
13 Reviews
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The Little Shop of Horrors (1960)
13 May 2011
I thought this comedy-horror, was done pretty well, i know it could have been a lot better but for use of there time i thought it was good. I thought the overall plot was good and the lighting of the film made me like it more.

The weird evil dentist kind of made me laugh, it was just random but i loved it.

The acting was'nt brilliant in the movie, but it was good enough for me. The only thing that kind of annoyed me about the movie was the odd music beats that would play in the background a lot. I think i could watch this movie a few more time and still enjoy it. i recommend
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Dracula (1931)
11 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Dracula (1931) just did not do it for me, horror films from the early 1900's I'm just not really into. I thought maybe Dracula would change my thoughts on early horror but it did not.

There was a few scenes that i though were just really awful, even for the time period. For example early in the movie when a women is handing over a necklace, the camera zooms in close on her holding the necklace and its almost like a picture of her holding the necklace was put into the camera. Also the fake bats and spiders were just to unrealistic. But i did think the fog and clouds coming through the scenes looked pretty good.

Overall not my kind of movie. Wouldn't recommend
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Where the Sidewalk Ends
11 May 2011
I really enjoyed watching this movie, it was filled with a lot of suspense, and i just loved the plot. I love watching movies where you cant take your eyes off of it waiting to see what happens next. Mark Dixon's character, is a cop known for losing his temper quickly. He ends up accidentally murdering a man while defending himself. He trys to frame others for the murder and eventually gets so caught up in his own lies that he just turns himself in. I liked how i never really seen any of the events that occurred coming, almost everything caught me off guard. I thought the shadowing and lighting really made this movie. A good film of this time, i recommend to see it.
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Easy Rider (1969)
Easy Rider (1969)
10 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I found myself fighting to stay awake during this film. I didn't enjoy it all. I know the point of the movie was to show what is was like during the hippie time period but, the long scenes of them driving on the open road was pretty boring. Although i did like the scenes when they would stop for the night and camp out, it reminded me of something me and my buddies would do. Also at times i felt kind of lost, because i wasn't to sure what the meaning of the movie was. Also near the end when they showed clips of them tripping on acid, i was very confused, i didn't really like how that was put together. Then the ending just made my liking for this movie even worse when out of nowhere the 2 guys get blown away by some random hicks for no reason. The movie just wasn't my cup of tea, there was parts i did like but i wouldn't recommend it.
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Do the Right Thing!
10 May 2011
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I really enjoyed watching this film, i had a few good laughs while watching and i was waiting to see what would happen next the entire time. I also thought the setting of the film was perfect for the plot. I found the film funny because (not judging against African Americans) I feel like African Americans from where I'm from act just like the Africans American from the movie. I felt this is many scenes, one for example, is when "Radio" walks into the pizza shop with his music up really loud, and the owner asks to turn it down, at first he doesn't listen but eventually he does and it turns into a big brawl. I just feel as if Spike Lee leaned towards Violent racism to much, it got to be a little too much. All in all i enjoyed the movie.
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Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
10 May 2011
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I thought this film was very good, i thought Bonnie and Clyde's characters were played very well. I liked the plot of the movie, i thought the action scenes were very good. How they came together in the beginning i thought was a little weird because they know each other for about 20 minutes and before the viewer knows it, Bonnie and Clyde are off robbing every bank they can. I also thought it was weird how Bonnie and Clyde went around looking for more attention by telling people who they were and what they were doing. I don't think it was good enough to watch more than once but overall it was a pretty good film, i would recommend.
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The Killing (1956)
Awesome film!
6 April 2011
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This film had me at the edge of my seat the entire time, i couldn't take my eyes off it. There wasn't really any boring part of the movie. I loved the action scenes and just the overall plot of the movie. If i had the chance i'd watch it over and over. I loved how when the guys were executing there robbery they would jump from one character to the next. There was also a scene When George was walking around the room with all of the dead men in it and the camera angle was in first person, i really liked that.Also the ending wasn't what i thought it would have been but i guess i never really knew what was going to happen the entire film and that's why i loved it. I really like the theme that the movie was hinting towards as well, that crime never pays.
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The Big Heat (1953)
Great Film!
16 March 2011
I really enjoyed this film, i was entertained the entire time. Glenn Ford was excellent as Dave Bannion. I love the role he played as the tough cop, and how everyone was always against him but he was always right. The lighting changes were great, and the suspense throughout the movie was also excellent. When i was watching i felt like i knew something was going to happen but i wasn't sure what and i liked that i wasn't to sure what was going to happen. For example when Dave Bannion's wife went out to the car and the car exploded, i felt like something was going to happen but i didn't know what. Overall a great movie to watch even in today's time, i would recommend it to anyone.
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Stagecoach (1939)
Thee Stagecoach
24 February 2011
The classic western "Stagecoach" was excellent. I am not a huge western movie fan, but the acting just brought me to love it. The acting played by the doctor and "The Kid" was awesome.I thought it was funny how the doctor always seemed to want some more too drink, but when it came down to it he'd straighten right up and become his doctor figure. I also really liked the lighting in the movie. There was a lot of scenes that would be dark, but behind the main scene would be lit up. I really liked when the character that wants "The Kid" dead, stands up from the card table and they leave his head in darkness, leaving us the viewer wondering who he is. Overall a great western movie, I love John Wayne as an actor.
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Scarface (1932)
3 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, so this wasn't really my type of movie, not saying it was bad, but it just didn't really interest me. Im into comedy movies, or movies with a lot of action. This actually really bored me, it was just to slow for me. I almost didn't really know what was going on a some points because the camera would go black and they would jump to a new scene.

A scene that i really enjoyed was when scarface was out with his date and one of the north side gangs did a drive by on the restaurant he was eating at.

The acting was really good, all of the characters played there roles really great. Deffinantly a old school gangster movie. I would really like to see the remake that they made.
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I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang
31 January 2011
First off for me to sit down and watch a black and white film that takes a lot but in my America cinema class this is a film we had to watch in class. It really surprised me, after the first 15 minutes or so, the movie really started to pick up. It was really fast paced and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Also the special affects in this movie were used really good too for a movie made in this time period. One of the escape scenes, James Allen actually blows up the bridge, and it looked pretty convincing for a movie of this time. Sound and great acting also made this film a hit. For a Black and White film i would deffinantly recommend seeing this film.
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The General (1926)
The General
31 January 2011
Just my second silent film, "The General" by buster Keaton was in my opinion very good. I just cant believe how easy the acting looks and its just hysterical. Being a silent film, all the actors have to do is just act like there lost and its just hilarious in my opinion, probably because of my lack of knowledge with silent films. I didn't like how almost the entire film they stayed on the train. The camera view never really left the train. I think if someone was to remake this movie now in the 20th century or if they haven't so already that it would be really good. I deffinantly recommend this film if your a fan of silent films.
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The Circus (1928)
Excellent film.
31 January 2011
The Circus was both my first silent film and the first film I've watched by Charles Chaplin. Being my first silent film i thought for sure i would be bored to death, but was i wrong. The film was really funny, made me laugh out loud. The comedy in this film is very different to the comedy in films now a days. Now a days most comedy films are big on the special effects and just lame humor. In the circus the actors have actual talent, they have to be very good at showing there emotion, like facial expressions and things like that.I was amazed on how well the movie was, Charlie Chaplin is great and i hope soon i can get my hands on some more of his films. I almost wish they could make a films like this today just maybe with some color, i think it'd be a great idea.
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