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Snowfall: The Struggle (2023)
Season 6, Episode 10
Don't's awful!
10 May 2024
This is the worst series finale ever! For 6 seasons I loved this show. The characters stayed themselves and the storyline was great. The last 2 episodes were boring and ridiculous. Franklin never drank or did drugs and was always all business then the last episode he's crazy , a drunk and evil by shooting innocent people and strangling his makes no sense!

Then Leon should have left and gone with his wife to Africa..why didn't he go and stop the drugs. That makes zero sense! The mom is annoying and should have not been in this episode or the prior episode at all. Just stop watching this series after Jerome and Kane shoot it out..ugh!
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Absolutely awful
20 January 2024
How can a Disney show be so bad! Not only is every episode painful and slow but irritating and annoying. The acting is so bad by the main 3 actors that they should have cast older kids..maybe 15 or 16...these child actors are awful!! Every guest star is so over the top that it's like even decent actors are annoying and cheesy. This particular episode is very irritating with barely anything happening and a lot of talking and repeating themselves over and over again. I'm not sure how the director and producers watch the dailies and thought this was good?? Or even watchable??? It's not! My daughter is bored of it thankfully.
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10 January 2024
This episode and series is unbelievably annoying and irritating. Not one character is likeable. The way everyone talks soooo slowwww! Every show needs different speech patterns and tones but not this show everyone talks monotone then yells. Everyone is slow and boring and doesn't smile or laugh just sad slow talking. The sets and scenes all go on for way too long and somethings are figured out so quickly and others just drag on and on. Disney Plus needs some new show creators and actors and directors...the need to get back to fun shows with kids that are funny and charming is desperate. This show is sad and boring.
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Julia: Shrimp and Grits (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
Irritating and unlikeable
16 December 2023
The first season was so fun and enjoyable. Every episode actually coincided with her recipes. The characters were interesting and played a part. Season 2 is like a million different stories and each character is annoying and over the top. Julia is crabby and kind of mean. Alice and the new woman director aren't making a good show...and Julia's husband has far too big of a role. I absolutely loved him as Niles on Frazier but the constant talk between the two of them about being so in love and romantic is awkward and annoying. This whole season is just off. And I couldn't tell you one memorable episode or story..ugh!
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So bad...someone should have stopped this!
7 December 2023
The casting in this movie is good for the bad guys but terrible for everyone else! Why would a 5 foot tall redhead man have a six foot tall brunette daughter who looks absolutely nothing like him? What is the deal with the man child with the mustache and can fly a airplane but Indy yells to get the kid out of danger?? Is he a man or a kid? If he's a kid why did they have him grow a mustache and look like he's 25?

The beginning is ridiculous with the unbelievable it's like a Marvel film. The middle is boring and seems more like a grumpy Clint Eastwood movie then Indiana Jones. And the ending seems like they tested a bunch of endings and someone finally said just pick this stupid one.

This movie is so bad that honestly an hour of it could be cut out and you could not tell the difference. Really sad! Raiders of the Lost Ark is so good! This is so so bad!
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Horribly boring and stupid
23 November 2023
Who edited this awful show?!?! It is absolutely boring and dreary. It has nothing to do with James Bond and Brian Cox really has nothing to do with the show but voice over boring questions and answers. Why isn't everyone getting the same questions? Why not race everyone at once. What do these questions have to do with Bond?? Why is pulling a suit case out of the water interesting??

I have no idea how this show made it to Prime with so many episodes??? The first episode is almost impossible to get through it is so boring...not sure why they didn't edit atleast the first one to be exciting...but NO! Pass on this!!!
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The worst casting- zero fun
21 October 2023
The casting is so bad my daughter was bored with these 50 year old actors in 10 minutes. Where are the kids? Where is the fun? A bunch of old boring adults acting frantic and fake scared for 2 hours. The story is nothing. It's so dark most of the movie it made me tired.

With movies like Descendants and Zombies being so popular for Disney why make a long dark no kid no music 🎶 no fun movie. Ben, the main character is depressed because his wife died...what a horrible main character for a kids Disney movie. He's drunk at the beginning ...really that's what they think kids want to see?

Little Mermaid was boring and terribly this movie is boring and terribly cast. Disney needs to clear out their film staff and start over with some people who know what kids like and what a Disney movie is supposed to be...FUN!
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Creed III (2023)
Absolutely awful
19 June 2023
Sad to see anything Rocky be this stupid, boring and unnecessary. The story is moronic and I have no idea how the huge gaping holes and ridiculous dialogue actually made it to the screen. The idea that an Ex Con could walk out of prison in his late 30s and suddenly challenge the champ because his criminal friend smashed the other huge boxers hand. The entire scenario is so stupid it is hard to keep watching. There also is no B story or side characters..barely anyone in the movie. Every scene is Creed! Creed talking to his wife, talking to Dame, talking to his mom..etc. We started laughing at how bad it is. Save your 2 hours and literally watch any of the Rocky movies ..this franchise is awful.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
29 April 2023
This show is so boring!! The hodgepodge of one tone boring acting is enough to put you to sleep. Keri Russell is dirty with no makeup on and oily hair but somehow irresistible to men??? There is literally no story line and nothing happens...every episode! How is this rated an 8!!??

