
13 Reviews
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Midway (2019)
10/10 The Benchmark Gold standard for WW2 movie
20 May 2022
The movie gives a fair & entertaining representation of what war in the Pacific was. There is no Bulletproof Superhuman Main Character in this movie. These are the story of ordinary humans doing extraordinary things. The American, Japanese & also Chinese are represented as humans fighting for the cause that they believe in. Their victory, their loss & their doubts are all represented in this wonderful movie. There a many memorable characters in this movie & they were given sufficient spotlight for their story.

Most war movie tend to become a Propaganda film, Overglorifying the victory & portrays the losing side as nothing but Villainous Evil doing Evil for the sake of being Evil, which I absolutely hate. This movie is not a trash propaganda film, this movie is the Best WW2 movie that I've ever watch! It kinda reminds me of the eye-opening 1981 Das Boot.
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Poorly written story, no explanation is given
8 March 2019
I was hoping for a substantial story building towards Endgame, but what I got is a poorly written, badly put together scenes that doesn't hold together. All the morals of the story being told in the movie becomes invalid as the story goes on. No explanation is given of how the character can hold & control those powers. She is just being powerful for the sake of being powerful The only scenes worth watching is the end credit scenes which signal the end of this sleep-inducing movie.
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A bunch of teenagers were into tricked thinking this is a new Disney film.
4 December 2016
The title describe how bad the acting are and how clueless & dumb these actor looks like in the movie. Even the movies by The Asylum have better acting & story writing than these film. The movie is on low budget, no doubt about that so I will put that aside and review it as a low budget film instead of the big ones.

To tell the truth, if you expect an action-packed movie about vampire slayer, then you will be disappointed with how crappy the choreography is. The fighting scene are so bad that I rather label it as romantic/fantasy than an action/fantasy. But the story is quite unique in the way it tries to explore the human side of the vampire rather than just focusing on the evil side. An of course there are romantic part of it that I found more enjoyable to watch rather than the rest of the movie.

To summarize it, watching this movie feels like putting a knife on my stomach, stab it in and slicing my stomach open as I make a horizontal cut. I've never committed seppuku before, but after watching this movie I know how it feels like.

I give 3 star because the romantic part of it are convincing, the story are unique compared to other vampire movie and lastly because the actress who play Alina is hot.
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Horrible Ending! George R R Martin can write better ending than this sheet!
19 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
my honest opinion about Mockingjay part 2: the story is VERY predictable & Katniss is just trying to make excuse to kick Gale out so Peta can cum in.

Damn I just wish somebody could just shoot Peta in the face or George R R Martin could write a story about Peta being kidnapped during the wedding and were mutilated into a vegetable.

But then Gale was trying to save Peta but it was too late. In the end Gale is married with Katniss. While Peta live the rest of his miserable life as a vegetables forever and dies a virgin and died due to HIV virus from a contaminated blood transfusion or something. The End.

Oh btw Finick does not deserve dying as dog food but instead its Peta should become dog food to those Moot creature. That mothafaka is nothing but a burden to the whole group with his psychotic behaviour.

Damn I regret watching this movie, I should have just stop on Mockingjay part 1.
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Sabotage (2014)
The best Arnold movie ever!
29 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that Arnold is kinda look quite old in this movie, so I'm actually not really sure if he can actually pull this off... But he actually did it! But don't expect him to do things like he did in his younger days though.

To put a summary for this movie, I'd say it was like a raw, condom-less, cum-inside-to-make-you-pregnant-several-times kinda movie. The example for condomized movies is like the Stallone's The Expandables. Most action movies are always about bad guy vs good guys and you can pretty much guess how the ending was. And this movie are ain't like that at all, you will be shocked to know what actually happened and how it happened.

This is really a nice movie to watch for Arnold's fan but be warn though, there's a lot of gores in this movie. So not a good idea to watch it with your kids though. And fat peoples might get offended with the jokes in the movie(48% body fat) lol.

And about the last scene it was so damn classic and I love it. And if anybody is wondering, I pretty much sure he survived it. Its nothing more than a scratch for him, since He is the freakin Terminator!

Hasta la vista Baby~ B)
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Furious 7 (2015)
You Need To Abandon The World's Logic To Enjoy This
29 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you are expecting this movie to be realistic and logic, then you are making a huge mistake. Put it in your mind set that these peoples are video game characters/anime/superheroes and everything will start to make sense.

I was somehow thought that this movie is going to concentrates more about Han's death and there's some interesting plot that leads to the event. But nope, thats not how it went as it pretty straight forward action movie with no surprising plot and twist.

