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Death of a franchise?
20 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pointless and overlong, a disjointed mess of a film.

I don't really know what direction Disney are going to take with Star Wars in the future and frankly I don't care any longer. I am wholly indifferent and have no intention to see any more of these garbage films in a theater. None of the major loose ends from The Force Awakens are resolved in The Last Jedi, we don't get to find out who Rey's parents are/were, what lead to the first order becoming a force in the galaxy, who Snoke is and what his origins or motivations were. The only mystery that is unraveled is Luke's voluntary seclusion - which of course is deeply unsatisfying since it's contradictory to what we know of the character from previous films.

To say that the plot of TLJ is simplistic would be putting it mildly, none of the villains are in any way convincing as their only motivations are being evil and none of the supposed heroes are in any way compelling either since they all act like disorganized morons and apparently the only way to make a buck in this universe is by selling arms, either to fuel or fight an insurgency no more than a few hundred men strong.

What are "the resistance" resisting against? The first order are evil yes we fully understand that any organization that keeps building planet killing weapons to cause wanton destruction is evil, but evil TO WHAT END? Having Leia fly through space like superman, Luke dying from going out of mana, the slow-mo chase through space, all the inappropriate and misplaced humor - these are all profoundly idiotic plot decisions but what really bums me out about this film is I have no reason to care about any of the characters in it.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Dots connected competently
14 November 2016
Don't kid yourself, Hacksaw Ridge is nothing more than a paint-by- numbers Hollywood war drama — complete with wholly unnecessary romantic subplot and flashbacks to childhood traumas. There is nothing courageous about making a film like this, it's as safe a bet on box office success that a studio exec could ever make.

But it's well made damnit and having a competent director at the helm working with a script that never strays too far from what is at its core a simple story about a man's convictions and the ordeals he goes through really is a treat to behold.

My only major complaint is that none of the actors at any point reloads their firearm. Vince Vaughn is also out of place as a drill sergeant and his lines early on often feel as if they'd be more at home in one of the myriad comedies for which he is better known. I suspect his role in this film has more to do with the personal politics of the major players involved than it does his established body of work.
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Room (I) (2015)
Well that was a waste of time
1 June 2016
Typically you expect dramatic productions to have some sort of resolution, a satisfying denouement or if nothing else at least some intriguing moments with characters, dialogue and scenery that capture the imagination.

Room offers none of that, relying wholly on two main conceits to carry the entire weight of the story. Beyond the first act this film is interminably dull and by the end of it I found myself thinking "what the f**k was that it".

While it avoids being offensively bad, Room is still not an enjoyable watch. Best avoided.
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Blue Ruin (2013)
Awful tripe
23 June 2015
There's a compelling story to be found in Blue Ruin but it is soundly ruined by being spread much too thin and having all of its plot points spoken is barely intelligible whispers.

As an example, the first real reveal of any substance comes when well over an hour of the film has already passed. What could've otherwise been condensed into a riveting 15-20 minute short is here a series of overlong, poorly directed and poorly shot sequences that serve no other purpose than to waste our time and occasionally hammer home the point that yes indeed, our lead is a feckless dweeb and petty criminal of low ability and ambition.

With no characters to identify with (let alone sympathize with), nearly no plot and line delivery bordering on the farcical, Blue Ruin is a complete dud.
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John Wick (2014)
Pretty lights, poor show
16 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Very minor spoilers ahead

It's for the most part nicely shot and nicely lit. Keanu Reeves, despite hamming it up with an unnecessarily raspy voice in every scene, is also capable as the lead and there are several strong supporting characters that provide for some depth in an otherwise simplistic and shallow plot.

There ends all the good I have to say on the subject of John Wick.

Strangely enough one of the primary failures of John Wick is the sound design, it's not as godawful as Chappie with its belt fed rifles but there is a terrible discordancy here between what we're shown and what we hear. The soundtrack in particular sticks out like a sore thumb whenever Wick's "man with a purpose" leitmotif lights up. There's something to be said of the missed opportunity of including somber jazz or grunge and instead going with generic and grating hard rock in a movie which is otherwise more tonally similar to noir than typical action fare.