It's also very cheesy with the secret relationship of 2 adult people that have zero chemistry and no interest to anyone...who cares!

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone! I may be done with IMDb and their fake high ratings on Netflix and HBO shows. This one is a 3 at best and probably wouldn't have been interesting as a 2 hour movie let alone an entire series!
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Next in Fashion (2020–2023)
Season 1 an 8. Season 2 is a 1. Awful
26 March 2023
Season one is actual designers with their own lines. Veteran designers. Season 2 is the worst hodgepodge group of misfits who wouldn't get a job designing for Wet Seal and have zero talent. The judges and contestants cry the entire season. It is moronic! This season is worse than the last season of Project Runway that killed that franchise with all their terrible clothes and lame challenges. I cannot believe how quickly this show went from Good to Awful! And Gigi is absolutely horrible...what happened to the original host. Also the guest judge who raves about men in a wedding dress...ugh...that's been done like a million times.
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Accused (2023– )
Not good!
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Shield is my favorite show and I watch anything with Michael Chiklis but this was awful. The story is about his rotten high school son who has always been terrible and mean. There is no mystery and no surprise. It's an hour of a horrible son being mean to other students and his family. It wasn't enjoyable to watch and it wasn't a mystery. There was no evidence or was a sad story and a brilliant surgeon is easily pushed around and manipulated by his psychotic son. Hennessy plays a weak sappy crying mother who acts like a frantic weeping moron the entire show. I have lost faith in network television being able to produce a good show. Sad! I won't be watching anymore of these.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Terrible terrible casting
1 January 2023
The cast is supposed to be a close knit group of friends who all hung out at a bar together. Unfortunately the cast has zero chemistry and they are ages 53 to 38. If you in your 20s and 30s hanging out in a bar you group with people you have things in common with...age, jobs, hometown, college...something but none of these people have any reason to be friends. Kate Hudson is not and would never be a super model..literally why didn't they cast a real model..Giselle, Tyra Banks, Christy Turlington..anyone that is tall and gorgeous. Why isn't Hahn dressed like a successful high powered politician. She looks like a middle aged mom. The main girl is so miscast! It should have been someone not that pretty but brilliant and in her late 40s or 50s as the leader of the group. The mystery isn't really a mystery and it gets really boring fast. If this is what Daniel Craig left Bond for he should go beg for them to bring him back. This is really really bad!
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Yellowstone: The Dream Is Not Me (2022)
Season 5, Episode 7
I'm done..this is awful
30 December 2022
There are shows my husband and I watch together like Succession, White Lotus and Yellowstone unfortunately I cannot handle another minute of this boring ridiculous crap. This show is so awful now I don't know how it still has any ratings or sponsors. Beth is ridiculous with her crying and fighting. Too much Rip!! John Dutton has done nothing for Montana as Governor..where's his secret service protection?? Why does he not have to meet with the state politicians regarding legislation? Why is Jamie turning into a cartoon character villain with jet black hair and an evil giggle. What happened to his baby and girlfriend?? Why is Casey so boring and why is his wife even more annoying this season? Why has Piper Perabo continued to look dirty for an entire season? Why is her face still puffy and red but Beth is back to old wounds from her bombing?

This show is awful!! No more for me. The Masked Singer is more enjoyable.
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Emily in Paris: Charade (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
So lame
30 December 2022
This season was really cheesy and boring. It was all about the girls and their men not about their lives and Paris. Emily started to get super annoying, there was way too much Madeline and everybody else is madly in love one minute then madly in love with someone else. And the clothing is so ridiculous this season it's more of a joke then a fashion statement. She needs to get back to being cool and trendy like Carrie Bradshaw and not ridiculous like Hannah Montana.

The ending is stupid. Camille is giggling and excited to get married then says this long stupid speech then runs off after having been having an affair and we're supposed to be happy or sad?? I kinda don't care about her or Gabriel and Emily's love triangle anymore. Then the last line of the show makes zero sense...they honestly should have let Camille go off the show..she's boring now.

Not sure I will watch a season's really not that enjoyable anymore.
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"House of Drag On and On"
26 September 2022
Honestly how many scenes of women giving birth do we have to sit through. I don't need any let alone 2 in one episode. We see some new people who they decided to switch to adult women but the men stayed the same? And the king just got less wig hair and more white powder and Matt Smith didn't age at all! This show is honestly awful in every aspect. Acting bad. Photography and lighting bad. Costumes awful. Hair and makeup awful! Story boring. Characters boring and creepy and dull. This show is an embarrassment to GOT!

This is the House of Drag On and On!