For the action, I could not imagine what would they brought after those tanks in the 6th movie. And I was not disappointed, free fall cars, tower to tower car jumping and the regeneration power of Dominic Toretto! Talking about the crazy stuff in the movie, how the heck Dom is not dead after he drives his car off the cliff? In every movie I see people is sure to die unless the get out of the car somehow. How the heck a Somalian terrorist get a military grade helicopter and a jet powered Predator drone? And how the hell a 23 years old hacker girl can just develops the God's Eye thats are so powerful that CIA become absolute?

Seriously guys, you need to abandon the world's logic and watch this movie as if you are watching The Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Expecting this movie to be realistic and logic is a great mistake.

As for the send off scene for Paul Walker, its truly an emotional moments in the movie. For the people who is not a fan to this movie or doesn't even know who Paul Walker is then they probably doesn't get it whats going on here. But for me, I barely holding my tears as I watch it. What a long journey it is~

For Paul
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Divergent (2014)
Not what I was expecting, but its okay
2 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I thought this movie is about bunch of teens with a rare super powers like mutants in X-men, but I was wrong. Don't know why I got that idea ha ha.

As for the movie, I can say I just love it! I'm expecting them to make a sequel and they are. I'm totally looking forward to watch the sequel. What I love most about the movie is the lead male and female, their acting is solid and I can feel their emotion they portray. And I like their character, they can be fierce but they can be kind-hearted too sort of the way. What I don't like about the movie is that too many important people dies in the first movie, not sure how it will affect the ending anyway. But it was fun, anyone should go watch it. And the music and soundtrack is good too, since it was co-produced by Hans Zimmer from Batman trilogy soundtrack composer. But the action is not very solid though, the fight scenes are too soft like a bitch fight. Im looking forward to a more brutal like the Undisputable or Ip Man. And the gunfight is kinda weak, they need to put more steroid on this department. No big guns, big-ass explosion whatsoever... All they have is so pew-pew and pow-pow. Other than that the movie is great.

As for rating, I would give it an 8 since the action is lame, the fighting is not brutal enough. Other than that the movie is solid and fun to watch. No sex scenes though, so you can watch it with your kids and grandmas :P But there's some kissing here and there, might learn some tricks too.

p/s not sure if my review have spoiler or not, but I put it anyway as precaution :P
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Do not think, just go and watch it ;)
23 December 2014
Dude... This movie got the smokin hot Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman in it. What else do you want in a movie? Seriously those two is more than enough reasons to watch this movie.

I randomly picked this movie and that is my initial thought when I see this 2 people in the movie. Well you guess what? I'm not disappointed. Truth be told my expectation for this movie is kinda low because I do not have any idea what this movie is all about since the title of this movie is very short, consist of only 4 letters; L-U-C-Y. And I never see a commercial or the trailer of this movie anywhere. Its like this movie is magically downloaded into my little brother's external HD or something.

But this movie is more to it than meets the eye as I progressed through the story. Of course the starting of the story is kinda dumb, a guy asked a girl he just meet to deliver a briefcase and she agreed to it as stated in the synopsis. But what happens later is what makes this movie great, thrilling and fun to watch. Lucy in this movie is ain't no bimbo with just pretty face and nice racks, she is a deadly beauty with a brain(tons of it) and has achieved the unthinkable.

Another thing that make this movie interesting to watch is the bad guy of the movie, Mr. Jang. He is not your typical African-American gangsta or Chinese thugs you seen in most movies, he is a Korean gangster with a swagg. Its a rare element in western movies I've seen. This movie touched about many strong issues like narcotics, human trafficking, human evolution, Darwinism and society corruption. So this may definitely not suitable for kids.

In conclusion, this movie is fun, thrilling, mind blowing and enjoyable to watch. An action-thriller sci-fi movie that I would definitely suggest to my friends to watch.
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A polished diamond that failed to shine
23 December 2014
Hmmmmm... I do not know what is the strong point for this movie. The fighting? Nope. The car action? Not really. Emotional interaction between characters? Not much. Love? Naahhh. Mind-blowing twist at the end? More like a funny ones. Ha-ha-ha Hachummm!*sneeze* So what the hell is good about this movie anyway? It pretty much mediocre and one step closer to disaster. Truth be told, I would not be watching this movie if Paul Walker is not in it. Thank god he still appear in Furious 7 and not this movie as his last appearance. That would be a tragedy I think.

Concentrating more on the movie, I can see some message they try to deliver. But the weak story and the weak setup failed to deliver the message. I failed to see any seriousness in this movie, as if the director and the script writer is doing this movie for their kindergarten summer project. The movie try to be funny sometimes but it failed miserably. The movie try to deliver a serious message but failed to deliver it with its cheezy story. I never watched the District 13 which this movie is based upon, but my instinct said it will be definitely better than this one. As there is no point to make a remake for a terrible movie(with an exception of Batman directed by Christopher Nolan).