The plot's pacing and direction is where the film really begins to lose me however and it becomes clear rather quick that little forethought or planning was put into the script. Wick is described as a loser for example by a man who spent the preceding night trashing his very un-loser-like home and stealing a car that he admired so much he would rather keep than sell to his fence. Not enough time is spent on the titular character himself either to establish him in any way, instead what we get is a couple lines spoken about him in hushed reverence from another character - who neither he has been properly introduced at that point. And from that point on the rest of the movie is singularly focused on the revenge plot and while it plays out in a number of visually interesting settings the fight choreography, visual effects and inconsistent behaviour of Wick as well as the extremely long scenes make for a complete doozy. Instead of allowing for a gradual buildup of tension followed by brief bursts of violence our Hero dispatches enemies with such ease and in such great numbers that it's hard not to think you're watching Max Payne: The Movie. I'm reminded of a quote regarding droids in the Star Wars prequels, if our heroes are able to deal with these enemies with such ease and in such great numbers that their presence is entirely inconsequential, why even include them?

Finally there's the issue of our Russian crime boss being played by someone with a very obvious Swedish accent. I don't hold anything against Michael Nyquist but he's a poor fit for "menacing bad guy" and even if he were able to speak English without his accent there's precious little he could do with the pathetic dialogue afforded his character. Attempting to pass of a Swedish man as a Russian mobster so jarred me out of the movie I ended up simply fast-forwarding past any scene where he made an appearance, which of course meant John Wick took a nosedive towards the end.

It might be interesting to consider for a moment what could've been done with the basic themes and characters here if the project was in the hands of a competent director, editor, makeup team and effects artists but it'd be a lot simpler to simply say - don't bother.
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Chroma noise in a major motion picture production IS THIS A JOKE?
9 April 2015
How the everliving hell does a production fail so spectacularly that members of the film crew cranked the ISO up on their cameras to the point where every shot they took is ruined by massive amounts of noise and no one at any stage notices?

This is beyond pathetic, such a failure of basic technical ability deserves ridicule if found in youtube videos but that Russel Crowe would be guilty of such an amateurish pratfall in his dramatic directorial debut is woeful and shocking.

This is a crime so basic and unforgivable that as soon as it became clear it wasn't just an isolated mistake but a recurring nuisance I immediately ejected the disc and threw it in the trash WHERE IT BELONGS.
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Young Ones (2014)
Predictable, sophomoric, derivative
21 December 2014
Few films are as thoroughly offensive to the senses as Young Ones, shot by some fool for a dp who doesn't understand shutter time it makes the puerile and tiresome error of mistaking selective color adjustments for a compelling aesthetic and the end result is downright unpleasant to behold.

Not only are the moving pictures that stutter across the screen an affront to all that is good and pure in cinema but the audio production and screen writing are equally disappointing. This is the work of a team that approaches film production as that would a gorilla with heavy handed and incompetent attempts at lighting, editing, shot placement and direction. I feel the only ones putting in any proper effort are Shannon and Fanning but they are ill equipped to salvage this disaster.

I give Young Ones no marks.
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Predictably awful
25 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Mindless entertainment usually has some charm to it if nothing else, Guardians delivers none of that. Throughout the whole film it provided maybe two sincerely funny moments while the rest of it came across mostly as unintentional comedy thanks to a gibberish script. I've never laughed at someone dying of cancer before but the prologue of Guardians is just so hilariously god-awful it had me in stitches all through the opening credits.

Oh Christ, what a forgettable, uninteresting and pitifully bland mess of a film this was. I suppose it appeals to easily impressionable simpletons but I struggle to see how, there's hardly any character development, the plot is nonsense from start to finish, the antagonist is some bland and boring caricature who seemingly only exists as a vehicle to introduce Thanos (who is a big deal I'm assuming?) and it's all just so damn predictable. Perhaps worst of all the ending is just another anticlimactic retread of the old and tired "power of love" trope.

I may have given Guardians at least one point if it had decent effects and camera work put into it, but none of that is to be found here.
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Big budget done mostly right
11 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There's a scene in Edge of Tomorrow where people in a pub are talking about the possible motivations of the antagonist alien species might be, Tom Cruise responds to this by saying "what difference does it make?". This is obviously meant to be interepreted as a matter of factly statement about the business of fighting for your survival but I can't help but feel it's also a line put in there by the screenwriters addressed to the audience in which they're trying to tell you not to worry about the nitty gritty of plot details in a movie featuring time travel as its premise.

