
24 Reviews
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The Prom I Wish I Had
11 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It didn't seem to have much going for it, from what I heard--I'm not big into "teen-horror"--but reviews from others piqued my interest, and I'm so glad I checked this out. I could totally relate to the "outcasts" who were dateless for the prom and ended up saving the day. The characters were almost believable, if they weren't so over-the-top (Kyle, Mr. Hammond, Coach), but that adds to the fun! The gore was sufficient enough to keep the horror angle intact, and I'm glad the filmmakers kept the current "fast zombie" trend going--definitely more scary! Some parts made me cringe (one zombie sounds like he says "Brains!" while reaching for a girl--that belongs to only ONE zombie franchise, TYVM. Also, what's with the zombies BURSTING from the graves???), but other than that it was quite the pleasant surprise. I actually watched it twice in a row--I almost never do that with a new movie--and can't wait to add this to my collection. This goes alongside "Shaun of the Dead" and "Night of the Living Dorks" for classic zom-com!
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The Mist (2007)
King fans need not fear
24 May 2008
One of the hardest things Hollywood tries do to is take excellent stories and/or books and bring them to the silver screen, and in my experience, it seems they have the hardest time with the works of Stephen King. The readers want to see the story played out before them just like they envisioned it when they read the story, but that experience is different for everyone--what matters most is if the story plays out as the author envisioned it, and from what I've read, Mr. King gave this his seal of approval, which is the main reason I wanted to see it. And I'm so glad I did. So many of Hollywood's versions of King's works have missed the mark, because he put so much depth into each of his characters, no matter how minor they may be, and each subplot has so much detail, there's no way one of his full-length novels can be properly condensed into a 90-minute movie--the best one can hope for is a mini-series on HBO or Showtime. When it comes to his short stories, however, it seems that sometimes even 90 minutes isn't enough to encompass the full scope if the story King wants to tell us. This movie has fully grasped the finer points of the story and properly sifted the wheat from the chaff, keeping the best parts and retaining the meat of the story. And the ending--OH. MY. I can see Mr. King hearing someone reading it to him and going, "THAT'S how I should have ended it!" while smacking himself in the head. I love a movie that kicks my butt, and this one did--royally.
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Not as bad as you'd think
23 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Even though the "zombies" don't appear until well after an hour into the film, this movie still is able to hold its own as a b-grade "sword and sandal" flick. The high priest of a "goddess of gold" is amassing an army of slain Roman soldiers that he brings back to "life" to fight against their former comrades (hence the title). Subplots include romance for a noble centurion and a virtuous maidservant under the control of the goddess, treachery amongst the Roman nobility, lots of swordplay, and the "zombies" are more like ghosts--the Roman army cannot hurt them, but they lay some serious casualties on them. Only one who is brave enough to face the goddess can break her curse and defeat both the evil high priest and the army of the undead and free the lovely maidservant from the spell. It's no "Ben Hur" or "Spartacus", but I wouldn't shun it if it came packaged with similar flicks. A fun watch.
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Lesbian porn? Oh, yeah. Zombies--not so much
23 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had been forewarned by those who have gone before into this unhallowed ground of what to expect, but I had no idea it would go as far as it did. There wasn't an ounce of credible acting to be had throughout the entire film. Thank God it came with English subtitles or I never would have caught on to the meager plot. If you're looking for genuinely scary, suspenseful horror, look elsewhere, because it won't be found here. What you WILL find are four women walking around a hotel naked for most of their screen time, and when they're not WALKING around naked, they're...err...hmmm...ummm...doing other things that people do when they're naked--more often than not, with each other. And the term "living dead" is horribly misused here--Mr. G. A. Romero should be able to sue them for libel. What we do see are white-robed men, most of whom are in skull-face masks, who are part of some cursed demonic cult that hangs out in an old monastery that three of the four "hotties" (their word, not mine) wander into one at a time. Upon arrival, they are branded whores and gang-raped--the third one, however, is allowed to "join them" and goes back to kill the fourth. Oh, yeah, then there's the poor girl on a chain in "the best room in the hotel". But that's another subplot that doesn't need much exposition. All in all, if you're looking for some lesbian porn, you came to the right place. But horror--nope, not here.
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The Condemned (2007)
So...the WWE CAN make movies. Who Knew?
