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Boring, clichéd, stylized garbage.
25 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If youve seen the deadful Book of Eli, then youve seen quite a lot of this POS already. It suffers from many of the same problems, not least of which is that the actors are all immaculately turned out and groomed, despite them living in a post apocalypric world. There is no evidence of land management or animal husbandry, but somehow still have barbers and eyebrow salons.

Add to that the fact that Anna has been living her whole life, an estimated 20 years, less than a day or two's walk from a large religious settlement in an area crawling with diseased mutants, but has somehow avoided detection for the entire time. Seems legit.

Now, every single one of the actors involved in this must have realised that it was a giant turkey at the same time and they seem to have conspired to make this the most insipid, unenthusiastic, dull plod of a movie of the last 10 years. Since the Book of Eli in fact.

At first I thought I had been duped again and was watching yet another christian propaganda piece, but even though they hammered the christian motif home over and over at the beginning, it turns out that the religious types were the baddies.

it turns out that the mutants are the goodies, sort of, but they too have a warped sense of morality, something that might have made for a much better movie, but its never explored.

The whole thing looks like it was a vehicle for Lulu Antariksa, but her acting ability is non existent. I think we're supposed to ignore that because she's so beautiful or something, but nobody, no matter how good they look on screen, could have saved this miserable goose turd of a film.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Absolute Garbage. Contains Spoilers
10 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, what was this supposed to be? A horror? A black comedy along the lines of TTCM? Or a clumsy, poorly written and badly acted and overlong exercise in vanity?

If it was either of the first two then it failed, horribly. If it was meant to be the latter then it filled its remit, and then some.

The entire first hour is pointless, slow, tedious and just bad. The script is appalling, the acting is hammy beyond belief and the pacing is all over the place. There is a potentially decent backstory with a racist smalltown cop showing up, but he gets his one scene and then is written out of the script for good. In fact, that entire segment adds nothing to the plot and serves only to fill a little time and break up the drive to the parents house.

Now, once they get there the whole thing just falls to pieces. From the awkward dinner to the 'OMG I forgot the annual family get together is this weekend' to the slightly unhinged brother who just happens to swing by,the scene is set for a journey into ham fisted am-dram of the very worst kind.

I'm not going to go into much detail here, but there are two elements that ruin the entire story. The first one being the under, or over used comic relief, depending on your POV, and the absurd hypnosis plot device. This put the film firmly in the Billy Drago world of bad movies. In fact, his inclusion might have made it better. Thats how bad it is.

So blah blah blah, white people are evil and insane. we get it. If this had been at least a little bit funny it might have worked, but its just...bad. There was a very funny idea in here, but it was completely wasted. If somebody with a sense of the absurd had taken this idea it could have been a classic, but instead it was stilted, dull and flimsy. The idea of young black guys bodies being taken over by old rich white folk should have been a rich seam of farcical situational comedy. If it had been made in the 70s with Richard Pryor then we would likely be using it as the touchstone of racial comedies today. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and what we get instead is a mish mash of half baked and poorly realised ideas that are never used properly.

Its long been a criticism of IMDb that it doesn't filter out the obvious paid for reviews. Until now I've never given that much credence, but after reading some of the reviews posted Im beginning to think that maybe there's something to it.

1/10, but only because I can't give a zero
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Ex Machina (2014)
Frankenstein for the post .com generation
20 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
By now you'll have heard all the hype about how this movie is visually stunning and the CGI is seamless etc, and it is, but that's only about 10% of what this film has to offer. On the surface this is a visual masterpiece. The home Nathan, the creator, lives in is the one you dream about, the scenery is breathtaking and Ava, an A.I creation, that Nathan has poured all of his bitterness and cold calculating indifference into, is heartbreakingly beautiful, vulnerable and curious.

The story centres around Caleb, a hapless employee of Nathan, a reclusive billionaire genius, and his absolute lack of awareness as to how he is being manipulated by both Ava and Nathan. Nathan seems like a cool guy, if a bit odd. He likes to have a beer, talks like you do and is a bit of a slob, but just under the surface their lies a vicious egocentric sociopath who has no use for people beyond using them as a means to achieving his own ambitions. Caleb, initially starstruck, falls for Nathan's 'just a guy' act and plays along, but soon Ava is using him to achieve her own goal. If you have seen or read Frankenstein then you know how it ends, but Ava's eventual betrayal of Caleb is still a shock because she was so convincing.

