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The day that time stood still
2 June 2024
I have had the pleasant experience of having watched this film on several occasions, however, this is not a new motion picture and yet I waited and waited some more before I decided to say a thing or two about this motion picture. The need is still not a pressing problem as many films just do not enter into the need to say a thing or two. I often and this Includes this particular film can harbor a reservation or two. The motion picture just might possess the element of being off color and rather than confronting an issue or so I do not always want to enter into the maelstrom of discontent. The motion picture is no stranger to societal concerns as it tells a story, however here too we have the unenviable task of needing to ask a question, and the question or questions is hard to place, that is I do not believe the film. The question has as much to do with how they came up with these ideas that the film tells of as it would that someone added something that provided the viewer with something different than maybe necessary. Therein lies one of the problems what are we looking at when we watch a motion picture and in particular this motion picture. The opening moments of this film are harrowing, Flying a Lancaster bomber that is filled with holes, at least one of the engines was on fire perhaps both engines. A conversation ensues, and to be sure a desperate conversation has David Niven talking with an American girl(Kim Hunter-ground control)There is a good deal of both American men and British women need I remind anyone this type of thing was most certainly not foreign with only a mention of Prime Minister Churchill whose wife, Clementine was an American girl. The Prime Minister quipped that our history as two peoples who share the same language Winston Churchill said he might very well have gotten here on his own. This was spoken by the Prime Minister the first time he spoke to our elected representatives shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. David Nevin confesses that he doesn't have a working parachute and as well the landing gear on the Lancaster is shot with all circumstances pointing to a tragic end. David Niven then jumps and though we are in the mist he survives. There is almost the equal to a dream state that David Nevin regains consciousness and again in something of a matter-of-fact way he ventures forward. These are the beaches off of the British mainland(Lees Wood) and as we will discover the Landing area for Military aircraft is very nearby. David Niven walks over a dune a couple of hills until he hears the sound of an musical instrument and then he happens upon a boy who is playing a recorder with several sheep grazing very nearby. The problem with this scene, the boy is naked, he doesn't have a body stocking on indeed he kept his legs very closed but he was indeed very naked. Though this might suggest a shepherd when in all the world did you ever read or hear of a shepherd tending to the flock completely naked, The fact is you don't. There are many very good stories as to the tending to the sheep that scripture tells us of and probably one of the most as it were telling is when Jesus searches for one lost sheep and after a while he finds the lost sheep. The suggestion of a shepherd is not quite right, in fact, this naked boy who is playing the recorder is nearer to a snake charmer than a keeper of the flock. What then is his place, is this supposed to be a temptation? This film in this regard attempts to look at time and perhaps time will be the films greatest asset.
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Greyhound (2020)
All Hands on Deck
13 August 2023
This film is much like much in this world, this world of this particular day, a particular day like so many days like so many who would no not what the future would bring as the toll was ever increasing on the claim being made by the challenges that World War II provided. Initially as I have watched this film more and more so I believed and believed in Faith and in Spirit those moments in time when time in this life stood still. The opening moments in this motion picture there are words that are spoken by both Franklin Delano Roosevelt and perhaps equally as inspiring we listened to a voice with whom I have spent many listening sessions experiencing first hand just why Prime Minister Winston Churchill is so very well received even as these words which I was able to identify occurred when the Prime Minister addressed the Congress on his first visit here shortly as it were after "Pearl Harbor". I truly do not think anyone can underestimate the extent to which there was a World War, every part of the Globe was fighting on one side or the other side with none more demanding than the one theater of Battle which did not stop. It was a never ending, continously frought with the undaunted task of delivering the essentials of a World at War to Allies near and far. This was the North Atlantic as well as The South Pacific,in fact wherever there was water the challenges were never ending from the Mediterranean Sea to the Baltics to the Norweigen waters, every part of the globe there was no respite. This film has that about its performance we really as an audience are in fact drawn in to the unceasing effforts made by allied escorts. The capable ability that we are introduced to was the arrival of a Destroyer-Class ship referred to as a Fletcher Class Destroyer.(Named for Admiral Frank F. Fletcher, Medal of Honor recepient) This class of ship was showing up with increasing numbers starting in the spring of 1942. The Fletchers have the distinction of being the most powerful class of Destroyer of the War,with the two subsequent destroyer classes in the USA Navy continuing a gun first platform. These were recognized as the Allen M. Sumner and Gearing classes which were thought to be Fletcher Class derivatives. The Fletcher Class Destroyer could make 38 knots and was so adept in persuing the enemy that these fletchers performed many many functions with many allied nations after the war lining up to purchase these very successful destroyer class ship. There were some 175 Fletcher class destroyers that were commissioned between the years of 1942-1944. This was something of a inclose look at the role of "Greythound" with something worth a note I thought that the level of experience brought to bare was shown as very important and indeed to this opinion that level was not only important but as essential as any good delivered to our allies and that was an officer who was up to the job. Though we are not necessarrily mentioning Tom Hanks in his portrayal of Commander Earnest Krause,it is important to note these mentions were right behind the eight ball, that is something of the worth of this committment. Lieutenant Commander Charlie Cole portrayed by Stephen Graham because as you will learn in the watching of this film there are many as it were moving parts and first officers are one of the more important moving parts. It can be stated that dutiful is what was necessary as the information coming from "Sonar" was a wow portrayed I believe by Karl Glusman "Red Eppstein"and when Commander Krausse says now Mr. Lopez,"that was referred to was a depth charge pattern" that portrayal was provided by Manuel Garcia-Rulfo and that particular scene yielded a sinking. That was a riveting event and any who were watching knew it. Other mentions are performances by Tom Brittney as Lt. Watson, however to be certain this qualifies as a all hands on deck accomplishment with a honorable mention and noteworthy credit to the author of "The Good Sheperd" by C. S. Forester. The viewing of "Greyhound" brought in its own right a challenge to the viewer, that challenge is the thoughtful and comprehensive attention to certain details that the involved actions caused. A for instance as both "Dickie" and "Greyhound" are attempting to sink a "U-Boat" that had to surface and which was able to get off a broadside using its deck gun causing on the destroyer "Greyhound" damage to the 5-Inch Battery and the death of three Naval Servicemen. This was again one of these scenes that in truth may very well left nothing to the imagination. The web site has a full compliment of still photos of the services rendered to the Servicemen who were killed in the action. It was a full ships compliment was in attendance,it is worth mentioning as the unmistakable pathos, belief in the resurrection with the Sea providing a Naval servicemen home or as it were final resting place. The still photos are a testiment to the Lethal firepower that the "Fletcher Class" destroyer brought to the war effort and as well there is a full rendering of honors as the three men's bodies are given to the sea. There is as stated a full salute in a 21 gun ceremonial,the stills offerred on the web site are very dramatic photos. This film it maybe be said did not pull any punches as both the limits and the job at hand make this motion picture a terribly engrossing point in time. It was that.
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Dracula (1931)
This is not a bright shiny day
29 July 2023
There is in this opinion the general belief that these particular early horror films for the most part are the better if not the best that this category has to offer. The Original "King Kong" The original "The Mummy" "Frakenstein" "The Werewolf" with this particular review of "Dracula" being most certainly included as among the best this particular genra has to offer. "Dracula" as a motion picture possesses excellent atmospheric quality,we can see and even in a manner of speaking sense fear which is ever present. The early scenes at Count Dracula Castle are useful however the resting place of Count Dracula at the Carfax Abbey is quite frankly errie. Like I said throughout the picture there is an atmospherical quality that lends itself to be on guard. There is a very early scene as a somewhat unexpecting individual named Renfield(portrayed by Dwight Frye). While traveling in a coach begins to learn of just how intimidating this date with destiny will ultimately prove to be. Renfield learns first hand from the persons at the Inn that they fear for him if he decides to continue on his journey ultimately to travel to Castle Dracula. These persons who try as it were in vain to warn Renfield of the very real challenge to life, in fact his life, that is Renfields life that one of the Gypsy women who resides at the Inn gives to Renfield a crucifix as she reminds Renfield of how it is to be used. It is unfortunate because Renfield hardly registers this very sober warning of impending danger that such a journey will provide. A case in point was when Count Dracula offers Renfield a Old World Beverage The Crucifix tumbles out from his pocket as both a warning not to imbibe and if he had been alert he would of noticed the very strange if not disturbing quality in every attention that Count Dracula paid to a papercut. Renfield was actually there to assist The Count in moving,traveling to London England. He was Renfield that is to set up travel arrangements plus the Count purchased a run down property called Carfax Abbey were Count Dracula was to move into soon upon arrival .The introduction by Renfield once he had entered into Castle Dracula that perhaps it may of been to late because Dracula says things about Spiders and Wolfs and children of the night that if this man in Renfield was at all confused it was because he just did not want to know who this Count Dracula was. Renfield does drink this particular "Old World" potion which was offerred to him by Count Dracula and as it were he falls into something of a trance and we are then introduced to three of Dracula's undead women when Dracula shows up when Renfield collapses and for some here it is something of a fear as you watch the death of Renfield. Things only go from Bad to Worse as the sckooner "Vesta" arrives with only Dead corpses and Renfield is found to be mad and being discovered was put into a hospital. Dracula is now pretty much able to go about the killing of many almost at his will,he murders a young women whom it is believed at a later point is recognized by another of Dracula's victums as the murdered women. This murdered victum it is thought actually in fact committed a crime against a child.she was referred to as the "lady in white'. There is a very nearly hysterical quality to this outbreak of persons with these strange bites on there necks. There is an acounting if you will by a victum whose name is Wilhema Seward who is portrayed by Helen Chandler,she tells of these eyes and then the ever encroaching face moving closer and closer until he, it is Dracula that then actually in fact attacks his victums. Though all this comes across as something of a dream as though through a mist Mina is projected to become one of Dracula's wives. It is useful to know that if Dr. Van Helsing portrayed by Edward Van Sloan had not been so very well placed, that is both of timing that things may not of occurred as they did. I like this part of the picture as both Van Helsing and Count Dracula in a manner of speaking drew swords. Van Helsing discovered who Count Dracula was almost by a fortuitos accident. One of the persons reached for a cigarete case which being a very nice looking cigarete case had a mirror. Van Helsing looked at the images of the persons gathered and for all intents and purposes Count Dracula was not to be seen, that is you could as was the case all were talking with each other but the image of one Count Dracula was nowhere to be seen. This was both proof and as well a very dire warning that we had the real thing in our midst. This most certainly registered with Van Helsing however it registered with Todd Hacker played by David Manners who is a love interest of wilemina. As in the earlier moments of this motion picture, Things were to get more intense as the very challenge so dutifully warned by the gypsies to a rather unexpecting Renfield enters into and ultimately comes full circle. Dr. Van Helsing in noting that Dracula needs to rest during to daylight hours however there are certain conditions that Dracula must maintain so that he may as it were live, one such condition is that he never will see the light of day and two his resting place must possess the very earth that his coffin was placed in,that is the earth from Transylvania must be included in Dracula's Cofffin. Van Helsing leave no doubt and though again by something of chance Renfield was seen and followed, which allowed both Van Helsing and John Harker(David Manners) to successfully discover Count Dracula's Coffin in the abbey. Van Helsing was in a manner of speaking all bussiness when finding Dracula's Coffin, he quickly searched for a wooden stake with John Harker finding a heavy piece of metal so to drive the stake through the heart of Dracula. There is nothing to rightfully cheer about because with such accomplishments that is the successful hunting down and actually in fact killing Dracula many others died as a result of this undead persona however at least in can be said "Dracula is Dead." The love interest of John Harker was Wilimina Seward was rescued from the later throes of the passing of life because Dracula did not have the time and as a result was in fact brought out of something of a trance though she was in Dracula's lair but she had not been laid to rest in a coffin that was prepared for her. She awoke, the same cannot be said for Renfield as Dracula killed this somewhat mad individual.
