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The Stand (2020–2021)
It's a mess
28 December 2023
The out of sequence scenes takes away tension. Furthermore, it doesn't allow you to see character growth and plot development.

The minis series accomplishes much more in six hours than none episodes presented here.

I don't understand why the writers thought they could do better than King did with his novel (or his screen adaptation in the 90's).

The cast suffers from the screenplay. The scenes are truncated and don't allow for the actors to sink their teeth in.

If you are familiar with The Stand, you'll follow along with some difficulty.

If you're not familiar with The Stand, it will watch like a hot mess.
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Deadly Yoga Retreat (2022 TV Movie)
So bad it's mesmerizing
7 September 2023
The writer really missed the mark. They should have made Remy super charming so the girls were falling over him and have best friend be suspicious. It's LMN-101 after all!

The main gal, Isabella is discontent at home but her husband is sweet, caring and in love with her. The movie descriptor says she's in a bad marriage. Lol

Me and wife wife enjoy cheese. You can choke on the excessive cheese with this one! If you like badly scripted, shabbily acted, dismally directed films, then Deadly Yoga Retreat is for you.

Oh, on a side note, the score may be the lowest rent part of this flick.

At this point, I'm just typing to meet character quota. Seriously, as bad as this is, I couldn't stop watching it.
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Salem's Lot (2004)
A major rewrite
10 July 2023
How was this signed off on? Over the top dialogue with even more over the top acting.

It always blows my mind when filmmakers think they can outdo King's books. The writing feels as though it's written by someone without any real world experience. It's awful.

Rob Lowe can't even perk up the poor writing. His voice over narration is dreadful.

Characters from the book have been needlessly changed. The addition of new characters is needless.

The over the top efforts by the director to create spooky scenes feels like a low budget filmmaker working off a big budget but unable to elevate the experience to something more than straight-to-video schlock.
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The dull, death of a legend
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dial of Destiny may be the worst movie I've ever seen. I'm not joking. It wasn't just a spectacularly bad Indy flick, it was a total mess of a film.

It was embarrassing. It was like watching 2 hours and 34 minutes of elder abuse. The last film was the perfect end to the series. It was uplifting and closed on a high note.

Indy is now reduced to a sad old man, son dead, wife left him, no longer an assistant dean at an elite university with a beautiful, big house in upstate NY but rather a tired, disrespected professor at a NYC college living in an apartment in the city with young, noisy neighbors, riding crowded subway cars to get to work, and bitter defeat engraved upon his countenance.

He played second banana to an obnoxious female lead with no charisma that you don't care about and a string of bland characters, terrible chase sequences which required little more than Harrison Ford sitting along for the ride looking feeble, frightened and out of step.

The villains were lackluster copies from so many other unmemorable films, trigger happy, murderous henchmen just filling up space.

Sallah, now a NYC cabbie feels thrust in for nostalgia sake and because John Rhys-Davies was amenable to a quick buck. From the trailer, I figured his role would be the most embarrassing part but that was actually reserved for Indiana Jones himself.

The opening was terrible, unimaginative, lackluster and despite the high level of action, exhaustively boring. The young CGI Indiana Jones was near Jar Jar Binks level bad.

This Indiana Jones was even sadder than the outcome of Han Solo- the once great reformed smuggler turned general and hero of the rebel alliance, back to being a broken down smuggler thereby reversing all his accomplishments.

Indiana Jones was the last great remnant of the past for Disney to destroy. Critical Drinker's review (on YouTube) is spot on except for his take on the opening scene. He thought it was good and felt like an Indy movie but it was absolutely awful. Mangold's overblown action sequences have no heart, nor do they keep you clinging to the edge of your seat. He also lacks the finesse, talent and charm of Steven Spielberg's cinematic style.

The film didn't even do the transition from the Paramount logo to a mountain in the film like every Indy film has done.

I cannot warn you enough to avoid this train wreck! You have been warned.
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A film for everyone
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To be transparent- I've played D&D for 36 years Which may give me bias. However, I have avoided cinema like the plague because that's largely what it's become; a sickening quagmire of political and ideological driven drivel written by babies with no life experience creating stories that reflect their inexperience and lack of hardships lived.

The filmmakers of Honor Among Thieves seems to have wanted to make a film everyone could enjoy. They delivered. With the exception of a couple small swear words, this is an all ages appropriate, entertaining romp. It's got humor and action and heart.

Chris Pine is a standout among a great cast and fun characters. Hugh Grant is a scene stealer.

As a gamer, it feels like an exciting campaign arc filled with ranger, mayhem and the foolery that players bring to the table.

I highly recommend this and hope for sequels.
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Willow: The Battle of the Slaughtered Lamb (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Like a bad D&D game
14 December 2022
This is shownis like an inexperienced dungeon master had the opportunity to write a show.

