
45 Reviews
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Sugar (2024– )
Yes, Sugar can rot your brain too
23 May 2024
I really like Amy Ryan, she was great in "The Wire" and marvellous in "Lost Girls", but I don't think she was right for this part at all. Rosanna Arquette showed how to play an aging "rock chick" in a great little movie, coincidentally named "Sugar Town".

I didn't like Colin Farrell in "True Detective" and I thought he was extremely disappointing here too. I get that the character was suitable for playing in a kind of deadpan, world-weary way, but he didn't carry it off. The dull-as-dishwater voice over was woefully under-written and inadequate.

The clips from old movies were okay, some worked better than others. The gun that Glen Ford used in "The Big Heat" was a pretty little touch and gave me brief hope that the series might turn out okay. It didn't.
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Dogfight (1991)
12 May 2024
I just want to write this comment to correct some others who seem to have missed what I think is a fairly important point.

The River Phoenix character and his buddies are not about to ship out to Vietnam, they're going first to Okinawa. Also, at that time, as Eddie tells Rose, the Vietnam war - the American war, anyway - was in its early stages and, as he says, they were simply "advisors". The single scene set in Vietnam was identified on screen as representing Chu Lai in 1966.

Yes, the game the marines play is nasty, cruel and misogynistic, but they are simply too young to know better. That's why they're the ones that get sent to war.
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Vertigo (1958)
Dull and dopey.
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, Hitchcock buys the rights to a French story and decides to re-set it in San Francisco. Attempts to come up with a workable script initially fail but someone glues a lot of bits and pieces together and comes up with this tedious mess.

It might have worked with a different cast - Jimmy is too old, too stiff, Kim is just too stiff.

Stupid 1950s American prudishness crippled this turkey from the start. Apparently Hitchcock was very conscious of the censor's interest in his films, so much so that even Madeleine's bra could not be shown on the clothesline in Scottie's apartment after he "rescued" her. A scene of him relishing undressing her might have added some kinky veracity to his unexplained desire.

I guess Midge was a friend with benefits, but of course in those days Hitchcock couldn't go there either. Whatever, there's way more chemistry between Midge and Scottie than between Scottie and Madeleine/Judy. Scottie trying to remould Midge as an interim Madeleine might have been interesting.

The stagey backdrops are awful, particularly Midge's apartment at night and the studio-planted Joshua tree by the coast, presumably done to have total control over lighting and sound. Those fifties technicians had no idea their work would be scrutinised in high definition sixty-odd years later, so maybe that's forgivable.

There may be some kind of story potential here, who knows? Hitchcock was over budget, out of time and the whole thing has a whiff of desperation.

I loved "The Lady Vanishes" and "Foreign Correspondent" and remember "Rear Window" very fondly. All three are way, way better than "Vertigo".
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Grace (2021– )
Bland and boring
16 May 2023
I think it's safe to say that the overwhelming majority of the 10/10s here are from people who have a vested interest in this underwhelming series. Must be.

I get that it is a grey, gloomy story about a grey, gloomy detective, but surely the Brighton location offered some opportunity to inject some of the colour and seediness we've seen in series like "Blackpool" and "Funland" . . . Two great series that illustrate how far UK TV has fallen.

John Simm has been in some excellent shows, but also some real turkeys - "Tuesday" immediately comes to mind.

And importing the Caddy from "Line of Duty" has to be an in-joke, surely?
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Fun and games in wartime Kenya
27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story, based on fact, of a gaggle of white, British one-percenters and B-list aristocrats sitting out World War II in Kenya.

There's some relatively brief topless nudity but it's totally appropriate to the story. The tabloid press got hot under the collar but, as an annoyed Greta Scacchi said, "They talk about steamy sex scenes but there's some rather icky voyeuristic nudity, and that's all. I'm not saying I condone the way the film has come out. I think in "White Mischief" maybe we could have had more eroticism and less of my nudity. But I didn't find it particularly suggestive. It's the press who have interpreted it as being lurid stuff and it's not".

In fact, the most erotic scene in the movie is when Dance's conquests are gathered around his laid-out body. One lifts up her skirt, reaches into her underwear and rubs back and forth. She then goes to the coffin and waves her hand over Dance's face, willing her scent to bring him back to life.

I certainly hope this little gem will be available on Blu-ray one day soon.
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Signs of Love (2022)
Down and out in Philly
16 February 2023
"Signs of Love" is what we once called a kitchen-sink drama. The remnants of a dysfunctional family struggling to get by in Philadelphia. The characters seem to have largely accepted that MAGA was always just a cruel lie and have come to terms with that. No way out, no hope eternally springing.

It's a pretty bleak story, but Rosanna Arquette brings some much-needed warmth in a minor role. She can play these parts in her sleep, but it's always good to see her.

I did find it difficult to accept that Jane (Zoë Bleu) would want to spend much time with a scrawny loser like Frankie (Hopper Penn).

Sometimes patchy, the film has heart and Zoë Bleu in particular shines.
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Poker Face (2023– )
Silly beyond belief.
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've only watched one episode of this but that's enough. Natasha Lyonne was a bit of fun in "Orange Is the New Black", but all that trashy-but-lovable lesbo stuff got pretty tiresome after a while.