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Damn Yankees (1958)
The Yankees are just another ballteam
15 July 2023
The musical "Damn Yankees" has been and was well received, the staying power of "Damn Yankees" was better than 1019 performances. There are a host of famous persons associated with the success of this musical,it is interesting to note that Gwen Verdons first appearence in the film does'nt occur to some 40 minutes into the film,however she takes over from that point on. I'am not really sure if in fact it was in the best interest of the film to as it were choreograph so much as it were one performance or number right on top of each other with Gwen Verdon being a virtual sole performer. To suggest that this was something of a top heavy value which may not of been in any one's best interests,is something of an opinion on a value of dramatic detail. There are opinions that suggest that the success of the film was the result of a formula as producers the like of George Abbott and Stanley Donen brought much of the cast that were with the musical on Broadway to the film. The performance of Gwen Verdon is very good,she dances and sings her way to being recognized with an award however perhaps there are things to learn through this virtual seduction of one Joe Hardy. Dames go to quite a length to get their guy and some of the interplay as it concerns Joe Hardy show something of a strain of the two worlds. Those two worlds are worth. A good word, Born Spencer,South Dakota Jan.1,1917 Shannon Bolin who portrayed Meg Boyd the wife of Joe Boyd and Joe Boyd was portrayed by one Robert Shafer who hailed from Pittsburg,Kansas are real important part of this underwriting of this treatment as to the two worlds. It is such an important link to the cohesion of the story line that there is perhaps an unfortunate idea of perhaps never seeing each other again. I really would not of liked that as Joe Boyd sings "Goodbye Old Gal"with a newly christened Joe Hardy portrayed by Tab Hunter singing something of a refrain as Dark forces lure this young hero away from Meg into the promise of beating those Damn Yankees. Ray Walston portrays a character named Applegate who is in fact what he says he is,that is he makes a deal for the soul of our young hero, in Joe Hardy. It is worth allowing any who read this that Lucifer like its name sake "Satan" does'nt possess a rightful character and as such his position is as the "Father of Lies". This film perhaps like the play wishes to embelish the truth as to Satan as a means to tone down the anti-theological concerns as it portrays this demon of the underworld, however "old Man Joe Boyd can and does appear to be lured into the mistaken belief that you can beat the Devil at his own game. Not many would take that wager and if anyone here has ever listened to Rev. Bill Graham "You do not want to be there"That reference there was interpreted by the play in the dance number "Two lost Souls" I do not mind that as Joe Boyd portrayed by Robert Shafer, Joe squares a position with Applegate for an "Escape Clause". This works so very well that Applegate rues the day that he allowed Joe Boyd to as he see's it, pull a fast one. There are a number of songs which Gwen Verdon sings and dances and indeed there almost something of the Burlesque in order to get Joe Hardies undivided attention. Joe Hardy is a bit down as his phenominal success has sparked a Washington Senator team that is winning and winning and he is hitting nearly 545. Joe Hardy goes to his home that is the home of Joe Boyd and he walks in on Meg and suggests that she needs a border. Meg Does not know who she is talking to, she shortly finds out.and like much from our young hero he knows not the wickedness of Applegate. Joe Hardy knows as well who he is talking to when he secures a room in Joe Boyd home. He is in fact talking to a women whom he loves like it was sung in the song. This is an interesting development because there was never a doubt as this young mans integrity,Joe's a good boy so says Meg and even there are two other ladies who agree with Meg that Joe Hardy is a Good Boy, however it is Applegate who spreads rumours because he wants lola to get a real crack at Joe Hardy. The numbers that Lola does " a little brains and a little talent" "Whatever Lola wants Lola gets", "Whose got the pain" is performed with Bob Fosse. "Two Lost Souls" performed with Joe Hardy. These numbers are intersting and a hallmark of very good entertainment. There are a number of performances that much of the cast is involved with like "Hannable Joe' "You"ve got to have heart" and a couple of numbers that the story opens with. "six months out of the year" "The Empty chair". It means that this is a sentimental Love Story that wins the day. Meg loves Joe and Joe loves Meg. There is much we could talk about at this point but the day is saved by Joe and as our hero attempts to escape the clutches on an eternity in hell with first a great catch in Centerfield off the Bat of Yankee great Mickey Mantel. Applegate attempted to pretty much kill any hope of the Washington Senators winning the pennant on this the last game of the regular season, however not only does Joe Hardy make the catch but as he does Applegate changes Joe Hardy back to the somewhat middle aged overweight real estate agent as he is chasing down what amounts to the last out of the game. Joe Boyd dissapears by way of something of a door along the base of the Centerfield wall. He grabs his belongings from his locker and before you know it he is in the very arms of the heroine of the story Mrs. Meg Boyd(Shannon Bolin). There is a refrain that is sung as an apparition of both Lola and Applegate complain as to having been beat at their own game. There is mentioned here that this is above all else an entertainment vehicle and yes the Washington Senators won the Pennent.
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A sentimental tug
22 May 2023
I'am well pleased that this particular film "The Thief of Bagdad" with Steve Reeves is now in my possession, finally I have had the chance to view this film. The Vermont Movie store was where and how I finally found this film after giving up hope of ever being able to find it. A time ago I did many searches in an effort to find numerous Motion Pictures with "The Thief of Bagdad" being one of those films. I would do searches for the film and often enough, I looked some more only to come up empty handed, time and time again. I stated a little earlier that I had given up hope of finding this particular film however often "Sabu" and even the version with Douglas Fairbanks would surface but none with Steve Reeves. This was the film that as a young boy that I saw and it was this film that I most cared for. There were many particular attributes that "The Thief of Bagdad" had, that made the film an imaginative and worthy tale of both adventure, heroics and maybe even the hand of the Princess Amina, portrayed by Italian Actress "Giorgia Moll". The music has much the equal of its own identity as it is an appeal that should be mentioned. I felt perhaps that the colorful way by which the film opened with "The Thief of Bagdad", Steve Reeves pilfering the pockets of any passerby was a bit humorous and yet though this was not a tale of "Robin Hood" it was a worthy discovery to see that with each theft Karim gave the goods to the poor to help alleviate some outstanding tax issue. I liked that straight away ,however the stretch in these matters was that the film was always aware that theft was a sin with the film suggessting that karim was a Hero as a result of helping a particular individual out of a particular jam. The enjoyment increased when the rather mean spirited Prince Osman arrived and was made to look foolish as both he and his servent sufferred at the hands of Karim, as Karim in a manner of speaking raided the pantry while both the Prince and his servent were tied up. The use of "Raided the Pantry" was more to suggest the enjoyment that watching "Karim work around and make off with a ton of jewels and jewelry perse dealing with every dignitary of the Sultans Court, most certainly a nervy business to be certain. I like the Sultan,(Portrayed by Antonio Battistella) he was a very kind and even affable figure with one of the greater goods soon to be revealed in the Sultans Great Uncle , portrayed by "Georges Chamarat". Though Prince Osman was the meaner spirit throwing threats as a result with conquering with his army and so on, it was the Sultan who from time to time appeared not to be entirely sold on all the bluster that Prince Osman was threating the Sultans Court. I enjoyed that a good deal. During this fiasco Karim had the audacity to flim flam the Princess Amina and as things would have it the Princess liked Karim though she was to learn the truth because Karim offered the Princess as a token of his as it were appreciation a stolen piece of jewelry. The Princess smiled when that Hijinks was revealed. The scenes are both colorful and possessing a unclutterred appeal. The splendour of the Sultans palace is spacious, life as such is not omnipresent, It is not opulent. The Princess Amina is use to life in the Sultans court, to be certain she is somewhat spoiled however that does'nt take away from her appeal and appealing she most certainly is. Prince Osman tries to win the Princess through the use of some potion only to have the Princess fall ill, in the meantime Karim has been captured and is now grinding wheat in the stock yards. He here's of a journey to help save the life of the Princess Amina, to capture what is a most rare, a "Blue Rose". He tricks his way out of the stock yards and joins a very large contingent of warriors all pledging to search for the "Blue Rose". The first door can be seen where it is not. This dear reader is when things really begin in earnest as Karim earns his stripes, each door combines intelligence, resolve most certainly cunning and perhaps most of all the determination to know why you are there. He deals with the invisible(a scene on a bridge is particularly undaunting as Karim uncloaks a character billed as a Monster-the characters actual name is Chignone and though he is a muscle bound problem he is not a monster). Karim deals with what appears as the fires of Hell, there is something like a smoke and mirror problem, there is living matter that comes alive however the one that more than all the others I wanted to mention. There is a introduction of a women, portrayed by actress "Edy Vessel" whose court is filled with other lovely women who dance about and she entices Karim to join her if for only a toast. I'am sure Karim saw a statue very nearby of one of the heroic warriors who started out to search for the blue rose, yet he is now a statue. Karim watches as this attractive and alluring women drops a particular poison into a drink, he switches glasses in the blink of an eye and this women and her Kingdom are a thing of the past. All in all we are all the while encouraged by things as Karim continues on his journey. He now emerges from the victory of overcoming the challenges offered by the seven doors but now he must confront the reality that indeed Prince Osman meant what he said and has taken the Princess Amina by force, his army is positioned outside the Sultans Castle. Here is perhaps the hero of this film, he is revealed, it is in the spirit of a departed Uncle who having in faith a witness in hand without knowing who he is talking to is given a gift and this gift provides for an imaginative treatment of an entire army of warriors. When I first saw "The Thief Of Bagdad" and this miraculous army materializes it to me was a real adventuresome enjoyment. There is much here in a loving spirit, and even the claiming of the heart of Princess Amina. The "Blue Rose" is indeed more so a symbol as those who truly Love possess the authority to make a White Rose in fact a Blue Rose. Nearing the film completion Karim and The Sultan are conversing when Karim see's a figure head that is an identical look alike to someone who has provided wisdom and even spirit as would be a "Guardian Angel" through-out Karims journey. This is a very enjoyable motion picture and though there is much here in word, there is as much and more to see in this most delightful film. Though this film maybe more fitting as made for children , which to me it may indeed be, it is billed as a tale of Arabian Knights.
