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Jesus had communist-like beliefs, but the word "communism" carries certain implications and connotations which do not entirely, correctly describe Jesus.
6 November 2011
This is a very insightful and thought provoking film of how Jesus' teachings and methods would be viewed in modern times. In today's world, the word "communism" is often associated with the idea of a corrupt, unfair, and disorganized government, simply because this has been the result of communist governments in the past. However, as stated early in the film, the definition of "communism" is actually more closely tied with ideas such as equality and fairness. Jesus did support communist-like ideas with the intention of showing individuals the right way to live a life of faith, but I'm not sure it is entirely accurate to claim that Jesus was a full-blown communist.

As stated in the film, communism has failed in the past due to human greed and the individual precedence one puts on him or herself over others, but even if humans were able to attain a society where everyone shared all things equal, would perfect Christianity be achieved? Communism requires everybody in a given society to share all ownership and sustain equality by valuing the wellbeing and development of society over that of the individual; it does not allow for individual achievement and value above others. Jesus taught his followers to give to the poor and to share their wealth, but this was not with the intension of promoting a better society, as communism would imply. Jesus taught individuals to give and help other individuals because love and kindness is ultimately what God wants. Jesus was not interested in the advancement of the country of Israel, but rather the advancement of faith of the people of Israel as individuals. It is more of a coincidence that both Christianity and communism require one to give and help others because the intentions of Christianity and communism are completely different.

Assuming the Jesus' intention was to teach communism would imply that God wanted the people of Israel to value the wellbeing of the country over that of the individual. It would mean God believes that everyone should put aside individual drive and redirect his or her values to focus on how to best divide all assets in society so that everyone can match the same level of value, and equality can exist. God does want equality and fairness, but not by establishing a government that forces it through limitations. Communism attains equality by limiting the property and power one can have in a society. Christianity attains equality by motivating each Christian to willingly place him or herself in a position of servitude to God and utilizing his or her talents to give as much as he or she can to those who are in need. "Jesus was a Commie" does a good job at presenting and supporting Jesus' communist- like beliefs, but like all labels, the word "communism" carries very particular implications and connotations, which in this case do not entirely, correctly describe Jesus.

FIDN: A09085844
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