
50 Reviews
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Barbarians (2020–2022)
Great potential
26 December 2020
I have been trying as much as possible to avoid all TV shows of late (and sticking to anime and manga) due to all the lazy and boring writing. its just too much irritation to invest your time into a series only to find out that it is trashy.

However I decided to give this show a chance and even though it starts out a bit flat, it continued to grow. A lot of work is also put into the show in terms of costume, original language and scenes. Characters evoke and grow, they are also strong individually, making them very interesting.

If there is a season 2 and the writers keep improving their game, this series is going to be one of the best. My advice is you give it at least up episode 3 before you drop it, as the thin plot star to become a bit meaty starting episode 4.
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Loses quality fast
30 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show has one of the best openings to a series I have ever seen, episode one was the best in a long time. The second and third episode was also very good. However by episode 4 through to 6 most of the excitement was gone. The plot becomes stale, predictable and unrealistic and characters lose their quality.

Also the writers didn't even bother to explain some part of the plot the were inconsistent. For example why didn't Beth visit Mr. Shaible even once after she left the orphanage, but we are supposed to feel sorry and sad with her when she cries in the car after discovering their old photo. All this after she had shamefully mocked him that she still owed him money, the same money he generously Lent her to start her big career in chess.

Also why did Jolene have to come out and sacrifice to help the main character after Beth did not even once bother to get in touch with her after all these years?

This whole show is like a train wreck. Everything thing started out great then went downhill fast. The plot becomes weak and the main character also becomes weak and gets things handed down to her without even deserving it.

I think most of the ratings and reviews here are forgiving because of the massive impact the opening episodes had. If you are thinking of giving this show a shot, go ahead. However, it goes downhill after episode 3.
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Gomorrah (2014–2021)
What is this, seriously?
30 November 2020
I went into this show expecting a fun experience, due to the high ratings and all the glowing reviews. However my expectations was ruined after just 20 minutes in.

There in nothing in this show to keep you entertained, rather you are forced through a lifeless series where nothing of note happens. There are only lengthy scenes of boring pointless dialogue coupled with an emotional rollercoaster.

Don't be fooled by the high ratings or all the glowing reviews, just stay away from this mess of a show if you want to keep your sanity.
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
Grows on you if you give it a chance
17 September 2020
This series sheds any extra baggage and delivers it's primary objective, which is to entertain. It simply just gets to the point.

The plot is simple and linear but doesn't devalue the show in any way. The acting isn't so bad and the humor/ action makes up for that.

If you can get past a few annoying teenage tantrums from the lead actor in the early parts of the show, and watch it further then you begin to enjoy it. Please give it a chance.
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Creepshow (2019– )
The creep is back
25 May 2020
I don't know how I can forgive myself for missing this show, especially being a fan of the classic horror movies. The short creep show movies were among them as well.

I like this types of shows because it can be taken lightly and enjoyed as a time passer. You don't have to think about it too much, you just go along with it. The plot is linear and straight forward too.

This show comes in short deliveries, and I edge you to just take it easy and enjoy the ride since it will be a time well spent.
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Raising Dion (2019–2022)
Don't bother giving it a chance
25 May 2020
The actors, writers and directors didn't seem to care or put much effort into this show's production.

This led to poor acting, clueless writing/directing and lots of plot holes. As the story progressed you keep getting more questions than answers.

The little bits of racial politics embedded in the show does it no good either. It instead slow down the momentum of plot and make characters shallow and one dimensional.

The most irritating part of it all is the dramatic plot twist that occurred getting close to the end of the show. It's like the lazy writers just put in characters to make them evil and kill them of later.

Don't even think about about giving this show a chance. You will just waste your time.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
This is what you should be watching
22 January 2020
I used one sitting to watch this entire series and I have to say it one of my best time spent at a series. It really deserves the 10/10.

This series is so well met that it does not carry any unwanted chaff or heavy baggage. The acting is good, the plot is solid moving from one sequence to another.

All major characters takes their role seriously and play it to the latter, unlike other silly series out there.

Season one was super. Although I know there are a few flaws here and there that would be worked on in season 2.

My advice is everyone give this slice of life show a chance and they would not regret time, energy and money spent watching.
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
30 June 2019
This show marvelously combines drama, mystery and thrill to produce a master piece. In this series, you get great acting, music and camera works. The plot is delivered in a manner in which the audience has to pay close attention to get exactly what is going on.