23 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I admit, the fact that this was co-made by the WWE and starred "Stone Cold" Steve Austin kind of put me off to this. But when my daughter rented it and brought it to me with rave reviews, I decided to give it a try. And I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not doubting the effectiveness of WRESTLERS as actors, mind you--it was the whole "WWE" thing that threw me. But I should have realized that, being the master showmen that they are, Producer Vince McMahon in particular, this would be more than a tossed-together mess just to give a star-wrestler some extra screen time. My favorite part, admittedly, was the "behind the scenes" portions, watching the creation and maintenance of the whole show, and watching these characters evolve and devolve just as much as those on the other sides of the cameras in the jungle. Being a mediaphile, I love movies that show the interpersonal workings behind the making of movies and TV, and this did not disappoint. Plus the almost non-stop action of the 10 condemned convicts fighting for their lives on the island--and then the commentary close to the end about how people like to watch violence--all I kept thinking was, if this was real, those numbers of viewers probably wouldn't be far off. Such is human nature, whether we like it or not. Hey, we watched THIS, didn't we? "If it bleeds, it leads"--and this leads by a mile.
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Zombies Gone Wild (2007 Video)
Beavis and Butthead do Horror
11 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I need to enter my personal disclaimer--I only watched this movie because I am on a quest to watch every zombie movie possible, good or bad. And believe me, this was bad. Not because it's "not intended for the politically correct"--I can deal with that. It's because my definition of humor extends past the bathroom, whereas this movie's humor almost literally STARTS there. Too much time is wasted on unfunny dialogue, and there's not even enough scene cuts to make it interesting. The "offensive" humor would have worked if it was remotely funny. Most of it involved various bodily functions and watching them in action. Someone said this was supposed to be "Girls Gone Wild" with zombies. On the one hand, the zombies don't show up until well after an hour of the aforementioned dialogues, and on the other, guys looking to spot some female nudity of any kind are in for a serious disappointment. As a "zombie purist", I got a big problem with gorgeous women who are normal by day, and turn into zombies (that can carry on dialogue) at night--and then they stay zombies for the rest of the film. Speaking of film, where did these people learn how to do it? I was puzzled as the outdoor scenes went from morning to dusk in less than 5 minutes, then broad daylight, then nighttime, then morning again. And the ending is one of the cheapest cop-outs I have EVER seen in ANY film, although it did provide a few genuine laughs. And don't let the "cover art" fool you--the hottie and the sword never meet. All in all, there's not a shred of truth in any advertising of this movie. Avoid at all costs, unless you like wasting time and money.
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Masters of Horror: Sounds Like (2006)
Season 2, Episode 4
A Bittersweet Symphony
26 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As a parent, this episode made me sad. I couldn't help but feel for the parents who lost their son at such a young age, and to watch each of them fall apart in different ways was fascinating, especially since (I personally) would expect their reactions to be switched. I truly felt bad for the father, and I understood where he was coming from, feeling so isolated, with no one understanding. I didn't find it horrifying at all, but that's a good thing--it was still an excellent story. I got a sense of respect from the makers of the film for the original story, like they wanted to give a proper representation of it and not exploit it simply because it's being shown on a "horror series". Not having read the original story, I hope they did.
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Electric Zombies (2006 Video)
Who Needs Sominex When You Can Rent This?
20 April 2007
The only reason I bothered to rent this is because I am on a personal quest to watch every zombie movie ever made. So since this has "zombies" in the title, someone recommended it to me. When I find that person, I will beat them senseless with their own DVD player. How bad can a movie get? I've seen college projects that came out better than this. The director seems to have forgotten how to cut away from one scene to the next, preferring to "FADE TO BLACK" every two minutes. There's at least one part where it appears they're trying to film a music video--an entire song plays while disconnected scenes come and go with no dialogue and make no sense to the plot or the song whatsoever. And it's apparent the Plot Summary here was written by someone involved with the pic--"neatly cobbled"? Try "completely hobbled" both genres. Most times I can't understand what most of the characters are saying--either the "background" music is too loud, or they're just plain mumbling. This film is only one step above the worst movie you've seen so far, because I'm not familiar with your viewing habits, dear Reader, and while it is NOT the WORST movie ever made, it's definitely near the bottom.
