it a bit more to what adds and what doesn´t. But still, thankful this show exists.
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Debtocracy (2011)
29 January 2013
... took me half an hour to get angry. actually it starts off interesting with trying to get a connection to the financial crisis - but in the end there is no link (like there should be, since Greek banks had been hit hard by the subprime-crisis).

then there is a discussion of political failures made in Greece throughout the last decades and even toetipping into the euro.

But then all the sudden there is this big bad IMF and EU and all those mean neoliberals. sorry, but this is just to simple and in the end - yes - boring left wing propaganda.

Everybody knows that washington consensus failed, but still, as Juncker said: In a situation like this, no one ever was before and therefore no one really nows the right way. But getting the household back in check must be an aim and more than trying to save AND pumping money in is hardly possible.

so i have to continue waiting for a good and not the one-sided documentary about Greece or the euro-crisis in general.
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