And of course, getting past the fact that time travel as a plot device doesn't hold up to any form of reasoned scrutiny it has to be said that what Edge of Tomorrow manages to do with this conceit is really enjoyable to behold. Bar a couple really tired clichés, the basic elements of plot progression and character interaction come together really nicely here. Pretty much my only major complaints about this film are the generic and utterly uninteresting enemies, a retread of the tired old mothership ending that grants our heroes an automatic victory upon its destruction, sorely lacking audio production and a miscast Brendan Gleeson who's completely out of place as a stern faced general (I have never seen him pull off a stern face).

It's fantastic too that practical effects are used to such a great degree and when CGI appears it rarely stands out.
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Enemy (2013)
8 September 2014
What we have here is a waste of time, you can finish reading right now and just avoid Enemy since that's all I'm going to get to with this review.

That's really the only way to describe this film, it opens with a series of repeating, overlong vignettes of our main characters daily life that that only tells the viewer the story of how far up his own arse the director is in which nothing interesting, insightful or entertaining happens. A couple words are exchanged here and there between characters but the dialogue is so dull and one-note and the lines reveal so little about the people speaking they might as well be conversing in grunts for all the difference it would make.

Are any of the "plot points" that are brought up ever resolved? Of course not.

Enemy belongs in the bin.
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Calvary (2014)
Tries way too hard
23 July 2014
There's a conversation early in this film where our protagonist is urged by another priest to be circumspect in regards to issues of ethnicity.

I sorely wish McDonagh would have taken a bit of that to heart because in writing the script for Calvary he goes to ridiculous lengths to paint the picture of a diverse and colourful community with constant assaults on our suspension of disbelief as a result.

Pretty soon then comes the point where the incredible leaves you incredulous and whatever connection was had between viewer and narrative is completely lost.

It's a shame too because Calvary is beautifully shot (for the most part) and has a fair range of truly endearing characters, it's just a shame they keep such poor company.
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Fatherland (1994 TV Movie)
Worth a watch
10 March 2014
Fatherland is a simple movie, it doesn't touch on particularly deep themes and there's not a whole lot of depth or subtlety to the plot, but therein lies the charm.

Seeing Fatherland reminded me of Threads (another made-for-TV film from a decade earlier) in that they're both simple films that somehow manage to have more coherent scene structure and pacing than many films released today.

Isn't it lovely when what's shown on screen makes a bit of basic sense?

The overdubbed child actor and heavy handed third act does bring down the overall impression however.
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Unbelievably stupid in almost every sense
3 February 2014
I have nothing good to say about this film, nothing at all. Catching Fire is a film made by an incompetent director based on a garbage script featuring soulless performances and edited in the most hamfisted way possible.

It only exists to appeal to the easily impressionable who mistake poorly implemented themes of violence and romance for depth and to vacuum as much money as possible from the YA audience.

The Hunger Games series is an entirely cynical enterprise with not one redeeming value, do not encourage such practices by paying money to see this film.
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Gravity (2013)
Neat visuals, no more
1 February 2014
This film was a pretty big disappointment, I had only a vague idea of how it would play out in terms of plot but was expecting it to be a competent sci-fi film. It was not.

Gravity carries with it a pretense of realism but throws it out the window in the first couple minutes. Why the film even bothers in taking the time to point out that space is indeed silent is beyond me since there's always some sound playing. It's as if it's afraid to let go and take the viewer seriously, a streak that runs throughout the film.

Above all else I get the sense that Cuaròn wanted to make a film that was essentially CAST AWAY IN SPACE WITH SPACE EXPLOSIONS AND CATASTRPHIC RE-ENTRY and for what it's worth all those elements are here and executed effectively. But none of the things any sensible person would expect to see here are present. Why is it for example that the only communication Bullock manages to establish with the surface is with an amateur radio operator? Does Cuarón really believe that NASA relies entirely on satellites to stay in touch with astronauts? Does he really think they would be unable to use ground based means in case of an emergency that renders ALL of their conventional channels inoperable?

The above is however a minor gripe and the same goes for all other ignorance regarding orbital mechanics. What really irks me about this film is the infantile dialogue.

At no point watching this film was I ever convinced the people on screen were astronauts, and that is the paramount failure of Gravity.
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Back to film school with you, Greengrass
30 January 2014
I understand it may be his "thing" as a director to film every single shot in a hand-held fashion but it makes Captain Phillips an incredibly unpleasant and frustrating thing to watch.

There is simply no excuse not to use a tripod, none at all. It is pathetic how this pointless and infantile fad spreads to other films too.

Don't waste your time or money on this garbage. There are far more sensible things you could be seeing.