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Zombie Beach Party (2003 Video)
A Valiant Effort from some worthy Players
20 April 2007
In my quest to watch every zombie movie ever made, I've seen some super greats, and some sorta greats, and some not so great, and some that need to be placed under a sewer grate. This one, this one's sorta great. Much better than a lot of fare I've been force-feeding myself lately. I know nothing of the culture of "luchadora" wrestling--I feel like I've walked in half-way through the first season of "Heroes" or "Lost", and there's some big backstory going on with these people I know nothing about. But that's OK, because I'm here at the important time--when the ZOMBIES come around! And they are GOOD zombies--decent make up and gore, they eat brains and human flesh like they should, nice, decent, Romero Zombies (All hail "Dr. G Andrew Romero" of "Zombies: an authorized guide"). It's not "Night of the Living Dead" and it's not trying to be. It's just a sit back and enjoy the silly gory fun-popcorn movie--a perfect way to end a work week on a late Friday night!
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Not even "The Man From UNCLE" could save this movie
16 April 2007
It's a sad part in any actor's career when they have to resort to this kind of malarky to make the mortgage payments. Thank God Robert Vaughn was able to recover from this mindless excuse for a movie--forget "zombie" movie. And whoever decided to link this to the far-superior Fulci series by tacking "Zombi 5" onto the title needs to be taken out and maimed. A lot. Not only does this bear little-to-no resemblance to Fulci's films, it was made prior to some of them, so to be #5 in a series is pretty stupid in and of itself. The original title doesn't even make sense until the very end--the birds themselves kill only one person. The first 10 minutes or so was quite interesting, I will say that--as long as no one talked. As soon as we "fast forwarded" to the kids at college, it went downhill. Fast. And it's a shame these kids didn't sit at Vaughn's feet for a few months to get a hint of what acting is supposed to be--in that department, he's the only redeeming factor. The plot is stupid, the acting is poor, the deaths take too long and aren't even that good, and you can't wait for these whiny brats to die horribly. Oh well, at least now I can say I've seen it. Now if I can only forget it.
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Living a Zombie Dream (1996 Video)
Another good idea gone horribly wrong
8 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been such a much better movie in much more capable hands. But it's too obvious this was done on a shoestring budget--I take that back--shoestrings are more expensive than that. Grainy, dark film quality does NOT make for an eerie atmosphere--in fact, it's downright annoying. Especially when you can't understand 90% of the dialogue, and what you can hear is the same lines over and over. Put these in Memorable Quotes: "What, no kiss goodbye?" "You're home early." "Do you still love me?" And put "repeated line" over each one. That's pretty much it for the only female in the movie. And the plot has one major hole: how does the lead male become a zombie? I can understand the others, but it's like he just woke up from his "zombie dream" and decided to start eating people--he never died! Too bad, so sad, I'm glad it was a free rental. Remember, folks, a good plot is a terrible thing to waste.
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Surprisingly Entertaining
7 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In my current quest to seek out and view every zombie movie ever made, when I saw this on the shelf at Blockbuster, free rental coupon in hand, I figured, what the hey? Guess what? I was pleasantly surprised. And NO, I had NOTHING to do with the making of this film! I never even HEARD of it before I saw it in the store! OK, so it's obviously an indie flick, and it rips off from just about every other zombie and/or western ever made. But I was intrigued by a future populated with zombies, and the remaining survivors resorting to living like the old West, complete with hats and six-shooters. Only problem I had was the plot twist--at first, I thought, Ingenious! But then, I'm like, OK, this is supposed to be the post-apocalyptic future, where zombies take over (ala "Land of the Dead"). So if they're running out of zombies, why aren't things getting back to some semblance of normal?? The acting WAS kinda shallow as well--I kept looking at the hero as a poor-man's Hugh Jackman (leather, scruffy, smokes a stogie, tough guy with a heart of gold, that kinda thing). And the bad guy (Blythe) reminded me of a young Dennis Hopper. But for a free rental, it wasn't that awful. A pretty good plot, a few clever camera tricks, half-way decent zombie gore (without going overboard)--not bad for a free rental.
