
37 Reviews
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Ted (2024)
Exactly what I was expecting. Brilliant!
5 March 2024
So few shows actually make you laugh out loud. Ted does. And how.

It's so well written. And the acting by all the characters is really too draw. I thought having a comedy at an hour running time would be too long, when most these days, like Young Sheldon, only just about manage 20 minutes. But it's just right. It gives the story time to unfold and allows for the great back and forth conversations between Ted and John. A bit part of the success of these is how John (Max Burkholder) pulls this off, as obviously during filming he's acting in his own.

If you like Family Guy, then you'll like this too. It doesn't pull punches and has all the edgy stuff you'd expect.

More please.
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Mary & George (2024)
Another Disappointing Sky Production
5 March 2024
Why is it, that despite having a decent budget and decent actors , Sky productions so often end up being way less than a sum of their parts?

The locations are great, the camerawork is OK and the costumes are top notch. The premise is also intriguing. The problem is it seems to have been written by AI - perhaps it was.. What you get is everything you've seen in similar productions like The Tudors or Wolf Hall but with none of the ingenuity, none of the individuality and most of all, none of the spark. It is bland, predictable and at times nonsensical. Someone in production has clearly noticed this and ramped up the sex and language to 10 to try to compensate for the lack of much else going on.

Pretty disappointing.
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The Grand Tour: The Grand Tour: Sand Job (2022)
Season 5, Episode 3
Time to move on...
17 February 2024
I mean, you know what to expect from a Grand Tour special: three blokes messing about in an exotic location in not so exotic cars. And this is exactly that. Except for some reason I can't put my finger on, it just doesn't work. We know that most of the predicaments are contrived or staged, but in this special the 'events' don't mesh with the rest of the show. It's like it has to stop every 10 minutes for SOMETHING TO HAPPEN. I'm glad this is the last season. There have been some great Grand Tours but this just isn't one of them. Clarkson's farm and May's travel shows are far more enjoyable. I won't mention Hammond's latest work ;)
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Timewasters (2017–2019)
is this a children's programme?
7 February 2024
I thought I'd accidentally tuned into CITV, but no, it's actually on Amazon and inexplicably has a 16plus rating. I honestly expected the Chuckle Brothers to appear at any moment. It's just terrible. I'm ignoring any commentary it might or might not have on racism now and in the past as it seems to handle that with some sensetivity, but as a comedy, which is surely it's reason for existing, it just doesn't work. And the acting, if you can call it that, is straight out of Double Deckers (Google it if you're under 50 - it's funnier too) I watched it as it was just leaving Prime and I like a bit of sci-fi. I can see why it wasn't renewed..
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What a strange world we live in..
23 November 2023
On the one hand you've got Apple churning out mindless dross like The Buccaneers, on the other you've got Netflix cancelling utter genius like I am Not OK With This. Both are supposedly aimed at the same teen audience but one is thoughtful, engaging, well written and brilliantly acted, the other is algorithm devised, written by robots, virtual signalling idiocy, played out by moronic chuckleheads. Why is it that streamers cannot see how good or bad their productions are? How on earth did nobody at Netflix realise what an excellent show they had in the can? Who on earth in their right mind would cancel it? I am definitely not OK with this.
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The Buccaneers (2023– )
Oh Dear. Worst show so far this year..
15 November 2023
Right, straight up, I love a room com, enjoy Bridgerton and the spin-offs, Poldark.. all that. But this is absolutely atrocious cross. Badly acted, poorly written. Seriously, it makes the very pedestrian Gilded Age look like Dickens. You'll know what you're in for after the first 5 minutes. It doesn't get any better. If this gets renewed for a second season I'll eat my hat. Unless it's already in the can. In which case, poor old Apple. They'll have to put up with nobody watching this. I feel sorry for the actors outside the irritating 'buccaneers' trying hard to deliver their lines through the crashing completely unnecessary modern soundtrack. Anyway, it's rubbish. Avoid.
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Very boring
9 October 2023
Oliphant is great and plays the part really well. He's believable as the same marshall who appeared in the original Justified. Unfortunately he seems to have stepped into another series entirely. Whereas Justified was quirky, darkly comedic and had some great villains, this is just dull old police procedural stuff. And they've decided for some reason to shackle Raylan with a really irritating daughter who adds absolutely nothing to the story but takes up way too much screen time. You can safely fast forward her parts with no loss of storyline, not that there's much storyline to speak of. Overall it's a badly written, disappointing return of a once great show.
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Very dull. Waste of fine acting talent.
13 September 2023
This takes an absolute age to get going. Constantly flashing backwards and forwards. Bizarrely, some of the flash backs have no bearing on the storyline whatsoever so I can only guess they were added as filler, and that's one thing this season really does not need. The whole story could have been told in a couple of hours maximum. Whoever wrote it needs to take a lesson from Strike, or Endeavour. There's nothing wrong with telling a story slowly but it needs to pull the viewer in and at least hint at some kind of direction. The actors here are out of the top drawer but have so little to work with you feel sorry for them. The streamers have come up with some great crime shows, like Slow Horses, but I'm guessing this isn't going to make it to season 2..