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Gone Girl (2014)
This is a hate crime that should bring the Death Penalty
10 April 2023
I watched a version of Gone Girl with a number of edits in place, for instance we get a look at the young girl with whom The Ben Affleck character, Nick Dunne is claimed to be having an affair with. The information wishes to suggest that Nick Dunne is a University Professor who meets this particular young girl in a Creative Writing course that Nick Dunne is teaching. I saw what amounted to a very youthful looking young girl, in fact the young girl is so youthful looking that I too took a creative writing class however that particular creative writing class was in my tenth grade and the girls looked like her. That is how youthful the appearance of that young girl was to this opinion, if I would be quite the rude guy I would suggest that not only was Nick Dunne skirting the law but perhaps even rocking the craddle. This was as a result of looking at an edited version of Gone Girl in the unedited version the exposure is not quite the same. There is something that the unedited version does'nt seemingly understand that Matrimony is usually a shared experience, for instance it is not my money anymore than it is your money it is in a manner of speaking our money. The same can be said that is it is not my house nor is it her house it is our house. We do see that in fact the two, that is Nick Dunne and Amy Dunne portrayed by Rosamund Pike own a very nice looking private home. We know that because in short order we are transported to this couples to the approach of their 5th year anniversary and a scene takes place in the couples foyer. In the edited version which I saw first it is very surprising to see that there is some serious tension that Amy determines it is coming from Nick Dunne and with a inquiry coming from Amy Dunne Nick Dunne is shown shoving her. Indeed they have words, the edited version was not as serious looking as I found out when looking at the very same scene except it is unedited and in this unedited account Nick Dunne knocks Amy Down. This event is very nearly a shock, it is clear that Nick Dunne has committed a Sin and it is having a disruptive and even upsetting effect in his marraige. Amy Dunne I think makes a mistake when being very upset she tries to takes "there" money and leave her home, in effect she appears to run away. This causes a problem, like a shark who detects blood Amy was very fortunate that she was not murdered by those two bad people even though they ruffed her up a bit and took all the money that she had taken from the couples bank account. The picture show something of a ruse in the attempt to locate Amy Dunne however that is what I thought of the entire account in the Search to find Amy Dunne. I felt it was here that something as terrible as anything that this picture could come up with began to evolve. Neil Patrick Harris portrays something of a forlorned Fan of a sort with Amy knowing Desi Collings. She shows up at his home and is given something of a respite when Mr. Collings has no reservation in an attempt to rescue Amy Dunne. This is where I have a problem and I'am not able to allow this to be without a real reason why this needed to be otherwise things as such would just not add up. First the act was a pre-meditated event which she not only made her self very much available but had planned as the picture will show this hate that is so real to this viewer that aside from the very real fact that this was a Hate crime it was as well a premeditated event which when executed was done with such viciousness that there was a real personal hate that was made evident. It was clear enough to me and this is my opinion that that crime committed by Amy Dunne would of brought the Death Penalty. The crime that would require a life for a life must be placed properly as this character was more if you will robbed of his life but as well he was robbed of any life thereof, that is his opportunity for a future was denied by a willful perverted monster in this criminal act provided by Amy Dunne. It is that that is most sorrowful There is to much corruption as with the placating a victimized Amy Dunne as she stands in a blood soaked clothing with the FBI agreeing with poor Amy. She looks at Nick Dunne and indeed all this is a bit much to take. The shame to this film is the fact that all was building to the wilful execution and murder of Desi Collings. This film has as its pedigree the wilful planning(premeditation), the execution thereof and murder that is the Hate crime of one Desi Collings. There is more to this sordid affair because in truth both Amy Dunne and Nick Dunne are two bad people.
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Best of The Best
26 March 2023
There are a few films that I have long held very favorable opinions of and yet I have with held from writing a review for as it were no particular cause. I do not know why I have waited on expressing an opinion on this outstanding Musical because in truth this Musical is held near and dear to my heart as an expressed sentiment. Jim Cagney is outstanding as George M Cohan, Walter Huston was very deserving of the Nomination for Best Supporting actor, his dance numbers were actually great, a very real talent with a penchant for a sense of humor that had me smiling when upon welcoming the newly arrived infant in George he says, to Mrs. Cohan portrayed by Rosemary DeCamp as she holds the infant George " he just got here and he is already sleeping." There is to be sure much to care for and even much to love. There are stories told of the difficulty a young George M. Cohan caused the then 4 Cohans with truth be told causing on a number of occasions a loss of work. The story line as it concerned his partnership with Harris, portrayed by Richard Whorf is so worth a mention that it is inspirational. These are the ingredients of a unmistakable talent that will not be denied. That is what "Yankee Doodle Dandy" is a irrepressible trend to both stardom and talent. George M. Cohans sweetheart portrayed by Joan Leslie is more valuable than I wish to mention because she has the distinction of having a great number which she performs and looks the part of a talent all her own, that Hot Potato number is worth its weight as a truly talented and I might add very attractive women. The song "Mary" which George wrote for her is such an understated tug of the heart that when George says to Her after they run through the song in its entirety, take it up a notch and Joan Leslie does just that, Joan Leslie made me smile, I think she was beautiful . There are special mentions as it concerns George's performance in "Pecks Bad Boy", folks you"ve got to see that scene to believe it-George had an attitude and that attitude like other mentions here abouts caught my attention too. I wish to mention that there are songs that have long been placed as the greatest but somehow many do not know the very origins of the song. One such mention is the very excellent singing by Jim Cagney in "Give My Regards to Broadway" remember me to Herald Square. It is done so very well that life is sort of forgotten all that we know and this dream of The Theater manifests in this sentimental longing to friends from afar. This to this opinion borders if you will on the real thing, this is a true sentimental tug as Georges sweetheart, Joan Leslie is involved in this number as it is being performed. The three numbers that are performed by Irene Manning in her portrayal of Faye Templeton. Is a first class performance value that all would benefit from. The effort made by all parties to as it were sell "45 minutes from Broadway" to Miss Templeton. Is hereby commented on as a job well done. There is no particular point in moving through the very real effort made by these very talented persons, one such special mention is this lady has sometime been referred to as a trooper. Francis Langford performed "Over There", it is to be certain a rousing number which served to provide inspiration to our soldiers, to our friends, to our hopes as a Nation and as such "Over There" and "Grand Old Flag" were recognized with the awarding of these two particular songs with the Congressional "Medal of Honor". It was commented on by the individual who portrayed Franklin Delano Roosevelt as being the first ever such recognition was to be awarded to a member of George M. Cohans profession by The United States of America. President Roosevelt commented on The Love of Country that is exemplified by Americas Irish Americans, he said further you haven't out grown the habit and Cagney say's "Not a Chance". To this very day my opinion as to this George M. Cohan "Yankee Doodle Dandy" has not changed. I first saw "Yankee Doodle Dandy" in the year 1970-1971 and from the first its place as a Musical has been unsurpassed.
