
2 Reviews
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"Amazing Stories" come to life
22 September 2004
"Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" is golden-age science-fiction.

Unabashedly. While many filmmakers are exploring the fun of genre-blending

and -twisting, this crew decided to play it straight. The result is refreshingly unironic. The film is chock-full of references to sci-fi classics (including a timely nod to THX 1138), but they are incorporated seamlessly into the whole, adding a layer of enjoyment without being distracting.

Some have complained that the film lacks plot. There certainly is one, so I'm guessing they're referring to things like the unlikely coincidences that save the day (such as characters showing up where they don't have any right being). A parallel complaint might be that the warriors in movies like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Hero" more or less fly. It's a complaint against genre,

which is fine, but has nothing to do with the movie itself.

The movie itself? We're talking Giant Killer Robots (a dozen or more kinds), abandoned bases, floating aircraft carriers, immaculate set-design, bizarre

creatures, mad scientists. . . on and on and on. The sets and robots and what- not are well-rendered CGI with which the actors blend, like the references,

seamlessly. The pacing is relentless and invigorating, exposition is delivered on the run, the characters are very likable, and there's no moral to the story. The ending pays off, the actors are just right.

If you want class and style and great effects and an entertaining story, this is your movie.
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Like good wine left out overnight
4 July 2004
Tepid. What a waste of a good title. The production has more in common with television than film. Instead of exploring in a challenging and sensual way the themes implied by the title, the movie timidly rehashes conversations we've all had about metamorphosis. Chalk one up for the marketers, who created warm and enticing packaging for a film that is emotionally distant at best. I don't think the fault lies with the material - in terms of pure plot, the story itself is quite satisfying. But the filmmakers are so incompetent that you feel like you're in high school English class listening to someone mumble through a Shakespeare recitation. Presentation is everything, but they give nearly nothing. Feels like the whole thing was shot by the second unit. The costumes are beautiful.

Kristin Scott Thomas (a major reason I rented this) is underused, though as effective as they allowed her to be.
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