
134 Reviews
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Why try fix unbroken?
24 April 2019
Old saying "why try to fix unbroken" works well with this movie. The old version of this movie, written by Stephen King himself was chilling horror movie which gave you lots of nightmares. This new version is very pale shade of it. Script is party rewritten, but why I really don't know. It is suppose to be horror movie, but to me it is bad thriller, which makes you laugh more than scare. Especially the end of the movie is stupid. There are some nice scenes to scare you, but the mood of film is not very horror. If you haven't seen the original film, this might be ok movie, but if you have seen the original, this makes you more laugh than be scared. If you like Stephen King books, this is one of those must see, but to be an actual horror movie it is quite lame.Mainly the movie seems to be ok. In the beginning part of the movie it built it's mood quite well, but the second half, which suppose to be dark and horror, makes you more laugh, than to be scary. Acting is good, especially John Lithgow's Jud as nice old neighbor guy is as good as it can be. Devil cat "Church" is more laughable than scary and the movie horror mood seems to fail more than bring chills to your spine.If you haven't read the book or haven't seen the first movie, this might, just might be ok to watch. For us who have seen the first movie or read the book this brings more second-hand embarrassment, than chills.
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Crazy story continues most enjoyable way
19 January 2019
Even Iron Sky-The Coming race is a sequel for the first Iron Sky movie, it is easy to watch as an independent story. Screen write is so crazy, that it surely is not a art movie. And it doesn't have to be one. It is an crazy comedy and it will make you laugh. Silly ideas of human history has told a new way and history of a mankind will bee re written. Finally we get some sense for the story of Adam and Eve. Story doesn't bow to any religion, old or new, but make them laughable as they originally should be. Christianity, Muslim and I-religious are told and expressed the way they needed. Totally crazy way. Story telling is very rapid, but because the silliness of the story one and half an hour is more than enough for this movie.

Iron Sky-The Coming Race is silly movie, but what else can you expect of the story of Nazis in the moon. Acting is great and Udo Kier is great in double role of his. After all Iron Sky-The Coming race is very enjoyable movie despite of it's inadequacy. Movie sounds beautifully and CGI looks great. Despite all of it lacks it is great to see, that Finnish movie makers can make Hollywood quality spectacle. It surely is not the greatest movie you have ever seen, but very enjoyable crazy comedy science fiction flick. If you can enjoy the silly story with some clever jokes about religious and enjoy great soundtrack and beautiful CGI, this movie is made for you. Hopefully we will get a change to see the third movie of the trilogy near future. Meanwhile we can enjoy another Iron Sky movie, The Ark- Iron Sky Movie, which is in post production at the moment later this year.
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Very enjoyable return to Mary Poppins
27 December 2018
I have to say I was worried to go to watch this movie, but I am glad I finally bought tickets to this show. Fifty years after made sequel felt a little bit worrying. After all the original Mary Poppins is such a classic, that I was little worried, how they can manage with this. Gladly worrying was vain. Immediately after first tune everything felt just right and nicely old fashioned. Ambiance of the original movie is so well be repeated. Emily Blunt shines as a Mary Poppins and fills fairly Julie Andrews shoes as iconic character. Although her voice isn't as great as Andrews, she certainly can sings.

I have to admit, that movie feels a little childish for the adult viewer, but beautifully executed musical and dance scenes are so well carried out, that it is enjoyable to watch even for adult viewer. Many music feels just right, even they can't beat the iconic score of the original movie. I am sure, that after few times watching this movie, they feels as well known as the originals. Nice to notice, that movie is so well done, that you surely return to watch it again.

Even the the movie is executed so old fashioned, it feels fresh enough. Only one thing what is missing is Julie Andrews cameo in it. If you like old fashioned musicals, you will enjoy this movie. If not, then it is not for you. Casting of the movie is well done and at the end of the movie, when you hear such iconic Disney voice (Angela Lansbury), tour Disney feeling is complete.
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Visually stunning
9 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Mortal Engines is visually stunning movie. Therefore is pity, it's script is lame and predictive. If visuality is enough and you can live with b-class script, then Mortal Engines is made for you. I was watching this movie in IMAX and it's visual look in 3D is stunning. Movie looks and sound great, but the story won't surprise you. None of the roles don't underlay enough, so it is hard to choose who to follow, who is good and who is bad. The script is so cliche that you can almost know every characters next reply. The end of the movie is like straight from Star Wars. "I am your father" tells everything and really won't surprise you at all.

