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Fun and baby simple time travel logic
2 July 2021
It is fun! It has great effects, action flick goodness, probably going to spawn a computer game franchise but all in all I really enjoyed it.

The initial time travel logic made me think it was bananas to carry people forward but in baby simple steps it tries to tackle this aspect.

Hungry aliens wiping out people, guy saves the world where the whole military had failed, has obvious plan to stop them in the end...simples.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
Gawd awful sci fi made by a child?
20 April 2021
As sci fi goes this is the bottom level, summary of first 20 minutes

Intergalactic toilet cleaner gets on board a spaceship sporting 1990's technology all round,

the only thing futuristic is the idea of a spaceship transporting people, the rest of any technological advance has been totally ignored in the next 220 years you will be cleaning toilets by hand and still be able to smoke on air monitored spaceships.

I have watched some bad sci fi in my time and some ideas even on terrible sci fi are good, but this poorly executes any semblance of sci fi, it is actually insulting, it hurts how bad it is, down to the ikea props (sorry ikea i love you)

so.. the acting, i mean this is some of the worst even by 'bad sci fi channel' garbage you might watch at 1 am

plot, total disaster

it is not even a film you can laugh about 'hey you see that it was bad! Hahaha lets all remember it and smile' no... it is an abomination of a film and should be hailed as such

it was made by a child surely, who knew people who ran a film studio? Did they blackmail Bruce Willis and most of the cast to show up? .. trying to avoid swearing is so hard when i even think about this.
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Dark (2017–2020)
MY FIRST 10/10
21 July 2020
I have to say the build up and ending to this is truly bleeding great it is a melon twister if ever there was one and the ending was also truly great It is a slow burn and you will be left thinking wtf is going on sometimes, but see it through and you will not be disappointed (if you are disappointed, head back to love island peasant!) I turned off the English dubbing to get the best out of the terrific acting I am pretty sure i dreamt in German for a night after binge watching so much of it I personally think this is a masterpiece of time bending sci fi
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SuperMansion (2015–2019)
This is comedy gold
16 November 2015
of course this will not appeal to everyone

the writing is great the delivery of the lines for an animations is stunning

I watched the first episodes as i was really struggling to find something to fill a gap and i found myself in tears of laughter at this.

hell even if i didn't find this funny it would rate about a 6 or 7 simply for the animation and voice acting

I need a mug and T-shirt now to show my fandom

I passed this around some friends of mine who i knew would appreciate this, and and low and behold it is a hit with them also
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
31 May 2015
Another winning Dexter style formula of hero, the wife and I enjoyed this program a great deal and think this is a winner.

Modern, gritty and self medicating

a good cast and well acted, the lead character is instantly likable and i know enough IT guys to see bits of some of them in there.

watching him act in peoples lives and his struggle with his own mind is quite a refreshing scene in this day and age, i grew up with mechano and buckets of lego, this generation has a world of knowledge and with the right know how can get under the skin of anyone they meet, scary and cool in a happy bundle

keep making this one!!
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so bad it is comedy
23 June 2014
favourite line

"he survived five days out here with two broken legs and you shot him in the face"

a group of special needs students crash in a plane and struggle without their pop tarts

they are beyond imbecilic with about 99% of everything they do, they try to start a fire with their matches even though the plane wreckage is ablaze around them.

there are so many moments where you would want to shout at the TV screen why on earth are you doing that?

however to summarise it is one of those films where despite being trapped on a mountain in harsh conditions everyone remembered to do their hair and shave

oh and the one thing that got me that has not been mentioned in the post is a rescue team is hiking up there to find them, and she has the binoculars out watching a yeti pushing a piece of airplane fuselage over a cliff. this happens at night. then all of a sudden it is day time and the rescue team show up, what were those binoculars mini Hubble telescopes? because she was close enough to make out a great amount of detail.... never mind watch it if you want the laughs and the really bad cgi

