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El Chapo (2017–2018)
B-class Narcos
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It is so unfortunate that Netflix abandoned the Narcos series when they could produce one or two more seasons for Chapo. They say they dropped the series so as not to get in trouble with drug lords but what's this mess then?

This series is nothing but a cheap copy of Narcos from the intro style till the end. Actors are terrible and the same for screenwriting. The connection between many scenes missing so it feels like you are watching a review. You don't see how it evolves. Palma's family good example. All of a sudden, they show her lover, then she flies to Venezuela and gets killed there. If I didn't know what's up from the Narcos series, I would have no clue what's going on.

You can still go and watch but once again I understood that it is not for everyone to tell such a complex story. Casting is another mess. Not only do they ignore the look of real characters, but the actors they hired are so unlikeable and mediocre that you from the start till the end. Hard to understand why Netflix abandoned such popular show instead of wasting money on risky project.
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Dark (2017–2020)
What was even that?
2 January 2024
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Everything starts with the mysterious disappearances of the kids in a small town. Mysterious cave and discovered portals are supposed to keep the level of curiosity high but until episode 6, the story progresses so slowly that you barely keep up with it. Every episode they find an animal to say "Oh, it's eardrum destroyed!". Yes, we understood! Once was enough. I don't know how repeating the same cause on every episode would contribute to storytelling but anyway...

Then our weak main role Jonas sits in the center of the story all of a sudden. No matter which season it is, the dude has no soul at all. Looks like someone grabbed him in the street and brought him to the studio. No matter what scene it was, his dead energy stays the same.

Another thing they dump way too many characters into the story yet after I managed to finish all the seasons, I still asked about the point of all that.

Basically, they could have told the entire story in 8 episodes. But what they did is pretty much:

Imagine you see a guy walking to a bakery to get bread. Then the scene changes and they show you a farm. From the farm they show you the soil and worms. Then they show you the moment how they discovered the fire. While you try to figure out the mystery, they tell you in the end: This is the story of how to bake bread

Fascinated? I don't think so!

This is how it is in Dark! Just a guy who lost his son in a traffic accident becomes obsessed with the video of bringing him back. Then he experiments on a time machine and creates 2 parallel worlds. This is all the story is about. At this point, our characters keep killing/loving each other again and again. They become each others' parents/lovers etc.

Not even a single scene makes you wonder what gonna happen next. If you don't wanna waste 26 hours, please stay away. Simple minds could be impressed but this is way too mediocre that I can't even describe the frustration. No wonder Netflix struggles financially after wasting money on such productions.

Get the idea of Stalker, add some of Back to the Future and Butterfly Effect then sprinkle some Twin Peaks.

If you really wanna find yourself on the edge of your seat and like time travel, give it a chance to SteinsxGate. At least you can witness proper character development, a properly puzzled mystery, and such an ending to make you feel pleased.
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The Bridge (2011–2018)
Reviews are a joke
3 December 2023
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To be honest, reviews were the main motivation to watch this series. It was a good start but the more I watched the more I was disappointed.

First of all, puzzles are so weak that I never felt excited about any episodes. A lot of flaws in the plot as well. This type of series must be written by experts, not by amateurs. That's why the result is disappointing.

The funny part is everything related to our character's habit of sleeping with random women. His wife wanted to divorce because of that, his old friend wanted to take revenge because of another woman and at some point I started to wonder how many stories more they added to the series.

And another season starts again over a mysterious crime between borders again.

It continuously repeats itself. Always a criminal mastermind who has no criminal background design puzzles and leave clues behind. Once is okay, twice is meh, and more is too much. Another thing repeats our cops keep getting in jail. First Martin's friend, then Martin, then Saga. Come on, guys!

What's more funnier is how they convicted Saga and she had to go to jail over her nail found in her mother's car while they had to release many suspects even though they had tons of evidence about them. How they designed everything is so ridiculous that I was expecting scenes like in Indian drama where a girl gets slapped and choked by a curtain accidentally

Nothing original and nothing to praise about. B-class Hollywood crime series adapted to Nordic audience kinda feelings.

I suppose the viewer watching the series never watched a good crime production or novel to praise this nonsense by giving 9-10 stars.

