
29 Reviews
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Naga (2023)
Interesting Satirical Thriller
4 April 2024
It seems from other reviews people totally missed the style and aesthetic of the film. This is a satire thriller. I saw this at TIFF and the director spoke about it's whimsical elements which are supposed to be part of the style. This is a Saudi version of films like After Hours and Good Time if you have seen those movies you will understand the style and tone of Naga. The film itself has a lot of metaphors the camels as revenge, Sarah herself was told she holds a grudge much in the same way. The symbolism of her drug induced state, free and released from the confines of the strict patriarchal society of Saudi Arabia in 1975. Film serves to show the two competing forces at work within Sarah.
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The Munsters (2022)
Such a disappointment
29 September 2022
It wasn't a good film. I don't know what was going on with Sheri's acting but it wasn't great, it felt super over the top. I get the Munsters originally was campy but this was just I don't know trying to hard to be cartoonish and silly? The whole romance story was lame to me. The script didn't seem that well written either. Daniel Roebuck was good as Grandpa, at least that was something. There was a few funny lines here and there. But overall it felt kind of like those low budget TV movies. The sets were pretty cool, and costumes were alright but the super saturated colour wasn't doing it for me. Maybe this would have worked better as a show?
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Amazing film about dark history of the residential school system
11 September 2022
I saw this movie at Tiff last night. Wow, what a truly moving, emotional master piece. From the acting to storytelling to how it was edited this film is truly impactful. It brings insights into the brutal, horrendous acts carried about by the church on innocent young indigenous children who were taken from their homes and places in the residential school system. A dark history in Canada that NEEDS to be told. The performances from Grace Dove was powerful. I encourage anyone to go out and see this film. It was a movie that needed to made with a story that not everyone knows about. I am excited to see what Marie Clements next ventures are.
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a Good time show
19 August 2022
It's funny, and light hearted. I don't see why people don't like it, that's part of the style they created. I love Ttiana she is so great in this. I can't wait to see more episodes definitely worth checking out.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
Okay TV Series
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of the books and was actually really disappointed in the show. I get that books are TV are different, I can forgive a character not looking like what they are described in a novel. That's fine with me. But Elena's personality was so flat and lifeless. Elena in the book had some spunk, she was a little vain, sometimes she wasn't the greatest of friend but she was loved anyways by them. She was a complex character and in the show Elena is got no personality and very cardboard box like. Katherine was well done, but that point even in the books was they look similar not completely alike. That might have been a bette route to go.

The first season is up and down for me, some good parts some bad. They have good actors just the storylines seemed a bit silly sometimes and the continuity isn't always good, like how "Zach Salvatore" is out of town and as soon as they found out that that Damon and Stephen really were the Town Council would have had a fit and demanded to know what happened to him, not never mention him again? Since he supplied the down with vervain? If he was gone they would have been concerned. That was huge plot hole to me.

I liked Bonnie and Caroline they had more personality combined than Elena. I do feel perhaps as much as I love Nina Dobrev she was miscast? She didn't feel like the right choice to be Elena. The show needed s stronger lead.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Not sure what the hype is
15 July 2022
I tried watching this, and man it's a hard show to get through. I think it started off alright it never was amazing, but wow it went downhill fast with crazy stories, over acting, strange plots and bizarre drama. I don't even think the people who write on this show think it's good. I bet they just have to write what the producers tell them to write. It really feels like the creators were like let's make a show and put as little effort into it and see if people watch. That's really what the show feels like.
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A good time show
14 July 2022
It's campy for sure, but that's kind of what makes it good. It doesn't take itself so seriously. I discovered this from my older cousin who told my about it. I am a Sam Rami fan and definitely a Bruce Campbell fan and I ended up liking this show. It's funny, witty and a good time. I just wish they did more episodes of it.