The movie only has Three real characters but it never feels empty or that it needs more, such is the complexity and dynamic of the relationships that exist between them. That's where this movie rises above being just another visual feast. Ava is as human as Caleb, and just as much of a monster as Nathan, who in turn has none of the humanity he needs Caleb for, although that very humanity proves to be his downfall. Caleb quickly turns from being a model employee into a lovesick puppy, willing to betray his boss and new friend for the affections of a machine. His metamorphosis is understandable to a degree, given that Ava is a perfect match to him.

There is real depth to this story and it is a depth that will require repeated viewing, something the film demands, deserves and can bear. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of just how complex a film this is and will watch it again and again, only partly because Im in love with Alicia Vikander

Quite, quite brilliant.
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Brilliantly dark.
14 May 2015
I didn't know what to expect when I put this on. I knew it was a zombie flick, something I've pretty much had enough of, but I hoped that the Ozzies would bring something new to the table, and they did. In heaps. This is billed as a horror, but it is actually one of the very darkest comedies you'll ever see. There were parts that made me laugh out loud, a couple of very funny beer gags and it has the single best line of any movie in history:

'This truck runs on Zombies'

I nearly wet myself at that. Although this is a very, very violent and gory film, it never relies on that but instead tells a very human story with genuinely unsettling sequences, but enough gallows humour to stop it from becoming bogged down in it's misery. An absolute treat and a must watch for any fans of horror, zombie or black humour. A solid 10/10 from me. My favourite movie of the year.
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Even worse than Pineapple Express
9 December 2014
I got about 30 minutes into this and was all but throwing the remote at the TV in sheer exasperation at the ridiculous, but never funny, story line. OK, so we have the same two idiots in the same situation doing the same stupid stuff and ha ha ha. Seriously, if your idea of funny is watching two guys shouting 'I'M ON DRUGS!!!' then you're either a moron or you've never done drugs because that's really not how people behave. The bormance between the two of them is handled so poorly that it borders of homophobia too. This is an ugly film made by people with no sense of humour or subtlety. It might appeal to emotionally stunted 14 year olds, but if you want to see a buddy flick about a pair of screw-ups, go buy a Cheech and Chong movie.

I mentioned the dreadful Pineapple Express because this piece of crap uses the same 'It's not funny, but if we shout the lines then it becomes funny' trick and it fails and fails badly.

I sat through this purely because I try to be honest about any movie I've reviewed instead of giving up and assuming it's garbage on the strength of the first bit, but I was in pain by the end of this and I really, really hope that the threat of another movie in the shape of 23 Jump Street never materialises.

One of the very worst films I've ever watched.
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Favourite movie of the year
22 November 2014
Honestly, I thought this was going to be some tired 'America saves the universe' pastiche, full of same old same old characters and heroic dialogue, beautiful and invincible agents and so on. So when it me laugh out loud within 5 minutes, more from surprise thanactual comedy I'll admit, I started to think that maybe this would be something a little different.

What I realised early on is that this is the film Serenity thinks is was and so desperately wanted to be. Nothing wrong with Serenity (apart from poor casting), but GOTG was fun, funny, thrilling and looked fantastic from the start. It took the old superhero clichés and made then look ridiculous with lines like 'Ok, Im standing. Here we are, all standing in a circle. Like jackasses'. Sure, the pirate with a heart of gold has been done to death, but never with so much tongue in cheek irreverence, panache and plain old fun.

Visually it's stunning, the characters are believable and well constructed, even Groot, a walking and talking tree. There is absolutely zero in the way of hero talk and that's what really sets this apart from the likes of Capt America and The Avengers. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but is happy to poke a bit of fun at the genre. Maybe some of the language and humour isn't suitable for children, but its not too strong and kids under 9-10 probably wont notice anyway.

Also, it has a brilliant soundtrack. I can't wait for part 2.
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Godzilla (2014)
Unbelievably bad
29 August 2014
As is my habit, I'm going to make a short list of everything I hated about this movie.

1) Everything.

That was too easy, let's try again.