I won't be bothering with this show again, but I advise everyone to take note of an earlier review that includes this very well-made point:

"In the first episode, we see a scene in which the killer is able to murder someone in the dark with a single shot. Later in that episode, there is a scene in which the same killer is unable to kill the protagonist, even though they are in a well-lit hallway about the same distance away from each other as the first kill. She does get shot while running away in a straight line (after the killer missed two times), but the wound is apparently so inconsequential that she could drive for a couple of days without going to the hospital, and was fine after some truck lady put superglue on the wound."

Case closed.
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As good as it gets . . .
1 February 2023
I'm a longtime David Simon follower, from the days of "Homicide: Life On The Street" through "The Wire", "Treme" and "The Deuce". The only thing that I didn't like about "We Own This City" was that it was over so quickly.

A lot of the credit should certainly go to George Pelecanos - if you see his name on the screen, you know the script will be absolutely top class. Him and David Simon are a formidable team.

Another great pleasure is spotting those familiar faces . . . Faces we know well, like Jamie Hector and Delaney Williams, or familiar faces that just pop up in one scene like Jermaine Crawford. David Simon has gathered an enviable ensemble cast.

This is more than a TV program, this is a lesson in life.
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We all loved Laugh-In . . . then
15 January 2023
Now, it's dated and sorta silly. It always had flat spots but Goldie in a bikini made up for all that and it was the kind of show you didn't want to miss, because the people at work (or school I guess) talked about it the next day. I still remember all the catchphrases.

This "stars celebration" is just time filler stuff so I didn't expect much, and Dan Rowan and Dick Martin are long gone. I wasn't disappointed.

That said, anything that upsets the RWNJs and MAGA dopes as much as this has can't be all bad! Hell, I'll give it a 10 out of 10 just for that - reading their comments gave me as many laughs as the program did.
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Babylon Berlin (2017–2025)
A great series
22 December 2022
Why is it that a certain type of "conservative" finds subtly hidden left-wing messages in every TV series that doesn't fit in with their peculiar view of the world? Are their MAGA hats too tight? At least I haven't seen any of these numbskulls call it "woke" . . . Yet.

This is a great series and appears to be broadly historically correct. It has never claimed to be a documentary. The moaning about the music selection is ridiculous, because it's being used to create a vibe, an impression of Berlin in the 1920s and 1930s that will resonate with a viewer from the 2020s. Think of the explanation of why they used modern swearing in "Deadwood" - because if they'd used the actual language of the times Al Swearingen would have sounded like Yosemite Sam.

I just wish I spoke German.
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Bluebeard (1972)
A very guilty pleasure . . .
19 October 2022
I well remember this 124-minute movie running in a 120-minute timeslot on commercial television in 1976. I don't recall it exactly but it's safe to assume that at least 30 or 40 minutes was cut. Fair enough if it was those gruesome animal killing scenes, but a bit frustrating when the main appeal was the female cast, led by Joey Heatherton, in various stages of nudity.

Joey was hot . . . Crewmen on the USS "Ticonderoga" on Yankee Station could readily point out the exact spot on the flightdeck where she had danced as part of the 1966 Bob Hope Christmas Special.

To finally see this in its entirety in stunning Blu-ray is the perfect definition of a guilty pleasure.
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You can call me Ray . . .
1 October 2022
I just don't get this. I saw the movie back in 1980 and never thought it was particularly noteworthy. Never particularly liked Richard Gere. So perhaps I should not have bothered with this series, but that was then and this is now, and I did like Bernthal in "We Own This City" and really liked Gretchen Mol in "Boardwalk Empire" and "The Notorious Bettie Page".

So far, so good, but four episodes into the series and I find it a little confusing, a lot unconvincing and just kind of tawdry and vaguely repulsive.

I wondered why until another reviewer made the Ray Donovan connection. Then it made sense.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Where did Rosanna go?
23 September 2022
I've always thought these David E. Kelley shows were over-rated, and this one is no exception. After "Nine Perfect Strangers" I should have known what to expect, I guess, but I thought I'd give Season 3 a shot.

It looks good, but I can't find much beneath the gloss, the characters are cardboardy and Reba McEntire's closeups do her no favors.

And where is Rosanna Arquette? Unless my eyes deceived me, she was listed as a character as recently as two days ago - right here on IMDB.

She might have added something, although the character "Jenny's cheating mother" sounded pretty much a "let's tick that box too" exercise.
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In the end, unsatisfying and unconvincing
12 August 2022
I have no undying allegiance to the Caine film or the book, so that's not a factor in this review.

This began okay but then it seemed to unravel, getting sillier and sillier and less and less convincing.

There were some really annoying goofs, like the use of a World War II era PBY Catalina with World War II era insignia.

I confess I was amused by the apparent indestructability of Harry's glasses though. They went through hell and somehow survived.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Better than Breaking Bad? Really?
2 August 2022
I really loved everything about Breaking Bad. All the characters - good and bad - were beautifully realised. Particularly the bad - Gus, Mike, and especially Jesse Plemons' Todd Alquist. And Saul Goodman, of course.