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But...he wasn't...?? ***SLIGHT SPOILER***
27 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I checked this hidden gem out in my quest to watch every zombie movie ever made. Not only was I slightly disappointed to learn these were NOT Romero zombies, but come to learn the title is misleading--NO ONE was a Zombie for the FBI. A campy romp down memory lane to the "g-men" and "sci-fi" movies of the 40's and 50's, 2 straight-laced FBI agents are on the trail a pair of gangster brothers supposedly lost on their way to prison. When the prisoners' plane crashes into a UFO, they become the pawns of evil aliens that are "zombifing" the local residents of Pleasantville by tainting their cola drinks. With the help of a lovely reporter (who is also the fiancé of one of the g-men) and a brilliant scientist, the g-men race against time to stop both the gangsters and the aliens from escaping justice. The "zombies" are the local townspeople--the aliens "zombify" them with the "Z-ball", and those who cross their paths meet up with the dreaded "Zmonster". If it weren't for the CONSTANT music in the background, I might have enjoyed this a bit more, but it was a valiant effort nonetheless. One of those movies that "could have been SO much better."
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Warning Sign (1985)
This is NOT a zombie movie! Not by any definition!
1 April 2006
I was told by another poster here that this was a zombie movie, so I found a cheap VHS copy on eBay and plopped down some PayPal to check it out. Sad to say, this is NOT a zombie movie. It's even MORE NOT of a zombie movie than "28 Days Later..." was. "28 Days Later..." and "Warning Sign" depict LIVE people, who become infected with a virus/germ that turns them into raging lunatics. "28 Days" was more extreme than "WS", in that the infection was instantaneous upon contact with contaminated fluid, whereas in "WS", the germ was airborne, and first you get really sick, then you PASS OUT (they didn't die--they showed the one guy was still breathing), and when you wake up, you are COHERENT, you RECOGNIZE others, you're just REALLY ANGRY and want to hurt people. In "28 Days", they were BLINDED by the rage, they screamed and grunted rather than talked, they bit and clawed--they were reduced to animals, while in "WS", they had conversations with the people before attacking them, if you can call those attacks. The "infected" in "28 Days" make those in "WS" look like PMSing Girl Scouts. I was kinda disappointed in "WS", even though it had a pretty good cast for 1985--but it was kinda sappy towards the end, too "they all lived happily ever after" for me. I'm sorry, but the "infected" in "WS" were NOT even close to resembling zombies!
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The Ghouls (2003)
All Zombies are Ghouls, but not all Ghouls are Zombies!
1 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of the zombie subset of the horror genre, I am very upset that this tried to play itself off as a zombie flick. The back cover of the DVD even says, and I quote, "A city is forced to face its worst nightmare when a *deadly mob of zombies* and flesh eating monsters emerge from below the streets and begin to feast on anyone in their path. Now, it is up to one man to battle the darkness and try to save the few remaining souls..."

O---M---G. I *dream* of writing FICTION this good. Disappointed viewers like myself should be able to sue whoever wrote this copy for misrepresentation. First, we need to clear something up here. ZOMBIES, by popular definition, fit certain criteria:

1. They are dead 2. They eat the living 3. They are senseless--they have one mission and one only--to eat the living. 4. They don't care about each other, they don't sleep, they don't defend themselves, they don't care about light, day or night, clothing, or other things.

The aggressors in this film only meet the second criteria. This does NOT make them ZOMBIES. It also doesn't make them GHOULS--again, by definition, ghouls are grave-robbers--they eat the ALREADY-DEAD. So now we don't know WHAT these people are. Just cannibalistic freaks living in the sewers with an aversion to light. The city seems to be blissfully unaware of the flesh-eating menace among its ranks, and the ONE person Our Hero finds who DOES know, has known for sometime, and doesn't seem to even care (so the part about them "begin"ning to feast doesn't hold, because they've been doing it for years)!

Second, we need to deal with this "one man", Our Hero, who seems to need to deal with his own inner darkness before he can battle what lurks the streets at night. And how does he battle it when he first finds it?? With his trusty CAMERA. Like others have said, the question the filmmakers are trying to raise here is, who is the TRUE ghoul here? He hears a woman scream for help, and gives chase--with his CAMERA. He arrives on the scene of a double murder, with terrified children in the background, and FILMS IT. His girlfriend dumps him because he filmed children in a burning building rather than try to save them, and after telling her a few thousand times that he loves her, he calls her a "b*tch" and puts a gun to her head in front of her daughter. Oh, yeah, Our Hero is WAY flawed, but not in any good, redeeming, "I can relate to him" ways. I especially felt sorry for him, when he beat up a guy that wouldn't help him, and left his unconscious body in the alley for the "flesh-eating monsters" to get, just so he could FILM IT. The saddest thing about this movie is, he never sees his own sickness until it's too late, and then he chooses not to do anything about it. Too much gore I can handle if it's part of the plot--it wasn't here. I can work around the profanity if it makes some kind of sense--it didn't. And it was bad enough two murder victims were naked--did we have to get close-ups? And it's nice to know Our Hero's fondest memories of his girlfriend while missing her involve close-ups of her various body parts. The definition of "gratuitous".