It deserves 5/10 but I rated 1 for the sake of justice after all 8-10/10 ratings.
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
Fascination for simple minds
27 August 2023
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It was good in the beginning but here are the disappointing facts about the series:

  • Repetitive observation elements like usually people have dogs or either husband or wife cheating, etc gets boring

  • The actor picked for Moriarty is terrible. He is so fake that you cannot take him seriously at all. I cannot understand how they cast such an actor on this level for the main villain of the series

  • The moment I was done was the ridiculous suicide scene. I was curious to see how they would explain scene but it is nothing but a mockery. So you are telling me that assassins are waiting for your suicide and you get away with jumping on a gigantic floating object, changing bodies, doing makeup and changing bodies are enough to fake your death?

I can continue to this list but long story short how they designed the story and puzzles got childish from season to season putting you off.

It is entertainment for simple minds for sure and you can tell by 9/10 IMDB rating. They needed to hire better screenwriters for the story of mastermind like Sherlock.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Another woke production
19 August 2023
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From acting to character design everything looks so awful. I understand that they try to balance casting with actors from different racial background but what we need is acting. They are so terrible that I don't want even waste a word. When it comes to custome design to characters, it is another nightmare. It is like it is Halloween and they got customes from the closest Walmart. Even their look is so superficial when you see how their hair is or how glowy their skin is like they left the skincare center a minute ago. Don't expect much. Just a B-class series or poor man's Middle Earth lets say...
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Good Omens (2019– )
Seems like Amazon has too much money
12 August 2023
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I cannot understand the reviews about how miraculously good it was. It is so simple from the dialogues to the scenario. No need to mention wokeness in the second season. I find more depth even in cartoons. Cliches and meaningless characters everywhere. First season all starts with the disappearance of a demon child. I don't recall any moment that made me laugh or wonder what gonna happen on the next episode. Everything is so predictable that I had to push myself hard to finish all. Seems like Amazon has too much money to burn all on this nonsense. As an avid reader and cinema lover, good cinematography with no story. Don't waste your time and listen to those critics who never read a good book or watched a movie with depth in their lives. Thank me later.
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Had no time to prepare action scenes?!
23 July 2023
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First of all, I enjoyed other Wick movies but this one is quite funny with all the action scenes in slow motion. Didn't they have enough time to practice so that we can see proper fights? While they are fighting, they move so slowly like they try to remember the next move. Haven't they watched what they shoot? Or are they really satisfied with the outcome? This is supposed to be a legendary action movie instead of practicing in front of the camera. No need to talk about the scenario because not even worth it. All was cringy from head to toe like someone woke up them up to shoot these scenes...
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Glass Onion (2022)
Nowhere near Knives Out
26 March 2023
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I truly enjoyed the setup of Knives Out. The plot, style, and mystery were so delightful that I can't stop praising it. I started watching Glass Onion with the same excitement but felt that something was wrong from the beginning. I always hope for such a twist till the very end that I can change my mind but no chance. Clues and setup were nowhere Knives Out and totally there was no moment pushing the audience to the edge of their seat. It wasn't a bad movie but once they set the standard so high that there was no other chance than a disappointment. Long story short, entertaining production but I don't think I ever watch it again or recommend anyone. I don't know what to expect from the third movie of the series but let's see.
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Black Adam (2022)
They hate the movie because they hate Dwayne
25 March 2023
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I don't understand the source of the negativity toward the movie after watching it. Perhaps it hurt their feeling that Black Adam is not for snowflakes? Yes, the story isn't marvelous but same as most superhero movies do. All corny Marvel productions follow the same story development in every movie but somehow people can not stop praising them. I find it ridiculous. Probably I'm impressed by the movie more than I'm supposed to be due to unfair critics. I like how Dwayne portrays the dark side of the character. Would be better without dad jokes, unappealing knockoff Antman and child hero mobilizing the citizens but I enjoyed the movie. I wish it could get darker but anyway. The movie is solid 6 + 1 is for the snowflakes.
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Fruits Basket (2019–2021)
18 March 2023
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When I watched the first production years before this reboot, I felt sad because I was feeling it and couldn't accept they had no budget to continue. It made me excited when I saw the reboot with a higher budget and many seasons. Unfortunately, it didn't leave the same impression because it is too long unnecessarily. They could have done 2 full seasons. You watch nothing but repetitive fillers. Things get serious on season 3 finally but even though there are tons of background stories of side characters and reviewers don't know why they need to know that since it is not related to the main story or characters.