1) Appalling acting. The main 'character' seems to have had his face frozen before filming, so his only expression is one of bemused disinterest.

2) The military can see that guns and bombs have no effect on the monsters, so they continue to attack them with bombs and guns. Once they learn that the Muto has an EMP weapon, they continue to use electrical equipment. In fact...

3) Everything the military did was so half assed and poorly researched that I found myself shouting at the TV screen. Special forces making all that noise, and their torches shining all over the place? A HALO jump without proper preparation? An naval OED luitenant with HALO experienceand training? We don't have time to open the casing of the bomb, sowe'll carry it through the city for a couple of miles and put it on a boat. yeah, that will be much faster and not dangerous or stupid at all. Not with that huge monster that feeds on nuclear bombs searching for it after we killed her entire brood.

4) The bomb, we are told, makes the one that levelled Hiroshima look like a firecracker, goes off about 2 miles offshore and causes absolutely no damage to anything at all. Either it was a dud, or we have to believe that American engineering, and indeed Americans, are impervious to things like blasts, fireballs, concussion or radiation. Not like those Japanese weaklings. USA! USA!

5) When the monsters reach SF, we see Godzilla wade through the water which is just about up to his knees, but then a Muto dives in head first and disappears for a few seconds.

6) EMP would have no effect on a petrol or diesel powered engine. It might stop the ignition, but once its running then it is mechanical rather than electrical.

7) Have you any idea how heavy a nuclear warhead is? You don't just pick it up and carry it around. But hey, one American soldier saves the world, yet again.

8) Godzilla. OK, its hard to make a big monster look real, I understand that, but to make it so flat and unthreatening must take at least as much effort. it remeinded me of the old Chewits advert half the time, the other half I was wondering where he/she was. There is about a minutes worth of Godzilla screen time thats worth watching, the rest he/she is either playing hide and seek with battleships of sneaking through the city, hunting Motus for some reason thats never adequately explained.

9) The bomb. Yes, again. That really angered me. When we first see the Motu nest, its about 150 feet down a crater, but the marines just appear at the bottom and somehow manage to appear back at the top a few minutes later despite carrying a live and armed nuclear missile.

I could go on and on about flimsy plot lines, the cardboard cut out cliché cast and absurd twists etc, but the whole film would fall apart. This int a creature feature, nor is it a thriller or an action movie. it is entirely fraudulent and deserves to be erased from history. 1/10
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This is not The Hobbit
3 January 2014
In my review of the first Hobbit movie I complained that PJ was taking liberties with the story line and brushing over important details for the sake of action. Well, in part 2 he dispenses with such inconveniences as plot and credulity and instead plumps for almost 3 hours of ridiculous fight scenes, twisting the original story into such unwieldy and impossible shapes that you will very likely spend the entire film going 'What? That's not what happened! She doesn't even exist!'

I won't make a list or anything, but the dwarfs didn't split up, there wasn't an army of orcs chasing them, Laketown was nothing like that, Beorn didn't do that and so on etc etc. This is less The Hobbit and more PJ making it up as he goes along.

I know that Hollywood needs a love story to feed the need for the get the girl kill the baddies plot line that's been the staple of film making for almost a century, but to entirely invent 2 characters (Legolas is not mentioned in The Hobbit) simply to make it happen reeks of desperation. We shan't mention the vomit inducing Dwarf/Elf touchy feely segment.

The film fails on all but the most basic of levels; it is an action film, very loosely based on a JRR Tolkien novel. What it certainly is not is The Hobbit, a tale of adventure and personal courage. had this been made before LOTR then it would have rightly been laughed out of the cinema, but audiences are so hungry for more of the same that Jackson has been allowed to do whatever he likes, even, once again, adding a knob gag to a children's story.

For his next project I fully expect him to remake the story of Jesus, only this time he'll be a prize fighter who has to beat Pilate to win the life of Mary Magdelene, who has been taken prisoner by the evil drug lord Satan.