The entire show may have the facade of high fantasy but its use of modern day language and deliveries undermines any attempt to make this a true fantasy series.

If that wasn't enough, there is, briefly, an encounter with two Wild West pioneer-like women. However, even this feels more like characters from a theme park version of pioneers. They wear denim, have modern footwear, hats with tiny rivers that look plastic.

This series doesn't cater to fans of the original film, fantasy fans or people that enjoy a well written, poorly acted series.

It's vapid trash that tweens and teens may enjoy, but I'm dubious about that. There's no tension, no heart, and no excitement.

Disney ruins another beloved classic.
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Willow (2022–2023)
Troll dung
30 November 2022
Pros: The visuals look great.

Cons: The writing is Attack of the Clones meets the CW.

The acting relies on the writing.

The acting is bad.

No consistency with accents.

The queen's children are weak, spoiled brats that we are to believe are the stuff of heroes.

The script reads like a virtue signaling checklist.

The plot is dreadful.

I'd write more but my minimum character limit has been achieved.

I was super psyched to see this. The original film- for all its cheese- is very entertaining. This sequel is less than a shadow of a "peck".

Jackson's Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones (excluding the dismal last season) paved the way for great fantasy cinema but instead, we've been plagued with Wheel of Time, Rings of Power and now Willow.

Fantasy films/TV series need a savior.
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Almost as funny as Commando
27 November 2022
This is an actual sequel not a cheap knock off where the film makers (and I use the term filmmakers very loosely) slapped the beloved Salem's Lot name on.

Actually, it is not a sequel or a knock off. It's a poorly written, poorly acted, poorly made (I'm using the word poorly over and over to fulfill the character count requirement) film (I use the term film very loosely).

This is horror schlock at its finest. If you're in the mood for a laugh and/or want to see Tara Reid's film debut, this is the film for you.

The effects are terrible. The plot is terrible. The "everything" is terrible. How this film was green lighted is one of life's great mysteries. How it went into production is a greater mystery. How, after it was finished, it saw the light of day is the greatest mystery yet!

Watch, laugh, and enjoy!
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Dragonheart Vengeance (2020 Video)
Safe family fun
21 November 2022
If you want to share a fantasy film with your family, I highly recommend this. No foul language. No sex or nudity. The film has action, comedy and exotic locations.

It's not a big budget flick but it makes the most with what it had and takes itself serious enough that I did too.

It's a good addition to the film series that began in 1996. I hope they continue making more!

I was in the mood for fantasy but there are so few options that are not absolute messes. Thankfully this was not. It doesn't break new ground but it repackages solid story tropes into a new tale that will scratch your fantasy itch.
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Killer Ambition (2022 TV Movie)
I love LMN Cheese but...
12 August 2022
This was quite possibly the worst LMN film ever produced.

Let's not just roast the writing, let me talk about the atrociously wardrobe, make-up and lighting.

The plot was so threadbare and weak this was nigh on unwatchable.

Play a drinking game while viewing- every time you want to fast forward, don't- take a drink instead. You're guaranteed to be hammered before the film is half over.
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It's just "Raiders..."
22 July 2022
It's not "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark", it's just "Raiders of the Lost Ark".

Often imitated but never replicated. This film is a masterpiece. It's the role Harrison Ford was born to play.
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Twisted Little Lies (2021 TV Movie)
Jessica Morris is better than this.
10 July 2022
The sad thing is- Jessica Morris- the lead is probably competent but the script is so awful it makes George Lucas' prequel scripts for Star Wars look like the Shawshank Redemption.

The kid playing the antagonist is either a terrible score or suffers from the same problem Natalie Portman and Hayden Christianson did in the Star Wars prequels; good actors that can't chew through garbage scripts.

I'm betting this- like many of the LMN flicks are churned out in a week or so on ultra low budgets.

The ultimate villain in this movie (and most LMN flicks) is the screen writer. The quality of the screenplay is horrendous.

All that said- I recommend watching this large slice of cheese. These horrible LMN movies are a guilty pleasure for me and my wife. They crack us up.
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Broken Swords: A Waste of Time
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind no budget. I do mind no entertainment.

The screenplay is terrible. The poor actors had no chemistry and that is due to the travesty of a a script. We're meant to feel the tension of the characters' plight but we're thrown into their stories after the battles have taken place. The lion's share of the movie is just characters talking to one another- as the actors wrestle to give their wildly under developed characters' personalities.

The characters bicker and threaten one another and use "military" jargon the screenwriter took from watching war flicks and not from experience. The film tries to capture some heartfelt emotional connections a few times but because we have no investment in the characters nor have we seen what they went through, and the dialogue is so poorly written, it falls flat.

The slim amount of action amounts to the occasional arrow through a window.

There isn't even an establishing shot of the location the characters are in. Other than one sad computer animated giant trudging in the distance, we don't see any enemies.

