
13 Reviews
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The Ax (2005)
Le couperet
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a comedy. This is the tragedy of the little man in the corporate world. The film is dark, drawn-out and slow. A film about total hopelessness. A man who has worked for many years loses his job. Starting his search for income, he stumbles upon the disgusting corporate dependence of the world. Having visited a huge number of employment agencies, he finds nothing. For one simple reason. Nobody needs him as a specialist anywhere. Nobody needs him as a person at all. Bullying in employment agencies, in which they begin to demand a lot of unnecessary papers and ask about unnecessary things, laughing at him, drives a person to anger and frenzy. He begins to take revenge on everyone, killing rich people. He does it quietly. If the first murder causes him fear, then later he gets used to killing people. No one in his family knows about this - he behaves normally. The conclusion of the film: we live in a totalitarian corporate world, where a person will always be made into scum if he is normal. Corporate ethics turns a person into an evil animal, ready to take revenge on everyone. Simply because the boss is always right, and the subordinate is always wrong. The tragedy is not in the loss and search for work itself, but in the character of the people endowed with the power to control the destinies of people. Starting from a simple director of a small enterprise and ending with the owners of huge corporations. There is no way out - at the end of the film there is a dead end as the meaning of life. And it always ends in tragedy.
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The road of life
18 November 2023
This short film is sorely lacking in long shots and natural beauty against which the story of pain, memories and dialogue driven plot unfolds. Cinema is not only dialogues; often all emotions and emotional experiences are expressed by the art of cinema in the background: there are the most beautiful angles and understatement - these are the advantages of cinema. There is a great lack of depth in the style of the Hungarian Béla Tarr and his "The Turin Horse," where all feelings are conveyed not by dialogue, but by camera angles and background, and people and their inner experiences serve as the basis of nature, part of it. It's very good as a start to cinema, but in full-length films frequent close-ups will be unnecessary, the movie will look like a cheap Hollywood series. I always treat cinema as an art that is designed to evoke emotions for many years, and perhaps forever.
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Silo (2023– )
6 May 2023
The magnificent acting work of Rebecca Ferguson and the entire cast, very often raises questions of a totalitarian society and a way out of it. This is reminiscent of the brilliant novel "1984" by George Orwell. The adaptation of the book is excellent, and the references to human intrusion into nature, the cosmos and the universe make the film both timely and necessary. Lars Von Trier in the film "Melancholia" also talked about the collapse of mankind and the end of the world. In this film, people are looking for a way out from where it was not and cannot be. The concept of the film is brilliant. We need to come up with something again, punish someone, blame someone for what we are all to blame for. Technically, everything is fine, the visuals complement all the human ups and downs within a closed society. I wonder what will happen if everything in the movie becomes reality. This is really terrible.
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Great movie.
13 December 2022
It always annoys me when film critics want a film to be an accurate and flawless adaptation of a screenplay based on a book. The book is a work of art in itself. Erich Maria Remarque wrote the book many, many years ago. Today, a movie based on the book would look overloaded with unnecessary details from the book. The senselessness of war is the senselessness of the death of a person as an individual of today. That's what the movie is about. The film raises a topic - an important one today. It doesn't matter who is fighting with whom - it is important that life is taken away by the senseless propaganda of war as a solution to all problems between any countries. Any war ends with agreements between the authorities and the military. The protagonist is an ordinary little man from the works of Chekhov or Dostoevsky. He just wants to live. Unfortunately, the realization of the senselessness of any war comes to ordinary soldiers late. And the lives of people continue to cripple and destroy the war. Perhaps the authors of the film should indicate that the film was created "based on the book" and is not an exact copy of the book, but was created as a free interpretation (its own unique) of the motives of the book All Quiet on the Western Front. Comparison of this film with any other I have considered inappropriate and meaningless all my life. It is important to consider the film as a separate work of art created today in different conditions and in a different environment. Each film is unique - that's what needs to be considered in terms of how good it is in itself.
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Smiley (II) (2022)
Beautiful life
11 December 2022
Finally, I saw a film in which there is no negativity, wars and militarism, dull people who are tired of themselves. Here, gays and lesbians are no different from anyone - everyone communicates with everyone about their innermost dreams and desires. People live, resting from the imposed stereotypes of "right" and "wrong". The film shows life as it should be in a civilized society. All people equally empathize with each other and just live their lives. This is the essence of the film - no one hides their feelings from anyone and does not impose them on others. Imaginary hypocritical tolerance has been replaced by ordinary life, everyone has the right to their own life, if this does not interfere with other people's lives. Life is Beautiful and amazing. Real life is always devoid of stereotypes.