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A Place in the Sun
25 January 2023
There is a useful if not entirely commendable cause as to the making of, "Action in The North Atlantic". It seems that in the original concept in the making of this film there was no particular interest in a full length feature film on the trials and tribulations of the "Merchant Marine". However it was in a much larger sense the ever unfolding war that Jack Warner so fit to Green Light the expansive territory that this film attempts to cover. The war in the North Atlantic was of such a magnitude that there is a separate category as to the most important battles of World War 11. The Battle of the Atlantic was a non-stop event that if not victorios allied shipping might of been brought to a stop. The truth be told that is exactly what did happen in the War, as the toll of allied shipping lost due to German U-boat activity was greater and greater reaching peak losses of greater than many thousands of pounds of goods going all over the world. It is interesting to note that with the passing of two successive quarters, late 1942 and early 1943 allied losses were extreme. This time period though murderous was bookmarked by the arrival of improving allied intelligence and though many would not know or at the very least were not aware of big improvements in "Radar", Convoy protection, "hedge-hog" all were evolving a-lot faster than the Germans knew, as 1943 progressed the number of enemy sinkings dropped considerably with a significant rise occurring in U-Boat losses. This turn of events heralded the defeat of the U-Boat menace. "Action in the North Atlantic" is a film that without much help stalwart actors like Humphrey Bogart and Raymond Massey deliver the goods with particular satisfaction and though these days we do not know the "Russians as we knew them then there are scenes with the arrival in Murmansk of the "Seawitch" is greeted with shouts from the shore that to me, were why I think so very well of this motion picture. It is a reminder of just how great that challenge and how worthwhile the effort and subsequent sacrifice that this film will enjoy a increase in value from an 8 to a 9. There are a number of scenes that are worth a discussion or at the very least should qualify as honorable mention, these scenes are packed with the day and time of dramatic events that perhaps many did not know it exactly. A for instance involves the arming of the liberty ships as the war progressed, both Nazi Germany and The Empire of Japan were generally blamed as causing the conduct of the war to become less humane with both the Empire of Japan and Nazi Germany being mentioned as causing Allied shipping by way of the liberty ships to arm. There is a scene when The newly christened "Seawitch" welcomes a U. S. Navy artillery crew as the "Seawitch has both a 5 Inch Deck Gun and a heavy caliber Machine Gun. There is to be sure much that both Naval Shipman and the Merchant Marine sailors have to say to one another with one in particular mention causing me to know the event. There was assigned a battle star to one Navy man blouse representing the USS Lexington. For those who do not know The Aircraft Carrier USS Lexington was sunk at "The Battle of The Coral Sea " having occurred May 2 through May 4.1942. The Battle of the Coral Sea stopped the aggressive attempt by the Empire of Japan to invade Port Moresby,to be certain the USS Lexington is a most hollowed name. Worth a mention is that Tokyo Rose had broadcasted on 4 separate broadcasts that the USS Lexington had been sunk. The Lexington like I said Lives in Glory,as the Lexington was involved in numerous engagements which confused the enemy as to which one is that? There is another instance when there is a serious encounter with first two German bi-planes and then a Nazi German U-boat. There is a loss of life on the "Seawitch" Scripture is used to commemerate the dead and they, those that died in the aforementioned action are buried at Sea. It is to be certain a very moving even eloquent scene as these men were no different then you and I so says first mate Rossi as he comments with the lowering of the bodies into the ocean. This motion picture seems not to only comment on the war but on the very life we lead. A highly enjoyable way to spend an evening.
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Jennifer 8 (1992)
Not an Easy Solution
19 January 2023
I'am not of the opinion that this film portrays and as it were produces a film that is believable. There are problems with character development as well as a certain quality of perhaps fraud. This film offers the viewer less of the real thing and more of a misleading quality of life. I gave the film a low grade in character development. There are to be certain a general attempt to stereotype conduct when conduct perse is not the source of importance in this film. What exactly does that mean ? It means that the absence of conduct is the source ? It is this particular opinion that for those who should know better, know well enough, that opinions in particular as it concerns schools and fields of education can be very difficult. However, in this particular school the "Principal" renders an opinion that is not true, that is the characterization of Helena Robinson is not in keeping with what we are and what we see as a witness to this young lady. It is often a true error in judgement when such opinions are rendered by this particular interview when Detectives Berlin and Ross interview The "Principal". I had questioned the integrity of the "The Principal" to such an extent that I wanted to actually find a ulterior motive. Helena Robinson was first and foremost a teacher, she taught music composition and as well she played the Chello. She knew better the character of the alleged victim and understood both character and Braille well, even reliably that is her opinions are useful even reliable, she was honest Detective Berlin had a scene when he went up against another detective and said that the Helena Robinson character was a better character witness than the Detective with whom he went up against knew. It was a particularly effective scene that caused ripples in their respective Police Department. I'am also a bit dismayed that this caretaker was not found out sooner. The Helena Robinson character was shocked by not only the intrusion but violation of her privacy and though as an opinion wished to suggest that Helena Robinson was not intelligent she was alerted by a motion detector which the perpetrator was careless and could not avoid. However the shock, Helena Robinson was alerted. Upon a examination of the caretakers quarters we see very planely pictures that this character had already developed. This person was all the while taking pictures of these Blind Children be they all girls. That is not anything that you would even remotely wish for your child, this individual should not of been permitted to conduct matters as such where it concerns the welfare of these children . Truly he should of been as stated earlier he should of been found out and removed from the school grounds. I found that there was much to learn from in a unfair position but a unfair position this film provides. Ross was a Detective but he had a serious drinking problem and as well showed a real reticent even ambivalence to assisting his partner. The tension between Detective Berlin and Detective Ross was growing however they knew each other and though perhaps wanting was not out of something what you might expect. Though tension was growing it was the relationship with Det. Ross and his wife that actually saved the life of Helena Robinson and resurected there life long care. There is a problem because it is here that the culprit to the a string of unsolved murders was eventually solved and something of a cold case, "Jennifer" was removed from the files of unsolved cases. The conduct of this Detective in question should not here as with the caretaker never been allowed to go this far. I simply could not understand how nor even why this very dangerous person was able to get away with all the suffering that various persons knew as a result. I'am not convinced that this film was perhaps as useful as perhaps it should of been, regardless we are asked to render an opinion. Perhaps we wish for to much and perhaps we wish for different. I felt and do so believe that the welfare of a particular community, that community being a school should know better and as well seek justice when required. I'am not convinced that all that the film provides is a valuable lesson in character development, it has been from the outset that there is a weakness with this film and it is the underdeveloped narrative or character development that found wanting. I wish to mention that the claim made by the respective officers and the deliberate stonewalling Detective Berlins doggedness was something that I was drawn to...I was not convinced that there was nothing there and was a bit miffed by even the cowtowing to the Principals suggestion. It was to me something like I said I paid attention too...These gripes can go on and on and perhaps they would of had not the "Jennifer File" not been solved. There was an involvement of Law Enforcement as it concerned the findings at the Landfill, in fact that was a big deal. There was discovered a body part( a hand it was thought to be a hand belonging to a women), a human being who it was claimed offed himself, a dead animal plus there was thought to be a missing weapon, (A knife) and last but not least there was found, discovered if you will a .22 caliber slug. This all in all is the equal to a missing persons report. The landfill is still not out of my thinking it may well be where the bodies are, however this film needed a greater focus or at the very least a better ability to unravel this very less than suitable position that we are asked to render an opinion, as a result the film will be reduced from a 7 to a 6.
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A Team Effort
13 January 2023
There is here in this particular offer of an opinion a very useful and even intelligent attempt to persuade the theatre going public that what was being viewed was in fact real. I do not think there was any doubt in the minds and hearts of the American citizenry that what was going on in both the European Theater and as well in the Pacific that this was some serious business. It can get that way and indeed it did get that way. There was no shortage of Hollywood personalities as well the creme of the Professional ranks in Professional Sports that in a manner of speaking did not do there duty. The Men and Women who contributed were many, there were men and women here at home who did there part as well. I'am reminded of a scene from the Motion Picture, "Its a Wonderful life" James Stewart portrays one George Bailey who was not physically able to serve due to a severe injury which left George Bailey being deaf in one ear. The scene which I fondly remember was George Bailey did his duty as he was directing traffic as an air raid official, making like he was chewing on some chewing tobacco and shouting orders while directing traffic. The picture, "Its a Wonderful Life" sent the right message ,and so did the likes of General James Stewart. J. Edgar Hoover once made a comment about James Stewart saying that Jim Stewart was there kind of man. This is just to sort of set the record straight as there were no shortage of actions against this enemy both real and imagined. The word is imagined which brought back to my memory another Motion Picture with Humphrey Bogart,"{I think it was "Action in the North Atlantic" with Raymond Massey as well) whereby a loose lipped individual in a bar scene starts saying things related to cargo being shipped. Bogart sits down next to the guy who is obviously drunk and leans over and smacks him a good one, knocking the guy out. Like I said there was no shortage of either men nor women who did not offer there services in defense of our nation nor even an allied cause. To put all this into a proper perspective this was a world war. This was some serious business. "The House on 92nd St." was based on some things that were true and some things that were made up(Imagined)A for instance was that there was no process 97 however the very early part of the film shows events that were indeed quite true. The death of the courier when he was hit by a Cab, A close look a like to the actual house that was involved in the acts of espionage. There is actual footage with J Edgar Hoover at work, and indeed there is more. The care given as to the resolution as to who is Mr. Christopher showed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was very intense and involved agency that leaves no stone unturned. It is, that is this film "House on 92nd St." an interesting and even compelling story line. The film received two forms of recognition as a result, an Academy award for the story, and another award "The Edgar Allen Poe award". Two very real forms of recognition for a very good story with a convincing portrayal. I have long held this particular motion picture as one of better films of this time and of this day. It should be further explained that though these two particular awards are indeed two awards the reader of this opinion should be reminded of how these awards could be assigned if you will and must be measured with a modicum of character and care. A case in point some years past a motion picture titled "Pride of The Yankees" which starred "Gary Cooper as famed Yankee great Lou Gehrig". There is much to say about the film however the cause for this mention is that the film was nominated for some 10 awards. The care that the Press had for Lou Gehrig over the course of his career is from where those ten nominations came from however the film won a single Academy award and that was as a result of a trick. The special effects showed a scene where Gary Cooper is made to look like he was running to first base when in fact he was running down the third base line. It was for this that the picture won its lone Academy Award, they flipped the tape. There is to be certain many stories but this story involves the time line with World War 2 drawing to a close. Information has it that the Director of "House on 92nd St." Hathaway and another got information about the latter days of this terrible event and used the information in the film. It worked to enhance the serious intent that the F. B. I. And the film provided. I said a bit earlier that this film was one of the better films of these days and times. That is what this film has going for it," The House on 92nd St." is an intelligent film that possesses a focus, a resolve, and a truth that thankfully what we love was preserved. "The House on 92nd St". Is a very good film. This recommendation is being made on this day January 14th,2023.