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Ghost Lake (2004 Video)
"Understanding it doesn't matter. Surviving it does."
28 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Becky's comment to Grandpa Tomson's question of "Why is all this happening" pretty much sums up my feelings about this gosh-awful flick, which rips off so many other decent movies it's hard to keep track. The cover had me fooled--perusing through the rental store, I thought I'd stumbled upon a zombie flick I hadn't seen yet (always a good thing), but it's NOT a zombie flick at all--zombies EAT people and traditionally don't talk, and that didn't happen here, so it can't be a zombie flick. Rather, it seemed to want to be a version of the far-superior "The Fog" (1980--not to be confused with its abominable wanna-be 2005 version). I'm a big one for an engaging plot and characters I can understand--this had neither. Even the guilt trip that Becky had as a result of her parents dying the ONE night she goes out in how long, made no sense. And about understanding it--I couldn't follow the line of logic, if it even HAD one. OK, the ghosts come back every 13 years--why?? Oh, wait, that one guy killed his dad 13 weeks after the little girl drowned, which was 13 months after someone else died...???? And the "death sequence" got totally messed up--OK, the dead couple dragged the young couple off the beach, then the young couple took the car-crash couple?? Does the newly dead person get to take another live person right away, or do they have to wait 13 years, or WHAT??? By the time the cop died, I stopped caring and just wanted to see how it played out. I should have listened to my DVD players, which started skipping about 1.5 hours into the flick. I finally got it to play to the end. Boy, that was a relief (insert sarcasm) here. The awards should all go to whoever designs the video covers--THAT was scarier than the entire film.
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Dog Soldiers (2002)
19 February 2006
I was skeptical when I first heard this being touted as "A SciFi Original Feature", but then someone explained to me that the talent-challenged minds that brought us "Darklight" and "Hammerhead" just bought the US airing rights to this, and all was well in my movie-maddened mind. This movie is so simply brilliant, it could not have possibly come from those studios. A group of British soldiers that, despite being mostly unknown to American audiences, you can't help but grow to care about and root for the entire movie, is doing maneuvers in the Scottish Highlands, when they stumble across a real life-threatening emergency their training never prepared them for. But they go after the threat with all they have, and it's a ride that keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. No fancy special effects, no ravishingly handsome heroes and damsels in distress, just hardcore grit and action from start to finish. Plot twists, some predictable, some not so much, keep the storyline fresh and your attention glued to the screen to the very end. I hope that if the Movie Gods decree a sequel, it's done by the same dastardly talents that spawned this amazing slice of celluloid---PLEASE don't let SciFi Channel get a hold of it (only to air it)! Very few movies merit a place in my DVD collection (I am THAT cheap), and this movie more than deserves its spot, right next to both "Kill Bill"'s and the Romero Dead Trilogy. Apologies to "The Howling" and "An American Werewolf in London" fans, but for my money and IMHO, THIS is the best werewolf movie...EVER.
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The Fog (2005)
Please STOP remaking classic movies!!
