
20 Reviews
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So much potential
7 March 2018
Sounded so good but in the end was quite a let down so many errors i think the dye was cast when they introduced the love story I knew it was going to be down hill from then

2 stars was me being generous
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
watch in bulk avoid episode by episode...minorities as usual first to go lol
12 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
glad watched this in one go and not episode by episode after avoiding it for many years as sounded silly..the characters are annoying and in some cases a little bit stupid with the exception of pope..and how annoying is Maggie even her voice is irritating ..and ridiculous how the black characters were killed of every chance Spielberg gets ..there was one scene where jimmy was in a bus with a black character the bus was shot up and only the black guy dies while jimmy runs of unscathed and Anthony could he be more of a kiss ass...and toms kids are so irritating....if your going to watch this don't think to much i am just finishing season 2 and its a little bit predictable also wont it be easier to train up and arm the citizen's
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Quantico (2015–2018)
I give it a 4 and I think even that is generous
13 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What a load of nonsense like Dawson's creek with a gun the characters are so immature and moronic they all have silly secrets that were never picked up on when they applied and the agent who is spying on the main character but she cant notice but everyone else can he can't pass the tests he must be doing for the second time round. And the way they argue and disagree with one another is annoying to watch has you screaming at the TV for the characters to grow up They can't seem to work together and have no people skills and the class idiot/bully caleb is there one of these in every program.... how original please can this crap and get it over and done with
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Brake (I) (2012)
pretty impressive
26 December 2012
cant say i ever been a stephen dorff fan i actually liked it goes to show you don't need a big budget and cgi to make a good film just a decent storyline was the one moment that reminded me of the end of homeland but was on the whole pretty good imagine jack Bauer locked in the boot of a car.... the character is a bit ruthless doesn't seem to mind sacrificing other peoples family but unwilling to sacrifice his own and yeah is a bit like buried but id say still pretty impressive did think it was annoying the amount of times the car was chased by the police and got away and through all the madness never got stuck in traffic once i haven't finished watching it yet its almost finish but i wonder it its all a test
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Red Dawn (2012)
hmmm maybe a remake was not a good idea
7 December 2012
wow so all this time waiting and this was the end result I'm sorry but i thought it was disappointing it could have been a lot better to many dumb moments and josh pecks character Mattall i could this is what a idiot without spoiling it to much his crying over his lost girlfriend was irritating i was hoping they would kill him of early i just thought it would be a lot more interesting i think ill watch my DVD of the original red dawn some things should just be left alone another remake that didn't live up to its predecessors reputation was a bit like Dawson's creek with a machine gun Chris hemsworth was good but the rest of the character's were just a little bit boring/silly for me
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End of Watch (2012)
walk the dog,takeout the rubbish,make your phone calls,update your twitter
24 November 2012
I'm a hour into this film and it doesn't even seem to have started it wastes the first hour boring you with the details of there freindship and how long they have know each other its annoying I'm a hour into the film and the main storyline about them being under attacked hasn't even start so you can walk the dog ,take out the rubbish,make your phone calls,update your twitter because nothing happens in the first hour if i wanted this id watxh some crappy cop show i expected it to be like assault on precinct 13 just outside not this its to slow i know you got to build up the story but this is a joke in the first hour you see his girlfriend get pregnant have her baby so its obviously set in that first hour over months i was expecting it to be more hardhitting and intense
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Boss (2011–2012)
was like the west wing and the sopranos rolled into one
21 August 2012
i had a chance to see this early last year but was sceptical about watching it as i thought it would be like the west wing and bore me to sleep but out of boredom i watch the first episode and strangely found it quite interesting was a real surprise that it was actually good and iv never been a Kelsey grammar fan but he is completely different to the Frasier crane character i last remember him playing especially when hes showing his character ruthless side and without saying to much what he does with the ears was just showing his ruthlessness,others may disagree but i feel iv found something to replace sopranos with on my TV guide hes ruthless,brutal,Machiavellian i just hope the network realises how good its is and don't do what they always do with my favourite programs and cancel it....really good so far
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24 (2001–2010)
why so much annoying computer jargon and annoying people
17 July 2012
