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The Mummy (2017)
22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Now that i re-watched it , let me give my thoughts on this mess called The Mummy (2017) and the whole Dark Universe crap. Dear Universal Studios Entertainment: Don't put your Universe before your characters. I don't mind you guys remaking The Mummy yet again. If i don't like it , i'll still have the previous versions. But you guys are missing the point. The original was a standalone/self contained movie. It wasn't trying to set up sequels or an unnecessary cinematic shared universe. In fact , there wasn't even a sequel. It was more horror. The ones that were made in the 40's and the 1999 remake and its sequels were more action/adventure , sure. But they knew what they were. They knew the tone they wanted. And i love those. This one , the tone didn't knew what it was. It wants to be more like the original 1932 version and distance itself from the 1999 version but at the same time it is doing stuff that , the 1999 version did and there are even references. But we don't need a shared universe. Don't try to copy Marvel because they aren't superheroes. They're monsters. What are they going to do once they get together ? Are they all of the sudden going to be friends and save humans ? There wasn't an after credits scene teasing. The whole movie was one big tease. It felt like Iron Man 2. A commercial for another movie. How about make new versions of Frankenstein , Dracula , The Hunchback Of Notre Dame , The Invisible Man and The Phantom Of The Opera that are actually more faithful to the original novels ? As a way to differentiate from the previous movie adaptations. I seriously doubt that the authors of those novels where thinking of shared universes when they were writing those. I doubt H.G. Wells was thinking "You know what , The Invisible Man , this is set in the same universe of Dracula and The Mummy. And how about hire people with actual experience ? Alex Kurtzman was mostly a writer and had only directed 1 film. Just one. And it was a small Comedy | Drama movie. Why would you give this big budget/summer/popcorn/action/adventure/horror movie to this guy ? Stephen Sommers was a writer too sure. But he directed 4 films prior to The Mummy. He directed a small movie and he went to direct other movies until he got Deep Rising which it was more a big budget movie. And then he made The Mummy. Get Guillermo Del Toro. Sam Raimi. James Wan , Peter Jackson. And drop the whole shared universe idea. You tried a few times and it didn't worked. Dracula Untold , now this one. Just forget it. I can't believe i'm saying this but i rather watch The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor. At least that wasn't trying to set a shared universe. And i actually cared for the main character. Unlike this one. The only reason i gave it the benefit of doubt was because of Tom Cruise. Regardless of what you think of his personal life , he's a good actor and producer. But i honestly didn't cared for his character. He was a jerk. He and the actress had no chemistry , unlike Brendan Fraser and Rachael Weiz. And Brendan Fraser was clearly a hero. He even tried to save Beni. In this one he saved the girl sure. He gave her the last parachute and we think he sacrificed himself for her , but then he said that he thought there was another parachute. Was that supposed to be funny ? And after , there was a scene where he tried to escape and he almost left the girl. He toked a truck and totally forgot about her. Our hero ladies and gentlemen. Our hero. I think i even rather watch The Mummy: The Animated Series.
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A Good Reunion
15 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw the Wizards reunion and it was good it was funny if you- liked the show you'll like it. But i was i little disappointed it- didn't have Justin in it because David Henrie was busy doing something- else.I think that they did the reunion too fast the show ended the last- year.They should'voe waited a couple of years more and waited until they- could have all the cast return and maybe do a movie with a bigger- budget and release it in the theaters like Hannah Montana:The Movie but- anyway i thought it was fun is entertaining for the whole family.I love Selena Gomez i love the series.so if you are a fan of- Selena Gomez and more important a fan of the series you should see it.
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