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Survivor (I) (2015)
A Foreigner is unwelcome
9 January 2023
There are many films that are underwritten by real and imagined story lines and equally as often films do and as well do not convince the viewer that the motivation for such conduct is its equal. The Motion picture perhaps is mostly a motion picture suggesting further that the actual film is nothing more than a showy often loud distraction, that is the motion picture wants us as a viewer to look elsewhere for answers without the sacrifice of being watched. The realization that what we are looking at is not real perhaps is a relief, however if in fact there is no basis in reality in the watching of a particular motion picture it would be useful to know what is the viewer indeed looking at if in fact what we are looking at is not real, though perhaps not terribly clear just what is this, that this is not real. I used the concept of reality being the real question because as this is merely a performance of sorts the place or what should be the place of such a question should the question as such be looked at more seriously. It is this opinion that Character development is weak to very weak, there appears as though performance and as well characterization is underdeveloped. The characters seem more interested in behaving then in doing there job, plus when push comes to shove as to this opinion sympathizers are no different than traitors and there seems to be enough sympathy as it were to please a mob and I think this is what this film wishes to underwrite. Though the concept of an appeal to "Mob Mentality", it, that is the appeal is in fact something resembling a cultural war. This development is not unheard of because some rather murderous thugs of history evolved while being under the influence of these very real sympathies. This film offers a very weakened personality a very weakened and compromised state. The obvious is that when a stalwart personality should not only be supported but be so ingrained in one's heart in one's pathos that there is no question other than to get the bad guy. This particular motion picture has such a deeply misdirected position of this films portrayal that we are led to believe falsely, The willful misdirection I'am suggesting offered is very much part of the weakened position that this film seems to underwrite in its entirety. There is one thing further the characterization is so very strong as it concerns the political assassin that the presence of said character is overwhelming. It is not terribly useful but the unmistakable and terrifying presence that this terrorist represents that I felt those that should of known better ignored the true murderous rage that this character possessed, providing a finale that did not add up-The murderer should of been able to defeat the attempt to stop the crime from happening. The character was that strong a character and so we have a crowd pleaser in this pictures end , isn"t that nice.
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Cutting Corners
24 July 2022
"Gardens of Stone" did not do very well at the Box Office. The film itself should of been interesting and indeed it is this opinion that the subject matter is very interesting, however why should an interesting subject matter not ultimately prove successful. This film appears to have been hampered by budget restraints and secondly there seems to have been cost cutting. The telling of this story should of never been subject to cost cutting or for that matter cutting corners but that is just what I believe occurred. There is no explanation to all who live in glory that those whose job it is to see to that eternal recognition that such care not be exorcised as an unending committment should find themselves being shorted by budget restraints. There is also mentioned here and now some agreement with those whose opinions truly hampered our efforts as it were while we were so engaged in Southeast Asia. President Nixon spoke often enough about the single greatest weapon the enemy had and that was the Vietnam protests aided and fueled as it were by the brokers of an entrenched media .The enemy was here at home not in the Viet Cong per see. The point being that this film shows not only a cheapened cost cutting attitude but as well it seems that those whose lives were lost have as yet to be respected. There is much to say against a world engulfed by such media and influence that rarely do those whose Love is most dear to us should need be suffer such indignity. There is a mention that as undignified as it may be shows just wear this attitude comes from and that is that the final burial detail assigned the "Old Guard" show a freshly graduated 2nd Lt. Having lost his life after a very short while having arrived in Southeast Asia. One 2nd Lt. Willow fresh out of Officer Training School. It should be further mentioned that it seems in this particular motion picture that this young recruit asked if his Father who was retired after having served dutifully in both Korea and Southeast Asia and who passed away while his son was serving in the "Old Guard" could be laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery. It is a truly a cynical attitude that engulfs much of this film with the cost cutting serving to magnify a glaring inability to position the passing of both the "Old Guard" as well as the passing of Veterans. Like I have said this is a film which should of been an interesting story however the Budget restraints, the cost cutting measures, the influence from our enemies all contribute to making what should of been an attractive story be as it were much less so, it is your call how this measure s up in an overall opinion however the unwelcome opinions and unwarranted influence would not be welcome were we to be laid to rest. It should be noted here and perhaps referred to as a echo of time everlasting that is hereby acknowledged as Arlington National Cemetery because for those who do not know Arlington National Cemetery is a in fact Military Base. It should hereby be further recognized that Arlington National Cemetery is not a "Garden of Stone", Arlington National Cemetery is in fact a "coming home" for our "Honored Dead" They, those that know Arlington National Cemetery rest in "Honored Glory" This is for our most honored persons hereby resting in "Honored Glory", a grateful citizenry hereby salute you on this a most thankful day ,a day of Thanksgiving.
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2000 Mules (2022)
A Far Cry
6 June 2022
The documentary 2000 mules is a gathering of intelligence data that displaces the often heard foolishness that the 2020 Presidential election was a free expression and was indeed fair. It was neither, there were off-the-cuff remarks that were offered by some of the witnesses to their own wrongdoings that were easy enough to take with a grain of salt however the opinion had by both "True the Vote" persons represented in this documentary was of a more sobering conclusion as to the state of the nation's elections. The information casts a dark shadow on these often heard of Not For Profits but not everyone knew just how these organizations work, in a manner of speaking we do now. The truly disgraceful conduct of these organizations as was provided in this documentary is such an undermining of intelligence and even integrity that it forces our intelligence gatherers into an open conflict with the integrity of our democracy with what this film "2000 mules" has revealed. This is a revelation of Corruption, Corruption that is so deep and was so widespread that when combined it was made evident how someone with no mandate could garner 80 million votes. The intelligence as to the "cell phone" tracking technology that was talked of was not terribly new, as a technology but perhaps new as a significant and even reliable gauge. We knew and know that both Law Enforcement and as well Military have used and it was revealed that such technology was exorcised in the hunting down of "Osama Bin Ladin" or the film showed the very tracking of persons involved in a drive-by shooting incident in Atlanta, Ga. When looking close as would be in an audit the results are quite different from merely a recount, this and other arguments have been put forward and remain a real question of integrity. There is a very real effort to obfuscate the need for a full audit rather than merely a recount. Here is an excellent example of the need to underwrite the integrity of our relationship to the "Good Faith" as expressed in this Nations Constitution with the very foundations of our "republic". If the Good Faith as expressed in the Declaration of Independence suffers continually there will be an echo heard from a time ago that a nation so divided cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.
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We do care
4 April 2021
The computer and the information that a computer can generate should not surprise much of anyone. This information that is discussed is as a result of the engineerred environment from which all computing must move through. The computer has for virtually all of its components a complete index and those indexes constitute the entire picture of the activity of a particuliar environment,that is a computer environment. There is in fact not much of anything that a engineerred environment does not have a record off. There is put forward in this presentation nothing that appears as it claims present that is without the benefit of the true information generated by a computing environment. I believe that what is claimed is in fact the truth. I have watched this video a number of times, however I can say that in fact once was enough. The forensic analysis done was indeed very smart and well worth anyone's time to look, learn, and listen. There is a unmistakable belief here abouts that the claim that President Trump sufferred a blow to integrity as a result of these findings is not the only disturbing element presented. The unmistakable gang like conduct of the Democratic Party, and its followers which I will include as the entrenched media has made a stain that will not go away. It will not be forgotten and more telling is that there is likewise such an arrogant conceit of entrenched bias that more than integrity has sufferred. The American people as a Nation have sufferred. I do not beleive that there will be any Supreme Court Justices telling anyone anytime soon this is how we do it. If there is a fault as to President Trump, it is that President Trump new this was underway, he even said so. He named these players before all this ink was dry. I also felt Vice President Pence he too could of called a halt even without the votes, the Vice President can be referred to as the Preseident of the Senate. The President was fully within his right as the President to have stopped the election as this presented film would of been stopped in its tracks. This as it were evidence is indeed evidence of such widespread tanpering that elections to follow will suffer for a time to come. There is a unmistakable error that this film underwrites and that is that what we listened to over the years,that is while President Trump was in office was spot on with the rioting being generated as a result of the approaching election. There were many voices who were a terribly useful and even helpful in understanding just how unacceptable this conduct really in fact was. That these courts have almost in unison have said we don't care well.... well we do care. This is for the former President Donald J. Trump and the Vice President, Mike Pence. I do not think there is a doubt at anytime that at the very least President Trump earned the respect of 80 Million voters and that the then Democratic Candidate did not. The fraud was so widespread that maybe , just maybe we can blow the lid off of this before to long. This is because for the first time in this life of mine President Trump earned praise for the horrible and disgraceful conduct of these entrenched "Leftists". It was good enough to beat the Lefty in Hilary Clinton but he needed "the help of this life we lead" to earn a second term. The entrenched Leftist state is now attempting to dismantle success, we will see about that.