i just re-watched most of the series and just noticed how annoying some of the characters are jacks cool beyond doubt but the other characters are so annoying and have some serious personality issues Chloe is the most miserable one ,edgar,adam all those computer geeks are annoying and miserable ,and why do they waste so much time with random computer jargon that doesn't even make sense looking back id say that was the only annoyng part ,strangely the makers of the show made la femme Nikita and was the same filled with annoying computer jargon to make the time pass by but if you can ignore that it is really good well as long as jack stays out the office with the annoying geeks babbling on about conducters and filters and crap like that to pass the time
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Cane (2007)
very impressive but short lived
14 July 2012
this use to come on late at night in the uk id never really watch it or give it a chance than decided to watch it onlne one day out of curiosity to see what the big deal was i actually thought i was going to be disappointed but it actually turned out to be pretty amazing wasn't cheesy or stereotypical like i was expecting was actually interesting to watch reminded me a little bit of Dallas,dynasty and the godfather only thing that annoyed me is that like with all the other programs i like it got canceled after 1 series and i cant see why i cant even see a bad review so whats the networks explanation for canceling a clearly good program
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The Hit (1984)
really good
23 November 2011
i only heard about this film when i saw it on someones list of best films,thought it was really good willies a bastard from the beginning trying to play head games and turn them against each other but the girls more dangerous shes just as manipulative and sly was kind of hoping that the ending would be willie being taken to Paris and facing his former mates that he betrayed would have been nice if we could have found out more about his past crimes and find out how he was found in the first place a truly underrated British film it reminds me a bit of cohen and tate a old film from 1990 where two hit man snatch someone and have to take a road trip and survive the mind games ...........the hit is a really good film
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great underrated film
23 November 2011
i don't get some of these reviews this films amazing and really funny it definitely is one to add to the collection good story line with the two rival gangs going at each other not a Jude law fan usually but hes really good in this as the gangsters nephew it really works its got some of the best British actors about i couldn't stop laughing ain't enough good films like this about its,truly underrated....................... ........... .............. .................... .... ............. ............. ........ ................. ............. .................. ............. ........... ............. ................ ............ ...........
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18 November 2011
before i watched this looked up the reviews to see if it was worth the time and effort ................and i wish i followed some of the reviews and ignore this it isn't that its rubbish its that its all already been done boy goes to a new school meets girl, girls boyfriend is a idiot (i believe the word is jock)and doesn't like him "being with his girl" while the boy plays the moody outsider and falls in love with the girl after a few weeks this was done in twilight and a lot of other ridiculous annoying films its like nobody even makes a effort anymore this is good to watch if you ain't got anything better to do but just save it for a really boring day
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Flashforward (2009–2010)
another good shows the networks canceled
24 October 2011
what is wrong with these networks why must they cancel every good show it shows a lack of respect for there viewers who do watch the there shows surely this program cant be doing that bad that they can justify cancelling it and in such a way that leaves you with unanswered questions...think i may have to confide my self to reading the book instead. Its almost not worth watching anything because it will just get canceled after a while but yet all the other crap on TV manages to stay on i personally thought it was very good was hooked from the beginning watched the first 10 episodes and have just finished watching the last 12
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MI-5 (2002–2011)
good with some flaws
23 October 2011
good if not unrealistic in some aspects are mi5 officers armed was under the impressions there supposed to be more invisible and unarmed and un able to arrest anyone lol but the last series was absolute rubbish was hard to stay interested British but feel that at times it seems so anti American its hard to believe it gets put on TV in the USA....and the Russians seem to always be out manoeuvring them irritating as it may be at times its a shame its being cancelled and as usual its been cancelled without a replacement in place maybe they should re brand it and set it in the cold war could be more was more interesting when there was one story line per episode rather than dragging a main story line out over the whole series and the constant changing of the main character is irritating i find my self losing track of some of them not to mention how many times they change the home secretary its like 7 in 10 years ......its good but flawed in some aspects sometimes u just have to put your brain to sleep and watch personally id rather watch the first few series and not bother with the last 2 and the ending was a bit disappointing
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
1st series started good than just got stupid or maybe im to brutal in my opinion
22 October 2011