Visually movie is stunning with all the particulars. 3D works great and camera movement is brilliant. If you like visual fantasy movie, it looks beautiful, even the story is so light and won't offer almost anything to an adult viewer. Personages are boring and empty. Surprisingly most human in the whole movie is supporting character machine man.

If you don't bother about cliche and predictable story, Mortal Engines is quite satisfying cyberpunk dystopia. It is best to see from big silver screen in 3D.
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The Predator (2018)
Not so bad
16 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first reviews about The Predator hasn't been very gracious, despite of those it is good to see, that there is something left of movie director Shane Black vision in this movie. Especially first half of the movie is quite delightful and salute to 80's action movies. It's too bad, that you cannot say the same for rest of the movie. Studios decision about massive re-shooting for the movie after the test audience saw the movie hasn't done any good for the movie. Even it is partly quite enjoyable action movie the entire movie is quite muddle. Especially the end of the movie is a quite disappointment.

Casting of the movie is mostly quite clever, but Boyd Holbrook as Quinn McKenna takes his role too serious. He isn't Arnold Schwazenegger although he ties it very much. Rest of the soldiers are quite fun and enjoyable at their role despite it is clear that none of them survives to the end of the movie. Jacob Treblay as Rory McKenna answer surprisingly the best role of the movie.

Even the outcome of the movie is quite muddle you don't need to take it too seriously. After all it is quite ok action packed sci-fi movie and mediocre reboot of the series. If and when there will be sequels you can only hope that they will be more distinctive. Despite of all feebleness The Predator is still quite enjoyable R-rated action movie. Just don't take it too seriously.
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Nostalgic for those who spend their youth at eighties.
20 April 2018
Ready Player One mixes snugly reality and video game in same movie. Many nostalgic characters and familiar music from eighties makes it very comfortable to watch. Many of the quotations remains most likely with any meaning for younger audience, but to me it feels nostalgic. Movie feels like 3d roller coaster and the story makes you laugh many times. All the citation to pop culture has made with good taste. It certainly feels like it has made back in eighties, but in a good way.

In spite of all story feels a little too lame. It doesn't make you any anxious and after all the story is not satisfy enough. All the characters remains weak and lackluster.

Steven Spielberg's directing is confident but perfunctory. Tye Sheridan makes his role moderately as Wade Watson. All the other characters are not interesting. Despite of all this, Ready Player One firmly and nostalgic movie for youngsters. With a perfunctory story it succeed to entertain you, despite of it's almost two and half hour length. It is not best movie from Steven Spielberg, but satisfy enough to entertain.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Mediocre action pack
20 April 2018
Tomb Raider movies are great example, that you can make satisfy movie from video game. Even Tomb Raider is hardly the biggest movie in history, it still works finely as a action movie. The story stands itself. Even it is a cheap version of Indiana Jones movies the story is still strong enough to keep it interesting.

Landscapes are beautiful and round the world going story makes it interesting and fun to watch. Whole movie is great action packed story and it entertains viewer well. Best part of the movie is Alice Vikander as Lara Croft. Regrettable rest of the characters are too vain to written.

Tomb Raider is entertaining adventure movie and it works well but after all it is nothing too special an you certainly forget it very fast. After all Tomb raider is ok and entertaining movie an it certainly is worth to watch. Just don't expect too much of it.
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Black Panther (2018)
Just lame Marvel production.
20 April 2018
The deluge of Marvel movies starts to be a little tire. Massive super hero movies are mainly so bare empty. In this category Black Panther makes no exception. It doesn't differentiate any way between all grandiloquent Marvel movies. Concept it self is quite ok, but the story itself is so boring and lame. Technically Black Panther is well done and it looks great on screen, but use of 3D is just nonsense. Even it is great to see a superhero movie with just black actors, the conclusion feels too underline and pointing, which hardly is what the makers wanted.

Movie also feels too vain and clearly it has just made to underlay upcoming Avengers movie. It only purpose is to introduce new character to audience, so they don't have to do it at Avengers movie.