With ten minutes left and the promise by the group's leader that they would battle their way out of the "barn" location, I figured we were due to see some action, but a fade to white followed by the end title dashed those hopes.

Watch if you want to joke with your friends or if you need some background noise while doing something else. My personal recommendation is to give this one a pass altogether.
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Perhaps a remake?
11 May 2022
Now that it's clear the FBI and White House leadership was complicit in framing Trump, this fiction needs a remake to portray the account factually.

In retrospect, this film feels more like political propaganda covering for a corrupt establishment (because that's what it is).
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The Wrong Cheerleader Coach (2020 TV Movie)
So bad it's fun
21 February 2022
The "Wrong" films are all train wrecks but often pure cheesy fun.

Have fun with this one paying attention the the dad, "Jon", taking his glasses in and off. It's like he doesn't know whether he needs to for close vision or distance.

The ongoing conversations between Devan and her fitness coach are increasingly ridiculous.

I love these flicks. If cheese is your thing, watch, enjoy and prepare for constipation!
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From bad to worse
8 January 2022
The first episode didn't leave me with much hope. The second episode is so boring that I'm hanging onto hope for the next episode as though my life depended on it.

Besides a cool moment or two, this episode was slower and more dull than the first episode.

The language barrier between Tuskens and Boba are laughably made clear by Boba speaking English and making a few crude hand gestures. Yet some how he is able to carry on meaningful conversations (we're supposed to accept it's meaningful but the substance is threadbare).

As with the first episode, the fight sequences are boring. The plot barely holds my interest. It's my lifelong interest in Star Wars that keeps me returning.

I'll holdout a final rating for the series for when the season is complete.
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Dull story/ lackluster direction
8 January 2022
The story moved sluggishly, the fights were slow, and not particularly dynamic. The best part was is the mayor's servant.

I'll reserve final judgement for when the season is complete but this initial episode doesn't give me much hope.
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Holiday Inn (1942)
Stands the test of time
23 December 2021
Comedic, romantic, dramatic with insanely excellent music this film stands the test of time. The cast is perfect. Our family watches this near Christmas but it can be a perfect New Year's Eve film or any of the holidays in the film- or anytime you want to see a terrific movie.

I highly recommend Holiday Inn!
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Running Away (2017 TV Movie)
Good cheese
8 December 2021
If you want pure, cheesy trash to enjoy- this is it. My wife and I love LMN-style cheesy movies. We enjoyed this one quite a bit!

The lead villain is a regular in these flicks and now my wife and I often imitate his insidious laughing. If you don't like trashy flicks, skip this. But if you like an extra serving of cheese, you'll like this!
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First episode I hate
5 December 2021
After years of Trump bashing Sunny finally joins the bandwagon. I have always liked how they kept their comedy neutral- making fun of Republicans and Democrats.

Instead they focused on bashing events surrounding conservatives. What they wrote would have been funny if the devoted equal time to making fun of the left.

They could have had a business venture where they were finding actors to fill the 12 circles at Biden events or been tied into the Hunter Biden laptop.

Or better yet, they could have avoided politics altogether and put their comedic spin on masks, Soom calls, isolation and social distancing.

They brilliantly handled making fun of both sides on guns in the past. This felt cheap and one sided. I would have laughed but it felt so heavy handed I may as well have been watching SNL.
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Deadly Shores (2018 TV Movie)
No credited writer?
7 October 2021
Not even Alan Smithee wants to touch the writing credit with a ten foot pole.

My wife and I LOVE cheesy LMN flicks and even this one to some extent. But I won't sugarcoat it, the writing is horrendous. It's hard for actors to chew though garbage dialogue and watching these actors struggle reminded me of the prequel Star Wars films and how painful it was to watch the actors perform.

Watch this on an Autumn day with a slice of apple pie and some hot cocoa. The cheese factor will sustain you but you won't want to watch it again.
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Dracula (2020)
A different take but quite good
20 January 2020
Don't go in expecting the classic tale. Liberties are taken but this version is wickedly creepy. It's too much for younger viewers so be warned.
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Jericho (2006–2008)
Cut short too soon
18 January 2020
My second favorite TV show of all time. It deserved at least two more seasons but they production team wrapped it up in a satisfying way with what they were given.
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Lost (2004–2010)
It's not Purgatory
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show is an epic journey filled with character you come to love. Many people think they know the secret but they miss the mark. If there is any uncertainty, it's cleared up in the last episode quite frankly. I have watched this show seven times and still catch something new each time. I highly recommend you take the journey and get Lost!
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Better than Game of Thrones and Vikings
18 January 2020
Binge worthy. Not the gratuitous sex and violence standard to HBO that was heaped out with Game of Thrones (which would have been better without much of it rather than focusing on story). Uhtred, son of Uhtred, is a flawed but like able character with a purpose. The production design, writing and performances are first rate. I highly recommend binging!
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