i watched all the first series and just finished watching the beginning of the second series i thought the first episode started good but there was some silly moments like when he was trapped in the tank why didn't he just drive it or are we supposed to think that the zombies took the keys he could have hot wired it or something or the survivors could have gone and find a tank sure there must have been loads about....and when they got to the cdc all those weapons that were outside and they didn't take any they left those SAWS and M60S and stuck with hand guns and rifles there's to many silly moments they seem happy to run from the zombies rather than fight them or fortify them selves anywhere i guess really all zombie films have the stupid plot holes id just prefer if they took on the zombies a little bit more or maybe i should just go watch resident evil instead or better yet why don't they just fly where they need to go ....and speaking of flying what happened to that helicopter from the first episode and those surviers are so annoying think id end up offering them to the zombies
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Fair Game (1995)
what a difference 12 years make
16 October 2011
lol i saw a review for this film the other day and was told it was terrible which i disagreed with i rememberer watching this 12 years ago when i was 14 and thought it was amazing but when watched it last night i thought it was absolutely terrible maybe watching it as a hormone obsessed teenager seeing cindy crawford probably made me have favourable memories of the films but its not so good watching it as a adult some silly moments and remarkable that with everyone trying to kill her in the film she doesn't seem to show any emotion to it whatsoever also heard the old stallone film cobra is based on this think ill give that a try instead its good to watch once but don't buy it on DVD you will feel like getting a refund if you do
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Killer Elite (2011)
could have been better
8 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
wow im confused this film was unbelievable im confused who was the good guy and who was the bad guy it was advertised as stathams character being ex SAS and yet he goes and kills them his former colleagues ... and wouldn't it have not been easier to kill the sheiks and his son rather than killing the men who were targeted .......but maybe what i think is worse is it is basically about a British hit-man going around killing ex British soldiers i know its supposed to be based on a true story but still distatefull we hear enough of that on the news seems like the filmmakers enjoyed making the British to be the bad guys who had to be punished..... personally its worth watching once but if you miss it you wont miss much.. it wont be joining my DVD collection any time soon and the bit with the girlfriend seemed annoying and unnecessary does everything have to be a love story and maybe im being petty but the scenes set in London was clearly not London....and de niro hes a amazing actor hes better than a bit part like this id rather watch ronin
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Homeland (2011–2020)
finally a decent series lets hope it doesn't get cancelled
8 October 2011
even though i have only seen 1 episode i think its good so far also like that danes character is a little bit unstable it gets boring having a perfect good character with no flaws but am curious to see if its got enough going to last more than one series after all it will end with him being a sleeper or not and if he is how can it carry on its also still undetermined whos good or bad danes character looks like she will destroy him if she feels its necessary she seems to have a ruthless streak maybe my new replacement for 24 know its early day so far but i like it so far....... .............. ............ ............ .............. ........... ... ........... ..... ......
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Strike Back (2010–2020)
OK but nothing special
18 September 2011
was watchable but i don't see me rushing out to buy the box-set any time soon a lot of reviews have mentioned the equipment is unrealistic/inaccurate and so on that is true and some have said that shouldn't deflect from the story line also true ....just a little bit of realism would have been nice its gone so far of track from what the book was about i don't know why Chris Ryan's name is on it personally i prefer Andy mcnabs books...and OK it isn't a big thing but what happened to the main characters we got a Australian playing an American and an American playing a Englishman i cant help but think why couldn't they have just found a American and a Englishman to play the roles this is supposed to be a British production lets hope HBO never make a James bond film who would they put in it brad Pitt as bond ... i recall one episode being set in London or what was supposed to be London for bout 10 min and that was it whatever happened to British productions or does everything have to be re branded based on who's producing it.......personally id rather watch reruns of the unit
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SEAL Team VI (2008)
worst film i seen all year rather watch GI Jane thats better was so bad i made a IMDb account just to comment
5 May 2011
i just finished watching this film and and was so moved i had to write a review it is one of the worst films i have ever seen i would advise someone not to bother i know with low budget films you got to expect it not to be on the level of some of the big budget films but this was truly terrible action scenes were boring and it made no sense why would you send a seal team in when you can use a stealth bomber it was complete rubbish...I'm guessing this is going to start a trend of films that are low budget and badly made like with the delta film series that carried on from delta force 1 and 2 ... ..... ......... ............ ........ ..... ..... ...... ..................... ..
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