"i can only assume it is some sort of large ape" - said another one of the retarded passengers who lacks any skills (these apes have 3 fingers on their badly made latex hands)
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Odd Thomas (2013)
nice adaptation
11 July 2013
if you have read the books this is a pretty good adaptation

entertaining film

there are certain characters like his friend with the cat (Chester) which get almost no air time, pity it added a lot to Odd's character and what must have kept him sane all these years

worth watching, it keeps going and i would go an watch the sequels should they be made

they did the best they could with the book adaptation and internal monologue that the book relied on which a film generally struggles with

good effects and well cast
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Europa Report (2013)
real science? = lost common sense
8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry but reading reviews and people quoting real science:

Firstly, let me say it is watch able and i gave it a 5 it is not awful

OK my thoughts about the film, scientifically it is OK, but there are parts that made me rage and wonder why did they send this group of bungling twerps space bound.

space suits are pretty tough and do not just tear at slight scuffs from relatively blunt objects

if you space walk and do not attach yourself to the ship, you are going to have a bad time

a creature designed to capture underwater prey has no trouble going through meters of solid ice (even with underwater thermal activity) it is absolute zero above the ice will be pretty tough. even if they have special means to go above the ice, why would they? why would they even evolve this ice breaking trait? it just wouldn't happen

the pressure difference? the light difference? nice ideas behind it

but fly all that way with one probe? one lander? why was the lander even manned? vital equipment behind a tiny panel on the side of the ship?

sorry but it was a poor film average at best, they could have done much better things with this
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World War Z (2013)
it is a zombie film
8 July 2013
I went expecting a zombie film:

it delivered.

there are certain parts of it where i thought this is great, just what i wanted from a film of this ilk

there were towards the end parts where i thought is this the best they came up with?

If you are like me and watch a film (not expecting every single movie experience to be Oscar toting magnificence) and watch it for what it is generally trying to be from time vampire to thrill seeking then watch this film it is fine.

My only gripe is it is riddled with moments where people are trying to be quiet and make a stupid accidental noise. these became rather tedious .

liked the book and liked the film, generally worlds apart but all in all if you like zombie shooty action then this film will help you devour a bag of popcorn.
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The Purge (I) (2013)
watchable but cliché
26 June 2013
its OK, not quite as bad as people say, but watch it as it was intended just a take on an elitist new religion craziness

some parts will make you rage and the sheer cliché shock tactics like some stroppy girl marching about a house undersiege on her own.

the do the right thing undertones and you will only be human for 364 days of the year

the bits that i actually took away and did haunt me for several hours after the film (which leans me towards I must have enjoyed it on some level) was the scary portrayal of elite people justifying their needs to kill homeless and poor people. People treating this as a new religion quite far apart from the 'thou shall not kill' attitude that religion tends to have and replaces it with thou shall not kill, unless it is the designated 12 hour allotment.

essentially it came down to if you could kill once per year legally for a 12 hour period then the poor and homeless get crucified.

essentially the idea is OK, i liked some of the idea but it is riddled with holes and what ifs that if this were a reality would actually happen rather than the singular example of the film.

my biggest bugbear was they waited until the actual start of the purge to lock themselves in their armoured home, Christ i would have had that door down as soon as all family members were accounted for and left them closed way past the hour.

to me it was written by someone who was stoned when they came up with the idea and didn't really think the reality of it through.
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After Earth (2013)
Average planetary disco romp
6 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
SO i saw this with a pretty pessimistic view

I was not blown away but i still think it is an average sci fi

I liked some aspects of the aliens like a pheromone based hunting thing, it was a nice bug hunting method which was actually not that bad an idea

so you have seen the trailer and you know they crash and off goes little will into the wild green yonder to activate some beacon

the stereotype of the beast on board that is now free was possibly the dullest thing they could have come up with.

some of the tech ideas i liked, his apparent go go gadget suit was good however a little bit of heating in the suit might have been an upgraded version but still in space yer think that sort of thing would be useful.

overall really average some good action scenes although not enough of them, just as the chase music starts the scene is over.

a twist you might ask? er not that i could see the closest thing was probably the cave paintings he discovers which might suggest that people are still there or it is before our current civilisation.

generally i watched it and didn't get an overwhelming urge to leave, so i did its job of mild entertainment
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Good action flick originality blurred
17 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK so there are some points like why would an alien race pick on earth when frankly they could pick up everything from uninhabited planets and not have to tangle with 7 or 8 billion earthlings.

with that aside here are my thoughts:

I had low expectations so i was pleasantly surprised

good action flick mission impossible with a load of lasers thrown in, combine with ijetplane and idrone and voila nice shiny tech

it answers most of the viewers questions by the end

it does poach a few ideas from other films like moon and the twist is preeety predictable by all accounts, but maybe this is just how my mind works.

