
8 Reviews
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Wimbledon (2004)
Just what you'd expect, and less
4 October 2004
Formula all the way--and not even a slight plot twist to keep you guessing. The best thing I can say is that the tennis was realistic, and it didn't completely overpower what little plot was there. Kirsten Dunst is cute, but her character was undeveloped and she never overcame the meager story. Paul Bettany actually wasn't bad, but he was down two sets from the start with this disappointing movie.

John McEnroe and Chris Evert were laughable--I've never heard such terrible, unrealistic tennis commentary from anyone (including them); we'd have been better served if they'd been played by actors (and whoever wrote their lines should be fined, if not banned from the game). I couldn't figure out if Wimbledon was a romantic comedy or a sports movie, but it fails either way. Don't waste a movie night on this one.
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The Notebook (2004)
Absolutely Beautiful
4 October 2004
I really don't understand what the critics were thinking as they

wrote those reviews. The only thought that came to my mind is that

they saw a different movie than I did. The movie I saw was to say in

the least, beautiful. Nick Cassavettes did a truly wonderful job

portraying Nicholas Spark's novel. Having read the novel, I thought

they did a superb job portraying it on the big screen, I couldn't think

of a better way to do it. I don't know where this movie was filmed

but wherever it was, it was very beautiful, the visuals were just

breathtaking. Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling were perfect for

Noah and Allie, these two will become huge stars. Some will say that the storyline is old and tired, but I definitely have

to disagree. While its been done before, its never been done this

way. With such depth and emotion, the predictable ending is no

fault of the movie. You'll find yourself not caring, but only wishing

that you might come across such a beautiful love story of your own.
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4 October 2004
What a terrible movie. In every instance I could have told you two seconds before every zombie jumped out of nowhere with the director throwing in a loud crash that he was coming. Near the beginning of the movie, there were a dozen cops with tons of ammo and huge guns just mowing down zombies that are going slower than Bengie Molina after lunch, but somehow the main police character still manages to get bit; give me a break. And when that guy with glasses in the church freaked out and booked it, tell me you had no idea that he was going to get exed in about five seconds. Throwing in some senseless nudity and a few f-bombs (mostly coming from my favorite Mike Epps) to give it a more just R-rating makes it a true winner. This gets better than an F overall because it made me laugh more than any movie I've seen this year simply by being so
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Not a good start
4 October 2004
Despite a truly menacing character in Darth Maul, a wonderful score by John Williams, and a terrific fight sequence among the Jedi (with the exception of how absurdly easy Darth Maul is eventually killed), this movie flops, fails, falls hard and couldn't get back up with a walker and a crane.

Much of the final battle is waged between computer generated creatures that we couldn't possibly care less about, and the overall plot is weak and very thin. Plus there's Jar Jar Bings, a character so unforgivably bombastic and annoying that even the other actors seemed put off by him. Only Liam Neeson really puts his best into it, but even he was clearly uncomfortable with his decision to appear in this movie.

Despite how much I loved and enjoyed the original trilogy, Lucas proves--with this film and "Attack of the Clones" as well, if not more--that he's an overblown second-rate writer and probably the worst director there is. The only way I can explain the original trilogy is by looking at the credits, and realizing that--contrary to popular belief--Lucas actually had very little to do with the original movies. And if he's smart, he'll have very little to do with Episode III either.
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2 October 2004
Resident Evil 2 in a word... is 'good'. Compared to the recent rash of Zombie Movies out this century this is one of the best.

It is better than the original RESIDENT EVIL film in terms of direction and visuals although the story was a little predictable, even if you have not played any of the games.

The acting was so so, however Milla Jovovich's performance is good. I think it is about time she started acting in serious films and not JUST silly sci-fi kids films {as i recall she put in an excellent performance in Spike Lee's classic HE GOT GAME).