Black Panthers massive budget of 200 million dollars gives you some beautiful scenery but nothing else. Stan Lee makes his cameo in this movie and that feels the most funniest part of the movie.

Visually Black Panther is guaranteed Marvel production. As a brisk action movie it finds it's audience for sure, but at Marvel universe it is incorrigible tail end.
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Not something I waited from Guillermo del Toro
20 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Guillermo del Toro knows how to make visually beautiful scenery to silver screen and The shape of Water makes no mistake. Movie is beautifully set it's visually effects outstanding. The story is also interesting even it is a little too straightforward. Now, when Oscar's are out I dare to make some criticize too. The story it self is quite lame and unbelievable love story. OK, it is a fairy tale, but somehow a love story between fish and a woman is quite stupid. Even the end scene won't surprise you and that is something not to expect in Guillermo del Toro's movie.

Sally Hawkins makes her role credibly and that with movie set is the most impressive in this movie. Set is beautiful and looks like many fantasy movies from -50's fantasy movies. Directing is good, but nothing special. Somehow I just waited something more from del Toro.

Even movie has well-earned it's Oscars, to me it left a little lame feeling. To me it surely is not the best movie of last year, but who am I to disparage movie academy's choice.

The Shape of Water is dreamlike, beautiful and watchable movie. Old fashion scenery and story telling may not satisfy all the viewers, like not me.

If you want to watch old fashion fantasy movie of love between fish man and mute woman you may even like it. To me it was just too lame. I just expected more of Guillermo del Toro movie.
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Best of the series, but not perfect
13 February 2018
The end of teen dystopia trilogy is quite okay ending for the series. First scene of movie is brilliant and full of action and the rest of the movie is okay ending of series. It is nothing spectacular, but best movie of a trilogy. Visually stunning movie is full of action and 3D works quite well. It is just too bad that they haven't been focused enough to use of it. Stereophonic images is not enough to assert to use of it.

Like two previous movie, story is quite simple. Just running from act to act, some action and shooting. Some horror scenes with zombies are okay, but not scary enough. Outright almost two and a half an hour length is just too long and tedious.

Visually movie is great to watch, but it is too bad that they haven't focused enough of use of 3D. It is good ending of series, but nothing special. Visuality of the movie makes it worth of a movie ticket. It is best to seen from big screen.
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Good but could be better
13 February 2018
The Greatest Showman is visually eventful and very entertaining movie. Music scenes are big and well done. Hugh Jackman is very charismatic as P.T Barnum and Zac Efron isn't just handsome, but can sing too. Their joint musical number, The Other Side, is breath taking to watch. All the other musical numbers are superior, especially freaks This is me is outstanding. Over all everything seems to be in right place in this movie, but... Dramaturgy of movie is too straightforward. Everything seems to happen too easy. From rags to riches, getting arrogant, back to the bottom and get up again just happen, without any drama. Movie could be little longer and added more drama to feel more realistic.

After all it is not a bad movie at all. It is visual, speedy and rhythmical movie. It sounds and looks great. Great acting, fine casting and well execute music numbers are great to watch. Clumsy script and lack of drama is still too verity.
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Downsizing (2017)
One word...boring
3 February 2018
Downsizing start strongly with social themes. It leans itself for social comedy, therefore it is pity that movie collapse to a one man's swan song. It could have been witty critic of American society, immigration and human relationship. It is too bad, that it ends to up to be watering mix mash. And not even very ponderable. It is just over length movie without any destination.

Matt Damon is good as a leading role, Christopher Waltz shines as Dusan, but the best role in this movie is Hong Chaus Ngoc Lan Tran.

