14 Reviews
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Infinite (2021)
Worthless remake under a different name, the Rock would have done it with humor
13 June 2021
Unfortunately it was a miserable faced Marky boy fronting a ripoff of so many other similar movies, which were done better, it lacked any back story, it lacked any real characters to feel empathy with. Just a video game with some worthless dialogue. A worthless villain, a worthless plot and a worthless totality of a movie, not worth the time taken to watch.
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Cat Run 2 (2014)
mildly Entertaining and pretty silly
29 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was hoping to have a repeat of the original but it started like a soft porn movie which I found distracting from the plot, it was really silly but once the original two characters came into the plot it settled down into the amusing and silly format of the original. It entertained me enough to keep me watching but it lacked that polished edge that you know costs more than these producers had to spend, more amusing stuff would have carried it along better and there was the character Big Ray who actually was the best actor in the movie, but played only a tiny part, pity. The grand finale was just really rubbish though, pitting an Iron Man like suit against some wolverine like woman, it was just crappy nonsensical plot line, something more simple and more inline with the humour would have carried it off better.
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Sleeping Beauty (II) (2014)
Unbelievably Bad acting
12 June 2014
I was hoping for something along the lines of a Disney type kids drama but the fact that the leading characters had messy hair and had dialogue as wooden as a 70's robot made me realise this was something unique. I managed to last about 15 minutes until I wanted to gouge out my eyes and drill a huge hole in my head to make it all stop.It is such a long time since I have seen a movie so awful, how it managed to to get a 4 I will never know, I would have given it less than 1 but there is no option. Today in this financially challenged time I find it incredulous that this type of junk direct to DVD rubbish keeps being made, I would have hoped that the financiers had closed off the lines of credit, the sooner the better in my own opinion.
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Missed Opportunity to Make a classic
27 July 2012
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I am a fan of silly comedy action movies, think of true lies as an example and this had the story to be one but alas it ran out of money while filming the last half first leaving the beginning without a budget or script, The introduction was truly awful with a poorly written script and terrible acting, the lead actor was OK but just not powerful enough to carry the scenes and did not have any comedic ability, I was about to turn it off but I wanted to write a review on this one so i persevered. Once the cast arrived in Tahiti and Rob Schneider appeared and the lead woman had some real acting to do the movie came to life and the plot came together. Katharine McPhee is a stunningly beautiful actress and was really believable in her part and she and the supporting cast along with Rob pulled the movie along quite nicely, Vinnie Jones is type cast as a hard nut job wanting to kill everyone but he can only overact these days through gritted teeth. but he was OK. Overall with better scripting and maybe a better lead actor the movie could have provided a base for a true classic but the B movie hall of fame is full of almost classics, if it was ever intended to be a comedy it missed the mark by a mile, but the last 45 minutes had me entertained, Rob Schneider should have been let loose far more in this and he could have carried it along better.
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Hijacked (2012)
Hopeless attempt at thriller action movie
14 July 2012
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I was intrigued to see Vinnie Jones in this movie as he is slipping down the ratings and only popping up in low level rubbish these days. As soon as the movie started i realised this was also low level rubbish, there is something charming and addictive to seeing low budget movies, I usually end up laughing at the plots that fall apart and silly fight scenes. This did the same for me, Vinnie even invited his own death from a beautiful assassin, such a silly plot, continuous drivel dialogue, over and under acted plots, it has everything that low budget movies throw out. I tried laughing but it wasn't quite bad enough to become a comedy. I ended up playing some online game with my 10 year old daughter while the movie was playing. There was no such thing as a hidden plot as the link between some mysterious terrorist group the the Lieb organisation was given to us in the first 1 minute, that is usually a bad sign when they explain the plot in the introduction. Quite appalling but not complete tosh. but not worth the time wasted on watching it.
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Incredible mix of Robotic spaceship flying Nazis
21 April 2012
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I really didn't know what to expect from something with such a bizarre title, which isn't always a good sign, I expected something appalling to the point of humorous but this was way beyond appalling. Terribly cheap special effects are always a high point of such low budget movies and this didn't disappoint. From the badly done animations of snowcats and the amazing spaceship, how did it jump from antarctic to Nazi spaceships, the gory experimentation was just pathetic and pointlessly over complicated, with horror usually less means more in the way of heightened tension but ripping out someones brains while complaining isn't conducive to tension, overall it was well filmed but as always with B movies it was shockingly poorly scripted with wooden acting. It was disjointed and quite frankly silly, a nazi created wonderland under the ice with spaceships just stretched credibility to infinity.
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Grimm's Snow White (2012 Video)
Grimm Story
14 March 2012
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I was expecting a spectacular show of a very famous story that can only be told one way, unfortunately this sad and lonely film is a long long way from being spectacular. The wicked queen is not beautiful, not her fault but bad casting, snow white is not good looking either and is quite miserable actually, the story departs from the Disney one by having animated evil creatures, all of which were so poorly done as to be laughable, the script was just jumping from one silly evil creature fight scene to another with not much joining them, one thing that unites all cheapo films is the wooden acting and this did not disappoint, just wooden stilted disjointed rubbish that just killed any worthwhile elements in the story. I had to turn it off half way though as my wife couldn't stand anymore of my complaining, I wasted 45 minutes of valuable drinking time thinking it may be watchable. Don't make the same mistake.
