
18 Reviews
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Lost in Space (1998)
Unbelievably Terrible
11 June 2006
This movie is absolute rubbish, simple as that. Everything about it stank like a lockeroom full of fresh horse-dump. Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap.

I simply could not believe how bad this movie was. It was almost as though it was designed intentionally to be as crap as possible, like it was one big joke. It was pathetic, boring, childish, messy, embarrassing and most of all, utterly crap.

The acting reeked, the script reeked, the direction reeked, everything about it reeked big time. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen, and I've seen some shockers.

Don't watch this movie, please, save yourself. It is soooo crap.
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The Jerry Springer Show (1991–2018)
11 December 2005
The Jerry Springer Show as we know it today is a big pile of horse dump aimed at the dumbest people in the trashiest trailer parks. It once was genuine, but the guests have been replaced by Z-grade actors who hopelessly dribble on trying to think of something stupid to say.

Don't watch this show, an hour of your life will just pointlessly go down the drain, you'd be better of watching white noise.

I think Springer himself is really embarrassed at the turn the show has made, you can tell he just wants to get out of there and get his cheque. It's too bad this is what he'll be remembered for, because he's a smart guy.

Absolute rubbish.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Brilliant... for 1941
10 December 2005
Citizen Kane is undoubtedly a masterpiece for it's time but age has caught up with it a bit. Nevertheless, it is definitely worth seeing and not just for the fact it's a classic, it remains a great movie even next to modern cinema.

Wells would hold his own acting wise even today but sadly the rest of the cast wouldn't, and that's the first thing you'll notice. The script is also slightly overdone in the typical old-fashioned way, although it's still good, but the thing that really has stood the test of time is the directing, it's an extremely well photographed movie.

There's some great scenes in Citizen Kane, but there's also some forgettable ones. The film loses some momentum in the second half although it still manages to hold your attention. The ending is goosepimple stuff.

To be honest, I was slightly disappointed with Citizen Kane after hearing so many good things, although maybe I should have reminded myself this was made when FDR was still alive, a long time ago in the early days of film. When I think of it that way, I can't give it anything but praise.
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Very tense.
29 May 2005
There lots of good news, but there is some bad news as well. Before I start raving on how brilliant Dr Strangelove is I'll get the bad news out of the way. Firstly, the characters are very stereotypical, embarrassingly so. Secondly, it tries to be a comedy, but it's not. The biggest criticism I have of this movie is that it could have been so much better if they dumped the stupid stereotypes that try and make a sitcom out of what is an extremely tense drama.

And that's what Dr Stangelove is, an extremely tense drama. This movie will grab your attention and it won't let go, you'll be glued to the screen from start to finish. It's a very slow paced movie, but it works best that way, it amplifies the movies gripping nature.

Dr Stangelove is one of the best movies I've ever seen, no doubt. But it has some stupid, stupid flaws that just didn't need to be there. Could've been even better. Still, I definitely recommend it.
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Utterly Boring
13 March 2005
I've seen some up and down movies on the Movie Network, but none has bored me to death (no pun untended) the way Two Thousand and None did. Ever since being witness to this sleepfest, I've lost all faith in stuff on the Movie Network unless I've heard of it or sussed it out on this website before hand.

There's bad movies, there's good movies, and then there's plain old boring movies, like this one. Even a lot bad movies are interesting on some level but 2000&None is boring on every level. It was such a waste of time to watch it made me angry.

The only positive thing this film has to cling on to is that it seems Turturro can act a bit. Besides him the rest of the cast is hopeless especially his wife. The script isn't funny at all and the directing failed to fix the acting woes, so you're left with a big pile of Hollywood garbage.

I wouldn't recommend this film at all.
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Fails to grab your attention
11 March 2005
I wasn't too impressed with Gangs of New York, especially considering all it's Oscar nominations. I forced myself to maintain attention during the film thinking that the ending would make all that came before it more valid and worth while, but unfortunately that didn't really happen.

The story is your classic revenge job, although it's set during Civil War times in New York City. The film's good for a bit of a history lesson and the set is unbelievable. But it's not a great lesson in film making. The script is a bit of a mess, the acting is patchy and the plot is boring, the cinematography and directing is much better though.

There's something missing from this film that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe you could call it involvement. Maybe it was a bit too Hollywood. The bottom line is however I didn't really like Gang of New York. It's not terrible, it has it's good parts, but overall I thought it was a let down. Would I recommend it? Probably not.
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Kath & Kim (2002–2007)
Funny, but not polished
1 March 2005
Kath & Kim is the best Australia sitcom probably since Mother & Son, but to widen it's appeal it needs a bit of a work over. It's funny, no doubt, the show has got a lot of potential, although it's missing out on some basic professionalism. For starters the scripts are a bit hit and miss, and it's the same with the acting. Some of the jokes are brilliant but for every brilliant joke there's a shocker, and some of the lines are delivered very well while others are delivered very poorly. Glen Robbins is a terrific visual comedian though. If the actors were of Frasier/Blackadder standard it would completely transform the show.