Another problem is character development. While Kyo and Yuki look interested in Tohru, all of a sudden Yuki disappears from this live triangle in season 3. Instead of wasting time with side character drama, I rather wanna see how Yuki distances himself from Tohru.

I recommend watching all seasons together with Prelude but I don't think it is such a remarkable series that I'd watch again.
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The Tick (2016–2019)
Just terrible, shallow, and unappealing
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not much to say here. From the characters to the stories, everything is awful. All episodes feel like fillers. Mystery behind Tick is unclear, Dot gains superpower and it is unclear, all look like screenwriters got together, throw random ideas and put them on paper. I'd probably enjoy it if I was a kid but this is beyond awful. Sorry for the money spent on this production. On the other hand, good material if you have sleeping problem. Works like a charm. I finished 2 seasons just to see if I'm missing anything but nah. Not even an episode that I can say I like it. The show could have had a chance if they stick to the vibe on the first episode.
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B-class LOTR
11 February 2023
I heard they had such a high budget. Where did it go? To famous actors? No! To decoration? No! To scriptwriters? Absolutely not. Then what's this nonsense? Yes, it is watchable at least but whoever was behind this production was totally clueless. Many absurd moments like 2 elven high-noble visiting Dwarven kingdom with no horse. How did they go there? Walked for 20 years? The boy hiding in the well going above the water makes a lot of noise but somehow the orc doesn't detect that. Ah and the drama of the boy doesn't want to be a sailor is not related to the story either. I'm not even gonna mention how they drafted actors/actresses based on their racial orientation to prove audience that they are fair. The world gonna be a better place when they decide to tell a good story instead of focusing on certain propaganda and pretentious purposes. This is not LOTR. Just a Disnified/Netflixified modern day middle earth tale.
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Pet Sematary (1989)
5 July 2020
Extremely bad and pretentious acting except for Fred. Looks like casting was picking random people for the movie. I felt like I was watching "The room". Screenwriting is another wreckage. I haven't read the book yet but just makes me think if it is a good idea after knowing the fact that King was involved in screenwriting as well
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From a saga to a cheap fan fiction comedy
27 April 2019
Star Wars saga starts with 4 and end with 3 so the rest is such a joke I can't even take it.

Do you remember the people(posers) complaining about Jar-Jar for no reason? Now they are the same people that we have this nonsense one after another. Screenwriters do not even bother to understand the core of the saga. They are after either a cheap comedy or a corny love story. So here are your star wars. Serve it cold or hot because it won't go fresh anyway...
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Aquaman (2018)
Has Hollywood Ever Seen a Redhead Before?
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me serve you the starter. Has Hollywood Ever Seen a Redhead Before? Amber's hair color as awful as she is. I guess they bought it straight from 7/11. On the other hand, it pretty much matches her acting skills.

How about that score? My ears were bleeding. Is it a random Spotifys list? Wouldn't be surprised though.

What would do if I could write the screenplay:

  • Creating the layers for the story by focusing on each kingdom. There are lots of potentialsp over there. That'd be great to see epic fights and diplomacy rather than "hey, let's fight" type of scenes

  • I'd focus on past events. What happened to the queen? How does she manage to get another child? Did she make it with the king on the way to her execution?

  • I'd leave that pirate out of the scenario and bring him back on another movie rather than portraying him that way

  • I'd shape the score around a theme like Icelandic folk as they used in the beginning

I gave that 5 for the one who chose Jason as an Aquaman
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One Week Friends (2014– )
Tell me something new
10 February 2019
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I was hoping to see something original but the story line, characters and dialogues are so cliche that I had such a hard time to see the ending.

Memory loss? Really? It is such a topic used many times succesfully that they did not need to shape a story around it. I guess the producer was pretty clueless that he invested on such a cliche story like this.

Not only the topic, the characters are corny as well. A girl with friend issues, a dude acts like he knows everything and cold, a tiny girl who is adored by friends due to her size and behaviour and on.