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Spotlight on Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
Very Strange
10 June 2023
Where to start? Amanda Holden, surely it's her, goes back to visit her family for Christmas. Her Mum is about 15 years older than her and her sister is a good 25 years younger. Work that one out. Her Dad is dead so her Mum has hooked up with Dad MK2, played by somebidy gayer than an entire Brighton Pride parade, unless my gaydar is off (it's not) He tries to play it straight but just can't keep it going long enough to last a scene.. She meets Jim Bob Walton (probably) who has about as much fashion sense as your local Jehovah's witnesses visitors and inexplicably falls in love. A reporter is on her trail - actually played by the woman who wrote the script - can't act but I guess it saved on costs. Anyway, Amanda doesn't want the tabloids to know she's about so offers to teach the local school drama group. Well you would, wouldn't you. I mean none of them will recognise an action film actress and be on Insta or anything *rolls eyes*. Nothing much happens for the next 45 minutes, so you can fast forward that. No spoilers so I won't give away the end but you won't need to be psychic to guess..
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Have I Got News for You: Episode #65.6 (2023)
Season 65, Episode 6
Less Mel Presenting Please
23 May 2023
This episode, much like the Eurovision Song Contest was done no favours by having the dire Giedroyc at the helm. She is clearly such a big fan of the sound of her own voice that she constantly overtalks everyone around her. The job of a presenter is to allow the topic or actual stars if the show to shine, not to take centre stage and constantly try to steal the limelight. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if she was in the slightest bit amusing or entertaining. I can only think she's getting these BBC gigs as payback for not moving to Channel 4 with Bake Off. On the plus side, that show is now way more watchable.
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Ten Pound Poms (2023– )
Why does EVERYTHING have to have a message?
16 May 2023
I had high hopes for this. It looked like being a reasonably true to life dramatisation of the journey many Brits made to Australia in the 1950s and 60s in search of a new life. Instead we were rushed through the build up and within 10 minutes everyone was already safely ensconced in Aussie Butlins waiting for the drama to begin. But rather than a few interlinked storylines we are immediately beaten over the head with the ever present message stick. Look, we know bad, we know women in history have had a bad time, we know a lot of men in the past weren't all they should have been, but does every single show have to keep ramming that down our throats over and over again? It genuinely sucks so much joy out of watching a programme. I gave up after 2 episodes..
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Dreamland (I) (2023– )
Not funny. Not interesting. Not worth watching.
11 April 2023
Aside from the two obviously fake 10 reviews on here, the other reviewers have got it pretty much spot on. For a comedy drama, it is neither funny, or dramatic. It looks like the editors realised it was pretty dull so turned the contrast and colour settings up to the max. What you end up with is the look of a kids show and the feel of watching (technicolour) paint dry. I've a feeling Lily Allen has a lot to offer but her part and so-so lines give her very little to work with. The rest of the cast inhabit characters who are at best annoying and at worst unwatchable. The premise is ok, but the execution is clumsy. Avoid.
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It's a Sky Original. That's all you need to know..
24 March 2023
From Bulletproof to Breeders, intelligence to Code 404, Sky seem adept at making the premise of a good show into something truly dire. And here we go again: What could have been something rather excellent just turns into a soapy, cliche ridden tale of a Sarf Lundun crime family. It has none of the panache of something like Fargo or Brotherhood, none of the swagger of Peaky Blinders or Gangs of London. It's more akin to one of those sideline episodes of EastEnders you used to get, like the Mitchell's in Marbella. I don't know what Sky does so wrongly to consistently churn out such sub-par productions, but it's certainly kept up it's track record here.
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Wayne (2019)
Amazon: You can't leave a series this great to die!
17 February 2023
Ok, this is hands down the best thing Amazon have ever shown. Yes, they didn't make it (it was one of the shows YouTube (Alphabet) made when they were thinking of going into the streaming market) but they have it now and have an unmissable opportunity to continue the story of Wayne, Del and all the other superb characters in this show. Series one ends with a tease and the showrunners have already scripted the first episode of season two and mapped out the full plotline, so all it needs is for Amazon to greenlight it. They haven't really produced anything of note since Vikings so to pick up the brilliant Wayne must be the biggest no-brainer ever. Come on Amazon, what are you waiting for?
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Nominated for HOW many Oscars?
4 February 2023
Watched this after reading all the rave reviews. I'm a big fan of this style of film and with the writer's pedigree (In Bruges etc), and top drawer actors I was really looking forward to something special. It's not. It's average at best. Pedestrian in pace and much less clever than it thinks it is. Yes, the acting is very good and the scenery is stunning, but the story is just poor. No other word for it. I really wouldn't recommend it - there are just so many better films out there. Why is this film up for do many awards? I can only think.its yet another example of the Emporer's New Clothes...
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
It's unusual...
