
14 Reviews
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Poor Things (2023)
"You don't know what bananas are... and yet you know what 'empirically' means"
1 March 2024
A lot of people seem to focus on the sex, the perv, the unethical, overlooking the Rosetta stone: Bella's analytical mind. Sex didn't save her, science did. Don't let sex distract you from the fact that she was approaching it empirically before, during and after. "You f-cked for money?" "And as an experiment." Now that's something you never see women do in movies.

Perhaps people can't relate to her because she's not messy. She doesn't struggle with hurt, insecurities and emotions like women in real life. She plots her course through patriarchy with considerable ease. She is as rational and undaunted as Snow White is fair and pure, and just as unattainable.

We could blame the OG author and director who are men, though in fact all the men in the film are portrayed as villains, conventionally vain and awful, an accomplice at best. But Bella has no enemies, she doesn't forsake anyone. This ain't a fairy tale, science is not magic, but those who relish science and empathy come out the other end.
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Haven't read the book, movie is decent
6 September 2022
I can see why critics call this a "drab" adaption, the story reads like Alfred Hitchcock but the movie reads like Nicolas Sparks. It's about 90% romance 10% mystery/thriller. Almost too Notebook-y/corny and somewhat predictable but enough mystery for me to finish. (Plus the mystery of figuring out if Kya looks more like Charlotte Gainsbourg or Holly Hunter) The editing feels rushed and choppy at times, the acting is mostly great although strained in some scenes. Considering all that is lost during the translation from book to script to screen, it's by no means a masterpiece, but still a decent movie and enough to make me want to read the book.
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Brave women, clusterf* series
2 September 2022
Very poorly made, not much more than a collage of articles, Wiki pages, IG and Tiktok content you've probably already seen. The sitdown interviews with Courtney and Casey are what makes this series worthwhile although they didn't really get into the graphic details, their courage is immeasurable. Another takeaway is the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster as told by Edward Epstein which deserves its own series. The Hammer dynasty tragedy is epic, the series is scant. If you do decide to watch it feel free to fast forward. Hoping for a better Hammer family series/movie and a better world for these survivors.
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To know this movie is to know pure cruelty and pure strength
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
*Graphic & Trigger warning* There's an old urban myth in China that says the best way to eat donkey meat, is to cut a piece of flesh off of a live donkey, allow the wound to heal, then cut off that freshly-grown tender flesh from the wound to enjoy. I was a child when I first heard of it and was petrified by the unimaginable cruelty, I haven't thought of it again until after seeing this movie. The donkey, also happens to be a symbol for willpower and determination. I have nothing but admiration for the filmmaker and the Bagbys, in fact I wish they were my own parents, and I wish one day I could make something as meaningful as this documentary.
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Sweet flatbreads: Licorice Pizza or Chocolate Matzah?*
10 April 2022
As the title Licorice Pizza suggests, the movie is: -weird and gross (and unethical, romance with a minor, seriously?? How many more white men are getting away with making movies like this? Sure, the real Gary Goetzman might've dated an adult when he was a teen in the 70s which was normal then, but can we stop romanticizing it please?)

-all hype and no substance, gets boring once the initial novelty wears off. It manages to keep you intrigued with all the celebs, and you wanna keep watching because it reminds you of Boogie Nights and Punch-Drunk Love and Dazed and Confused, and the debuting actors are refreshing and interesting (Cooper Hoffman is going places), but beautifully made as it is, the story is weak and uninspiring.

*In researching the movie I found that the Haim family is really colorful, with their dad being an immigrant/musician/soccer player, therefore I encourage PTA to make a Haim-inspired family drama comedy called Chocolate Matzah.
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The Dropout (2022)
Emotional acting, subpar writing
7 April 2022
More than anything this series is a validation of Amanda Seyfried's ability to act. From girl to villain, she managed to be visceral, unselfconscious, liberated and dorky, offering her full self to the screen.

In terms of the whole cast, the acting tends to be forced and stiff at times, however there were some very moving performances namely by Sam Waterson and Stephen Fry, and a fun monologue by LisaGay Hamilton.

Like its title The Dropout, the writing feels vague, diluted and not fully fleshed out. It doesn't offer much insight to the science or technology that quenches your thirst for education, or the conmanship and mastery that boggles your mind and curdles your blood, and only just a glimpse into the controversial romance that made this story twice as epic as Wolf of Wallstreet.

The episode that stands out for me is Old White Men, it's whimsical, heartfelt, and a little bit sad.
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Without Ward (2022)
The making of the film is more film-worthy
28 March 2022
I was really touched by the story behind this film, how it took 15 years to complete, how it all started when the director was on the verge of suicide himself and stumbled upon an obituary of his high school peer who committed suicide, "I had to make some art out of this. Something positive that is all about connection."