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Dune (2021)
What an amazing film
14 July 2022
So I never read the books or the other movie that was done in the 80s. You don't actually have to have read the stories to like the movie. It was a bit confusing at first but this film was really well done and some many things are great about it. The got the casting right, and I'm a fan and can't wait to see the second film. I liked how story is set up, the politics, whats happening and whats a stake. Its a good sci-fic.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Great show on Netflix
14 July 2022
I watched this on a whim just browsing Netflix I really liked the first season I found the writing and acting really well done and it kept me wanting to watch more I love natasha lyonne she plays such a great character in the show. I also love how the secondary characters are just as interesting as the main. That sometimes can be a problem were shows don't put as much thought into minor characters and I loved that every character on this show had their own unique personalities and quirks. It's a great series that people should check out.
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Red Lights (2012)
quirky odd film with some unexpected twist
14 July 2022
It was definitely and odd ball of a film. But I was sort of excepting that with the premise of the movie. I love Elizabeth Olsen and a huge fan of her acting so i finally watched this one. She doesn't have a lot of screen time and was kind of disappointed in how her character doesn't get enough development and she is kind of just "there" as a side character it would have been nice to see a more dynamic storyline for her. Cillian was pretty good in this as well. The acting is top notch but I felt the pacing of the story is where some of the issues arise. It's also unconventional so i can see why some people didn't like the film. The ending wasn't what I thought I won't spoil it but it was kind of strange. There were elements I liked in this and other things I didn't. As with all films you can't please everyone its kind of niche type of movie for sure.
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Neon Lights (I) (2022)
Okay Thriller Movie
14 July 2022
I watched this I'm still not sure what to make of it. It's not as bad as some of the reviews make it out to be but certainly not the best film either. I like thrillers a lot but for some reason something was missing with this film. It certainly has an interesting premise but falls sort of flat? I think some the actors were miscast in their roles too, some scenes felt like actors reading from a script rather than actually being the roles they were in. Kim coates and his daughter were good in this, I liked their characters. I didn't buy that Clarissa was Blair's mom though that felt super unrealistic and really off to me. I don't fault the actors with the material they were given it seemed like they did the best with what they had. The story was the weakest part for me. I think sometimes people forget that yes good cinematography, production design, lighting, locations etc are important but not as important as a good story that is compelling and keeps the viewer entertained. It had good production value for sure but it seemed like the focus was too much on it looking good rather than realizing the audience can forgive certain things, and as someone who loves indie films I have seen films with less production value but way better stories that make up for it because a good story is what will be the most memorable to people not some fancy camera angle or cooling looking shot. I think people who make films forget that story is the most important element at the end of the day.
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Childer (2016)
What an odd short film
3 July 2022
I saw this on Altars youtube channel its strange, eerie story. I loved the art direction and the production value is high. I believe though it's a bit long and that it could get right into the story earlier. Otherwise its a very dark twisted tale that definitely is worth watching if you a horror movie lover.
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Secrets of Playboy (2022–2023)
Dark side of the Playboy Life
18 April 2022
I would ignore the bad reviews. First off its very common for women who are emotionally abused to never leave that situation. Abuse relationships exist today and most women don't leave. For anyone saying why didn't they leave its because there was good times. That's how abusers get you. If everything was all bad then everyone would have left. It was the constant back and forth that confuses you. Being nice while also being mean. A psychologist at the last episode even explains why that happens. I think most women never said anything because one the life style and image of the place and two Hugh was very powerful and I am sure this women thought they would never get any real jobs. Plus you can get paid, Live in a nice house and get opportunities but that does NOT mean they deserved the sexual and emotional abuse they got. So many of them came from broken homes so he went after a sort type of person which is what predators do. It makes why they kept quiet. I certainly if I had that stuff happen never say anything either. It's easy to judge what people can't understand. I like that what this does is hopefully shed light that rich powerful men aren't as great as they are portrayed to be and that women can come forward with their stories to create meaningful change.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
Amazing cop comedy
9 April 2022
I honestly didn't think I would like this show. It seemed at first kind of hokey but surprisingly it's really good. The show is funny and has great writing. Love all the quirky characters and situations. Props to the creative team for making an actually funny cop show.
