
4 Reviews
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One of the Best of it's Genre
31 March 2009
I finally saw this movie online (Thank Gawd for public domain) from start to finish this afternoon, and agree with all the hype I've read up to now. This movie probably influenced so many later day filmmakers I wouldn't know where to begin? What I won't do is recount all the scenes that have no doubt been served up many times in past comments.

Suffice to say even with the shoestring budget, total lack of big studio support, and what looks like local, semi-professional acting talent, this movie is a must see for atmospheric horror fans. It shows yet again that one doesn't need buckets of blood and gore, multi-million dollar CGI effects, and overpriced, name-recognition actors to sculpt a movie of highly entertaining value and resonance. This 47 yr-old film puts most of today's "horror" to shame. Enjoy.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
One of a kind
17 March 2005
I echo every comment I've read up to now on why this is such a great film. Here's mine.

Classic films need to have everything going for them: superior acting, compelling story, amazing direction. Notice I left out special effects or genre-specific idiosyncrasies like dramatic chase sequences in action films or singing and dancing in musicals. Depending on the type of film, these elements are definitely needed, of course, but what propels any film into classic status is the absolute necessity of the basics I first mentioned. Any deficiency in one category automatically downgrades my rating to just a very good movie, no matter how big the explosions or realistic the gore (I love horror movies, too).

As any film buff knows, most movies are adequate to downright terrible. However, even the bad ones can be entertaining in a fast food, disposable kind of way (we all have our guilty pleasures, and I know my list is rather It's when we come across a movie that fires on all cylinders that truly inspires joy, and reveals why great film-making moves us.

12 Angry Men is one of those rare movies for me. It's almost disarmingly simple and straightforward. It's drama frighteningly intense. I understand why some may view the film as dated, or have a problem with the era from which it was made. I take into account all the cultural differences between then and now (the all-white male jury, the American slang, the one-dimensional setting) but none of it matters because the story, direction, and acting are so good. The morality of the story is the focus, not the backdrop.

I don't see this movie being irrelevant 100 years from now. In fact, if present social trends continue, it may be even more important, considering how we seem to be careening to a less moral, instant gratification society where personal responsibility is secondary to selfish needs. Movies like this may become a beacon for thoughtfulness and sanity. But I digress; apologies for soap boxing.

As much as I hate lists, I would easily place this movie in my Top Ten of All-Time.
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14 September 2004
I'm totally mystified. I've read comments like "boring", "waste of time", "no value", "brain dead", "ridiculously dumb", "not a beautiful FILM", "pretentious", etc, and can't believe these people saw the same movie? The ones that called it a masterpiece of groundbreaking cinema got it right. To the others, this movie is not supposed to be some juiced video game with mindless explosions, cartoonish characters, and souped up chases; it's a "real" film. The slow passages make you contemplate. The quiet scenes are designed to make you think, not put your conditioned mind on hold waiting for the next loud noise or flashing light. To the juvenile that can't stand silence or mood, you completely miss the point of movies like this. We're not the equivalent of gerbils running on a treadmill, are we? Some wouldn't know subtlety if the word hit them over the head. In lesser hands, of course, a movie like this "would" be considered drivel (case in point, see the sequel, utter rubbish). But not this one. On a wider note. How I long for stunning sci-fi. They haven't made a decent space movie since Aliens2, but for sheer scope and drama in the genre, nothing has topped 2001.
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A classic from a classic time in movie cinema
27 June 2003
Excellently acted and directed. I came to this movie late, too. I've always held the better known "Dr. Strangelove" and "Fail Safe" close to my heart, but I happened to catch "Bedford" on a cable channel a couple years ago and was completely blown away. Absolutely brilliant plot device by keeping the soviet sub unseen, mysterious; focusing instead on the character dynamics on the destroyer.

No outrageous special effects, huge explosions, ridiculously unbelievable stunts, or mannered performances. Why can't Hollywood make politically suspenseful films like this, "Dr. Strangelove", "Fail Safe", and "Seven Days In May" anymore???? Of course, I know the answer. Modern movie audiences have the attention span of a gnat, the cerebral tenacity of a chipmunk, and the spoiled expectations of a pampered child.
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