Despite being rough around the edges, I actually like it. It's good to see some good Australian humour on TV again. And yes I know it's tight budget is the reason it isn't polished.

Definitely worth a look if you've never seen it, just don't look at the details.
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I Was Shocked
28 February 2005
I saw this movie in the cinema without hearing any reviews at all from any newspapers and without reading the reviews from this website. I came out of the movie thinking it was OK, although would have been much better without all that ghost garbage. It's one of those movies I just forgot about from the minute it finished, it left no impact on me at all.

A couple of months later I was looking through the IMDb Top250 list and I was absolutely shocked to see this movie was in it, absolutely shocked. I clicked on it to see if it was the same movie I saw because I simply couldn't believe what I was reading. This? In the top 250? What's my point? Well my point is that I thought the movie was ordinary at best. Maybe it's just me? As soon as the ghosts came into play I was instantly turned off by this unrealistic pointless add-on, so maybe this is what sent me to sleep. If it was the ghosts or not, it doesn't matter, I didn't like it.

The script and directing were good, so was Johnny Depp's acting. But Depps character gave me a pounding headache and the movies plot, in my mind, was absolutely terrible. Give me a realistic pirate movie, please, what a waste of talent on stupid ghosts.
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Frasier (1993–2004)
Quality, quality, quality.
13 February 2005
I enjoy watching Seinfeld and Becker more than I enjoy watching Frasier, but Frasier leaves them both behind in genuine sitcom quality. The cast is brilliant and the writing is absolutely top-notch. The first 5 seasons was probably the best display of American sitcom of all time, if not international sitcom. Unfornunately the show ran out of steam in the final few series when the energy seemed to slip away from both the writing and acting.

Frasier is a real comedy lovers comedy. Even though it pokes fun at wine-loving snobs, it's upper-class feel may have kept some from experiencing the show. While it's not my all-time favourite show, Frasier is undoubtedly the most professional sitcom that I have ever seen.
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Friends (1994–2004)
A solid niche filler
13 February 2005
Not in the same league as Seinfeld, Frasier or Simspons but it's a solid niche filler for 15-25 age group. It's not written extremely well but it makes up for this weakness with a good-looking cast and keeps-you-watching season long story lines of rebounding relationships. Lisa Kudrow and Matt LeBlanc are extremely talented although they are generally let down by the rest of the cast.

Nothing groundbreaking, Friends success was on the back of a gaping hole in sitcoms waiting to be filled. While it is a quality show and raked in a huge amount of money, it's doesn't have the same sting of some other sitcoms of it's day.
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Blood Work (2002)
Old man Clint just keeps getting older
2 July 2004
I'm generally a fan of Clint Eastwood and like his work most of the time, he's been in plenty of standout movies, but this ones a standout for all the wrong reasons. Blood Work is ordinary at the best of times, it was almost engaging for about 5 minutes there somewhere although I think it's safe to say it's the most boring film I've ever seen Eastwood in. The first scene gives you a sense it's run of the mill moviemaking and it never really improves from there. Blood Work doesn't come within coo-ee of any benchmarks, except maybe the oldest lead of the decade.

Jeff Daniels saves this movie from complete disaster, he adds the slightest amount of spark only just enough to be worthy of a mention.

Script, directing and acting are all relatively poor, Eastwood has shown he can do much, much better but ultimately fails himself in Blood Work. The whole film seemed rushed together and made on a tight budget, it was probably profitable at the box office yet didn't deserve to be. Despite my harsh judgement the film isn't terrible, just below standard a bit, some might find it mildly entertaining. If your a fan of Eastwood or Daniels it might be worth a chance, or if there's nothing else on TV.

Just tolerable.
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Sorry boys and girls, I just don't get it.
2 July 2004
I've seen all three LOTR movies, in order, but during each film I found myself struggling to stay awake counting down the minutes until it was over so I could get as far away as possible. The third installment was the biggest yawn, I stummbled down to the candy bar and went outside for a spell half way through, it's just way too long and boring. I once was a big Star Wars fan so I figured LOTR would grow on me, it didn't. I really tried to like the film, but it failed me.

So the effects are awesome, no doubt, the war scenes are simply stunning. But that's all I liked about it. The actings hopeless and the script is rushed, uninspired and has no wit whatsoever. Character development is way below par, I couldn't relate to any of them and I didn't give two hoots if they lived, died or were enslaved. It needed a scene stealing character, Harrison Ford's Hans Solo was the difference in Star Wars. Likeable and unique characters is one of Star Wars strong point when comparing the two sagas, even something that seems relatively small can make a big difference in how the film connects.

I'm sorry, I just don't get it. In fact to be perfectly honest, I hated it. It was utterly boring, uninvolving, terribly written, unconvincingly acted and completely predictable. One of the greatest visual feasts ever, fine if your deaf, although I'm confident any blind man would have walked out halfway through and wished he was deaf aswell.
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A good soundtrack is underrated
2 July 2004
What can I say? I've never been a fan of Westerns but this one hits the bullseye big time, one of my all time favourite and thats saying something. An engaging story wrapped with a memorable script, inspired first class directing, convincing acting and a classic soundtrack. Yes, soundtracks are underrated. The music in this film is timeless and it's the icing on a legendary cake.

