
90 Reviews
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Unfrosted (2024)
Extremely funny for those in the know
11 May 2024
This movies was extremely funny for those with any knowledge of the 60's, politics, music, fashion, Shakespeare, cartoons, comic books, toys, technology, James Bond movies, crime lords, Nazi war criminals, January 6, actually any history, etc....... I may have overlooked a few things . A lot of familiar faces in a rapid fire succession of references and jokes that it's kind of hard to keep track of. I may have to watch again to see if I've missed any jokes. The characters are so ridiculous, the acting is outrageous, the plot is very intricate involving many 60's references and predictions for the future (of which the characters are oblivious to). You'll be checking Google later to find out which parts were actually true (going by the movies own subtitles at the end-1). Very colourful and beautifully filmed. One of the funniest, laugh out loud movies I have seen in ages.
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Well worth reading subtitles for 16 hours.
30 January 2024
This show is in Russian and is not dubbed so I had to read.subtitles for 16 hours. Didn't matter in the long run. Watched the whole thing in three nights. Absolutely amazing scenery costumes photography and acting. Watched the whole thing in three nights. Absolutely amazing scenery costumes photography acting-based on a true story but with obviously a lot of embellishments and fiction to keep it going and tie all the loose ends together. Very dark, depressing, disturbing and violent with absolutely no humour involved at all but if you like fascinating historical dramas, this was fantastic. The only reason I did not give it a 10 was for for a couple of scenes Involving some of the neighbours and a bear that seemed pointless and the probable punishment of one if the only redeeming character in the whole series.
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Possibly the worst movie I have seen
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is quite possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen . It's billed as a comedy horror. The only thing funny about it is why anybody thinks this is a good movie. Horror part I could possibly understand because this is a horror of a movie. Absolutely no acting skills by the main characters, absolutely no plot and makes no sense .. Why did the villagers have to be so secretive about having a werewolf in their town? Why didn't they just shoot it before this crap of a movie unfold? Why does the doctor, a man of science, travel to the village to find out information of the werewolf attack and after receiving absolutely no evidence whatsoever, all of a sudden believes that the main character is now werewolf? In fact, why does the main character believe he's aw werewolf, without any evidence?

Ridiculous porn scenes thrown in that have absolutely nothing to do with the movie. The main character is basically a jerk that doesn't seem to have any redeeming qualities at the nurse Falls madly in love with them after a couple of days and also believes he's a werewolf, with absolutely no evidence. A very abrupt ending makes me think that they just got sick of making this movie and wanted it over with. I did too.
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Put the politics aside.
25 September 2023
Put the politics aside and just watch the movie. All wars are pointless and all war movies are propaganda in some form or another. This is a very good action:war movie with interesting story and 2 missions to complete. No racism as all races are portrayed as the hood guys. A few very emotional scenes involving the atrocities and tragedies of war. Some very well filmed action scenes and horrific death devices. The beginning actually gives some time to the critics of the war questioning why America is even involved and they do a pretty good job of explaining it to a group or doubting reporters and citizens.
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Wilderness (2023)
Crap music
21 September 2023
If the music in the series is typical of the music, younger generations are listening to these days it goes along way in explaining why the younger generation are so screwed. This is some of the worst music I have ever heard in my entire life, all packed into one series, I'm halfway through the series and even though it's not bad I'm almost ready to pack it in because I can't take another crappy song. I guess I will keep watching though, as I am also interested as to how long it takes for the wife to toss her azzwhole husband to the curb. I would've done it before the end of the first episode.
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Vamps (2012)
Vintage film adds 2 points
2 August 2023
Not a bad movie, some very witty and funny commentary on vampire lore. For me the best parts were the constant use of classic black and white movie and news footage and references to people and events of the past as I'm a huge fan of history and old movies. Also some very old songs from the first half of the 20th century. Great use of fashion with the contrasting styles of the 2 main characters as well. Some relevant rants, even more so now, about the due falls of progress and technology in particular. Not as funny or as dark as "What we do in the shadows". Mostly light hearted fun with a bit of heart , especially the ending.
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Black Mirror: The National Anthem (2011)
Season 1, Episode 1
Bestiality as entertainment is disgusting
11 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was an absolutely disgusting show and anyone involved in the making of it should be embarrassed and ashamed. I have no respect for anyone that would lower their standards this low for a paycheque -just proves most actors are no better than hookers. It was the second episode of this series that I've watched and I don't think I'll be watching another..Bestiality is not entertaining in any way and I would seriously reconsider being associated with anyone that thought this storyline was a good idea. I am English and to suggest the people of England would be glued to their TV's laughing, cheering and smiling while watching a man rape a pig is beyond insulting, demeaning and disgusting. I'm too wound up, emotionally disturbed and pissed off that I actually watched this garbage to go to sleep now. Not the result I strive for after hoping to be entertained. I wish I could erase the entire episode from my memory , as the guy from the second episode which I watched before this one did. WTF is wrong with people?