As conclusion, this movie is kinda dumb and retarded but is still enjoyable to watch. Its not painful to watch, but not really fun to watch either. Its mediocre.

p/s the girl named Lola in this movie is kinda summarize this movie all together. She got a hot sexy slim Latino body with a nice racks, but not a pretty face. What a shame.
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What the hell am I watching here??
4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I don't have a fukin idea what this movie is about. The ending of the movie is an utter shyte in the face. Totally waste of time through this "mute" movie. I just hope someone will fukk One Eye (main character) on his remaining eyes so that he becomes totally blind.

With the title Valhalla, I was hoping for something about the viking gods rising against a challenge, but nope... its not. And I also thought this movie is about the rise of anti-Christ against the viking gods, but nope... this guy is going for crusade in the Holy Land... So, this guy couldn't be an anti-Christ right?

And I continue watching this horrible movie that keep showing horrible images, a guy even get sodomized in this movie! WTF? And the ending is soo fu.cked up after 90 minutes of mental torture. I was lucky that I watched this on my laptop instead of going to cinema and waste my money on this piece of shyte
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Balistik (2014)
Not a mind-blowing but fairly an OK movie
31 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this movie on my TV today. The cinematography is quite good for a malaysian movie. The fighting scenes are also quite nice compared to most malaysian movie i've watch. But it sometimes feels exagrated especially there's tons of mirrors and glassess were broken in this movie just to make it look violent.

But the gun handling in this movie is quite bad, that guy is standing on his feet with no gun support when he tries to snipe a guy from a 300m range. When a movie with a title "Balistik" (English=Balistic) i was hoping for some sniper action, a sniper versus a sniper kinda stuff... But there is none and this guy Sagari confronted the bad guys with 2 handgun/pistol like gunslinger instead of tactically taking out the bad guys one by one with a sniper rifle. And for some strange reason, he stop at one floor of the building and start shooting at every mirror he sees... wtf??

The plot progression gets even weirder near the end of the movie but thank god there is some explanation about that guy's past and real identity which i bet no one will ever though of. A quite nice and unexpected twist in the end, but its just OK to me since it wont change the storyline watsoever.
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Not the one I need, but the one I deserved
21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I must state that at first I was planning to watch the new Transformer movie, but since i missed the time so i choose to watch this movie instead and I am glad that I made that choice.

To be honest, I was expecting a violent movie where human heads on a spike is seen everywhere, apes massacring humans and eat their babies alive or a simple word; a genocide. But instead what i get is a very "National Geographic" scenes in the first 10 minutes which makes me wonder is this a TV show or a movie?

I came watching this movie with a quite low expectation and it surprises me with a well developed plot, a stunning emotional and intelligence portrayed by these apes and the conflicts that leads to war between apes and the human colony. These apes kinda reminds me of the Red Indian people, but this time the "Red Indians" will win and the American cowboys will fall from their horses and die.

When i see the word "dawn" I was expecting the apes is already conquering the whole planet and humans is already enslaved/massacred in this movie. Perhaps what I really don't like to see would probably happens in the next movie, which probably titled "The War of the Planet of the Apes". But I'm still intrigued with what might happens in the next movie.

And I would like to end this review with a quote from myself for the movie; "It will be the end of mankind when humans start thinking like an ape and lost their sense of humanity.

p/s: an exciting film to watch for anyone with a brain that they use for thinking ;)
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Godzilla (2014)
A huge waste of potential by an idiotic director and scriptwriter
20 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I came to watch this movie with a quite high expectation based on the trailer that I saw before and expect it to be an apocalyptic movie with an intense plot on the human side. The damn trailer also gives an impression that godzilla is gonna kill the human race and some how we must fight it back.

And the worst part about the movie came when the main character's father (Bryan Cranston) dies. I was like WTF?? If that guy is still alive he can probably carry and improves the plot and make it more sophisticated. But what i got is a dumb-retarded-lame plot acted by an uninspired-expressionless actor and actress. I can bet that Sylvester Stallone or Arnold can make better expression than this bunch of retards(except Bryan Cranston).

And it include Ken Watanabe as well, who to me just a lame excuse to relate this movie to Japan or Japanese people. He and Bryan Cranston can be a good duo in this movie, but instead this dumbass director and the scriptwriter decide that Bryan Cranston character must die and Ken Watanabe keep spouting stupid and lame dialogue written by an idiotic scriptwriter! What a bunch of stupid-fukin assholes!

The only saving grace for this movie is the Godzilla himself and the CGI & audio team, other than that its full of BS. But i must comment on the Godzilla movement that resemble a gorilla which is a mammal(maybe godzilla is raised by a group of gorilla i don't know) rather than a reptile (ie:lizard, comodo dragon etc). Other than that, Godzilla is totally bad-ass and the moment where he fires the plasma from his mouth is the awesomest moment in the movie ever!

p/s: an exciting movie to watch only if you can ignore the horrible acting and the idiotically retardedly lame plot development
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