If you haven't seen The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, go rent it out right now. It's a masterpiece without question and a must watch no matter who you are. Eastwoods best ever film, he's been in plenty of gems but this film is the one he'll be remembered for. If you've never seen this film make it the next video you rent, and if you have seen it before you one of the lucky ones. Simply brilliant.
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My no-questions-asked favourite movie when I was growing up
30 June 2004
Laugh out loud from start to finish, an absolute classic, in my book at least. Murray was the perfect casting as Bob, a paranoid over-grown child who follows his doctor, Dreyfus, to the family holiday home. Love the bit where the two first meet, love the bit when Dreyfus finds Bob at the lake place, love the boat bit, love the death medicine bit, love the swimming bit, love the chicken bit, love the mental hospital bit, love Dreyfus birthday bit, love the Good Morning America bit, love it all, really. The set on the lake just adds to the laughter somehow, such calming scenery and then there's Bob, sending it all to hell. I'm laughing right now just thinking about it.

There's so many good ideas in this movie. The script is inspired, fast paced and extremely well thought through, someone spent a lot of time in the thinking chair.

You could argue that the films downfall is it's a bit immature, but it's obviously not aimed at a mature addience, my dad hated it. If you take it seriously it won't work. Loosen up, get some popcorn and tell the neighbours your watching the best comedy of the early '90's, and they'll understand why the ambo's are on standby ready for you to choke on your popcorn in laughter.
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A lot better than I expected
29 June 2004
When School Of Rock came out in the cinemas I had no intention whatsoever of seeing it, and I didn't. Although on a 6 hour plane trip it was one of the inflight movies, and I was only just curious enough to choose to watch it rather than falling asleep. I'll say right now that it's not one of my all time favourites, not by a long shot in fact, but it's solid and strangely entertaining.

I have great respect for this movie, not because it's a good movie, but it was designed to make big money at the smallest cost, it was very well marketed (in Australia at least), and the film appeals to a wide range of audiences. The producers would've had a field day at the box office, the icing on the cake is that the films OK too. 6/10 to the writers/directors, 10/10 to the producers.
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Titanic (1997)
Fantastic and flawed at the same time
28 June 2004
It's pretty simple really to define Titanic as a movie experience, awesome direction, cinematography and effects, but it's handicapped by a poor script that has the tendency to put you to sleep. There's no wit, originally and it's not completely believable. It seems the script was low on the priority list when the film was being made, and it pays the price. A good script would've complimented the rest of the movie very nicely. I thought the old lady telling her story business was a waste of time and didn't help involvement, it should have been scrapped altogether.

If you haven't seen Titanic before, it's worth a look. The movie gets up and boogies in the final hour, although the first two is more in line with chick flicks like You've Got Mail etc. Titanic has been unjustly praised and unjustly bashed in some quarters, but overall it's a solid version of the events of 1912, no more, no less.
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Awesome involvement, but way too unrealistic
27 June 2004
Kill Bill Vol.1 is simply one of the best directed and best written movies I have ever seen. Tarantino, as usual, brings a lot of new ideas into the movie, and the execution is flawless. But, it's just too damn unrealistic too take seriously, plot holes are everywhere which makes it hard to relate to a situation if the situation is wildly far fetched. Many movies have plot holes, if not most, but the flaws in Kill Bill are so blatant it's embarrassing. Should've been one of the best movies of all time but it's pitfalls are so obvious and stupid the film just can't cut it with the elite. The opening scene got my attention like a plane crash, but the opening scene is just the start of plot hole after plot hole. Could've been brilliant.
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Shoot to Kill (1988)
The first 45min sets it up nicely
27 June 2004
It think whoever wrote the script for this movie had the first half all planned out, but then didn't know where to go afterwards. The first 40 minutes or so is riveting, one of the greatest openings to a film you'll ever likely to see because it keeps you guessing, there's decoys thrown in and it throws up one big question, which one of the fishermen is the bad guy? I guessed wrong. Once his identity is revealed it all becomes a bit stock standard, other users have said that the bad guy question was answered too soon and i tend too agree, another 20 minutes or so would've helped, the fishermen tour is a fun part of the movie.

Despite it's slight decline in power at this point the directing and cinematography remain first class. The characters are believable, realistic, give good feedback and are easy to relate to. Character development in Shoot to Kill isn't matched by many others, simply first class. The script is laugh out loud witty at times and Poitier and Berenger gel well, but the acting does have it's poorer moments, as does the script. A couple of plot holes don't help. But look past some minor flaws and the movie is great, the curiously catchy soundtrack adds to the movies feel, and the scenery is documentary spectacular and also gives a good sense of it's intimidation. Definitely a must watch for thriller fans. Everyone I've shown it too loved it, and everyone I know who's seen it loved it. Highly underrated, yet highly enjoyable.
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