Downsizing could have been very good comedy with sharp critic of society, human relationships and social dilemma, but it end up to be just boring movie making up for you to glance your wrist watch time to time last two hours of it's length.
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Maybe not the movie movie classic, but enjoyable enough
25 December 2017
22 years ago released original Jumanji with Robin Williams wasn't as big success as makers expected. Even it wasn't so big box office magnet it has still become a movie classic. Maybe that is a reason who we were have to wait the sequel so long. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is not exactly a sequel even it start where last movie ended. More it is a original story, not re-filming. Because the original movie is such a classic this could be a catastrophic. It is good to see, that it isn't. Even this is not something big movie history, it is still quite enjoyable adventure movie. Script is quite stupid, but has enough of strengths to hold the story together. It is very solid two hour movie experience and timing is strict enough to to keep you oriented. Great effects combined with good storytelling is satisfying enough. Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black are fun to watch. Well timing action with great effects makes this movie quite enjoyable to watch. It may not be any movie classic, but surely it is fun to watch.
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Quite enjoyable, but not perfect
25 December 2017
Murder on the Orient Express is on of the Agatha Christie icons. Even there are several filming of it, both to small screen and silver screen, the story is here what makes it classic. Middle sized budget filming new version has still been quite big success and most likely we will see more Agatha Christie filming near future. Perhaps next is Death on the Nile for what they hint at the end of the movie.

A lot of famous actors and actresses, old fashioned drama and good screen write makes it enjoyable to watch in a middle of all digital effect rumble movies. Even the story has told many times and you know how it will end, it is still enjoyable to watch this kind of old fashioned drama. Only one thing doesn't feel quite right. Somehow Kenneth Branagh don't impress enough as Hercule Poirot. Maybe he is too young to be Poirot or maybe it is that he can't act enough of Poirot's accent. Despite of this little blemish, Murder on the Orient Express is very enjoyable movie. Scenery at Istanbul is beautiful. Dramatic mountain views makes some tickle feeling for crime story. Scene at the end of the movie "The Last Supper" is quite dramatic and metaphorical and it ties story telling nicely together. Even you know the ending the movie is very enjoyable old fashioned crime drama.
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Not perfect, but must see
25 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Star Wars: The Last Jedi has already divided Star Wars fan to two camp, those who love it and those who hate it. Me myself belongs to that camp, who can not dislike any Star Wars movie. Biggest problem in The Last Jedi is it's fragmentation and focusing to tell too many stories. After all it is story of Skywalker family saga. Movie doesn't fixate enough of Skywalker story, like the original trilogy. For example leaving Rey out of the family drama even she is in the middle of story telling is a little baffling. Although it may be deliberate and the next movie may contain some big surprises. If so this is easy to forgive at this moment.

After all movie is quite satisfying space soap opera. In many times you start to compare it for original saga and The Empire Strikes Back. In many ways movie feels a variant of Empire Strikes Back, but there are enough of plot twist not to compare them too much. But something seems to miss. Killing Snoke at this point of trilogy feels a little precipitate. On the other hand, some of the big villains has already killed and still they came back to saga later, like what happened to Anakin Skywalker on third movie. Other thing is Rey not seems to be part of Skywalker saga, even she is in the middle of story telling. It may be that they haven't told us everything yet, but somehow it would been better to give some hint to us at this point if she somehow be part of Skywalker family saga after all.

Final Result is not perfect Star Wars enjoyment, even it is eligible space soap opera. Movie is brilliant to watch and it is best to watch in 3D as big silver screen as possible. Vastness of space feels really vast and star ship chases feels like sitting in a roller coaster ride. Movie is simply must to see for all Star Wars fans and even you haven't seen any Star Wars movie before, it is still visually stunning to see.
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Simply the best Thor movie so far
13 December 2017
Thor: Ragnarok is simply the best Thor movie so far. It is funny, colorful and visually stunning adventure. Movie script is clever and even some of the jokes may sound almost too stupid the script rocks. Movie is not a narrow minded comic book filming and it wont take itself too seriously. Movie finishing is visually stunning to watch and 3D works surprising well. Chris Hemsworth and Jeff Goldblum shines at their roles. Sometimes you may think if there is already too much of comedy, but then again not. Timing is perfect and movie offers enjoyable mix of action and comedy. Like Guardians of the Galaxy movies Thor: Ragnarok is well made scifi action comedy. Very enjoyable movie with great acting and one juicy cameo.
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Quite a mess
13 December 2017
Justice League is a bit better comic filming, than Batman vs. Superman was, but nothing special between all comic filming dominating by Marvel. DC comics tries to create their own superhero universe, like Marvel has done with their comic super heroes. Basics are ok in Justice League, but poor script and too many characters makes it too fuzzy and thin. With massive 300 million dollar budget viewer expect much more than this. Maybe too many actors with too big salary is reason for this. Some special effects feel quite poor unfortunately.

