
14 Reviews
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Kevin Costner....
27 June 2004
I can't help but love this movie. When watching this movie, I felt as if I was right inside with the people and it was real life. All the emotions that Kevin's character goes through shows this sensitive side of him that is not always shown in his movies. I cried for his loss and cheered him on in finding another person to understand and love him for who he is. The depth of this film made me want to be in love and to share that experience with someone.
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Rock My World (2002)
Exactly where was this hiding???
19 June 2004
This movie was a complete surprise! Today I am finding nothing on TV and this movie shows up and it was actually funny! Love Peter O'Toole!! This movie is filled with an interesting chemistry between the actors. Alicia Silverstone in a rocker-chick mode is quite refreshing b'c she isn't playing a dizzy blonde for once. If this was a true rock band, I'd be standing in line waiting to get their CD and to see them in concert. Love the music.
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Rock Star (2001)
19 June 2004
This was an interesting movie. I could have done without the bathroom scene and the seduction scene - EWWWW! Other than that, I loved the head-banging music this movie revolved around. Chris/Izzy's parents are AWESOME! They totally support their sons interests and believe in him enough to support him - now that is AWESOME!! What really surprised me was the Chris's realization at the end. It was not quite the "hollywood" ending on his road to self discovery. The overall rise to stardom and the fall of it was quite a roller- coaster ride.
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What a Trip!
19 June 2004
This remake of a movie is funny! Steve and Goldie are a great on screen couple! They bounce off each other with their comedic timings. The antics that come about are hysterical! I love the car scene with the map - that could happen to anyone and I fear that it would happen to me one day if I rent a car like that! Let's not forget John Cleese! LOVE him! He is quite the "gay" man in this film - what an uproar he makes!!! His scene in the guest room with the fur coat and the high heals - makes you wonder how long it took him to learn how to walk let alone dance. This movie is a GREAT remake. I thought the first one was a little strained but this version is RIGHT ON THE MONEY!
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13 June 2004
I saw this movie when I was in my teenage years (1986). Although I had not personally been through any riveting circumstances in my personal life to relate the emotions of this cast, I have to say this movie was the first movie to make me fall in love with Shirley MacClain. I loved the turmoil between her and Debra's character. I cried, I laughed and I was entranced throughout this movie. Whenever I see this movie, I am always prepared with a box of tissues and a box of chocolates to comfort me. I loved this movie when I was 16 and I love even still at 32....
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Charms for the Easy Life (2002 TV Movie)
12 June 2004
This movie was delightful and full of great actresses. Gena Rowlands is always a class act and this role as a Doctor was perfect for her. These 3 generations of women conquer all that life deals them with grace, style and poise. The story was great. I would like to buy this on DVD if it becomes available. The lives these women lead which revolves around the men that have done terrible things to them and how they deal with it is amazing. I would watch this movie a dozen times if I had access to it. It's great to see women in such important roles.
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10 June 2004
This movie takes you by surprise from the minute it begins. The cast is filled with many beautiful and brilliant actors. There is never a dull moment in this movie, it makes you question your relationships and how to make them better without being "Hollywood". Sean Connery is certainly a stand out in this movie as well as Gena Rowlands who by far is an extraordinary actress with many dimensions to her. Angelina Jolie and Ryan Phillipee are sweet and tender in this can make you cry at the emotions that come out of them.
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Who doesn't love Mel...
29 May 2004
Mel Gibson is funny, adorable, loving, and full of comedy in this movie. No one else could have pulled off this movie with such character as him. He is one of a kind, he really learns what women want by having a strange accident...although it takes him a while to make his intentions good, he is quite the funny man in this movie. He really keeps Helen Hunt on her toes, and gains the respect of some of the women in the office with "love troubles", he also gains the respect of his daughter - whom is teenager. Oh, lets not forget all the women who made it possible for Mel to do this movie...I love him no matter what movie he is in...He is one of a kind!
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24 May 2004
This movie is a typical "teen" movie with a small twist of having diverse cultures that plays an important part in the movie. The Indian culture seems to interfere with Jess's dreams of playing football (soccer in US). She does not want to upset the family but she doesn't want to miss out on her chance either. Her family wants her to be something she isn't....

The coach "Joe" is a cutie. I do not know where people get their information on how he looks like a young Tom Cruise when he really looks like a young, young Elvis Presley. He has the eyes of Elvis and could pass for Lisa Marie's younger brother.....
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23 May 2004
This movie is funny, cute, light-hearted, serious all rolled into one movie.

Diane gives her all in the movie, she unleashes all the insane things women go through in life. Her story is fascinating. Jack Nicholson is of course his usual "swaggering" self in this movie. He gives us his normal antics throughout the movie. His "heart-attacks" are priceless. You can't help but love him! Keanu, he is incredible in this movie. He is sincere, intelligent and magical. Amanda Peet, is over the top as in most of her roles. Overall this movie was excellent!
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Finding Nemo (2003)
23 May 2004
I loved this movie! This movie was loving, warm-hearted, tender and fun all wrapped into one great movie. There are too many characters to choose from to be my favorite but here they are:

Dory is the cutest, sweetest, enchanting character. You love her from the word hello!

Who doesn't love Crush? Whoooaaa Dude! Brings back memories of Keanu's early days ;-)

Oh and the fish tank crew, they are the best friends any clown fish could have... Brad Garrett has got to be the best "worry wart" in the bunch - you gotta love 'em! Last but not least, MINE!, MINE!, MINE!, MINE!, MINE!, MINE!, MINE!, MINE!, MINE!, MINE! They steal the scenes - I LOVE THOSE BIRDS!!!!
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Hope Floats (1998)
It Does Float!
23 May 2004
This movie gives you a story of hope. A young woman finds out on TV the truth about her husband and moves back to her home town, where she was once the Queen of nice and popularity. Her Mother (Gena Rowlands) is a sassy woman that tries to teach Birdee what life is really about. Bernice, Birdee's daughter gives her things to think about herself and is wise beyond her years in this film...Harry Connick Jr is of course nice to look at in this movie and fortunately he is not just "eye-candy", he holds his own in this movie with this sensitivity and emotional confessions to Birdee. He helps Birdee to find what love and life are all about...

I watched this movie so many times that my tape became garbage - thank god for DVD!!!
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Testament (1983)
Wake Up Call
23 May 2004
I have not seen this movie in its entirety. I missed the first half leading up to how the attack occurred. I watched it on a Sunday morning before church and at the time, I didn't know it was a nuclear attack, I thought for sure it was about the "Revolution" of Heaven and Jesus coming to get us, so that alone made me really scared. It made me think about my life and how I would want to live me last hours if a Nuclear attack happened.

This movie was powerful beyond words. You feel all the emotions the characters are going through and I felt almost too scared to finish watching....
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WiseGirls (2002)
Very Good Surprise!
27 March 2004
This movie totally kept me in suspense the entire time! I didn't even realize I cried at the end of the movie when they met for their birthdays - TEAR! When this movie was being made, of course there were rumors of "cat-fights" between Mariah Carey and Mira. I didn't see any animosity between them - like "behind" the scenes - which as really good. The other fact that Mariah didn't try to steal the movie or be a "diva" during the movie - I don't want to mention Glitter but this movie was MUCH better than that movie!!! What really got me into tears was the meat factory - I cried for her, I felt her pain and anguish. Mira facial expressions made you feel all the pain her character went through and you could feel that she had met good friends and you believed they would be friends forever..This movie was excellent!
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