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Holy Family (2022–2023)
Crime and Punishment.
8 December 2022
Having made mistakes in the past, there is no way to fix them, all you need is a gun, a knife, or an irresistible desire to forget everything. The film shows plot interweaving in the style of Pedro Almodovar. The film is about the fact that the mistakes of family life can be corrected only by criminal talent. It is impossible to keep the past in the present today's life. He just needs to be killed. Which is what several families do, whose lives are tightly connected by a criminal past and family secrets. In the film, the characters are not divided into good and bad. Depending on the situation, everyone acts only as it is beneficial to him at the moment. Son and daughter can kill mother. Mother can kill everyone. And nothing can be fixed. You can only kill the past in the literal and figurative sense. Cold-blooded and merciless, for the sake of his family, profit and future. This is today's reality.
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Turning Red (2022)
25 August 2022
Very funny and beautiful movie, characters and screenplay very professional and beautiful, this history very much like all my friends and family! Thanks for very good mood.
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God Bless America!
29 July 2022
In fact, there are many such stories in people's lives. Swindle and fraud should be equated in the legislation of all countries with a particularly serious crime. The plot is great. All the vicissitudes between the main character and everyone else are clear, well filmed and extremely vital. In fact, such girlfriends need to be beaten to a pulp and kept in a cell for correctional labor until all debts on supposedly non-performing credit cards are paid in full. After two or three debts, such people should be arrested until all debts are paid off. Covering up such scammers is the same crime. If a person has not paid for himself in a restaurant or an expensive hotel, this is a particularly serious crime. All friends should only contribute to prosecute the swindler. Great movie! Thanks.
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Live Is Life (2021)
Good movie.
26 July 2022
Good film. But. A completely optional film for the old generation missing the past as a child. What for? There is Boyhood by Richard Linklater and Baaria by Giuseppe Tornatore; There is "Amarcord" by Federico Fellini and "Giant Little Ones" by Keith Behrman. There are a lot of films about unforgettable childhood and adolescence. "Words on Bathroom Walls" by Thor Freudenthal. The scenes with the disease look simulated and fake. This is not "Restless" by Gus Van Sant. A good, kind, but not complete film about summer and adolescence. The score is between 6 or 7.
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The Great Dictator!
31 May 2022
The perfect provocation! The greatest illusion of scientific achievements and discoveries. The film is ironic. It is a compilation of visual postcards accompanied by a story about faith and religion. This is what we conditionally call "scientific discoveries". About whether to divide the world into white and black. For red and green. For blue and yellow. The essence of the narrator comes down to whether it is necessary to divide, or, conversely, to mix all the colors and paint the world chaotically, that is, according to our ideas about science, yoga, meditation, religion. The world is already divided. We just need to understand how to perceive in our imagination all the illusory nature of our consciousness. Science is a lie. Everything is divided. Exactly how, we will never know. About in this movie. The creator of the film put into it a visual and obsessions that are ironic. But he did it with a serious thoughtful face. In my personal understanding, everything in the universe is divided into white and black - light and darkness.
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Garbage. Not movie.
4 March 2022
I have nothing but hatred for this movie. World War II The Soviet Union won the war, not the United States. Remember this once and for all. Good Germans speak English and bad Germans speak German. This is conjuncture. The actress plays badly. Geoffrey Rush is the only great actor in the film. Bad script and directing. And the idea of the film itself is criminal.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
24 December 2021
I do not know any ratings of politicians and am not interested in them, but this film is the first and only political satire of its kind, when I laughed from the very beginning to the end of the film. The brilliant Cate Blanchett, Leo DiCaprio and Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence and all the other actors are so gorgeous that it is impossible to look away from the screen. I've seen a lot of things, but this is the first time I've seen such a great satirical film. Dialogue is brilliance.
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È stata la mano di Dio
24 December 2021
Confessions of love for cinema are always hard to shoot. Vittorio and Paolo Taviani (Fiorile), Baaria (Giuseppe Tornatore), Amarcord (Federico Fellini). And there are many, many more authors, directors and films to whom he pays tribute of respect and love. Paolo Sorrentino goes further than Fellini and Tornatore. He looks into the future. He confesses his love for cinema, his beloved city and his heroes. They will have to build the future. What will it be? Each has its own. This movie reminded me of something "Lavoura Arcaica" (Director Luiz Fernando Carvalho). The old people stay, the young are looking for happiness far from themselves. But you can't leave yourself anywhere. This is the future - to find yourself in your home town, in your home land. Even emigrating to another city will never forgive you your hometown. Made with love.

A masterpiece by Paolo Sorrentino.
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