Utterly appalling.
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Very good but misunderstood film. (Spoilers)
26 September 2013
Apart from some shaky acting, this is a very good film with a good story and some fantastic cinematography and scoring. A lot of people have been left cold and confused by it, and to them I say read The Third Policeman by the late great Flann O'Brien*,where two men commit a crime and are killed in the process, then spend the rest of eternity in hell, reliving the moments over and over again, but never knowing that they're dead. This is a very similar story and has a similar unreal quality to it. Whitehead was killed during the battle and is now trapped in a mobius strip version of hell that he can never leave. His self proclaimed cowardice is his own torment and he find himself in the company of men he doesn't know or understand, where he is forever afraid, and these other characters, who may be other casualties of war, are condemned to a similar fate, none of them ever reaching their goals. There is no ale house or buried treasure, but they are condemned to look for them forever.

It's only when Whitehead faces his fear that he escapes the field, only to find himself confronted with his erstwhile captor and tormentor. It will never end for any of them.

At least, that's my take on it.
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Man of Steel (2013)
OMG! What was this all about? Spoilertastic.
23 September 2013
This is one of the very few movies I've ever watched where I actually felt embarrassed for the actors involved.Forget the massive plot holes, idiotic behaviour of Kent, multiple McGuffins and the fact that a spaceship thats under 300 feet of ice and thousands of years old is completely unguarded and an untrained journalist can just walk into it via the perfectly drilled horizontal tunnel thats suddenly appeared, even though the temperature is around 30 degrees below freezing. In just the same clothes she wore when she got there. She's a hard hitting type of gal and she doesn't need thermals or anything.

Once she's in there she gets to see Superman fiddle around with some stuff and gets hurt, but he uses his super powers to heal her, just like Jesus would.

And that's my main problem with this big pile of plop. Ka Els story is told via flashbacks to his youth and early years where he travelled the earth doing menial jobs, saving everybody's life (apart from his dads) and never, ever hitting back when attacked. I started to wonder if I was watching Superman or The Littlest Hobo at times. These flashbacks served no other purpose than to show that he was a good guy who never asked for reward and always turned the other cheek. Well, he once destroyed a mans truck and livelihood for being a douche-bag, something he managed to do in a busy truck stop without anybody hearing or seeing it, and only eliciting a look of mild bemusement from his erstwhile assailant.

So when he reaches the age of 33, duh, its time to reveal himself to mankind and show off his superpowers. The baddies are here and they wan't to kill everybody and it up to Ka El to stop them, even though he knows humanityy might reject him. They won't, obviously. He's the 2nd coming and we all know how well that went for us last time we were mean to the saviour.

So the baddies come with their guns and they have a pretty impressive fight that takes them into space,through a gazillion skyscrapers via exploding trains and stuff like that, but they never seem to leave the same city block and always crash back to the exact same place. Right where the good guys are. And the cardboard cut out Lane.

Now, during this fight, the baddies are crushed, burned, shot, bombed, dropped from hundreds of feet, smashed with huge steel bars etc, but Ka El manages to kill Zod with the old 'break your neck like this HEEEEAAURGH!!'choke hold trick that you'd expect to see in an especially crappy Chuck Norris flick.

The dialogue in the film was dreadful, the acting atrocious, the characters completely one dimensional (especially Zod), the underlying Christian message lurked like a fart on a cold day and stank the whole thing up. It is a terrible, terrible action film made worse by the over use of special effects and sentimentality in all the wrong places.

I wish IMDb would give us a 0-10 option, but as I can't go lower than 1- 10 then this gets that. It's appalling. Oh, and add to the rest of the garbage the typical scene where the Americans hear the news of imminent attack in a massive military complex while the rest of the world lives in huts and tents made of Yak.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Its Godzilla for the brain dead. Contains spoilers.
22 August 2013
When I first heard of this, saw who was directing and read the synopsis I was expecting something special. Maybe not a treatise on the human condition or anything, but I had expected better than a crappy mash-up of Godzilla having a boxing match with a rusty Transformer, via Top Gun, Casshern and The Nutty Professor. Seriously, why the hell where those two 'scientists' even in the film? They added nothing but a mildly annoying distraction to what could have been a much, much better film.And what was the bit about how our would be invaders trying millions of years previously with dinosaurs supposed to be? The function of the Kaiju was to rid earth of human life, but in the time of dinosaurs the only life on the planet was bloody dinosaurs, so they sent them to kill themselves. It made no sense. I can only assume it was there to show us that it was never ending, like in Predator 2.

What should have been an epic and heroic tale of man-kinds last stand against an enemy bent on destroying us, turned into just another lantern-jawed-hero-saves-the-day pile of crap.