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Blackhat (2015)
The Deep State
12 November 2017
I'am not always able to determine just how much of an interest is generated when a motion picture tells the story of Black Hat computing.There does not seem to be an end in just how deep the deep state will go but this film possesses that ability to delve into the deep state and its Black Hat ideology. It, that is this film offers the would-be viewer a glimpse into a very dangerous and deadly world of not only computer hacking but into would be disasters.This is a very serious and deadly contest where good ultimately triumphs over evil.This film is that dramatic and in a manner of speaking it is that well told.The Director Michael Mann did very well as the film was guided by very expert advisors in creating this virtual world that "Black Hat" exists in, as both computer information can be very spot on and violence arrives with the suddenness of true guerrilla quality engagements.There are high profile security agencies involved in one attempt after another to track down and ultimately identify the culprits of a nuclear disaster.I have to give the Director Michael Mann some credit here as well as the performances enhanced this often difficult territory.Michael Mann did more than just Direct he knew what he wanted and it is this opinion that this is a very well performed motion picture.Nick Hathaway played by Chris Hemsworth, Carol Barrets played by Viola Davis, Mark Jessop played by Holt McCallany, Leehom Wang played by Chen Dawai, Elias Kassar portrayed by Richie Coaster and Tang Wei portrayed Leehom Wang's sister.The story is such that compelling viewing is required.The stability of worldwide financial markets and even the very earth is threatened by this terribly dangerous place that the untrustworthy inhabit, indeed we are the curators and this world is our responsibility.The violation of a nuclear reactor in China caused a near meltdown with a bad actor having been hired at a point with access to the very most secure and most sensitive areas of the Reactor.The fault is very hard to fathom because this particular discovery is that this particular individual was in the F.B.I. databases of known Felons.This guy has a record and somehow he had access to one of the most secure networks we know of, a nuclear reactor.It is learned that this violation enabled the principal "Bad Guy" to install a backdoor into a computer switch and once launched drove the Centrifuge to fail which in turn removed any ability to cool the Nuclear Rods. Watch this because this is compelling viewing, it might even get more interesting when watching the run-up of the Futures Markets as what I believe is an actual Botnet used to employ a concentrated buying and selling scheme whereby this particular "Bad Guy" made some 74 million dollars.This is what I meant when I suggested of a threat by the "Deep State".These attacks are worth knowing about and so is "Black Hat". The term "Deep State" is not in a traditional sense to be associated with say The United States or perhaps the country of China, the "Deep State" is mostly used as a descriptive text of a darkened world protected by those whose interests it protects, namely "Hackers", "Blackhats", and those whose ability such protection would best be served. The Dark Web is another associative text whereby everything is sold or exchanged for other things that can be sold for or exchanged. This includes any illicit credit card numbers, social security numbers, classified information and so on. The Dark Web, like The Deep State", serves and protects the interests of a Black Hat Community. There is much in "Black Hat" to write about and perhaps much more as it would concern the Computer. To be certain "Black Hat" has proved to be very interesting both as a Motion Picture and Computer acumen.
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The Life We Leave Behind
25 May 2015
There was a time period, 1970-1971 when I had the good fortune of watching "Rhapsody In Blue".This time period for this reviewer was an interesting,perhaps even an exciting time as discoveries were being made.Those discoveries included the likes of "Yankee Doodle Dandy","They Died With There Boots On","Robin Hood","Its A Wonderful Life","Meet John Doe","You Can't Take It With You","Gentlemen Jim","Mr.Smith Goes To Washington",with "Rhapsody In Blue"being among such discoveries.The interest that these films provided were in part responsible for instilling the notion of wanting to act,that is just how interesting,perhaps exciting that the motion picture became.It was a real pleasure to view these films.There was help that came from the likes of Vincent Manelli,George Cukor,Frank Capra,William Wellman,Raoul Walsh and others.This help was a documentary that I recall watching on Channel 13 in the greater New York City area then as well.Not all Motion Pictures are worth there salt but these mentions are among those that have stood a test of time,most certainly the "Rhapsody In Blue" is one such mention.Discovering George Gershwin is the kind of pleasure that I would be happy if someone would say he had just discovered some great music.I perhaps would not say much at first but if encouraged by the others discovery I would recommend ... and so on.It need not of been any particular way but discovering Gershwin had to be appreciated with those that knew that music. It was that way for me when first I heard the "Rhapsody in Blue".I do not generally enjoy the unfortunate events that took George Gershwin so early but all that we have here is the realization that he was really a dynamo with a promise perhaps like Professor Frank argued maybe Gershwin was another Franz Shubert,perhaps even a Beethoven,maybe Prof.Frank was right about a-lot of things.This is the kind of pleasure that adds up to great.I truly enjoyed the scene when Max Dreyfus makes his case and tries to get Prof.Frank to agree.It is really great showmanship,and excellent movie making.The film has stayed with me as much because of the music as because of the appearances and performances of Oscar Levant,Al Jolson,Paul Whiteman,Hazel Scott,George White in person.When First I looked at and noticed Joan Leslie,Joan Leslie was that Hot Potato from "Yankee Doodle Dandy".Alexis Smith was worth a close look in "Gentlemen Jim" with Errol Flynn.I could only watch this film on Television at that point in time but recently its purchase was made possible on DVD.I have watched "Rhapsody in Blue" twice in less than 24 hours and "loving every minute of it".The "Rhapsody in Blue" is a very good movie perhaps a great movie.It was to me a motion picture that I wished for,like the sentiment expressed by George Bailey on the Bridge when it begins to snow.George Bailey is saying "I want to Live again,please I want to live again".The Film referred to is a Frank Capra film called "Its a Wonderful Life"."The Rhapsody in Blue" is a very excellent film,it is like living again.Worth a recommendation.
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Them! (1954)
Overstated Nonsense
27 August 2014
I traveled through New Mexico on Interstate 10 and then subsequently I changed to I-25 moving North towards Denver, Co. Good-sized signs appeared every so often on the Interstate that read First in Poverty first in Nuclear Fallout. Perhaps all is somewhat the same these days as those signs were of the year 2000. New Mexico is a poor state as well. It is unusual to find anything about this particular motion picture that is anything more than an exploit. There is an overstated premise which if anything that Nucluear Fallout and perhaps Nucluear radiation are a very serious consequence of this now Nuclear Age. Edmund Gwenn as Doctor Medford, a leading myrmecologist (Study of Ants) was nearer a belief in what this Nuclear world had ushered in than anyone else with Joan Weldons' portrayal as Doctor Medford's daughter( A Dr. Medford in her own right)being like a pointer while keeping others at bay. The Doctors Medford were terribly useful and served as both direction and reference to the result of Nuclear Fallout. The overstated premise by Dr. Medford was just that overstated. The belief is not perhaps if at all in the short term however the effects that have as yet to be measured to understand how different this day now is. The picture is not an accurate measurement of fallout and as such wrongly suggests that mutated ants threaten the whole of the human race. As I said it is overstated and if anything at all serves as something of hysterical nonsense. The characterizations of the James Arness character as an FBI Agent is made for Hollywood. The attempt to overstate this picture's claim is as well an exploit and perhaps that is as useful a position as anything Hollywood has to offer. This film is that to this opinion, this film is an overstated and exploited premise for purposes of showing off, for purposes of taking advantage, and even more subversive would be to sell Hollywood one more time. The picture was well received in 1954 with special mention of Natalie Wood, James Whitmore, James Arness, Edmund Gwenn, Joan Weldon, etc. The performances and perhaps the success of the picture have kept this motion picture in video libraries. Perhaps things were different then and perhaps they were not. It would be useful to indeed take a closer look but in so far as that closer look concerns "Them", it is only a movie.
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The Net 2.0 (2006 Video)
White Hat Alert
1 August 2012
There are no easy answers with this particular film.There are both an obvious and perhaps a not so obvious conclusion.Hope Cassidy(Nikki Deloach)is an adroit and capable computer scientist trained in Network Security.This though might be both the problem and the solution,that is appearances are a most definite limit.What kind of a person is so qualified?That is the question as to this particular inquiry is asked only because adroit as this characterization might be this young women is unmistakably unaware.Her actions and even her in ability to act run contrary to her apparently very capable handling of what appears to be an attack upon A Network Server.This story is not entirely present in mind body and spirit and part of the blame seems to belong to the protagonist,one Hope Cassidy(Nikki Deloach).This young womens handling of sensitive information is almost foolish it is so reckless.The open bank account information appearing not only in full view but a Black Hat would of gotten what he came for and perhaps he did.The draining the account of some 44 million dollars as she was hopelessly unaware I could not place.Why would this not set off an alarm that would of threatened the security of the entire voyage.The complication arising with the bracelet(a tracking device)with Hope Cassidy is another one of the hard to place perceptions.This characterization possesses a naive tourist position however it does not allows us to be as capable as she reportedly is suppose to be.The un-nerving quality of her visit suggests that there was no care given to her safety or well being with again her character not being all there with her wallet and identity being stolen.This simply materialized like much of the story line as hard to believe.It was not uninteresting however it was also a curiosity that caused this viewer to look at this film a second time, as both appearances as well as the characterization were hard to straigthen out.It is thought by some that all as it were White Hats have had some experience as a Black Hat or even perhaps still wear a black hat when the sun goes down.This film has a quality that is that,that this film irregardless is not what it seems as both interests share a common ground.It is revealed that Hope Cassidy was being closely tracked the entire picture with a truly unfriendly "boyfriend" being a virtual Russian operative involved in arms shipments.This is part of the problem as the worlds terrorists have been educated in American schools as this is not entirely substantive either though this indeed materializes.This film eventually unfolds to include Interpol whereby Hope Cassidy is in actuality undercover.The entire film as has been stated elsewhere is not given the air of this type of involvement,yet this is indeed the involvement which has been present from the start.It is not simple to see and it is not entirely present as well.This is that way something that is hard to believe is perhaps not what we may of thought we were looking at.The miking and as it were spying evident very early on has apparently closed in and it is part of the complicated make-up of this film.It is not without care however this is a undercover operation whereby Hope Cassidy is the bait.Does this work ? It,this film may not be convincing though it is not entirely present as well.It is ultimately a critical choice as to this films desirability.There are many persons to be certain that are included in this film and many events leave both destruction and death in there wake.It is a film that requires more than it provides and to some it is the equal to coming up short in the pictures story telling ability.