HBO better get some new show ideas because this is as bad as the Sex and the City reboot that was horrible and season 2 of Big little lies.
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House of the Dragon: We Light the Way (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Boring trash
21 September 2022
This show is boring like Days of our Lives but unattractive people in ugly clothes. Every great Story has a good guy and a villain...this show has a cast of middle of the road boring dull unlikeable men and women who could all be eaten in a sweeping dragon dinner and the show would still be boring!

Succession shows how you do Succession. This is awful and boring! The main ideas of this show is's like Downton Abbey in the even older days!

The casting of this series is horrible! Matt Smith is terribly miscast. He should be good looking and sexy and irresistible...he's creepy and dull instead Time to bring John Snow in a time machine to episode 6!!
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House of the Dragon: King of the Narrow Sea (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst piece of trash I have seen on HBO. How embarrassing for them. I also feel conned by HBO to keep my subscription thinking I didnt want to miss the next GOT series. This has absolutely nothing to do with GOT. The cast is low budget, the wardrobe looks like Goodwill Renaissance Fair donations. The sets are boring dark unlit rooms, and the hair and makeup is laughable. Suddenly this episode is all about a gross orgy room that the princess is turned on by...gross. She would race home and take a shower not want to hook up with knight. So so stupid! The script and story is so boring I can't even fathom how it made it to television. No one said.."this is terrible!" It's terrible. Someone let me know if it suddenly gets better.... I am done.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
House of Drag On and On
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I want my money back for my subscription to HBO MAX for this terrible bait and switch show. It has nothing to do with GOT! This show is dark, boring, low budget trash. The characters are pathetic and boring. The story is non existent. For 4 episodes we have jumped 4 or 5 years and nothing still is happening. The princess is unattractive and unlikeable. Matt Smith is acting the same as he was in The Crown. Boring!!! Then last night the episode is entirely about sex. Who cares! I need wars! Evil Queens! Shocking weddings, revenge! The final scene last night was the princess upset by her cup of tea. Seriously! That was honestly the end of the episode. It's truly worse than any Days of our Lives episode. If I were the producers of GOT I would demand they stop selling this piece of crap as a prequel. HBO should refund everyone single dollar of subscription fees this month.
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House of the Dragon: Second of His Name (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Who is the villain? So boring! The cast is awful!!
6 September 2022
I don't like anyone in this show. The casting is awful. Is Matt Smith bad or good? Who cares..he's so boring if he died no one would care. If the king dies no one would care. The main actress is boring. Everyone is boring! The scenery is a bad Renaissance Fair set along with the cheesy costumes. Other than the opening credits this is more like The Crown than Game of Thrones. Especially with the random time's suddenly 3 or 4 years later but no one has aged but suddenly the king has a 2 year old. And the daughter is still pouting.!! This show is awful! It also seems to have no budget. I swear one of the daughters dresses looked like H&M. Ugh!
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Elvis (2022)
Ugh Tom Hanks
5 September 2022
For me Tom Hanks looked and sounded ridiculous. His makeup was absurd and his voice was irritating. Austin looked good and the wardrobe was ok but the movie was one long muddled weird music video. For some reason they portrayed Elvis as a whiny wimpy immature baby and that was not what I had heard he was like especially from my father who did a movie with him. This movie is really terrible. The entire first 20 minutes is a total waste of time. I think putting Tom Hanks in any role in any movie is just too hard to not just see Tom Hanks! And I was way done with this movie after an hour but for some reason it just kept going on and on. Ugh really terrible!
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Unwatchable with annoying guy in every scene!
13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many awful scenes it's hard to write a review. The guy wrote a terrible script all about him..pretending someone like Dakota Johnson would want to hook up with him after she had a miscarriage in a public bathroom...and wants to stare at him while they eat popsicles and giggle about depression. Absolutely awful. Probably one of the worst this year. Apple TV sucks. As soon as my free trial is up I'm done.
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Stillwater (2021)
Boring with NO likeable characters
1 August 2022
Matt Damon's clothes and Oklahoma accent are absurd. His daughter is not someone you root for and the French woman helping is obnoxious. This is a true story..possibly a documentary would be better but this is .terribly portrayed with every scene hard to care about the outcome. Hard Pass!
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WeCrashed (2022)
23 July 2022
There is no way anyone wants to spend their free time watching this awful show. The fake accents and voices are unbearable. This story does not need 8 hours to tell. They told it in an hour on American Greed. Apple TV churns out some really bad shows.
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The Northman (2022)
Seriously terrible
1 July 2022
The acting is ridiculous. The wigs are silly..I assume they all have wigs on because the high paid actors were only in this terrible movie when you saw them in a close up otherwise it was a double with the wig on. The fact that the Northman would allow woman and children to be murdered and burned makes him a very unlikeable character and pretty much ruined and chance of rooting for him.

This movie is awful. Nicole K must have really owed A. S a big favor to be in this movie even for just a few minutes.
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The Boys: Payback (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Disgusting just for shock
25 June 2022
I watched the first season and liked it..the 2nd was just ok and this one is just a bunch of gross death scenes. It's become disgusting with little storyline can we make this and still have stupid people watch. It's not even interesting or enjoyable. Done! Awful!
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