Looks like this project was made of popular elements to take audience's attention. Nothing more!

Waste of time!!!
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Dave Franco is there just because he is a bad actor?
20 January 2019
James Franco did such a good job, but can't tell if Dave is there because he is another disaster artist or he is just the brother of James?

If the reason is the 1st one, then this makes sense. Just can't stand the way he cannot act and control his cracking teenage voice

What do you want me to tell about the movie? Not much to tell
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Let's make this weird
4 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of David Lynch's works and had huge expectations from Twin Peaks.

The story captures you at the beginning and you can feel the mystery as you expected, but afterward it turns into a circus.

The problem is the storyline feels like they came up with some ideas in a night or two and started directing with the materials they put on paper.

What kills the story is:

  • Too many side stories which are going nowhere
  • Too many filler characters and dialogues
  • Desire of connecting everything to each other, but forgetting this is a small town(For instance; Donna finding out the fact that her father is someone else or James is leaving the town but ends up in a criminal act which has nothing to do with the story.)
  • David Lynch acting as an agent with hearing loss. This character was so annoying and far away from being funny
  • Too many mysterious cases like a fruit salad(Agent does not hear anyone but Shelly or Dale Cooper's nemesis shows up and surprisingly he is also into the mystery. Plus he has a connection with the Major and on)
  • The characters are cool with supernatural cases and the way pieces are connected is so weak.

The final statement: This is a very promising series which is not matured enough to be aired. It deserves a clean 7, but the rating is really exaggerated by the fans that I felt like I need to bring the balance. The white/black lodge thing. You know what I'm saying...
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Dunkirk (2017)
Drowning, drowning, cliche, drowning, cliche, cliche...
17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's been long time that I haven't felt that I should write a review here, but this movie triggered me so hard that I was speechless from the very beginning.

Let me tell you what you are going to get. Drowning people, some cliche drama, drowning, drowning, cliche, drowning, cliche, cliche and the end.

At the end, I was looking for a movie and of course the time I wasted on it. I was very patient to see any improvement but it was getting worse and worse after every minute.

The movie is sinking as much as the characters he plotted. I haven't watched such a pointless and terrible war movie in my life span so far.

Looks like he couldnt find a book to rip off the story, pardon me, inspired!

So that is why I am beggin you, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY!

You might ask if rating 1 star is fair, I would say of course not. That would be a solid 5 if other reviewers(Nolan fangirls) were honest with their ratings.
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Super 8 (2011)
Kid m0vie
15 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I think mostly teenagers voted this film. I've never seen this kind of crap for a while. I'm bored to death. Let's talk about what makes me mad. They say terrific about actings. I think they don't know difference between terrible and terrific. There is a regular village officer turns out to be a guy from SWAT. Cliché dialogs and story but it's enough for a kid movie. I remember a lady was talking to our SWAT guy and she said that "my dog didn't go that much before. do you know the reason?". I said enough! What kind of an unreasonable conversation is that? Do you want the officer to be your dog's psychologist? Everybody was asking him everything about their problem and he wasn't surprised and acted like he had such a huge a ego and waiting for a while to show it. And also I wasn't surprised to see him knocking out a soldier as if his regular thing. Don't read the comments teenagers left. Metacritics also full of a*s lickers because of they saw the name of Spielberg. He's one of my favorite directors but I can't praise this crap just he produced. Don't waste your 2 hours.
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Clint is great but being a director.
7 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Scenario has a great potential. It could be a cult movie. They should make scenario more interesting. Josey Wales was a wild character but I couldn't witness any wildness. Clint Eastwood was extremely cool but this was not Josey! I wish he had just an actor in this movie. Actions scenes were really bad. 30 men died in one go but you can't feel anything. Last action scene with the sword I said I can't take it anymore. Clint was holding wrist of the guy who held the sword. He should look like he was forced but Clint tries to grab that guy's wrist during the action. A director should shoot again that scene normally but if you are both actor and director, this will be a problem as we saw. I didn't regret because Clint was really cool and fit the role. Go and watch it!
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The problem is writer's own
5 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched "silence of the lambs", "hannibal" and "red dragon". When I heard this movie would come out, I refused to watch it. But then I gave it a shot. It's a good movie but the problem is writer.