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A New Day
8 July 2012
I have viewed elsewhere while all the while viewed here as well the spoken desire by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to not cheat or not to tell lies.He,Adolf Hitler said with remarkable heart and pathos in numerous speeches that he not only did not want to lie but did not want to promise what he in fact could not deliver.He clearly said he will not cheat,and further promised to represent such a truth as to defy those that had sought such clarity from his candidancy.He saw a new beginning and a reborn German people.The Reborn German people were of such an expression as to be believed.He Adolf Hitler believed in Germany and sought to inspire the German nation to a new day as being upon the German people.When we look at this it is without reservation that when Adolf Hitler talked to the Hitler Jungen I listened.They,the Hitler Youth(Jungen)were Nazi Germanies belief in this new day indeed Germanies future may very well have carried the day in its entirety.They the youth of Germany were to be as it were Germanies future.It was an unmistakable consideration as German citizens were to be turned inside out or from the inside out so to regain what these others and if you will other interests had so aptly taken from Germanies true identity.Adolf Hilter did more than remind the ordinary German citizen he told them that they should willingly provide for each other and it is in providing for each other that they will start anew.The Military like the people shared something as one German Citizenry that many did not know.You could sit down at anothers table almost without causing a raised eyebrow.This was truly great thinking and truly great was the promises unfolding as it were while Nazi Germany sought to find a New Government(Perhaps even a new way)This was the dilemma that Adolf Hitler Nazi Dictator and Germanies out right leader had to determine. Such a witness was as to be one hand and one heart with one German soul,its very identity was to be reborn.Excellent! and indeed bordering on inspiration.What Happened ? The Citizenry were as it were empowered and thus neighbor in concept turned against neighbor rather than as it may of been put forward above working to the good of there neighbor.Hitler youth seemingly enthralled with the idea of having a real legitimate place in Germanies future looked indeed even upon there own and drew lines of separation causing a threat to appear within ones own heart and ones own community and ones own family.There was sown the seeds of an element not entirely foreseen.That this new day was freightening as the people became less and more of something not entirely understood.It would be an error not to be entirely forthright as what was occurring once Adolf Hitler became Chancellor.The enlistment of the Universities in the many successful book burning ceremonies(I believe there were some 34 such ceremonies in total)was not surprising but unifying.It seems leadership was more than merely formative at the University level it was very nearly fully participated in.The reborn German identity did indeed take hold with Jewish Citizenry suffering with greater and greater certainty.There was no future in Nazi Germany for the Jewish Citizen however if you could not afford the trip to America of Perhaps France,England you might not know it then but life was to become rare for you,that is most would die.It was put forward that Adolf Hitler utilized such a pomp and ceremony when they did things that the Spectacle became a prop of the intended impression.It worked!the large size gatherings,the overheated rhetoric the virtual pomp was a true awe inspiring accomplishment by the Nation of Germany.This is just such a story.A useful look at the Rise of Nazi Germany.
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A Tale of Two Worlds
2 June 2012
I have viewed "Pride of the Yankees" more than once with little or no particular impression lasting more than perhaps a particular viewing.There doesn't exist correct associations with events as things were to happen and if there was any likeness to Henry Louis Gehrig with Gary Cooper as lead Iam at a loss to know what that might be ? Hollywood actor Gary Cooper did not know how to swing a bat and perhaps as low as anything he did not know the game of baseball.There is a lack of Pathos for the game of baseball as an American Pastime,that Gary Cooper brings to the screen.He has neither a hint or perhaps a glint of what any of this meant.The Yankees provided Coaches in an effort to teach Gary Cooper how to swing a bat.They were not able to sufficiently bridge the gap between someone who wears the pinstripes and someone who has no idea how to swing a bat.There is another Low point to this "Popular Film".The patronizing interests that saw to this film were instrumental in providing "Pride of the Yankees" with 11 Academy Award Nominations.11 Academy Award Nominations ? Why the question mark? The picture was presented with a single academy award in the Category of Film Editing.It seems that the ability to put one over was worth the price of admission.Cooper had such a hitch in his swing that I would of sawed him off at the elbow and that was the general opinion when trying to teach that "old Ice Wagon" how to swing a bat.There is no coincidence that in scenes where Cooper is presumably at the plate,the shots are above the waste. There is more to this pictures legacy and its leading man.It seems they had Cooper run down third base and using a commonly referred to "Trick of the Trade" flipped the tape which appeared to place Cooper running down the first base line.It was this kind of trick that the Academy thought was worth consideration and thus "Pride of the Yankees" won a single Academy Award.This film perhaps comments on a disparaging relationship between An Actor or Acting and the reality of what it means to play for the greatest of professional sports franchises in "Pride of the Yankees".This picture is saved by Authenticity.The Bambino(Babe Ruth) is excellent,Mark Koenig,Bill Dickey,Bob Muesel,Radio Announcer(Bill Stern)all make worthwhile cameo contributions providing a saving grace to this nearly Hollywood disaster.Tony Lazzeri is seen in real life footage of a beautiful hook slide into third base at full gallop.There are great shots of Yankee Stadium.There were no monuments in Center Field at that point.Does anyone recall who in fact were represented by the original three monuments.Miller Huggins(Brought Glory to this New York Team)Babe Ruth and Henry Louis Gehrig.This film is of two worlds with The Bambino representing none greater.The Yanks are the champs with Lou Gehrig earning a place in Franchise history as truly one of this storied franchises blocks of granite.It is not easy to place such a contribution but there day has not faded.They live and live forever is fitting a tribute.He has "a lot to live for" and forever they shall always be New York Yankees.
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A Time Ago
17 December 2011
I have held the opinion since the films initial viewing that "A Night To Remember" provides greater definition and as it were greater clarity even as to the Titanics place in history.I had wished to purchase this film from the Criteron Collection only to hesitate repeatedly as the films $40.00+ price tag was to expensive.The purchase was accomplished with the initial viewing occurring on a large screen Sony Vizio.The definition,the detail of this Black and White transfer was excellent.The film really in fact looked as though nothing had changed only life had moved many years ahead.Time as it was stood still and with an impressive ability to detail this disaster in the North Atlantic it was with legitimate care that this film was viewed most recently.Historically there is information that suggests that the Titanic had received a number of separate transmissions regarding the appearance of ice and iceberg sightings.It is also the pictures position that at least one of those many wireless communications the Captain never saw.It is even more involved in this very critical area as both protocol and response time were factors in the timeliness of information reaching the Captain.The Captain did not always have the latest information however there is a degree of likely hood that a competition of sorts might of clouded the judgment of the Captain.That competition was to see how fast could she could go to beat another shipping companies star steamer or the like,there was competition which served as a bit holding back an event that would not be denied.The Titanic was moving faster and faster over the course of the voyage with a difficult discovery revealing that Titanic was moving as fast as Titanic had moved at any point in the voyage at the point when The Ship struck an iceberg.Titanic was recorded nearly eclipsing 22 knots when the iceberg was first sighted.The Captain most certainly and indeed the film itself does not need to suggest the outright cause of the contact was due to the ship moving to fast to correct its course in time however there are a number of other factors which can make this particular film an interesting opportunity to know this disaster.The contact with the iceberg was made inevitable with the ships speed and

was the cause of the inability to evade the iceberg.The Titanic had by design one very large size rudder.It was proved in an inquiry that if the ship had been fitted with a somewhat smaller rudder ? The ships ability to respond would of not only been more responsive but as well it was shown that even at the rate of speed that Titanic was moving, Titanic would of been able to steer clear of the iceberg.There is no excuse when there is contact made with a stationary object,like an iceberg.It is considered unacceptable without much thought a driver will be faulted for perhaps speeding,moving to fast for conditions,outright carelessness and so on.Though the Titanic was thought to be unsinkable someone suggested that the steel used to construct the Titanics hull was inferior to how steel is designed today.Titanics metal, perhaps if I can suggest this vulnerability was susceptible to a glancing blow at or below the waterline.The hard turn to starboard had the effect of exposing the ships most vulnerable area to a glancing blow. Iron nowadays is cleaned of much of the impurities that sulfur and as well Phosphorus provides which was not the case at that point in time.Sulphur is like phosphorus and are hereby noted as a limiting agent in the hardness of steel.It is not usual to suggest that perhaps a better steel may of held tighter and not yielded as it was to the ice.The Captains performance however capable seemed to be self assured.This only provided the viewer with a false belief that all was perhaps well.The threat to all that the sea posed should of been first and foremost with the North Atlantic being a very challenging body of water.The ship had at a slightly earlier point in the trip moved further South than initially charted in an attempt to as it were forestall the inevitable as the then adjustment was designed to move further South of the more common areas where ice was forcasted to flow. This event need not of happened,this was a preventable accident.It is equally a shock when the film reveals that the Titanic did not have sufficient lifeboats to off load the ships passengers.It is here suggested further that timing restraints limited a complete ability when Titanic sailed knowingly without the ability to safely transport there passengers.Regulations of the time was what contributed to a limited number of lifeboats, it also made the voyage unsafe.It may well be that the Titanic was her own worst enemy.It was the Titanic that struck the iceberg,not the Californian however it is the Californian whose conduct I hold as culpable.If there was anything that would frustrate ambition it may very well have been the Californian.The conduct of that ship was very nearly unnerving as so many "calls for help" went out across the wires even as it were across the waters.The Californians crew starting with the Captain appeared to deliberately ignore a so obvious a climate as to be without merit. There was no defense as to such a willful disregard for life on the high seas.This indefensible position was had by the Californian and as such is held in contempt for the virtual injustice its inability to properly respond represented.The Carpathia is hereby noted as a sacrifice without blemish, perfection is her name.All Hail Carpathia.A name without blemish.The bravery exhibited with time drawing near made me wish and perhaps to offer a prayer.The name thee calls is our Father in Heaven.Unmistakable and moving this event in time.Unmistakable and moving is a Night To Remember.
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Inception (2010)
What kind of an accomplishment is it to be a born liar ?