I enjoyed it for what it was and frankly you should too

my popcorn and I were an effective team.

tldr: action flick, alien twist, big names & ticks boxes
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Watch able but generally really bad
17 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I think I have seen it all, to do with aliens and invasion films and TV series.

This one has so many plot flaws holes in the storyline and not enough of the good stuff to make it worth watching.

please watch it and make your own mind up, however the thing that has put this TV series in the toilet for me is season 2

season 1 I soldiered through with a morbid fascination

season 2 is ruining pretty much everything.

let me summarise why I am so hideously annoyed with this TV series.

you are on the run from an alien menace who has laid siege to the planet and exterminated most of the human race. a small desperate band of survivors fight for their lives, with guerilla tactics and rugged determination...with me so far mix into this mix enough time in each and every episode to lay thick moral and soppy lovey story lines and you now have about 20% of every episode to contain the much loved alien bashing and shooty stuff 20%? you say cant be bad... do not be fooled of this 20%, 15% will be the thought of aliens being there and the 5% depending on which episode you watch will be the action I crave. The characters are moralistic and keep you thinking they are human, but basically in reality they would be long dead.. they march about in large well lit convoys and camps, their latest move was to set up shop in a hospital and not only did they turn all the lights on and sit around under the entrance well lit hospital sign they have been there for weeks. so call the aliens flawed if you like but spotting this group would be bleeding simple a simple fly by looking for bright lighthouse style beacons or simply follow the endless stream of motorbikes and other not so stealth vehicles blazing around firing guns and you have yourself one less resistance force. my friend and i took bets on how much of each episode we could switch off from the end and not lose any storyline about 10 minutes was the general estimate, of which those ten minutes contained woes of life before aliens or lost loved ones, no sign of cowboy up from any of the main characters except Ben. disappointed is an understatement they could do some great things, they kept this on TV and Cancelled V it is a travesty.

sorry if i offend any fanboys but it is a real disappointment for me
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The Divide (2011)
oh god its awful...
13 May 2012
reviews are a funny thing, so feel free to watch it as always and make your own mind up. I sat through this flawed, hole filled apocalyptic rubbish and went away thinking it was the worst film I have seen in some time. The wholly unreal characters, the random events, the bits that make no sense. The sheer amount of ridiculous scenes made me want to post this review in anger. I did sleep before posting this, so the anger subsided but this really is one of the biggest disappointments I have watched, I even looked forward to seeing it. My advice watch it, then watch something funny afterwards to wash your brain out of its sheer pant wetting badness.
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14 March 2011
If you want Humans Vs Aliens in a shoot out

This delivers with spades on!

Really enjoyed the film as an action film (I was not under an illusion this was going to be anything else other than a good ole shooting gank fest)

great effects, would have liked to have seen more of the aliens

and if i was the alien commander I might have invested in the odd bullet proof vest to secure my invaded planet

other than that thoroughly enjoyed the action, and some really good performances all round
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Poor attempt
8 March 2011
Well I could go in to minute detail but simply this film really fails to deliver on its hype as a hybrid love child of the Bourne Films and Inception.

the whole story line suggests that your life is laid out for you and basically you are on a set path with the look of free will, with chaps in hats running around by the thousand jumping through doors.

what a deity needs with riot police I don't know?.

put simply I looked forward to the film and watched it but in the end it really fails to cross any new boundary in film ideas, even as a romantic film the only thing it captures reasonably well was a fleeting moment between strangers that you remember for years, other than that thumbs down from me.
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