Another part of the story is its clues and puzzles are given piece by piece making its very expansive. The plot is also unpredictable which again adds to the thrill. So if you are interested in a series that makes you think, has great actors, is full of thrills and mystery then you should really check out this series.
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The Gifted (I) (2017–2019)
Decent for a marvel superheroe series
29 December 2018
I was generally surprised at the quality of this series owing to the fact that marvel has been producing a lot of garbage superhero series of late.

The plot and premise of this series was okay. The acting was also okay and while the pacing was also not bad, there quite a few boring moments. However that can be forgiven, when you compare this to the others marvel superhero series out there currently.

If you ask me, I would say this series has promise and you should give it a chance. You will definitely like it.
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Legacies (2018–2022)
The problem with this show
14 December 2018
I have seen quite a lot of negative reviews of this show and that is to be expected. Think about it, the main seies from which this show was derived from is "the originals" which was mainly aimed at adults or had lots of adult viewer. Then when a spin-off is made, it turns out to be a teen drama. Naturally, that would not really appeal to the adult viewers of its original material, so in the end you have very few people really interested in this show.

Mrs. Plec is a great writer with a wild imagination. A glimpse of that can be seen in this series with the introduction of new monsters and lore. That is the only aspect I like about her and this show and its why I am rating this a 5. But she got this one wrong.

As of now the acting and story in this series is weak, there is nothing interesting about the MC (Hope), and it contains lots of boring teen drama and bickering.

My advice, if you want to try this series because you are a fan of "the originals" you can go ahead and give it a try. But I don't think you would like it though.
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12 Monkeys (2015–2018)
What a boring flick
14 August 2018
Syfy is at it again with yet another tasteless show. This series lacks suspense, the story progressed so slow and the acting was weak.

I thought this syfy series was going to be different with the high rating and good reviews, but I guess it was too much to ask for.

Please skip this unless you want to wait for excitement that seem to be non existent, it has no depth or thrill.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Here's the deal, scheme through season 1
5 October 2017
From my title, this series is evolution personified. Season 1 was horrible so its not included in this review.

Once you get past season 1 you would be in for a treat. The series turns into a very taught provoking one.

From season 2 the story and its characters begins to mature into very genuine star act. Dull moments are less and everything moves very fast.

The suspense never dwindle and every event begins adding up making for a complete addicting and entertaining series.

Like I said before, if you are like me hate teen flicks just fast forward and endure most of season one, then prepare to be mesmerized from season 2 on-wards.
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American Gods (2017–2021)
What was the point here?
5 October 2017
How can anyone enjoy this, honestly how? I have been thinking about it ever since I forced myself through the first two episodes.

Nothing in this show makes sense, every scene, every dialogue, every action are all pointless and repetitive.

It lacks any coherent plot, making the whole series redundant. This makes the whole thing excruciating.

Before you even think of watching this show, imagine the most pointless, slow, repetitive and generic series you have ever seen.

That is what is provided here and my advice would be to keep away from this pointless flick.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
This is how to make drama properly and for adults of course
27 March 2017
I usually don't like any show with the genre drama as they tend to be always poorly written, very slow, usually includes some stupid teens, very dull, stupid, repetitive, drag on for ages and without any form of suspense.

I made an exception for the black sails and am glad I did because the show even though being a drama lacks any of the above negatives I mentioned.

This show also doesn't play on your emotions like some crappy, soapy, drama shows around. There is a great deal of character development and character dynamics, on top of that the plot and acting is also good.

You don't feel as if scenes are dragging at all, instead you rather immerse yourself deeper and deeper into the dramatic scenes. Another important aspect which is action is also well done. When action happens it happens big.

My advise this show is really great for a drama, it has all the elements from acting, action, plot to drama so you should definitely check it out. Also please bear with the first few episodes and you will be in for a ride. As the saying goes wine gets better with age and the black sails is comparative.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
This is just stupid
19 March 2017
So after crap producing marvel/Netflix alliance brought us the shitty daredevil, the soft porn called Jessica Jones and the dull dull dull Luke cage, they now produce this stupid series called iron fist.

I have not seen a single most boring show in my entire life like this. The first few minutes was okay but soon after it all degenerates into a drama feast where scenes drag on for ages.