15 February 2006
It's bad enough that Hollywood has finally run out of original movie ideas, that they have resort to making either A) sequels to successful past movies that don't come close to the original, B) movies based on successful books/video games that don't come close to the original, or C) remakes of successful movies that don't come close to the original. This version of John Carpenter's subtle masterpiece "The Fog" falls into Category C. I was worried when I heard they were remaking this, and I wasn't disappointed (I should get a job predicting movie success/failures--no one believes me, but I'm right at LEAST 90% of the time). I was hoping it would stay true to the original, but so many liberties were taken to "make it so that modern audiences could relate to it" that it became a totally different film, and I don't mean that as a compliment. I mean, I can understand the modern music at the radio station and the up-to-date equipment. But why the gratuitous sex scene? Why the hoochy-koochy-dancers on the boat? And why make Elizabeth and Stevie related to the Founding Fathers (the FF's last names are never given in the original, except for Malone)? Also, there was never any logical REASON for the "attack"--at least in the first movie, it was the 100th anniversary of the crime that brought on the revenge (the crime took place in 1880; the movie was made in 1980). This crime took place in 1871, and the revenge took place in 2005?? 134 years?? That made less than no sense. And that ending?? Talk about anti-climactic. At least in the original, it ended the way it should have--it followed the plot line, it was the REASONABLE conclusion. This one--I only stayed with it to see how it played out, and it was completely unreasonable. I won't give it away, but it made NO sense to the plot. The special effects weren't even enough to redeem this sad excuse for a remake--I kept making jokes about "Pirates of the Caribbean" throughout the whole thing! I couldn't help it--I had to salvage this film somehow! That was the part that was so GOOD about the original, that you never really SAW the faces of the ghosts or graphic details of what they did--think "Blair Witch", people--less is MORE. The human imagination is the best scare tactic on the planet! Once you put a face on the fear, you can deal with it. It's the fear you CAN'T see that messes you up for days on end! All in all, another wasted rental from Blockbuster.
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Spider-Man is to Resident Evil as Hulk is to House of the Dead
13 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The meaning of my heading explains it all. What "Spider-Man" did for movies-made-from-comic-books is the same as what "Resident Evil" did for movies-made-from-video-games. It took the general plot, stayed true to the spirit of the source, and yet made it its own living entity--you didn't have to be part of the back-history in order to enjoy the film. I never played "Resident Evil" in my life, but I am a rabid fan of the films--I find them intriguing, exciting, enjoyable, and yet I can still watch them with my daughter (if she was into zombie flicks). The movie stands apart from the game, yet gave sufficient nods to it to satisfy most gamers (see comment for said movies) "Hulk" and "House of the Dead", however, try too hard in the wrong ways to pander to their source bases. Like "Hulk"'s many well-intentioned but sorry attempts to actually LOOK like a comic-book, so too "House of the Dead" tries way too hard to LOOK like the video game (I don't know how many topless females there are in the game, though). This movie, like "Hulk", could have been SO much better, had it taken better notes from its predecessor. Too many what I call "Matrix-shots", where they circle around the subject until you're almost dizzy, especially when you're looking up at them, too many clips from the actual video game that make NO sense to the movie plot, and too many lines taken from a dozen other movies that make the actors sound like they're reciting rather than acting. You can almost tell what each person is going to say or do, based on what the others just said or did. Take out the unnecessary nudity and profanity, lose the Gorton's Fisherman and German U-boat characters and replace them with more realistic people you can actually care about, and lose the teen heartthrob stereotypes and give us real people who can really act, and maybe this movie would have had a chance. As it stands now, it deserves the fact that only the Sci-Fi channel would dare try to make a sequel out of it (and this is no compliment to the Sci-Fi channel). Bottom line, wait until it gets to free cable, but personally, I'm glad I didn't rush to the theaters when it came out.
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The Zombie Chronicles (2001 Video)
Not that bad, really...
9 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, it's not "Night of the Living Dead" (but then again, what is?), but it's not THE worst movie I've ever seen. The acting wasn't TOO bad--the WRITING, however, left a lot to be desired. The camera work was kinda poor--I could have done without the reflection of the actor's faces in several instances, and it looked like they were going for the "Blair Witch" effect by having the actors run while holding the camera on their own faces--never a good move, especially by amateurs. I was especially surprised to learn this was made in 2001--having indulged myself in relatively recent "MST3K" DVD's, it looked like it was made either A. in the late 70's, or B. by a college video club. I did enjoy the stories, however, surprisingly enough. A writer gets lost on the way to a remote town famous for its ghost stories, and picks up a mysterious hitchhiker on the way. When they stop "to rest a spell", he tells her (I only counted 2?) stories of horrible deaths connected with the town. That part is predictable enough, but the stories the hitchhiker tells are pretty good. If this were given to a more professional cast and crew, it might rise up to the level of "Creepshow"--maybe. The ending made absolutely no sense, sadly, and it ended too soon. I watched the "2-D" version, and it was over in less than 1.25 hours, and the hitchhiker only told two stories. If the third was supposed to be "the wraparound" story, that was pretty lame. I wouldn't run out and buy it, but it's not as bad as most MST3K fodder.