30 July 2022 find a movie these days with a single story arc. But here it is, nothing but a simple, dull tale told through the eyes of a would be Fleabag, who breaks the fourth wall so often it might as well be a bargain buy shower curtain. The rest of the cast struggle on with the dire script as if their paychecks depend on it. Ive sat through some poor movies and this is up with the worst of them.
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What a great show!
16 May 2020
I was completely surprised by how good this is. I caught the opening credits and enjoyed the Sherlock style music do thought I'd give it a go. Glad I did. Only 6 episodes in season 1 but with any luck there'll be more seasons to come. The chemistry between the two main actors is excellent and it's really well written. A truly unexpected gem!
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At Last! Something Different!
31 March 2020
It's amazing how samey TV has become lately: it's a game show, it's a romance show, it's a mystery show.. Well this is none of those. And yet it's all of these. I cannot understand the bad reviews, this grabs you from the opening scene and pulls you along to places you won't see coming. The acting is superb, particularly from Eve and Jason. My only guess is that people who don't like it just don't get it. There's the same kind of response from a certain kind of closed minded viewer to many shows like this. Think Twin Peaks, or The Prisoner. Ignore those reviews, give this a go. You'll enjoy the ride..
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Get Shorty: Should Not Throw Stones (2019)
Season 3, Episode 7
Best thing on TV at the moment
30 March 2020
This was a perfect end to this set of episodes. Nothing wasted, storylines interweaving but by no means unravelling. It sets so many threads, old and new in motion for season 5, while at the same time moving the story along at a pace so many current shows get so wrong. The characters remain engaging and new actors like Hector expand and enhance the storybase. Very much looking forward to season 4
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The Deuce (2017–2019)
Great Season 1, Poor Season 2
29 April 2019
I really enjoyed season one; slick, clever, darkly comic and with great storylines. Then came season 2, where everything slows to a crawl, with very little happening to keep you interested. Inexplicably, they also moved the story on 6 years, skipping probably the most interesting period in the development of the adult film industry. I can only guess that the producers realised the series might only be heading for 3 seasons and wanted to get to the spectre that is AIDS before their time on-screen runs out. The reviews from 2018 are spot on - it really was an excellent first season. Unfortunately the majority of reviews from 2019 are just as accurate.
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Poor Pastiche of the Original
29 December 2018
First things first, it's not a terrible film, but the problem is that it's so inferior to the original Mary Poppins. And it's in the one area that musicals should shine that it fails the most: the songs. They've all been written with the same set or algorithms as so much modern music.It makes you feel easy with the song while it's playing, but you won't be able to remember it afterwards. Weirdly, I actually came out humming Let's Go Fly a Kite which is only in this film as a slight under-melody in a couple of scenes. And why are there BMX bikes in a film set in the 1930s? Sorry, but there's no magic here...
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Outlander (2014– )
Boring Nonsense
4 October 2018
My wife says the books are great but apparently this is a terrible adaption. Every time I looked up from my book it was yet another scene of two people in bed. Is there actually a story? The only thing that caught my attention was how bad the CG was of some laird or other's crooked legs. Thankfully I won't have to sit through another series.
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Travel Man: 48 Hours in...: Zurich (2018)
Season 7, Episode 1
Fun in Zurich
20 September 2018
Frank Skinner and Richard obviously get on well and this episode is a joy to watch. They exchange dry one-liners and brighten up the rather dull city of Zurich no end. Look out for Frank's review of the whey drink they taste at one point. This show continues to be one of the most enjoyable strings to Channel 4's bow and this episode is the stand-out in this series so far.
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Travel Man: 48 Hours in...: Ibiza (2018)
Season 7, Episode 2
Could anyone be more annoying?
20 September 2018
Jessica Knappett is a child of the 90s. She is stuck there every bit as much as Tony Blackburn is to the 1960s and Peter Stringfellow the 1980s. Everything she does, from the Manchester 'Baggy' walk to that oh so annoying airhorn sound (#onetrickpony - see also this series of Task Master) screams 1994. Weird in a way, since she was only 10 back then. As you'd expect, she ruins this episode. Poor old Richard is, as always, the consummate professional, doing his best to cope with the endless childish noises Knappett makes while he is trying to talk. But even his normally unflappable persona starts to give way near the end of the episode. It's like watching a blind date where one participant is being as polite as possible, while aching for the whole thing to be over so they can smile, exchange details and immediately block the other person's number. Skip this one and go straight from Frank Skinner to Eddie Izzard.
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Counterpart (2017–2019)
Not For The Stupid
7 August 2018
This is an astonishing series - part sci-fi, part espionage thriller, with a brilliant cast and a stand-out performance from J K Simmons. It's impossible to say much about the plot lines without encroaching into the realms of spoilers, but suffice to say, this will in turn both excite and intrigue from start to finish. One big warning: don't start looking at your phone or make a cup of tea while this show in in motion, or you will almost certainly miss important plot elements and be lost and confused. It demands your full concentration and isn't for anyone who thinks Midsomer Murders is a complicated watch. But give it the attention it deserves and it rewards in spades. A must watch..
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