DC comics should have use their resources to introduce us some less known super heroes like Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg with their own movies before they rush to dump them all in the same movie. Now there are simply too many stories to tell and focus does not have enough of room to breath. Jack Snyder's replacement with Joss Wheadon at the movies finishing, many screen writers and last but not least some re filming has made the movie too unfocused.

Justice League is mediocre comic book superhero filming. We shall see how many flops like this DC comics can afford, before they hang Batman's and Superman's rope conclusively. Maybe DC comics should concentrate their own movies and leave Marvel's movies not to mimic.
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Geostorm (2017)
Cliché as hell, but watchable
25 October 2017
Geostorm is one of those brainless B summer blockbusters and that is everything you can expect from it. Even it is full of cliché, predictable scenes and script, it is after all suitable to watch. If you can watch Geostorm as a brainless disaster movie it may satisfy you enough. For as a catastrophe movie with a big budget Geostorm tries to be too serious. If you want to go to watch movie with big storms and disaster you kind to to stay keen. If the movie could laugh to itself even a little bit more than it does it might be little better.

With it's bad script and cliché acting this movie fails. As a catastrophe movie it manages barely enough. With all of it's fails, Geostorm manages after all to be a little better than many movie with even bigger budget. It is just harmless entertainment and visually satisfy enough to be watchable.
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Masterpiece, almost as good as first one despite Zimmerman
25 October 2017
The original Blade Runner is one of my favorite movies of all time. With it's cult reputation, earned well, I was little exited how well Blade Runner 2049 redeem it's expectations compared to first movie. Luckily my expectations were not vain. Blade Runner 2049 is visually stunning, philosophic and strong movie. Not even it's length (almost 3 hours) feels too long. It satisfy all the expectations and in some parts even fly over them. Movies ambiance has well preserve compared to first Blade Runner movie. Even the script succeed to keep it's secrets up until the end. Philosophic deliberation comes very near what Philip K. Dick has reached in his novel. To every viewer movie leaves their choose to make, what is enough to compare androids to humans and and their humanity.

Los Angeles looks even more dangerous with it's all crazy weather what climate change has made for it. Movies dystopia is merciless to watch and draws sorrowful view to future.

Even though Hans Zimmerman almost manage to compose the score close enough of original it doesn't feel right enough. Score of Vangelis at the first movie is so strong and hypnotic and mesmeric that it is impossible to outweigh.

After all Blade Runner 2049 is austerity masterpiece and it almost achieve from it's role model. Denis Villeneuve as director manage to exceed to expectations well enough. Ryan Gosling is convincing as K. Harrison Ford renew his role better as Deckard than any other 75 year old senior actor. Movie has substance enough to be such a cult classic as the first Blade Runner movie is.
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Not as good as the first one
25 October 2017
Familiar from the first movie, Eggsy, (Taron Eggerton) goes after drug baroness, (Julianne Moore), after this evil woman has poisoned all the drugs in the world. With his help, Eggsy gets hillbilly agents from United States and some other familiar characters from first movie.

Compared previous movie everything is this time bigger. Fighting scenes are more effective and explosives are even twice as big than before. Even though everything is this time bigger the movie doesn't feel as fresh as the first one did. Also movie feels too long for compared the story, movie is simply too long, when it does not have enough story to tell.

Despite all of it's failures Kingsman: The Golden Circle is quite entertaining. Biggest problem with it is, that it tries to be Bond movie, but fails to be so entertaining. It tries to be every way bigger than the first movie. Because of all this movie fails as it's efforts. It just feels too made by force. But if all that satisfy you enough, you may find this movie entertaining enough. For me it wasn't.
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It (I) (2017)
Excellent adaptation from Stephen King novel.
11 September 2017
Many Stephen King filming are pure rubbish. It is very hard to bring Kings twisted books to a good film adaptation. Books are often so massive and text so weird, that making them a proper movie is almost impossible. Only few of Stephen King filming are goo, most are bad. IT belongs to good ones. Director has been wise to split massive book to two movies. Original book meander between 50's and 80's. In this movie story has split to two stories. First one has moved from 50's to 80's and second movie will be placed to present day. Very clever, because 80's is so nostalgic these days. Everybody who has seen Stranger Things in Netflix knows, that 80's nostalgic is very popular right now. Somehow IT reminds much like a Stand by Me and Goonies, but at the same time those movies are like kids movies compared to IT.