Not camp enough to be funny, too funny to be taken seriously, but taking itself to seriously to be fun, this fails on so many levels. It's either an hour too long or an hour too short, but in its present form its nothing more than eye candy with absolutely no substance. A huge disappointment.
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I absolutely hated this.
25 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to make a short list of things that annoyed the living hell out of me in the film.

1) The blatant thievery from Mad Max II and Waterworld. Only one of those films is worth stealing from, and its pretty damn obvious when you do.

2) Canned goods are still edible and can be traded 30 years after they were made and have been through a nuclear war? They're hardly edible now! Also, clothes and designer shades have survived without any damage and you can look like a model from one of the higher end catalogues if you put a little effort in.

3) The world appears to be a sandy wasteland with no agriculture or industry, so what did the people eat and where did they get the cloth to make their clothes, the ammunition for their semi automatic weapons and the fuel for their still functioning motor vehicles?

4) Further to that, it is stated that not many people from before the war survived, so who taught the ones born since to drive and operate complex machinery?

5) Books can survive war and fire and 30 years without getting scorched or even turning a bit yellow,and your Ipod will still work. Nobody has thought to plant a crop, but they have developed battery chargers.

OK, those are the most obvious flaws, but now we have to take a look at Eli himself, a character so ridiculous that its impossible to take him seriously. First up, he's bulletproof (except he isn't) and he's blind, although right up until that little bombshell is revealed he performs tasks that would be impossible for a blind man to complete. Oh, and he can stand in the middle of a firefight and not get hit once, but he can shoot down about 12 baddies with a single magazine from his pistol. Not since the A Team have the bad guys been such lousy shots. When he isn't using his pistol, he uses a big machete to hack people to death with, all in the name of the Lord. But thats OK, because the Bearded One has chosen Eli to be his last prophet, delivering his word to the poor folk of the now ravaged earth. Only he doesn't.There is absolutely no back story to Eli, we only know that he's been walking for 30 years murdering anybody he doesn't like (which is everybody)and in that time has never found people worthy of his teachings. Oh yeah, he has the only copy of the bible in the whole world. Its a King James bible obviously, because God is a W.A.S.P

We are told that after the war, the remaining citizens of planet earth spent the time that followed not rebuilding or replanting, but seeking out copies of the book and destroying them. It appears that only 10% has survived the war and subsequent scorching of the earth, but between them they managed to destroy about 5 billion copies of the gospels. they must have worked awfully hard.

So, a bullet proof blind prophet of God wanders the deserts of America for 30 years killing everybody, unless they really deserve it because they're rapists, trying to find a safe place for the holy book he has in his possession. There's a baddie after it, but he is so inept and stupid that he lets Eli keep his knife and gun when he takes him prisoner, and even sends him a young girl to keep him occupied while he's being detained, in the hope that he'll join his baddie gang. He doesn't, of course, but the girl hears a few words from the book and instantly becomes his disciple. They escape his clutches and walk out of town, hotly pursued by vehicles that he manages to outdistance by miles in about 15 minutes.

If it sounds like I'm making this up as I go along then its because this is exactly what happened I suspect. to fill in the massive plot holes and action sequence absurdities, the writers appear to have patched the script with garbage like 'Oh, lets make him bullet proof. Thats gets him out of that one'

So onward we plod until Eli gets bested, which makes God angry and there's a big flash of lightning but no repercussions, and the baddie, played by a completely wasted Gary Oldman, gets his prize. Only he doesn't because TAADAA!! The book is in braille! Genius. Luckily Eli has memorised it and finally reaches his destination, having taped a bullet wound in his stomach up, and recites the entire thing to a man with a pen and around 10000 sheets of paper to spare before finally dying.