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Luther: Episode #5.1 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
Literally too dark
11 March 2023
Not sure if I liked this one or not because it was literally too dark to see what the hell was going on. I could hear the words but without actually seeing the action I was left guessing through most of it and then eventually gave up and lost interest. Even the scenes in the police station were too dark to see anything. Confusing as hell. Also confused as to why and when the 600 character rule started for IMDB REVIEWS, but since I can't leave one without writing more I'll just ramble. This show is usually good but I've seen a few episodes where it has dropped the ball, especially this one. Turn the Damn lights on!
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30 January 2023
I had watched this movie as a child in the late 60's and remember being terrified by it. Certain images from it have stuck with me forever but I could never find it or remember the name. I often wondered if it really existed or was just a bunch of random images from a variety of old horror movies mashed together in my head.,Finally found it last night and I was not dissatisfied. Still holds up over time and has the very spooky atmosphere that I remember. Story is interesting, even though you do figure it out halfway through. Nice to see Christopher Lee as a relatively normal human for a change and looking quite handsome. Yes, it's dubbed, and pretty poorly but who cares. It still sent chills upon my spine- although some of that might have been the thrill of finding out this movie was real and not part of my imagination. Very exciting when certain scenes and images appeared and I could scream at the TV "I remember this part!".
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38 Minutes (III)
I was there!
21 January 2023
Haven't seen it yet but can't wait!! My husband and I were there. I was downloading songs with an ITunes gift certificate when my phone started screeching and I just thought, "wow! Pretty dramatic way for ITunes to tell me I've reached my $25.00 limit". Then I read the message. BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I yelled and seconds later my husband's phone went off with the same message. After a few seconds of total panic we decided to grab everything necessary and useful in case of survival and make our way down 26 floors to the street. We chose the elevator as we didn't want to be caught in a stairwell in a falling high rise. We assumed there would be military and police directing people what to do. There wasn't. Just a bunch of tourists and hotel employees in various stages of confusion and panic. Some were crying, others yelling, many phoning and texting loved ones to say final goodbyes (myself included). Some were drinking, such as a homeless man that walked by yelling"Bring on the bomb!". We decided to head toward the beach, maybe even get in the water or under sand for safety, possibly find/steal a car to drive away from Waikiki. Surfers and swimmers were starting to emerge from the ocean, wondering what the hell was happening on shore. By now it was becoming clear there was no incoming missile as the time limit to arrive had passed. After 38 minutes the all clear came over the phones. Apparently there were a few medical incidents but fortunately nothing serious. Booze sales went through the roof later that day. Many residents packed up their families and headed for the mountains and safer ground. It seems the locals had been briefed on what to do in case this ever happened but they neglected to tell the tourists. We kept a few newspapers over the following days as souvineers and I was even contacted by 2 newspapers in my home of Ontario, Canada to tell them our story. We decided to laugh it off and make jokes about it instead of getting angry. At least we have a great one up when it comes to vacation stories🤣. Quite a few people were fired over this incident which we were first told was an accident, then possibly intentional. Still not sure if the truth ever came out. Maybe this movie will clear things up. Very curious to see if the movie matches our personal experience.
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Anne Dvorak is hilarious
20 December 2022
I've never seen Anne Dvorak in a comedic role before. She is s absolutely hilarious in this, playing the clingy, bar cruising drunk to perfection. Her characters drinking problem is a constant gag throughput the film and even her clothing plays a big part in moving the plot along. Also nice to see George Brent and Turhan Bay playing against type. Virginia Mayo is beautiful as usual. The 2 old ladies (one is Mrs. Turnbull from I Love Lucy) are also quite funny and the dogs are adorable. The plot is totally ridiculous, perfect for a screwball comedy, with lots of twists and mixups along the way. Lots of snappy dialogue, funny one liners and plenty of laugh out loud moments. Never heard of this one before but I'll never forget it.
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Wednesday: Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Ok, but....
13 December 2022
The Black Dahlia flower was NOT named after the infamous, unsolved murder of Elizabeth Short. Rather, Elizabeth Short inherited the nickname after her gruesome murder since she was known to wear a Black Dahlia in her hair. I realize this is a fantasy/fiction but if you're going to use real life murders, get the facts right. Anyway, first episode isn't bad, but missing the love and joy the original Addams family had for each other. The absurdity and humour was in not realizing that they were any different than their neighbours and the rest of the community. Here they are thrown into a situation full of beings just as strange, if not stranger, than themselves. Also, please stop with the woke crap that they feel compelled to put in every new show. Comparing pilgrims to perpetrators of mass genocide without any historical context or explanation of events is ridiculous.