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The Bubble (2022)
Funny film about film sets during covid
4 April 2022
I don't completely see why there is such negative reviews of this film. I work in the film industry and the jokes, the making fun of the actors, producers and workers was so spot on to real life. Everyone has worked with a director like Darren. Perhaps the film is more relatable to people who actually work in entertainment? I found it funny, light and an escapist type of film its not supposed to be some major heartwarming story. The point really is just how crazy a film set can be and making fun of that. Not everything about the film works but overall its a good time.
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A feel good movie
17 March 2022
It's not a masterpiece but a film that makes you feel good. I liked the characters and the team challenges and the actors have good chemistry and be the film funny. Sure it's over the top and not realistic but it's a movie that leaves you feeling happy. I think it's s better than what people have said. Owen and Vince work well together you really do feel as if they are friends.
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Quirky Weird Film
17 March 2022
It's a strange movie for sure. The acting is pretty good although the accents are not consistent throughout the film. Blake Lively and Max Minghella have good on screen chemistry. It's a strange bizarre teen love story, with dark elements I found the fate thing a bit hokey but the ending was cute. If you're looking for a different kind of teen romance story that it's typical this is it.
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Night Visions (2021)
odd experimental film that is captivating
8 February 2022
I watched this yesterday at Slamdance's youtube channel the film is very strange but surprisingly very interesting. I liked it a lot. I think what makes it really effective is the music adds layers to it. The performances are good. Hopefully more people check this film out, currently showing on Slamdance.
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The series is amazing
31 January 2022
Omg what an amazing show I saw the movie so i wasn't sure how I would feel about the show but they got such great actors and its very well written. I laugh so hard watching this.
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A great thriller that examines the tropes
29 January 2022
So this show really does have a mix of seriousness and satire which is great. I've seen a ton of thrillers so I saw all the tropes they were poking fun of. That's the thing if you're not into the triller genre or you haven't seen a ton of films like that you might not get what this series is trying to do. It's really opening up the whole crazy women thing that happens so often in thrillers. The show looks at mental health, trauma and how horrible experiences create feelings of isolation and despair. Kristen Bell is a traffic actress in this and you really believe her character of Anna. Yes later episodes of some hokey things, but the point was to make fun of that aspect of thrillers. Overall it's a good series to watch.
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Thought provoking short film
19 January 2022
This was such an amazing short, so well done. Sound, production design, lighting was perfect to capture the atmosphere of this world. I love sci-fic which is really hard to do well in short format for budget reasons but this really showed you can do it. Absolutely loved it and everyone should check it out.
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Very well done Film
17 January 2022
I liked the writing of this film so much it really feels like a real middle class family. The acting is good and the story is something that could literally happen to anyone. Mark O'Rowe's writing is always exceptional and this film does not disappoint.
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Salt (II) (2017)
Amazing short horror
13 January 2022
I am really surprised that this doesn't have higher ratings? In terms of short horror this is one of the best I have seen. Production value is amazing and story short and too the point. So well done. I can't wait to see more films by these people.
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Witty Indie film
11 January 2022
So I watched this online. It's pretty entertaining and funny at times, I think it's definitely a film that is niche and you kind of have to get the humour. It's not as bad as some people think it is. I will say one thing some of the dialogue of the teens is a little off and not what real teens sound or act like. That seems to happen though when older people write for teens they often don't get what the actual teen generation are like. My sis is a teen and she felt that way when watching it as well. Other than that it's pretty entraining indie film.
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Amazing gangster film
31 December 2021
I don't get the negative reviews this is an amazing script very well written and the dialogue is on point. Mark O'Rowe is a fantastic writer. I loved the story at the heart of it is a strained father/son relationship which I think people can relate to. Overall I really enjoyed this and had a good laugh.
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