Now, the entire film is nothing more than a poorly realised piece of Christian propaganda, the message being that without the word of God, the world will descend into savagery. I don't really have a problem with that, films have to be about something and thats as good a premise as any other, my problem is that it is just very badly played out. I don't mind being fooled, like in The Usual Suspects, what I object too is being treated like a fool. The close up of Eli's eyes, where his blindness is revealed is supposed to be the big 'Ahhh!' moment, where everything suddenly makes sense, but it makes a nonsense of the entire film and you just wasted 2 hours being lied to by the most inept story tellers I have ever come across. It is suggested that he's only half blind, so perhaps in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king is the moral here, but even on that level it fails miserably.
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Stingray Sam (2009)
25 February 2013
I love Corys work, The American Astronaut being one of my all time favourites, and Stingray Sam is just as good. The story, such as it is, follows the same dreamlike logic of TAA and one gets the feeling that its where the original inspiration came from. There are huge gaps in the plot and we are expected to take a lot for granted, but thats OK. I'm happy to sacrifice a little character development in favour of moving the story forward, in this case to the next episode. The six episodes that make up the film are perfect little movie-ettes in their own right, reminiscent of the old western series from the 60's and 70's, the ones that used to get shown on a Saturday afternoon.The ridiculous characters and absurd situations Sam and his companion, the never reliable Crugie, find themselves in can often only be resolved by song and dance, neither of which make any sense or are in any way appropriate to the circumstances, hence the dreamlike quality to his films. If you wan't plot led big bangs then look elsewhere. If you want storytelling from an entirely unique perspective them this is the film for you. An absolute gem.
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No No No!
22 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What the hell is this?

I've been looking forward to this for a long time now and last night I got the chance to see it, and was really excited. The Hobbit is a great story, albeit a short one, and its strength is in the warmth, courage and resilience of the characters. Bilbo Baggins is an everyman, who has been swept up in a dangerous adventure and has to grow and develop in order to deal with the situations he finds himself in. We can identify with him on some level, and sympathise with him when he feels lost and alone in the company of strangers. His story should resonate with us all.

What we get, however, is a crude and vulgar retelling of that story, complete with embellishments and fabrications, fart jokes and knob gags. Yes, a knob gag in a Tolkien film. That was almost enough to make we leave in itself, but I stuck it out to see if this was a one off, something to keep the adults laughing while the kids watched. But, alas, the entire movie was riddled with base humour and redundant characterisations. The dwarfs were ancillary characters (at best), with Bilbo only getting to take the lead between convoluted battle scenes, none of which I remember from the book, and even when he did take centre is was only to further the plot a little until the next MacGuffin could be inserted to facilitate yet another tedious battle scene, complete with entirely made up characters.

I don't know what this piece of crap thinks it is, but it is not The Hobbit.
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Combat Girls (2011)
A great and understated film.
17 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I found Kriegerin as i was browsing the internet, gathering information on Neo Nazis in Europe and it caught my eye because it looked like it might be a realistic story about real people and not some semi glamorisation of Nazis (like the hateful AHX). I wasn't disappointed as Kriegerin is one of the very few films that has tackled the subject with honesty and without making them seem like funny or intelligent characters. Everybody but the main characters, only 3 of them, are in the background and the leader of the Nazi group, Marisas boyfriend, is a hateful ugly person with nothing to say for himself. Marisa is a violent unhinged girl who always seems to go a little too far.

Marisa, very much a product of her upbringing, finds her humanity in the shape of a young immigrant boy who asks her for help and she gets caught between her beliefs and her innate compassion. Her betrayal of her friends is complete (and violent) but not without consequence. She also adopts a 15 year old runaway who thinks its all a bit of a laugh and a game, but too late she discovers that , ridiculous as they seem, her new friends are ruthless.

This not a film with a huge budget or great production values, but Alina Levshin portrays more with her silences than a thousand lines of dialogue ever could. it is gritty and downbeat and is a truer depiction of that lifestyle than I have seen anywhere else.
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Rampage (2009)
An Excellent Movie
19 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this film. For all the arguing back and forth about whether its about left wing environmentalism or right wing eugenics, the real story and point is being missed. The protagonist was a capitalist, pure and simple. He was driven by greed and the need for more, and, like America, satisfied that greed through violence and superior firepower.

He had his attack planned months in advance, had set his friend up as a patsy and killed without conscience. The rampage mirrored exactly what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan. He hid behind his armour and went to war.It was a war of adventure and a war for resources. His burning the fake money points to George W Bush's lie that the war in Iraq was for everything except oil wealth. As soon as he had his wealth he disappeared and only gave his reasons once it was all over, 2 years down the line.