The iron fist guy is also wimpy, it takes the last few seconds of episode two before he takes any action after crying through the entire episode 2. There are more negatives, but I don't have the time to bother with them.

Please don't watch this show unless you want to be dejected and bored like you have never been.
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Narcos (2015–2017)
A gem in a sea of crap.
10 October 2016
This series came at a time (in 2015-2016) when 99.999% of the series released were garbage. It surprised me a lot because I thought (2015-2016) was going to be the worst in TV series history.

This series keeps things unique, it uses Spanish or English where necessary. Acting from the main characters is great and believable. It doesn't drag its feet as if it were some soap (believe me I hate soap operas). There is some narration which is great and also doesn't disrupt the series at all.

So far the only problem I have seen the critics cry about is "wrong casting" and "ascent". If that is the only weak bad review they can make about this movie, then it shows you how good this show really is.

My advice is obvious, you should definitely check out this gem. The ratings don't lie like other trashes with high ratings.
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Its back and better
28 September 2016
This is what a horror movie should be like. In this sequel just like the part one, you are not forced to sit through boring scenes before things happen. Things kicks of right at the start of the movie, hell you are spooked even just three minutes in.

Another great feature about this movie is the sound and camera works. They are organized in such a way that they add to the entire creepiness of the movie.

So all in all if you are a fan of the first movie, you wouldn't be disappointed with this sequel because it is an improvement on the first. However, if you are new to this series then my advise is you see the first 'the conjuring' before you see this sequel.
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Preacher (2016–2019)
First episode excellent, the rests are just pointless trash.
12 September 2016
If episode one one of this show was a stand alone movie it would have deserved the 8.3 score it currently enjoys here. But come on, this is a TV series and for Christ sake.

After a great pilot, this series suddenly degrades in quality after every new episode. The plot becomes more and more disjointed with each release. The pacing also reduces significantly making it unbearable to watch. Each new release is also filed with boring pointless conversations which add nothing to the plot but bloat the movie to cover up for a lack of creativity (in fact you can fast forward between conversations and you wouldn't miss a thing).

Now add a disjointed plot + slow paced + boring pointless conversations and you are sure to to have one of the most dejecting movies of your life. That is what this series is all about.

My advice just watch season one episode 1 for fun. You can skip the rest of the episodes of the season. If you don't, then you are surely going to regret it.
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Bates Motel (2013–2017)
Trashy romance and teen drama disguised as a mystery thriller.
1 September 2016
When I look at the genre of this series on the main page, it says this series is a Drama | Horror | Mystery | Thriller. However it doesn't seem so at all. I think the proper genre for this should have been teen drama/ romance.

This series starts from episode 1 to 6 where the plot is set up in such a way that characters are placed in a state where romance becomes the main driving force of the series.

By episode 7 the story now turns into a stupid teen dude flick, ( as if teen chick flicks are not boring and agitating already). We are forced to endure the the dramatic love life of teens whom the writer has no business bringing their problems into this premise and genre.

Mind you, by this time (by episode 9) where the series is coming to a conclusion there is no solid horror, mystery or thrill tied into the plot. As a viewer with a good taste in TV shows you would feel extorted by this time if you invested your time in watching the series as far as episode 8. I think writers get away with this sort of crap because a section of viewers lacks the IQ to read between the lines when watching TV.

My advice, don't watch this show based on the premise or the genres listed for it because you would be disappointed. However you would enjoy it if you lack the mental fortitude to know this is just another trashy disguised of romantic teen drama series.
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Whose idea was this again?
19 August 2016
First they made the most boring TV show of all time (TWD), then they go and make a spin of with it thinking it was a smart move.

Lets be honest, the original (TWD) was already dull and boring. This spin of is a lot worse as in not only is it boring, it also lacks any real suspense. It is full of annoying characters who does things any rational person wouldn't do.

Even though I hated the original series I choose to watch this spin of anyway because I thought this may be a fresh start with a second opportunity for the main show to redeem itself, but boy was I wrong.

My advice, what ever you do please stay away from this tasteless show. If you want a spin of that is even better than its mother series you can always turn to ((((the originals))). I hated the vampire diaries but fell in love with (((((the originals))))))
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The Night Of (2016)
Awch my eyes, stupid camera works.
18 August 2016
Whiles watching this series, I asked myself whether if the camera crew themselves viewed it after production. If they did they would have found a way to spare the viewer eye straining punishing scenes. The series itself started out great with a magnificent pilot. Then in came the unnecessary zooms and extremely dumb blurring of backgrounds.