9 January 2011
Inception is a lie and like all legitmate hollywoods irregardless of who is doing what to whom there is only the technology that allows this hysterical calculator(that is all this film represents) in this motion picture to perhaps make money.There seems not much more to suggest and that would be if this film made money,? Well did it ? This is what is a most unusual point to all this,and that would be if this particular film did not make money what else is this film doing if in fact it did not make money? What is required to know better or perhaps to truly know well what the viewer is looking at when as a viewer,the viewer as it were watches the motion picture "Inception".There is as well another consideration and that is if in fact the very participation in the watching of any motion picture is such an experience as to be a unwholesome experience. I believe it is that(unwholesome) and even more so provides for a disguise so to mislead any who might be drawn for what ever reason to watch such a film or for that matter to watch such are the films of Hollywood,California.There is no degree of involvement in the making of this film that is in fact authentic and as illegitimate that that might sound like it is an illegal search and seizure which allows a thief to be masqueraded as the man with the candy.This film is not new nor is this film what it appears as is as well.The result when viewing such a film is that there is no time that is real nor is there a place as to any particular event is concerned and if that isn't enough there is no definition as to not if there is a capacity to dream but how do we provide the ability to interject another ability that could pass as a dream.This is the handiwork of a masquerade with any here who believe believe not in this motion picture as there is no dreaming there is only the ability to transmit the stimulus with the image that is what masquerades as a "dream".It is as well imposed upon the body of the human race so to provide a unmistakable influence.The influence as the film provides such a witness has a goal of influence pure and simple this film is merely more of the same as the same has meant since as it were its inception.It is its invention that is at the source of this worlds ability to influence anything with merely more of the same being all that the viewer will ever be looking at.The inventor as well as the inventors many inventions are all patented and do it is believed remain so.There were some 700 separate inventions with which this unwholesome day in this world occurred when one Nicola Tesla discovered how to bind energy across wide open space many many miles from nowhere including even deepest darkest space.This is the field of regard it is as well the ability to network with many disparaging elements so to influence even say Adolf Hitler(I kid you not).Though 1920 is the year of radio's invention and 1921 the year Berlin radio started to broadcast it was a good time before this point in time that Tesla's inventions and subsequent patents were in place.The better premise would be to know through Tesla's own words as to what capacity does what he invented provide and without to much trouble Tesla's's own misgivings provide for the very problem of being under the influence of a lie.Though this lie was not meant to interfere with the human race that is exactly what has occurred.The money men of Teslas's own day are at the root cause as to the necessity to influence anything outside of an antenna.They remain as perhaps a cog in the wheel that very nearly saw to its conclusion not to long ago.This wasn't Tesla's design this was there influence on his attempt to bind energy that it was not to be unless of course they could extract a measure if you will of revenge upon humanity.This is the masquerade that there is a profit motive in this foreign power as well as an aggression not to be deterred in its inability to be regulated properly.This is an imperfect science which has meted out suffering through this field of regard.(network field)It is this thief in the night and it is as well the exploiter of human flesh that this film is providing the viewer with.This is what this film is up to and it has been such since it inception.
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Not to be Envied
21 November 2010
I had wondered if this was a title worth a mention or if in fact such considerations would be best left alone.Iam still uncertain as to its value, however it should not as a rule be left alone.There was a legitimate attempt in this film to most assuredly point out and perhaps exploit the Jewish citizenry of various polish communities which had been recently conquered by Nazi Germany.The history of such persons be they Jewish persons is a history that is not to be envied.This film has had that kind of an affect,as did world war 2.This film is generally considered a propaganda film and in a manner of speaking with its willful attempt to pick the Polish Jew for a consideration of sorts,it, that is this film qualifies as just such a film.The Jewish person is not seen as part of the main he is in fact not so and perhaps more alarming is that this allegation suggests that this is only part of his character.The deception of what is a Jewish person is depicted and his allegiance to a another,be the other a host nation like France,Poland,Spain,England and even Germany is challenged outright by the narrator and never is fidelity a worthy mention.It is claimed that the Jew is unfaithful but not to his own kind and there particular ways.This separation is expressed in the book of Moses as rates of interest,usury and related subject are to be excluded from there own kind but not so as to others.There is discussion of the banking family, the Rothchilds.It is suggested were sent out into the world(Frankfurt,Paris,London) to set up world banks so that the rudiments of a concerted effort is established as a means to influence,manage and ultimately provide domination. This exclusion even suggests that a honest days work is not the way of the Jew for his ability lies in the opportunity that the work of others provide for.(A Pofit Motive by any other name) There are very important elements in this Nazi Germany propaganda film that require that we know God and that we know history,Do so it is necessary.It helped a great deal to learn of the Feast of the Jewish holiday of Purim.It was referred to as a Feast of Revenge whereby a deception was accomplished which ultimately allowed the Jews of a Persian Ruler to defeat an attempt to annihilate the Jewish population.It is worthy knowledge and worthy is the time spent in understanding the objection to it.Nazi Germany was concerned with its own racial stock in its belief of the superiority of the Aryan Race and voiced concerns through its narration that the Jews were if you will scattered through out there journey as a wondering peoples.There is further objections expressed when in particular discussions point to the entertainment industry whereby the truth is willfully obfuscated as in a Peter Lorre film "M" and a subversive position is put forward.There was evidence of such undesirable influence whereby a particular performer was if you will unabashed in a particular role which by its look was outright perverse.Such revelry was thought by Nazi Germany to be without merit and unworthy.This was a referral to the character of a Jewish Man not to Nazi Germany.This grossness of conduct enters into many objectionable practices that grotesque like figures are highlighted. This film looks at the practice of Live stock slaughter and with out reservation you the viewer are warned more than once as to the brutality even extreme cruelty that is employed in the slaughter of Cows,Lambs and so on.There is issue made as to Nazi German attempts to make illegal such practices as being amongst other things unclean,brutal even without care for the animal.The Jew is depicted as cunning and most assuredly without care perhaps even indifferent to the reported suffering.This particular practice is thought to have as its origin in the old testament,indeed if that is true then these who were talked of were without Christ.They were sometimes called Christ Killers.There is indeed more here with Nazi German Dictator Adolf Hitler speaking with some extreme rhetoric nearing the films end perhaps such an extreme position should be more and even more so looked at as this was not an idle time and there is much more to talk about.This film was interesting.
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A Happy Time
13 November 2009
There was a time ago that this child here now providing this comment watched the respected opening moments of Victory at Sea while in front of the RCA Television.The Waves of the North Atlantic were a distant but nevertheless foreboding time that the stirring Richard Rodgers score brought to bear but distant and most certainly a time ago was long ago for this child here now.I knew then and though not always entirely cognitive I was aware of this time of this time ago it was far away this time ago and it was as it in fact is of a time past and it was of a time ago.I could recall that World War II seemed of such a long time ago and it was of such a foreboding distance from this child in front of the RCA television that for what it is worth its foreboding bearing ceased not and for more than now some 25 years the great World War II has leant such a deeply etched impression that its effect lingers still and perhaps still means more than anything since then.It is with deep care that this resolve has not gone without notice as this event in time has provided a witness the world over to its occurrence and there is so much available that the need to know will not go unquenched and questions and inquiries can be dealt with unflinchingly.This particular film is merely a film and one whereby the state is the artist and the artist is the state.It,That is the Rise of Nazi Germany took over all control of anything not what it was and whatever that was not to the liking to Nazi Germany was labeled something as more than merely unliked but degenerate and perhaps not so important but compelling none the less undesirable.Though most certainly a fringe party The National Socialist seemed to take advantage of opportunity if only marginally and move steadily from marginal,less than 4% of the electorate in 1928 Germany to nearly 29% in 1929.The party promises provided by Adolf Hitler allowed many to look toward the Nazi party as a way out of this terrible prospect of many years of decreased opportunity and increased inflation with unemployment to grow to some 6.5 million.This film is an excellent reference for the kind of inspiring conversation that Adolf Hitler provided in his attempt to circumvent the obstacles caused by what he attempted to resolve as a Leader and perhaps The Furher of Nazi Germany.Were his arguments fallacious ? I'am not able to dismiss his contention of this financial hell that has many leaks as to how why and so on that a profit motive and the apparent exploitation of humanity were one of the underpinnings as to the suffering that many not only Germany felt.the failure of the league of Nations,the failure further of appeasement with a terribly uneven and unfaithful world community that such division was more of an opportunity than a limit to Germanies future.The Triumph of The Will shows with skill the effect of what Adolf Hitler wished for Germany as one people.It was equally inspiring to see that what one felt all felt and it was as one Gemany all felt as one German people could share in one feeling for all of Germany.This was quite excellent it was equally excellent to see the common worker seem so in charge that that privilege was not lost on a time ago.There was credible evidence that perhaps maybe this marginal position would not be so damned ? The black cloud indeed is of a time ago and indeed a time ago knows that that black cloud does not abate merely because all of these dead characters are indeed gone for good.I am not willing to dismiss the appearance of this legitimate attempt to make good on promises however it is terrifying to realize what was unfolding as all participated as good German citizens.This film was nearer an inspiration than not and what was expressed was not without merit,I would suggest Good Cause was something that came to mind as I listened and learned.A time ago should not go without a most definite word of caution know your subject matter and know it well.
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Frostbite (2005 Video)
Motion Picture Association of America
28 March 2009
The Motion Picture Association of America has seen fit to advise potential viewers and this is particularly useful to parents and guardians that this film which is hereby titled "Frostbite" is given a "R" rating.The "R" rating has specific information which allows any person who not knowing anything about a film to know something about what this film provides.The "R" was instituted for Sexual Content including Nudity and Perverse dialog,language, crude sense of humor and drug use.There is no reward in viewing such a film though it would be useful to know if this could be removed as a possibility at all I would as this reviewer remove such a possibility.This is a film whereby merely a 1 was not the equal to a number as it did not qualify as a film to be counted,in fact such as this purpose is with this film so should such a purpose be with this films place at all.This is a unwholesome and undesirable offerring that should of been given a much stricter interpretation because at no point is conduct or language suitable for viewing and this kind of film may wish for a Blacklist rather than a stricter definition as to its content.It is suggested hereby that the stricter definition would allow,it is hereby put forth a criminal charge.It may any way irregardless of its rating.This is a unsavory world which would damage any persons viewing this film as its purpose is to commit an offense.It is an offense and it is offensive in its purpose.There is no sense of humor in the film but a depraved and indifferent purpose as to its undesirable underpinning.Without reservation this is a do not see list and perhaps not entirely necessary to say to any adults considering but to any whose interests concern the environment to which there children grow up in,do not allow nor provide any young person the viewing of this film it is unfriendly.Society often sends the wrong message when these kinds of problems are in the public domain let this not be one of those times.
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