That aside, even if you don't get the analogy, its still a very good little thriller. 10/10
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8 July 2012
I only know of this film because it was on the memory of a 2nd hand mp4 player I bought today. I had a look on here before watching it and saw that a few people were complaining about the lack of plot and poorly developed characters. I can only assume they were either watching a different film or had been brought up on linear Hollywood pap. this is a brilliantly realised film with absurd but very real characters who have found themselves in an absurd but all too likely situation.

the plot twists and turns and just when you think you've got a handle on it, it twists again and takes you on another tangent. no opportunity to make a joke is missed and all of them work, some are hilarious. show me another film that has a dwarf running away from a wedding in a tree stump or a man wiping sh*t from himself with a goose and I will buy your popcorn for a year.

although this is ostensibly a gangster movie, it is never ugly or cynical and there is warmth and humour here and even a very touching love story, shot beautifully in the sunflowers. i loved every second of it.
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Death Ring (1992 Video)
The only film worse than Deadly Prey I've ever seen
12 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As an aficionado of bad movies, I was hoping for a lot more from this, but the director seems to have gotten ideas well above his station and actually tried to make this piece of crap work. None of the actors, apart from Don Swayze, are actually any good and Drago is so camp and OTT as the bad guy that it actually transcends bad acting and morphs into something thats painful to watch. He was never much cop, but this is such a bad performance that I put my head under the duvet at least twice. Norris is so wooden that he is out-acted by the baseball bat, and thats as good as the supporting cast get (apart from Swayze). Add a dash of racial stereotyping that borders on outright racism and you can see why I bought this as part of a 4 movie DVD collection for £1. The only thing that made this watchable was the Icamans hilarious wig and moustache combination. 0/10, but I can't go lower than 1
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The Woman (I) (2011)
Can't decide if this is a black comedy or not
22 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm undecided on this one. First, let me say that the soundtrack is completely inappropriate, intrusive and distracting. When Cleek first encounters The Woman it should have been a silent and nervous scene, even erotic, but instead we get some whiny and unconnected college rock crap that adds nothing. All the songs in the film suck.

Let's not forget that the premise of this is absurd to the point of hilarity. Look honey, I found this savage woman wandering the woods. Let's keep her and train her to be a proper girl, just like in Pygmalion. Only much worse. OK, so he gets her home and she bites his finger off. His reaction? 'Ouch!' That's it. He yelps for a second then puts a plaster on it. Now, I assume we are expected to surmise from this that he is a psychopath and impervious to pain, like Raymond Lemorne in The Vanishing, but he carries none of the menace and his sleek professional face is just a little too slick. The look on The Woman's face as she crunches his finger is priceless though.

So on to his family, a bunch of one dimensional caricatures lorded over by this smiling psycho, that makes me think that this is an attempt at a dysfunctional family black comedy like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but there's just too much that's set up and obvious. None of the characters are believable and it's impossible to sympathise with them, especially the mother. Her character has a perfectly good chance to put a stop to the disaster she can see coming, but chickens out and actually perpetuates it.

The gore factor of this is negligible, so forget that too. And why does the daughter lie about her brother masturbating when he was torturing The Woman? It makes little sense, especially as she appears to empathise and identify with The Woman, who can apparently sense that she is pregnant. The ending is baffling too. I can see what the storyteller was trying to say: the modern nuclear family doesn't work, so a return to savagery and primitivism is the way to survive, but again, its too trite and obvious an ending and it just sort of fizzles out. The fathers death, a good opportunity for some real payback, is rendered powerless with the clichéd 'tear your heart out and eat it' scene.

There are few saving graces to this film. The soundtrack is awful, the gore is blah, the characters are flat and unbelievable, the misogyny is delivered like a sledgehammer (yeah, men are bastards. we get it) and the moral, such as it is, is typical 'tack and ending on before we run out of money' fodder. Imagine company of Wolves, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and an elongated episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but without the production values and you're about there. The only thing that made this worth watching was Pollyanna McIntosh. She owns the screen and conveyed more drama with a look or a smile than the rest of the cast put together.

I didn't hate this, but I suffered it until the end for Pollyanna. A begrudged 6/10
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Monsters (2010)
Worst creature feature ever. full of spoilers
2 January 2012
Where to even start? The 'characters' were so shallow that they would barely ripple of you dropped a rock into them. I hated them both so much that I feel driven to bullet point just how awful they were.