I'm not talking about the scenario. I'm talking about the book. I'm wondering if Germany didn't have such a great power, what would Hollywood do? Magneto became a monster because of the Germans. Captain America became C.A. because of the Germans. Hannibal became a killer because of the Germans. You can count many examples like these.

Hannibal Lecter trilogy is awesome. Such a talented writer! But this book look like he forced himself to write a past story of Hannibal and thought what popular was. Then he found it! Germans! I think he shouldn't force himself to write of Hannibal's past after the success of the trilogy.

My opinion as a movie, you can watch it. I could rate as 7 if they changed the title. But if they made this kind of a movie for Hannibal's past, it means they lose 1 point more.
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No need to compare with Prestige
3 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I read couple of comments and drove me crazy. According to comments, it is approved that fools are fools all the time and you cannot change them.Presitge was a good movie. It has a good twist, scenario and acting.

Let's talk about The Illusionist. It has no deep story like Prestige but I do like it. Good scenario, acting and cinematography. These are all in The Illusionist.

It's time to talk about the things people say all the time about The Illusionist like a fool kid. They say they didn't show tricks. They just didn't show the trick of summoning ghosts. And they say It was ridiculous and impossible. What about the machine in the Prestige? you didn't question that machine. Seeing a man copying himself is okay but if someone create ghosts thanks to illusions are not possible.

There is a thing I always say: If you can't be objective, don't criticize. The Illusionist was a great movie. Go and watch it!
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Akira (1988)
The ugliest anime ever seen
5 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this anime doesn't deserve 1 out of 10 but let me explain why I voted as 1. I actually vote as 6 out of 10 but I've read many ridiculous comments so far. That's the reason of my vote.

I'm a huge anime fan. I've watched every kind of animes. People tell me it was great and I read comments about it was good. What makes me bother is quality of anime. How can you draw all human beings as if they come from same mother and father. If you don't believe, go and watch it again. The guy who drives the red motorcycle and the girl he hung out. If I didn't hear their voices, I would think they were brothers. Same ugly tiny nose, same hair cut and same big jaw. The people in the Akira's world got tiny noses on their big heads. Also those green things! Ughh! They are really disgusting! I've seen many disgusting creatures in the animes but I don't remember I hate this much. Also you can use this as an insult: "You are so ugly that you look like someone in the Akira movie"

Let's talk about some motorcycle or we shouldn't because you'll see that motorcycle at the beginning and the ending of the movie. Also that motorcycle got no trick. Don't expect too much!

The story. I can't tell it's amazing but it wasn't bad honestly. You can watch the same idea with better plot and drawings. But I was bored. It was really hard to watch these kind of a boring plot and ugly animation.

When you saw the cover, you have got some expectations from the motorcycle and the story. Let's forget about the plot but I'm wondering these guys didn't watch their anime? I mean they should have a conversation like this: -Dude, we got a problem here! -What's that? -The characters we draw look like the product of a twisted relationships.

I heard that they started for a new Akira project. I hope we watch something as they recommend this time.
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Click (2006)
Clichés and clichés
5 July 2012
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I've read many comments about the movie and I was shocked. I need someone for explanation of "touching", "fun" and "original". Scenerio is so cliché. Watch couple of Jim Carey movies and you will figure out what I am talking about. Actings are another issue to talk about. I don't remember I have watched these kind of bad acting in these days. I forgot to add. What's that drama thing? Guys I am so sorry but you can't have these bicycles anymore. What's that? These bicycles weren't even Mercedes. And how much money he could have spent on those bicycles? As I see they tried to make a comedy but when they felt something went wrong, they add some drama thing. I think this drama part is fun. Kids your dad didn't get promoted and we have to give these bicycles back to get the money. I'd like to talk to producer about these bicycles can transform like Transformers. And finally the plot. I'm not surprised. I watched this plot many times. And as I said in the movie of Jim Carey,Liar Liar, has the same situation. Dad got some work to do and kids have some expectation off him. But he is so busy that he can't watch even his kid's competition. Ughh! I don't know Ben Stiller watched this movie yet but he can make an absurd comedy from this Komady. Don't waste your time to watch this garbage!
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