This film does not have the intellectual punch of 28 DAYS LATER and NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD nor the humour and irony of the forthcoming SHAUN OF THE DEAD. However you will find Resident Evil 2 much more entertaining than the dull remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD that came out a few months ago.

This film does not try to be anything but pure entertainment...and it works. The film recognises that premise of Zombies taking over the world as being so far fetched and implausible that it is impossible to take seriously. So instead of trying to just shock you with gallons of blood and pig guts (like the Dawn Of The Dead remake} this gets a bit more shylock in its approach and gently laughs at it self and while trying to take you on an entertaining roller coaster of a ride.

Resident Evil 2 is the 'HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL and 13 GHOSTS of the zombie genre
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Special effects aren't everything
2 October 2004
I've been following Sky Captain since the first trailers because I was intrigued by the visuals and the style of it. Unfortunately, that's about all this movie has going for it.

In a nutshell: The pacing is terrible. It's too fast in the entire first half-hour of the movie, too slow after that. It rips through New York and Tibet just in time to get to Angelina Jolie, like she was the focus all along.

Sky Captain never once saves HIMSELF from a deadly situation. He's always rescued in the nick of time by somebody else. This makes for a very boring hero.

The story is such a mixture of clichés that it gets monotonous very very quickly.

The characters aren't memorable at all. Giovanni Ribisi is on screen just long enough to get kidnapped, but he's also the motivation for the rest of the movie. There's some kind of minor romance between Gwyneth Paltrow and Jude Law, but Paltrow's character is so annoying that we'd much rather Law shoot her than kiss her. The movie doesn't care about its own setup or characters and doesn't give any weight to its events (like when people presumably die--the movie hardly misses a beat), so why should we?

Sky Captain is full of stupid little bits that the writer clearly just wanted to see thrown into a movie with no regard to what they do. At one point, Law goes to a radioactive mine and then meets a mine worker who's horribly mutated. This worker is on screen for under two minutes, but I bet he cost more to make-up (I hope he was made up) than roughly 30 minutes of movie. Later, Law lands his airplane on a British flying airstrip for no more reason than to inject another character into the movie and because the writer thought it would be cool.

This movie is a huge disappointment to anyone who isn't sucked in by the nostalgic feel and ridiculous effects. George Lucas once said, "A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." It's almost like he'd already seen Sky Captain and was speaking about the future.
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Break a Leg (2005)
Very uneven
2 October 2004
I stumbled across the film at the San Diego Film Festival. The film has moments, especially the beginning is told nicely (the scene when Mateo decides to go after another actor who got his part), but then it becomes very confusing and somewhat indulgent. On one hand the film has plot holes. Certain scenes were left out probably because they didn't have time during production. On the other hand the film spends too much time on things that have nothing to do with the premise.

The worst part for me was a weird monoloque that Matteo had, voicing his frustration about his situation. I'm sure it was supposed to be this great character revelation, but it wasn't.

Cinematography and Production Design were both weak. The best part is Molly Parker. All in all, this movie, unfortunately is not as good as the premise sounds.
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L.A. Twister (2004)
25 September 2004
Overall Grade: B+ Story: B Acting: B Direction: B+ Visuals: B+ i will no doubt shortchange this well thought out, visually entertaining and memorable film. i thought the direction was OUTSTANDING and the film moved along well BRAVO mr pape has a good eye. The main actors were well chosen, the actors who appear overacting are obviously supposed to (the casting director for example). I loved the hanging-it took my breath away (that sounds sick as i read it back!), I loved one actor (from the yummy LE DIP on ventura blvd?), he sounded just how frustrated my dad would sound after relenting and calling the plumber.

I enjoyed being surprised mainly by thinking like they did and then poof something entirely different happens (for example when they meet their neighbors and go for dinner, and when we see where the friend "who knows people" actually works) kept us on our toes the entire time any put down of this film is truly unwarranted.

DO NOT wait for cable DO NOT wait for it to be out on video go, get some popcorn and enjoy it.
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