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Best B Movie Low Key Thriller I have seen in Years
8 December 2011
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I really didn't know what to expect with this one, but the movie took a tense edge from the start and the leading actor who i do not know was perfect in the role as a cop with a sad life and an alcohol problem. The plot was tight and unrolled slowly and with a plan, it kept you watching not knowing what to expect next. The intertwined story of lovers and rich folks and a hooker always gives a plot a good edge and this was no exception, don't get me wrong this was a low key thriller not a dirty harry style movie but it was moody enough to leave me feeling happy with the ending and not like i had wasted my time. i really enjoyed this movie and i would recommend it for anyone who like good B Movies with a plot.
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Cat Run (2011)
Sort of Entertaining
3 November 2011
This movie was a classic B Movie that just fell short of propelling the stars to A status. The totally forgettable 3 main actors were out of character as this was neither a comedy or a thriller, so the way they portrayed it was just wrong. The leading assassin who stole the show with her portrayal of a cold blooded killer was the best part of the movie but it was over acted and it was only 2 steps away from being Austin Powers. It could have been so great but the poor acting ruined it, it could have been funny but the poor acting ruined it, it was badly scripted but the cinematography was excellent, it had so many good points but far too many bad points to recommend it.
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Inspiring weight loss journey of discovery
31 October 2011
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This was probably the most inspirational documentary i have seen ever, the fact the movie showed the guy losing the weight during the 60 day trip across the USA and it inspired a fat trucker to jump into the same program, I felt uplifted to watch the fat trucker actually losing a huge amount of weight, I am maybe 20 pounds overweight which is nothing but I am going to start introducing a liquid meal into my daily routine, I wish every overweight kid would watch this and feel as positive about it as i do, it should be made part of schools social sciences classes to show what can be done and so easily. It is what most folks really need to be faced with the facts about eating todays processed rubbish. I am going straight out to buy a juicer and all the greens that go with it
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Wrestling promo dressed as a movie
31 October 2011
I sometimes enjoy B Movies as they can be entertaining, this was in this line but the wooden acting and horribly staged fight scenes just killed any interest in the movie. The plot itself was believable but the way every scene was directed at the female wrestling star getting into a fight and kicking some ass, but it all got too much and boring, the wrestler had a great physique but not much in the way of acting talent. The funny guy was just plain stupid and not much of an actor or even a wrestler. The lead actor was restricted by the poor script and pregnant pauses where they would concoct some scenario to get into a giant fight, where any gang killers would have shot everyone dead within seconds, which should have happened to all actors, directors, producers and anyone else involved with this creation.
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Spooky Buddies (2011 Video)
Following Along The Buddies Trail
19 September 2011
I managed to get hold of an advanced copy of the movie and my 9 year old was jumping for joy about that, I wasn't holding my breath about watching this movie with her but we both laughed within 30 seconds of it starting. The production quality was equal to the other 3 in the series and I was very pleased because of that alone. The acting was pretty over the top but for young kids it was perfect and nothing too scary, the story line was pretty thin but it kept my little girl dancing up and down right up to the final elimination of the bad evil Warlock. It was all too cheesy but these movies are what it is all about as kids love cheesy and need a simple plot or they get lost. I for one will say it is OK for young kids and not too silly but Pixar movies are far superior and let kids use their own imagination more as well as letting adults enjoy them.
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Worst Spoof Movie Ever
6 September 2011
Never in the history of movie making did anyone make anything so awful and so worthless, a collection of not entertaining rubbish with no plot or links or anything funny, all copies should be collected and destroyed and history should be purged of all mention of this pointless waste of time. How does anyone think this poor quality is worth the effort and money, How do actors bother, unless they are over the hill and wouldn't get any other offers, Life is too short to have this rubbish floating about. I am lost for words to make this 10 lines long. Nothing could have made this token effort to attract a few cinema goers, they must have lost money and the main actors took the money and ran laughing to the nearest bar.
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How to ruin a classic
11 July 2011
Once upon a time there was a movie with witches and wizards who didn't walk on their knees and pretend to be a ugly and terrible actors, this was in the days of large movie studios who knew how to draft a plot, unfortunately the studio who made this had neither talent or money and was probably a Saturday drunken barbecue idea and just got together some leftover makeup, a couple of cameras and some funny hats from the fancy dress shop.

It had no consistent theme kept drifting about and throwing out ideas as to why things would happen, it was as bad as any east European drama from the deep dark days of the old communist regimes. I have tried to be constructive about this but it was so appalling as to be beyond all recovery. it is a waste of everyones time to have made it and anyone who would be as unfortunate as me to watch it, nothing to really discuss at all.
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