However, the reality of the film doesn't live up to its epic sci-fi premise or enlightening moral. It's a poorly-made grotesque Noah Baumbach family drama with a cool indie sound track. It's missing the anguish and pain of being disconnected and the desperate yearning for connection. I'd say Martin Landau's beautiful speech in the teaser is all you really need to see.

It reminds me of Terry Gilliam and his Don Quixote, where his filmmaking journey is more interesting than the finished product.
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Mork & Mindy (1978–1982)
Season 4 had so much potential
18 March 2022
A victim of "time slots", it's appalling to audiences of the streaming age that a show this funny could be cancelled after just 4 seasons.

While Robin William was consistently hysterical through out, I consider season 1 and 4 hits, seasons 2 and 3 misses. New characters were introduced after the initial season, but they bring very little to the show and seem unnatural and contrive. The ambiguous relationship development between M & M was also awkward at times.

Now season 4, as an attempt to save the show, they took a big leap and brought Jonathan Winters. The show now has not one but two comedy legends! They also brought the focus back on what it means to be Orkan among humans. Season 4 is sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, with Winters' character, the possibilities are endless. The beloved Harvey Lembeck, "Rocco" from Sgt. Bilko, was even becoming a regular. I can only imagine what other TV veterans Season 4 could have brought back onto center stage.
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Amazing story okay movie
18 March 2022
For those who think Sarma had to be either stupid, crazy or evil to have been brainwashed enough to believe in Anthony, I implore you to consider the cases of Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby and Woody Allen. The evidence of their crimes is so obvious, and yet many people continue to defend and support them. Sink cost fallacy at its best, it's so hard to accept that someone you've grown to love isn't what they seem to be. People who've been in toxic relationships will understand how much courage it takes just to face the truth.

Another great lesson here, as I've also heard from other people who do online dating: don't go back and forth too much before you meet in person. Too much texting without meeting could build up an unrealistic image of the other person. If Sarma had met Shane in person sooner, she probably wouldn't have ignored the "doesn't look like profile pic" red flag and many others that follow. Sarma's story is really a textbook example on dating and financing mistakes.

The show itself runs long and repetitive, too many texts, emails and audio recordings, and people saying "It's all very mysterious" "I don't know what/who/where...". Overall just too much fiction aka stuff Strangis made up, and not enough facts about him. Only one or two of his associates were interviewed. However there are a few colorful characters that kept the show interesting.
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Makes you think if Jodo couldn't had just curbed his enthusiasm a little bit...
13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So apparently it was never made because they couldn't get the 5 million dollars they need from studios to reach the 15 million dollar budget. Considering that both Star Wars and Alien had a 11 million dollar budget, they could've made this movie, if only... they borrowed money from everyone? Split it into a two part film, release the first half then get the money to film part 2? Convince some of these mega stars to work for free as a favor? Or just don't use mega stars? (Because who doesn't have the fantasy of having all your idols in one film? But tbh we would have loved the film just for the visual designs alone. And that's what Jodo did later anyways, he made it into comics.) I'm mad that the movie never got made, but I'm also mad that Jodo couldn't just budge a little so we get to see his masterpiece.
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Another terrible middle age man extra marital affair movie
2 August 2020
The movie was only funny for the first 30 mins with the mixed up. Way too long and predictable, only about 10 mins worth of story stretched into almost 2 hours.
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The Castle (1997)
Overrated, over-narrated, unexciting
26 July 2020
I was drawn in by the quirky characters and cute 90s decor. The premise of the story wasn't bad, man refusing to sell his home: I can picture an over the top, surreal comedy with Jack Lemmon in his bathrobe chasing off the construction people. However this movie took no directions like that. No melodrama, no rage, no tears. I got bored about half way through waiting for something to happen, and was disappointed up till the very end. The narration just made it even more mundane. I have no idea how this film got a 7.7 rating, I found it neither entertaining nor inspiring.
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Chasing Amy (1997)
What a let down
22 July 2020
Came here excitedly after enjoying every minute of Clerks 1994 only to find a melodramatic cheap CVS romance novel equivalent. I felt as if I've wandered into a comic nerd's existential wet dream. "Amy"'s undertrained strangulated voice made the experience even more unbearable. I'm giving it two stars for the crisp $100 bill puzzle which I actually enjoyed.
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Miserable and depressing film, do not let your daughters watch it
13 July 2020
Any self-respecting woman would despise this film. It makes me angrier and angrier as the film progresses and the heroine became more and more of a victim. It's even more heartbreaking that this is the true story of Penelope Mortimer, who was sexually abused as a teenager then went on to have dysfunctional relationships. Any showing of this film needs to be followed by a crashcourse on women's mental health and reproductive health.
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