Many times children actors are embarrassing to watch, but somehow these young actors are brilliant. Characters are plausible and you will get fond of them enough, that the scary scenes are really scare. Compared to many present horror movies, IT won't have too much digital effects, that makes it feels even more scarier. Nostalgic imagery combined to old school horror works well. Music and sound effects are used wisely, but effective.

If somebody still remember the old TV-series from same story and traumas it left, you won't be disappointed. IT update nostalgic horror wisely to present day. Even story has now divided to two parts, movie still works perfectly as a independent story. Massive 180 million box office at the first weekend although will guarantee, that we will see the second part very soon.
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Go see it, give it a change. We are urge to see this story properly
4 August 2017
First of all I have to say few words to defend The Dark Tower movie. Movie based on very faintly to the book series and Stephen Kings created universe and it be only a scratch to achieve a grater story. In a way this movie is thought to be a kind of prequel of the series, I think. As a independent movie it works quite mediocre, not to tell too much what might to happen. So if you want to see more and dive deeper to this universe, I suggested you to invest some effort to this movie, at least to buy a movie ticket. Perhaps studio has been too modest and didn't have guts to invest enough to start this movie series well enough.

Because movie company (Sony) has left to go on a fishing expedition, the only thing to blame (or thank) is company itself. Not the fans nor other audience. Me, myself went to see this movie with very mixed feelings. Especially, when I noted this movie is only 95 minutes long, I was wondering how on earth they can even scratch this universe. And they haven't. The movie introduces us to three main characters of book series and gives us only a glimpses of hint what the whole story has to offer. With this on plate they try to wake audiences interest to see more. In a way it works, but the other way it doesn't. Fans must be furious after years of waiting, when result is only bits of pieces of The Dark Tower universe. The other way movie might (just might) be a stimulant to audience who does not be familiar with Stephen Kings series of TDT books. Everything has left to the box office to tell of it's success. Movie audience is tried to address with low age certification (PG-13). Every one who are familiar with Stephen Kings books knows, that they are not any children stories.

As a movie itself is very mediocre sci-fi and fantasy movie. To Stephen Kings fans has a little more to offer. It has some nice and thrilling glimpses and hints to other Kings masterpieces like Cujo, The Shining, Christine, movie 14 08 and ti It's Pennywise-clown. These small hints raised a little of my interest about this movie.

As a one movie The Dark Tower is oddly confused and thin story. Many things are left to hang in the air and many occurrence are not explained enough. This may revenge itself at the box office simply because big audience is not familiar enough of this peculiar universe. If it wont get enough of audience, it will be pity that they didn't gave enough to earn audiences interest. This universe is so big and bizzar that it earns to told properly. Me, myself I am a little worried, that it won't get enough of audience. Because of that, I encourage you to spend a price of a movie ticket if you even hesitate a little about seeing this movie. Even if it is a mediocre film, it really isn't one of the worst Stephen Kings stories what has converted to a movie. Of course the are many way too better films about SK's books like Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, Kathy Bates starred (Oscar winning) role in The Misery or delightful TV series The Stand.

If movie don't make enough money at the box office, only thin to blame is movie studio, who didn't got enough guts to invest this movie to tell us a great story, earned enough to tell properly. If movie sunk's at the box office the only thing that may save this story is relying on those big streaming companies like HBO or Netflix who may have guts and money enough to tell us this great story properly. Many favorite characters, like Odetta, Susannah, Oy, Eddie Dean and Blaine waits to be introduce them self.

The Dark Tower introduces to us only few characters of series. Idris Elba is superb as a Gunslinger, Matthew Mc Conaughey serves well as a The Man In Black and Tom Taylor is decent as a role of Jake.

