3 Reviews
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A wonderful star wars movie
28 September 2018
I almost never review movies on here, but as a long time Star Wars fan i think its important to say....this was a fantastic stars movie. Yes it took turns old fans didnt want, yes it isnt Harrison Ford. What we do get is a movie that easily sits in with some of the better Star Wars. Star Wars for me has always been about the feeling of adventure and just fun. Its what makes me watch them over and over. This movie is that same comfort food. The cast is great and the new Han while different still delivers. The action is memorable and makes for one of the best adventures in the whole series. Dont listen to the hardcore fans that dont even know what they want.
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Lockout (2012)
Die Hard on a Space Station
17 October 2012
Come on people, watch it for what it is. Yes it's silly, it's supposed to be. It looks great and slides down easy. Guy Pearce is a blast to watch as he struts and mouths off throughout the film in a manner I haven't seen since Bruce Willis in the Last Boy Scout. This is an 80's action movie at it's core set in space. One of failures of recent action movies trying to be an 80's action flick is that they forgot that the hero needs to go up against a memorable villain. In this we get 2 brothers that actually deliver the goods. Add in a fancy Star Wars inspired ending and you have fine Friday night escape.

Don't think too hard and enjoy the trip.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
A wonderful adventure for the Sci-Fi fan
17 October 2012
They don't make them like this very often. While it may tread familiar ground to it's Alien cousin, this film is filled with big ideas and a real world future feel that only Ridley Scott can bring. Great acting by all, with loads of atmosphere and enough imagination to ensure you won't care about the stories short comings. Is it everything I hoped it would be? Almost, my favorite science fiction film is one that take me on a trip and fills my head with wonder. Ridley Scott has delivered that in spades. I only hope he lives long enough to make the sequel this film needs.

On a final note the 3D is spectacular, and is definitely a movie where the 3D does make it a better viewing experience.
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