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Gargoyle (2004 Video)
"Crap, crap, crap, megacrap"--J. Jonah Jameson
11 October 2005
This is just one of the hundred million movies where the directors try to shove too much drama into a movie that's not dramatic at all. Like in the beginning, the part where the monk dude shoved the arrow into his own hand, then shot that same arrow into the gargoyle five minutes later--no sense whatsoever.

The only thing worse than the plot line is the CGI, which would be greatly rivaled by a homemade flash movie. The actors look like they're doing their hardest to portray a bunch of 70's robots; the dialogue makes so little sense it's not funny.

Many things just HAPPEN with no explanation as to how or why, such as a lady suddenly wandering around a zoo that had shut down hours ago. And when she sees this THING flying towards her, her first reaction is to take a picture, rather than what she does a full ten minutes later---power-walking (not even running) like her life depended on it--which, obviously, it doesn't.

Overall, not recommended. Makes me wish they still did new episodes of MST3K.
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Cellular (2004)
Better than everyone said it would be--Just like I thought!
11 April 2005
Most of the reviews for this movie from the general public after it came out were not that glamorous. In fact, I had people telling me it was downright awful. Thank God I don't listen to people, especially when it comes to movies. This was a great flick with a clever plot, well structured, well cast, and well played out. At 90 minutes, it doesn't drag out the slower plot points like other movies tend to do. Instead, it hits you with action within the first 5 minutes and keeps you on your seat's edge the rest of the time. And who'da thunk you could see an action flick with your family and not get embarrassed? My mother AND my teen daughter both had as much fun as I did--minimal profanity, no sex, no gratuitous violence (lots of gunfire and fighting, but that's to be expected)--and I can't diss a movie where Mom becomes a hero (check out my SN)! I was pleasantly surprised by the plot twists, and even more so by the character-building throughout the movie. I haven't seen "Phone Booth", so I cannot compare the two like everyone else does. But if it's half as good as "Cellular" was, I can't wait to see it! This is a "must-see" for anyone who enjoys action, suspense, great characters, and great actors.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
Enjoy a lovely hunk of cheese!
6 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have read the other comments about this film, and while I might agree with them from a critical point of view, the fact remains that this movie was NEVER meant to be a critic's favorite! We are not talking Oscar-material here, not even for special effects. OK, so it's nothing like the originals, and it has a skimpy little plot and no cinematic depth. But y'know what--WHO CARES! I went to this movie to be entertained, and I wasn't disappointed. It's loud, it's quasi-scary, it had explosions and giant lizards, it had cheesy characters with cheesy names and all sorts of good stuff you expect from a fun, no-brainer movie. C'mon, were its predecessors any better? No sex, no graphic violence (unless you count the poor thing's demise at the end), minimal profanity--I was able to take my daughter to see it and not be embarrassed! Today you can pop it in your DVD player or VCR on a rainy Saturday, make some microwave popcorn (just keep your pet lizard away from it!) and kill about 90 minutes with the family. The only part I had a problem with was, they made the beasty so personable, so NICE (it never INTENTIONALLY kills anyone, y'know), I couldn't help but feel sorry for it when it died at the end. They even gave it KIDS, for Pete's sake! As a fellow parent, I actually sympathized when it found out "they trashed the Garden". I was hoping for a sequel with the hatching egg at the end, but sad to say, that got scrapped. Anyway, my final word is: Get over it, folks! It wasn't MEANT to be taken seriously! Once you get past that, you can enjoy it for the cheap theme-park-ride it was meant to be. I love it!
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This movie ROCKS!
6 November 2004
I am SO glad I waited for this movie and didn't waste my time or money on "Shark Tale"! This was one of the best Disney flicks I've seen in a long time! Being a mom myself, I am totally down (did I just say that?) with the whole family-centric thing. I also love watching mom's kick butt to save their families! It was a bit more violent than I was expecting--I wouldn't recommend it for the very-young. There's nothing graphic, mind you--this IS Disney--but there's the suggestion of a lot of death, so use your own judgment of your own kids. Mine's 14, so I had no trouble there (except in getting her to go!). It still boils down to good-IL' Disney fun, and it was definitely worth the wait!
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