Sorry Greengrass, but it seems you've still got a lot to learn about the fundamentals of filmmaking, the use of a tripod being your biggest oversight.
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A cartoonish, overwrought mess of a film
15 December 2013
Before getting into the meat and bones of what I have to say about The Hobbit part 2 I'd like to point out that I'd be giving the film a 3/10 and be happy to leave it at that if it weren't for the extremely inappropriate use of 3D. It added no depth to any scene that could not have been accomplished with proper lighting and cinematography, it only served to distract and obfuscate as soon as anything moved across the screen. This pointless gimmick only ruins the experience.

Now onto the actual film, saying it's no good is putting it lightly. The screenplay is an incoherent garbled mess that makes a mockery of the source work. Scene after scene we get to see characters we love and hold dear behaving inconsistently, hamming it up with lines that make you shake your head and wonder whoever thought it was a good idea to introduce a triangle drama for no discernible reason, among many major complaints. It's downright disrespectful how badly written this tripe is.

And of course there's a whole bunch of completely unnecessary and needlessly drawn out action sequences shoehorned into the movie for no other purpose than filler. Legolas' nonsense athletic feats challenge the suspension of disbelief so frequently and so egregiously that eventually you just throw up your arms in the air and give up.

What purpose is there to an action scene where you don't care for any of the characters? What tension is there when the bad guys are so ridiculously outmatched?

All this added action just ends up ruining the pacing because now you've got too many subplots going than you can reasonably allot time for.

Even the audio is noticeably bad. The music from the LotR films will stay with me forever, the music playing over the end credits here just made me leave the theatre in haste.

Well, at least Smaug was great, and we get a noticeably improved Bilbo this time around.
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Elysium (I) (2013)
A monumental failure of filmmaking
26 November 2013
Nevermind the stupid premise, nevermind the rushed and paper thin plot, nevermind the numerous and constant missed opportunities at being clever with the script, nevermind the nauseating use of hand held shots, the flaws of Elysium are so fundamental and appear so often it's damn near a wonder why it was made in the first place.

The lapses in common sense and logic in this film compound on each other so fast it's hard for me to even keep up with my notes and it goes way beyond just being haphazard writing or questionable directorial decisions, the mistakes present in this film are of the kind that would make you fail film school.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Very little good, very much bad
18 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it's got a nice soundtrack at least. But the audio editing is done very poorly.

The CGI for the most part isn't offensively bad either, but I'm not a twelve year old any more and it's not for the CGI I watch films.

No, I watch films because I hope for an engaging experience where for a moment I'll forget I'm just watching a contrived spectacle and allow it to take me for a ride. But that's all Man of Steel ever is, a contrived spectacle.

This is one of those strange films where almost every scene feels really drawn out and at the same time laughably rushed. The introductory sequence we see at the beginning could have set the stage for a compelling battle of ideologies, or given us some food for thought about our own consumption of natural resources and the value of space exploration. Instead it does neither, giving us only a single trite bit of dialogue to inform us Krypton is coming to an end and that everyone's going down with the ship.

Rushed too, are the the scenes that introduce to us Clark Kent the character. There's not much for me to say here other than they don't make a lick of sense in the context the film constructs for us.

Then we get to the introduction of the Lois Lane character who for whatever reason is in the thick of the action from there on out, just more contrivances layered upon a very shaky plot. I completely zoned out and stopped caring altogether when Clark cauterises a wound with his eye lasers, that garbage scene was on par with the c-section from twilight.

Isn't it odd how a film that continually stresses the importance of a search for how and why through its cinematic language actively discourages the audience from considering these things?
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Overall a pleasant experience, but deeply flawed.
2 October 2013
Giant robots engaging in fisticuffs with giant monsters is a joy to behold that I doubt will ever grow old, but the other elements in Pacific Rim are greatly lacking.

It goes without saying that the basic premise is pants on head retarded, I just wish basic things such as characterisation was handled more effectively. It doesn't help either when Pacific Rim contradicts itself by one moment speaking of the need for efficiency over showing off and in the next scene (literally) pulling its punches.

Bad writing is an forever will be bad writing, and Pacific Rim is rife with it. It's a fun ride though if you are willing to overlook such faults and the momentarily atrocious CGI.
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World War Z (2013)
A waste of time and money, don't bother
13 September 2013
While World War Z may not be as offensively bad as certain other films released this year it is still insultingly stupid to anyone with even the most basic measure of common sense or logic to their name and by lazily handwaving the only element that may have given it some lasting appeal with hamfisted mother nature metaphors it ends up being a completely forgettable experience.