As a movie The Dark Tower is mediocre, I would say like two and a half of a star movie, but with great actors and with some hints to Stephen King, I have to give this movie one more star. Let just hope, that in the future we will get a change to dive properly to this Stephen Kings bizzar and great universe. That is what all the fans wait to lick your chops.
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Don't listen the critics. Go and see it yourself.
26 July 2017
Even many critics has given crush critics to Valerian and the City of Thousand Planets I have to disagree. Valerian is colorful, entertaining and incredibly visual movie. Although movie has quite little to do with original graphic albums I love what Luc Besson has bring about. Very rarely has European movie been such full of visual firework as Valerian is. The whole universe, creatures and action scenes feels fresh and new. 3D has rarely exploit movies visual look as they do in this movie. Movie is full of little details and it looks simply amazing. Over two hour long movie never stops and doesn't feel any too long. Quite opposite, you even eager more to see. Hopefully movie is successful enough around the world and we get the change to plunge back in Luc Bessons engender universe. I have to admit that the script is sometimes quite silly and schematic, but bare visuality of movie makes it feels fresh and entertaining. Even though original graphic albums are much more philosophic covered with space opera the lack of it doesn't stop you to enjoy the movie. Even movie has a lot of silly action scenes the big picture is still very enjoyable. I have always said that don't listen what critics say, go and enjoy the movie. If after when the movie ends you feel that you got what you wanted and get profit to money you spend it has been worth it. Valerian is in between of tens of one another copied super hero movies fresh and welcome breath of air. Partly we may thank Luc Bessons courage to produce such a expensive movie outside of Hollywood as European production. Valerian is full of breathless joy of action and even if you feel missing something it entertains you by force.
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Shameless entertainment
12 April 2017
Fast & Furios movies belong to a genre of a bad movies which are so bad that they are enjoyable. Whole series of movies are shameless entertainment from beginning to the end and there is nothing bad with it. Movie offers you everything you ever waited, reckless driving, pretentious stunts, stupid jokes, machoism and (beautiful women). Every time they try to make everything bigger, than previous. This time they bring nuclear submarine to end scene. There will be two movies at least to come to this series. Remain to be seen what they bring next time to make it even bigger than this. Story is quite gauzy, but hardly any one expect anything else. As an entertainment movie wont betray you, but with it's script is little weaker than previous movie. Jokes are quite lame, but some of them manage to make you laugh. Froth entertainment and nothing else. Light story is quite amusing, but some scenes makes story a little lame. For that we can blame movie director F. Gary Gray. Previous movie director James Wan kept story tight and solid. Let's hope they will bring him back in upcoming movies. Movie holds every aspects you ever waited. Senseless reckless driving and great action. Even this movie aren't so good than previous it still is shameless entertaining. Bringing Kurt Russel to movie is great honor to 1980's action movies. These movies are so bad that they are so great and dulcet to watch. It gives you what ever you were expecting for these movies, speed, action, orgulous stunts to satisfy you to pay a movie ticket price.
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Life (I) (2017)
Tries too hard to be next Alien, but fails...
10 April 2017
Life tries really hard to be next Alien. Life is not bad, but you hardly can compare it to classic like Alien. The biggest problem in the movie is monster itself. Found from Mars life form, which starts to kill space stations crew one by one. Everything is like in Alien, so what is wrong with it? Actually everything. Monster is too pretty to be horrified. It is too sleek and smooth and looks too digitally made, not scary at all. Besides the terror for crew is not grotesque enough. You hardly see blood and monster looks a little like octopus, too cute to be scary. It might sound corny, but in these days when you find many TV shows more graphic and violent, monster here and it's ways to kill staff is too sleek. Besides the international space station feels too big and doesn't feel any claustrophobia at all, like space craft in Alien.

Still Life is not too bad at all. It's visuality is stunning camera run is breathtaking. It is too bad that this movie is not in 3D format. Space station looks quite realistic and spacewalk are very enjoyable to look. Even though Life is quite OK space monster movie, it hardy can compare classics like Alien. In some parts story starts to meander and fumble, but script is good enough to tighten the story back to basic. The end of the movie is more funny than scary. After all Life is quite descent space monster movie and it leaves great expectations for Alien Covenant movie. Hopefully at May we can enjoy great space horror flick, when Alien Covenant get it's release world wide.
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