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Good movie-stupid ending
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie with a stupid semi-happy ending. Why is he going to jail since all those that knew of his past died? He was shot 3 times point blank in the back then the car crashes killing everyone else and next we see him with nothing but a sling on his arm on his way to serve his sentence. Good acting and story up to that point. Should've ended with him getting in the car knowing he was doomed or dying from the shots and crash. Film noir with a very un noir ending. I heard that it was David O. Selznick's idea to tag on the ending and also recast and reshoot the scenes with the gangster. I having nothing else to add but this stupid site won't let me post till I hit 600 characters. Am I done yet?
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Dracula (1974 TV Movie)
Beautiful but.....
12 August 2022
Beautiful, but too much so for Dracula. Photography and sets are bright, vivid and colourful which seem out of place. Palance is ok but not imposing or scary enough. The first glimpse of Dracula should be dramatic and powerful, not merely standing casually in a hallway. It's rather a bland and boring version , although close to the original story.
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Tommy (1975)
Beautiful but weird
19 July 2022
Finally watched Tommy from start to finish instead of just a few famous scenes. Beautiful to look at (especially Daltrey running around shirtless) but very weird even though the story was easier to follow than I expected. Helps if you read the plot on Wikipedia though. Strangely, I did not like the majority of the music or singing even though I'm a huge Who fan.
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Shelley as Lucy
3 July 2022
Pretty funny movie combining gangsters with domestic life with a cute dog thrown in. Some good jokes and one liners, some a little risqué. Lots of familiar character actors. Shelley Winters does a great job, actually seeming a lot LUCY RICARDO-ish, which is unusual as I LOVE LUCY actually premiered the same year. Don't miss the clever, closing credits "In order of their disappearance" showing some characters after they've been murdered.
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Desperate (1947)
Enjoyable but stupid
1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mostly enjoyable and I know certain things have to happen to keep the plot moving along but only an idiot wouldn't have gone straight to the police with his wife in tow for protection. His bloody, beaten face would have helped convince the cops he was telling the truth. Well acted and great atmospheric. Great camera work, especially the swinging overhead light scene.
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The Spoilers (1942)
Risqué westerns
29 June 2022
Not bad. Dietrich looks great although not her best hairdo. Some risqué dirty talk must have passed over the censor's heads as well as a clear indication that Dietrich and Wayne's characters were sleeping together. Don't understand why TCM felt the need to issue a warning about a "disturbing blackface scene". It was used as in many other movies-as a way to be hidden and disguised in the dark. It had absolutely nothing to do with race.
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Great Western
22 May 2022
Don't let the title or the premise fool you. This is one of the best westerns ever made. Lots of action and emotion in a very realistic and unique story about a wagon train full of women heading west to become brides for settlers. Lots of hardships and danger along the way with just the right amount of humour.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Great show.
17 April 2022
Great show but a little difficult to follow who's who at times. Many of the names are so similar sounding and the characters look alike. Too bad they couldn't have just called them Fred, Steve, Mary, etc .. just kidding. Great action scenes, costumes, settings. Pretty gory at times. I recommend binge watching so you don't lose track of what's going on.
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Enjoy the silliness.
27 March 2022
I saw this years ago, probably as a kid. I guess I really didn't know what was going on but I remember liking it, I'm assuming because of all the physical comedy. Slapstick, though often underrated, is truly an art form when done correctly. Watched the whole thing again tonight in its entirety and realized it is actually pretty funny. Complicated story with lots of fast one liners, basically a sex comedy, which explains why I really didn't get it as a kid. Keep in mind the context of the times, meaning the 60's (when it was made) and Ancient Rome (where it is set) and just enjoy the silliness.
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Spectacle over substance.
25 March 2022
They showed this back in the late 70's one night in my high school gym. Most of us were stoned or drunk. It looked pretty, good music but none of us knew what the hell was going on. Tried to watch it again tonight, older, wiser and sober. I think I preferred it drunk. At least then it had a reason for making no sense. Long, drawn out spectacle over substance, not much of a plot. The prehistoric ape scenes were entertaining, that's about it.
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Mixture of fact and fiction.
11 March 2022
Forget what you know and just enjoy it. Obviously it's fantasy, but very witty, entertaining and beautiful. A mixture of fact and fiction with a unique story. The parallels to today's world are spot on and very funny. Likeable characters all around and fine acting job by all. You don't have to be an expert but some knowledge of Shakespeare and his plays is essential to get many of the jokes.
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Highlights general lack of knowledge
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really highlights the general lack of knowledge many Americans have about the rest of the world. How can adults not know what a Bobby is, what Big Ben looks like or who Boris Johnson is?
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24 February 2022
Very entertaining from start to finish. Arnaz oozes an Elvis like sex appeal during the musical numbers. Makes you wonder how his career would have played out if not for something called I LOVE LUCY.
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