I could go on to great lengths about all the little details that ruin this film but for something so unengaging it just can't find the motivation. There's no characterisation, the film wavers on tone and themes all the time, things happen for no good reason other than to move the action to another location, there's bad cgi, bad audio, excessive use of shaky cam to hide the bad cgi, professionals routinely act like amateurs, more bad cgi, more shaky cam and a tame and predictable ending.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Glossy packaging, but it's all dumb inside
26 July 2013
The setup is simple enough, bad dudes blew up the moon and so we nuked them all. The loss of the moon's stabilising effect on the earth combined with all the nuclear fallout meant humanity sought refuge elsewhere. But we're still using the earth to suck up all the deuterium from the seas for fusion energy and to protect these installations we got a bunch of heavily armed autonomous drones that kill any "scavs" they find.

It all looks sorta pretty but the problems in this film quickly build up and compound on each other to the point where very quickly not a goddamn thing makes any sense.

Apparently 64 years from now humanity has access to fusion energy so I suppose getting the last few survivors to Titan isn't too big of a problem but mining Saturn's hydrogen atmosphere for deuterium is out of the question? And we totally can't deal with the radiation but our main character who works on the surface and gets dust blown into his face doesn't need ANY form of protection other than the clothes he wears? Also earthquakes were too much of a bother but a -180°c mean temperature is not?

Oh and the high risk job of drone maintenance that requires our hero mechanic to be armed with not just a side-arm but an honest to goodness assault rifle, that can totally be done by just one guy, right? Better not give him a couple mates that can at least keep a look out so his bike doesn't get stolen, that'd be boring.

Did I mention by the way that our protagonist has a bobble head doll that's got sentimental value to him? No? Well now I have and I'm happy I shared that with you because little details like that are very important to bring to your attention because otherwise how else would you understand Tom Cruise is a human who likes motorcycles and football and has height issues?

This film is just plain badly written. The way it glosses over everything substantive and wastes an inordinate amount of time on heavy handed characterisation is very reminiscent of bottom rung comic books.

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A Separation (2011)
A bizarre and pointless film that refuses to work within its limitations and suffers badly for it
21 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is simple enough; A woman wants to split from her husband in order to leave the country since he won't leave with her in order to care for his terminally ill father.

But as soon as we clear the premise the film drops the subject completely and instead meanders off to tell us about a comically inept housekeeper, her irresponsible husband and the laughable nature of the Iranian justice system that attempts to make sense of the mess. Except nothing is played for laughs.

It completely baffles my mind why this film wasn't more focused on its central plot, instead we get a badly paced debacle that feels a lot longer than it is. Every scene looks the same, sounds the same and plays out more or less the same with very few exceptions. It quickly becomes obvious no care at all was given to ways in which set design, audio and environmental cues could be used to move the film along.

If this were a school project I'd be impressed, there's solid acting and the basic shot structure is competent. But judged as a film that won an academy award I must say it's highly overrated, especially when all the missed opportunities are taken into consideration.
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Deadfall (2012)
Competent crime drama marred by overproduction and a meandering script
18 May 2013
Ever encounter peanut butter that when spread sounds like a wet rag being squeezed?

No? Could it be because peanut butter has a smooth texture and not that of a sponge?

This is one of very many little infuriating details that plague Deadfall. The female police officer can't just be a female police officer, she has to have daddy issues and be the victim of chauvinism. The barmaid can't just be a barmaid, she has to have had an ass-hole ex etc etc

Deep down Deadfall is a competently made film with lovely camera work, but it is a frustrating experience watching it simply because of all the things that distract from what ought to be a simple streamlined drama.
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Eva (I) (2011)
What I hoped would be a clever film
17 March 2013
When I first saw the initial teaser for Eva many years ago I was intrigued, and I hoped dearly that upon release it would deliver what appeared to be a brilliant, understated sci-fi drama with a strong focus on characters.

That first teaser has since been removed, it simply doesn't exist any more on the internet. The promise that once was had disappeared.

Eva is not a clever film, everything you are told and shown only insults the intelligence of the viewer. The plot is far too predictable and heavy handed, this could've perhaps been improved in editing but the amount of material you'd have to cut to get something workable out of this film would leave you with very little remaining. Had this just been any other indie sci-fi I simply wouldn't have cared, but knowing the direction this could have taken in competent hands made it unbearable to watch.
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