But this - 8.8? It's chock-a-block with pointless filler and despite (presumably) the best efforts of the makeup and lighting crew it's impossible not to notice that time has taken its toll on almost all of the familiar faces. When they're supposed to be years younger this is quite disconcerting.

I think there might have been a much better show if Cinnabon Saul had encountered a new set of dangerous characters.
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The Old Man (2022– )
We really don't deserve this
25 July 2022
Let's see . . . We'll make Jeff Bridges this really deep ex-CIA guy who carries all this baggage from Afghanistan and somebody from his past finally has the clout to get some payback and that guy who watched Rosanna dance topless to "To Love Somebody" - you know, from "3rd Rock", yeah him as a frenemy from the past who was with the CIA then but is a bigshot in the FBI now. And Jeff's got two Rottweilers who are like his buddies and get him out of all kinds of trouble. And their kids hate them, and there's this klutzy divorcee . . .

Not good.
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Grayeagle (1977)
Just really dumb . . . and boring
22 July 2022
This is a truly awful movie, from dismal beginning to dismal end.

I doubt anyone likes Ben Johnson more than I do, ever since I first saw "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" more than sixty years ago, but this is just bad . . . Really bad.
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Something uneven and unconvincing here that needs fixing.
3 June 2022
This spin-off looks good but style isn't enough without enough substance, and that's something that I hope can be fixed for the next season.

As others have commented, Chandler was a secondary character and Bosch's daughter was always thereabouts but rarely central, and that worked better. I won't blame the actors because they pretty much play the cards they're dealt.

Maybe Titus Welliver does have his limitations . . . I can't see much difference between his Harry Bosch and his Silas Adams in "Deadwood", whereas Jamie Hector's Jerry Edgar could never be confused with his Marlo Stanfield.
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All style, not much substance
31 January 2022
I've avoided Wes Anderson since "The Royal Tenenbaums", which I found tedious, pretentious and boring.

I decided to give "The Paris Dispatch" a chance, based mostly on some of the cast. A mistake - sure, there's plenty of style, but very little substance.

Not for me.
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We've seen it all before . . .
15 January 2022
Sometimes done better, sometimes done a lot worse.

I've never been able to forgive Hugh Grant for "Love Actually", and have never watched "Sex and the City", so when my wife bought the discount DVD in a three-for-one deal with "Ghost" and "The Lovely Bones" ten or twelve years ago, I decided to let her watch it alone.

I finally got around to watching it in 2022 and was pleasantly surprised. Still hold that grudge against HG but the movie is good fun and I really did enjoy the very strong supporting cast.
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Nowhere to Hide (1994 TV Movie)
A pretty good TV movie
5 January 2022
This one's improbable but likeable, and as good or better than most made-for-TV movies, largely thanks to Rosanna Arquette.

There are some nice touches and a sense that everybody was doing their best to make it work.

When the complicated twist was revealed, I looked at my watch and saw the movie had about 10 minutes to run. Like others here, I wondered how the hell are they going to resolve all this? They sorta did, and sorta didn't.

I guess Rosanna Arquette just moved on to the next project and maybe never even saw the final cut of this. Whatever, she delivered a solid, honest performance.

Finally, I know I'm being pedantic, but it was an episode of "The Lucy Show" the kid was watching, not "I Love Lucy".
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1883 (2021–2022)
A waste of ammunition
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Elsewhere a reviewer noted the "ludicrous chase with moronic outlaws" and that sequence gave me problems too.

At first I thought good, they're showing how hard it was to hit anything using a handgun from a galloping horse.

After a while I began to wonder why they kept right on doing it, wasting ammo until they were conveniently blasted out of the saddle.

Quite watchable, but nothing out of the box judged by that first episode.

After two episodes I think it's tedious, ugly and unconvincing, and the 9.1 rating is absurd.

Lorne Malvo Goes West.

My god, after eight episodes it is even duller. The cloying, faux-poetic narration is nothing short of stomach-churning. The relationship with the Comanche, not even wiping the bison blood off her face, the chaps and vest. Come on! That's it for me.
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Simply extremely well done.
8 December 2021
I'm sort of amused that some other reviewers are disappointed because "the characters just aren't likable".

Maybe not, but that's life. In situations like the one portrayed here, everyone is both manipulative and manipulated at one time or another, and to me that's a mirror of real life.

I've not seen a truer depiction of the role in a marriage of sex, desire, power and betrayal.
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The Institute (2017)
Wonder how much of this is really "true" . . .
31 October 2021
As I watched this I couldn't help thinking that I'd seen a lot of crap like this back in the 1950s, often in black and white and starring people like Vincent Price and made by hacks like William Castle.

Then along came Hammer and it all got even cheesier.

At least this one had a bit of nudity to spice it up.
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Promised a Miracle (1988 TV Movie)
"Maybe something good'll happen today"
17 October 2021
Rosanna Arquette and Judge Reinhold deserve tremendous credit for their sensitive and respectful performances in this treatment of an extremely difficult subject.

The movie shows exactly how the scammers and parasites use "faith" to exploit the gullible when they are at their most vulnerable.
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