I felt the strain on my eye to focus on the screen every time there was a background blur. The blurring was so pointless that you think of what exactly the camera crew had in mind when they were filming. They blurred everything to the extent that even up close conversations were blurred out putting so much strain on your eyes.

It is a shame how a camera crew can ruin such a masterpiece. This series started out great but turned into crap at the beginning of episode two. I had to call it quits when a blur at season one episode two 16:19 gave me a head ache.

All in all this series is great if you do not mind eye straining back ground blurring of scenes or pointless zooming. But if you want to keep your eyesight to continue watching other quality series then I advise you stay away from this garbage until maybe they see the silliness in their camera works.
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
I would rather watch porn.
18 April 2016
There is a rumor going round that this show has high rating here like this because the ratings were paid for. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.I don't know about the paid raters but how can normal raters give this show even more than 2 stars. Some viewers (raters) are sooo tasteless.

This show lack taste, there is no thrill to it at all. It is build around several sex scenes. The plot is all messed up with high school writing. In summary, the whole thing is about the main char (a woman) meeting a guy and playing romance with him episode after episode. (In fact there was one episode which had about three sex scenes between this woman and her boyfriend). As if that is not enough we also have several sex scene between her best friend and her boyfriend.

The most annoying part of it all is after enduring an episode of a clueless 30 minutes plot and 10 minutes of sex scenes, you are served with the most agitating and boring action of modern day TV in the last 5 minutes.

The creator of this show thinks all viewers are dumb and don't think when they watch movies. My advice stay away from this unless you want a show which is unintelligent, has a clueless plot, full of soft porn and all round lacking any thrill. Turn to ((((The Blacklist)))) if you haven't already.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Oh God too much drama and crying
4 March 2016
Lets make this short. This series started out a promising, then it degenerated into a drama feast. The drama got so heavy that i had to put my hand on the fast forward on the remote control continuously.

This series is so cheap that it even fails at being a soap opera (with shitty action scenes).

I thought this series was to be an action and adventure genre, the crying and emotional roller-coaster always got me cringing my teeth.

I rated this show high when the first episode came out, however I was totally disappointed when the other episodes came out.

Please if you want to keep your emotions intact stay away from crap like this.
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Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)
Oh God finally
29 December 2015
This show's release was a breath of fresh air to me. I am sure anyone who was also sick of the amount of annoying and lame horror series we have been getting of late also felt some sort of relief after hearing of this shows release.

I for one am a great fan of the classic horror movies and evil dead was one of them; it had everything you would expect from a horror movie. It even added humor as a bonus, something that is rare in horror movies.

This same classic gem has been resurrected, and it is still as colorful as ever. It has all the qualities from the original which makes t really memorable.

In conclusion this resurrection of ash vs evil dead is worth a watch. Whether you have already seen the original or not is of no consequence because this show delivers all kind of tastes in different flavors to keep you glued.

I would advise you to see the first two original movies before you start with this series, that way it would be more rewarding.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
shitty plot with lots of crappy acting
4 December 2015
I cant quite get it, Why the high ratings to so many mediocre series of late. This series is of the classic example of said mediocre series that has high ratings, 8.9 to be specific.

The key ingredients to make a good series/movie was completely messed up in this series.

Let us start first with acting. Over 90% of the cast sucked at acting, with the two lead supporting actors begin th worst of the bunch. The guy playing Foggy seems just plain onset and when he gives off any emotion, it gets even bad. The one playing Karen also doesn't belong here, she needs to be in one of those teen drama series which would suit her better. Then there is Fisk, what an atrocious voice he had, i mean why cant they let him speak normally. He sounded lame whenever he spoke. The one and only actor who was doing well was the one called Leland (when he came and freed us of the boring and shitty acting), yet they tried to kill him and leave some one like Karen's actor on. What stupid directing.

Then there is the crappy plot. The series lacks any form of direction, you don't exactly know where its call leading up to. Today is this another time that, then it goes back same way again, what a bore.

Its silly to waste anymore of my holiday time on this crap. My advice, don't be like me and let the ratings fool you. You are better of not wasting your time on this crap. If you want something more interesting, you can always turn to (((Gotham))).
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