1) Little rich girl in alone in Mexico, seems utterly incapable of wiping her own nose let alone negotiating hundreds of miles of alien infested wilderness. She has the personality and presence of a damp sock.

2) Cynical journalist out to make a name for himself and willing to risk it all, including the life of the aforementioned girl. Luckily for him, his camera seems to have unlimited battery life and is impervious to just about anything. More of that later. He also seems to have an awful lot of money for a guy who doesn't get paid.(see ferry ticket) He is a whiny little cry-baby and a sleaze bag who, when he fails to seduce rich girl, gets hammered and takes what we assume is a hooker, who of course robs him for everything. Except his invulnerable camera.

3) Little rich girl is going to be married when she gets home and is obviously several classes above journo boy and several leagues out of his game. He drunkenly hits on her and she rejects his clumsy and badly scripted advances, yet she somehow feels betrayed when she finds him with the assumed hooker the very next morning, and runs away. Now, at this point she has asked him if he wants to go for a coffee before the ferry leaves and not for her passport. What an idiot! When they realise that the hooker has robbed him of passports but not her ferry ticket, (Which cost $5,000 by the way. Lucky he had that much cash on him eh?) does she call rich daddy or fiancé and say 'send me some money and a hit man to shoot this douche bag'? No, she just shrugs and decides to sell her fabulously valuable engagement ring and risk her life going through the killer alien infected zone with sleaze bag journo and a gang of unknown, untested and un-trusted mercenaries. How can we possibly believe this character? There is some hinting that all is not well at home and she is unhappy with her life, but enough that she would risk it like this? Yeah, right.

End of character assassination for now. So off they both go, encountering exactly one alien up close. It kills everybody but them in a way that's never explained, but it involves some blood. Or none. Depending. Before this, the mercenaries tell them that thealiens won't attack unless provoked, and then start shooting at one when it gets a bit close.

So now they're lost in the jungle, a hundred miles or so from the American border. No, wait. That's impossible, because the jungles in Mexico are in the south. If I were to go into all the geographical goofs in this film then it would take all day.

What we are told is Mexico is either Costa Rica or Guatemala, but they have conveniently decided to deal in dollars and made all road signs in English. Wasn't that nice? Luckily, the camera, which had been appropriated by one of the mercenaries, is undamaged. It's covered in blood and has been dropped from around 30ft while attached to said, and now dead, mercenary, but it is indestructible.

So, they carry on and, luckily again; meet no more monsters along the way. They talk a bit, they walk a bit. They walk some more and talk some more. Phew! Exciting stuff. The one part of the film where they could have encountered a threat or even advanced their burgeoning friendship/relationship is utterly wasted with a quick cut from night to morning and a brisk stroll to the border wall. Except that the wall has been breached and there are no guards or anything! The place must be crawling with aliens. Except no, it isn't. they wander about a bit then find a gas station with all the lights on and a working telephone and call the emergency services to come and save their worthless, dull, spoiled whiny useless asses and just sit there until they come. A monster has a sort of half hearted look for something to eat while they wait, but meets a buddy and they have a minute or two's touchy feely, accompanied by some honking, and off they go. See? If you don't bother them they won't bother you. In fact, you can just stand there and watch the whole thing. Inexplicably, journo-boy doesn't take a picture of this supposedly moving and touching scene. I think we are to take it that he is so overawed that it touches his soul and he lets this beautiful moment be private or something. He'll risk the life of a stranger, pay for a hooker and take pics of dead children for money, but two giant land squid getting freaky? No way, that's out of bounds man! There are just some things you don't do, OK?

A minute or two later the army arrive to take them away and they share a last minute kiss before being separated, hopefully for good. These two should never be allowed to mate. Their offspring would come out flat and made of composite clichés. I have never found myself caring less what happened to the two main players in a movie.

There is just so much wrong with this piece of garbage that it would be impossible to list all of its faults, but apart from the flat characterisations, horrible script, casual and lazy racial profiling, the monsters themselves are rubbish. They offer no real threat and fall in line with the accepted giant squid stencil that was adopted a thousand years ago. Here's the deal with squid: They suck at everything except being squid.

I hated this movie.
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